Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C442 The Man in Charge Is Back

C442 The Man in Charge Is Back

Zhao Shihong spoke very loudly on the phone. The quality of the microphone might not be good. Even Kang Ying could hear Zhao Shihong's voice on the phone.    


Zhao Shihong yelled into the phone with his big mouth, "Elder Brother Yuan, I've already sent you the treasure book of love that you wanted. Remember to return it to me after reading it. Don't lose it.    


This is a secret that I have kept from being taught to outsiders. If it weren't for the fact that you are my good brother, I wouldn't have lent it to you.    


After you've learned everything and used it, send it back to me as soon as you can. I still need to take a look at it from time to time.    


Following Zhao Shihong's words, Shi Jiangyuan's face turned as red as a cooked shrimp. He wished he could reach into the phone to sew Zhao Shihong's mouth shut at a distance of thousands of kilometers.    


He had asked Zhao Shihong for the book a long time ago, but not only did Zhao Shihong not think of sending it until now, he even said it out loud on the phone, which made Shi Jiangyuan very embarrassed.    


Kang Ying, who was listening at the side, found it funny, but she could only pretend not to hear it. She sat on the sofa under the window of the hotel, smiling without saying a word.    


Shi Jiangyuan quickly hung up the phone. His face was blushing as he peeked at Kang Ying. Seeing that Kang Ying was calm as usual, Shi Jiangyuan was relieved that she probably didn't hear anything.    


Unexpectedly, at this moment, Kang Ying raised her eyes and looked at him. Her pair of watery eyes were like a pool of clear water that swept towards him. Shi Jiangyuan was stunned.    


"What treasure book of love did Zhao Shihong say?" Unexpectedly, Kang Ying asked in an indifferent tone.    


These words seemed to have an earth-shattering force behind it, causing Shi Jiangyuan's face to immediately turn red. He forcefully pretended to be calm and said:    


"Ah?" What treasure book of love? Zhao Shihong wanted me to send the specialty of Lu County back. This guy is really greedy. After he ate our glutinous rice cake once, he had it memorized. Now he suddenly wants to eat it, so I sent it to him. "    


Kang Ying saw the embarrassment on Shi Jiangyuan's face. If she provoked him again, she would probably dig a hole in the ground soon. She let him off lightly and said with a smile:    


"Then let's pack up and go!"    


"Go?" "Where to?" Shi Jiangyuan was still in shock.    


"Since the contract is already signed, of course it's to return to the Lu County!" Kang Ying laughed. In her heart, she could not help but feel sorry for him.    


"Right, right, go back and take your statement." Shi Jiangyuan suddenly woke up.    


The dark clouds that had been hanging over their hearts had disappeared with Liu Kun's fall into the legal net. When the word "record" was mentioned, it was like a joke. It was a relief to see everything come to an end.    


Shi Jiangyuan excitedly went to pack his luggage. When Kang Ying was alone in her room, she couldn't help but think of the Love Grimoire that Zhao Shihong mentioned. Chase a girl? How dare he play such tricks right under her nose? Kang Ying wanted to see how Shi Jiangyuan would chase after a girl.    




In Lu County, Liang Ying complacently sat in her large and bright General Manager's office, drinking coffee with a large amount of milk and sugar, the taste was extremely good.    


She didn't want to pretend like Kang Ying. What was she drinking black coffee for? It was so bad! She wanted sweet coffee, and it was wonderful to be in her own office.    


However, just as Liang Ying finished her first sip, she heard a knock on the door. She placed her cup of coffee to the side and put on the dignified face of a general manager. "Come in!"    


The door was opened roughly.    


Liang Ying couldn't help but frown. What kind of employee was this? Since he doesn't know the rules, I'll fire him later!    


However, when Liang Ying looked up, she saw that it was her aunt Wu Qin and uncle Liu Liangshi.    


When the two of them saw Liang Ying, Wu Qin burst into tears and said, "Ah Ying, you have to save Ah Kun!"    


"Liu Kun? "What happened to Liu Kun?" The moment Liang Ying heard Liu Kun's name, she immediately felt weak in her heart.    


Liu Kun was now her shadow. If Liu Kun was caught by the police, she might not be able to hide the truth.    


"Ah Kun was captured by the police at Shenzhen. He said that on the way back, he would arrive immediately. The police informed us to go to the county hospital to wait for him. It seems that he was injured."    


Wu Qin seemed to be in a daze. Liu Liangdi was an honest man, so he didn't hesitate to sit on the sofa and smoke a bad cigarette. The smell of smoke filled the whole room.    


Liang Ying could not stand the bad tobacco smell so she opened the window to take a breather. At the same time, she took the opportunity to calm her emotions and said: "How did the police catch Ah Kun? Why did he run away to the Shenzhen? "    


"I don't know the specifics either. The police only said that they are almost at the hospital, and told them to wait at the hospital. They probably need to be treated and they need to sign it, right? We have no place to ask about it. Ah Ying, you have to advise me! "    


Liang Ying was quite straightforward. She had wanted to know about Liu Kun's recent progress, so she nodded and said, "Alright, let's go to the hospital and wait together. We'll talk about it after seeing the situation."    


Wu Qin said gratefully, "Thank goodness we had you. Otherwise, we really wouldn't know what to do!"    


In Wu Qin's heart, Liang Ying, who came from the capital, was their backbone. She was the one who could make the decision, and thus she was grateful to Wu Qin.    


How could Wu Qin know that Liang Ying was the one who pushed her son into the abyss?    


Liang Ying drove the Divine Dragon Rich white car that she had just bought with Wu Qin and Liu Liangshi towards the Lu County hospital at a lightning fast speed.    


As soon as she parked her car in the hospital parking lot, she saw a police car pull into the parking lot. A moment later, a nurse came in with a stretcher.    


The police were on alert as if they were facing a great enemy. Several people followed closely behind the ambulance. Wu Qin inadvertently looked up at the person on the stretcher and cried out:    


"Ah Kun, it's Ah Kun."    


However, the person carrying the stretcher didn't care about Wu Qin and the others. He just carried the stretcher and left. Liu Kun didn't know if he took some medicine or something, but he laid on the stretcher without moving.    


Wu Qin and her wife finally met Liu Kun, who was hospitalized in the surgical ward.    


However, the police only gave them ten minutes to visit, and that was with the police around.    


Liu Kun had a bumpy journey. His face was pale and he looked very tired. Seeing his parents and Liang Ying, Liu Kun revealed a wry smile and said:    


"Sorry to trouble you."    


"What exactly is going on? "Ah Kun, they said that you killed someone, is that true?" When Wu Qin said this, her legs were going soft.    


"I don't know the specifics either. I must have been drunk and accidentally pushed Fu Xinlang into the river."    


Liu Kun really couldn't remember that night, but he did get drunk that night.    


The reason why Liu Kun felt like he was the murderer was because he knew that after he got drunk, he would often do things that were out of line. For example, after breaking up with Kang Ying, he went for a drink because he felt uncomfortable.    


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