Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C602 Relax a Little Bit about Getting Rich

C602 Relax a Little Bit about Getting Rich

Shi Jiangyuan took his bank card and went to the ATM nearby to withdraw the money. The limit of the ATM was 5,000 yuan per day, so he swiped 5000 yuan and took two. He then stuffed the remaining money into Kang Ying's hands.    


Kang Ying looked at him with a puzzled expression. She had never been in the habit of bringing cash with her. In her previous life, she had always been used to bringing cash when she was "you give it to me, I give it to you".    


Shi Jiangyuan laughed, "Just now when I was operating in the big room, I only saw the numbers when I heard them, but now that I've swiped these numbers out of the bank card, I feel like 5000 is so specific." We should go and celebrate tonight! "    


Kang Ying smiled as she took the money. After putting it in her bag, she got a taxi and headed to the most famous restaurant in Shanghai.    


After a person's extreme joy, they naturally have to have some way to vent it. Shi Jiangyuan's performance was already considered excellent.    


After eating a lot of food, Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying walked out of the restaurant and passed a flower shop nearby. Shi Jiangyuan's eyes flashed as he took advantage of Kang Ying going to the bathroom to buy a bunch of red roses.    


When Kang Ying came out of the bathroom, she couldn't find Shi Jiangyuan anywhere. Just as she was in a daze, she saw someone appear in front of her with a big bouquet of roses as a shield.    


Kang Ying wasn't able to react in time. At this moment, Shi Jiangyuan moved the flower away from his sight and smiled at her. Shi Jiangyuan said: "This flower is for you!"    


Kang Ying was taken aback. She stretched her hand out to take the flowers and sighed emotionally, "This is the first time I've received a flower in my life!"    


Shi Jiangyuan ignored the gazes of the crowd and hugged her tightly, saying: "I will always send it to you from now on!"    


Kang Ying smiled and nodded vigorously.    


As she walked along with the flowers, she attracted quite a few envious gazes.    


When someone saw the flowers in her hands, they would naturally look at Shi Jiangyuan, who was at the side, and Kang Ying showed a proud expression.    


Shi Jiangyuan was afraid that she would hold it for too long, so he carefully took it and held her hand. They walked around the shopping mall with their fingers tightly clasped.    


They weren't in a hurry to return home, because they had just eaten and were about to eat something, so they decided to stroll around along the way.    


Since they were shopping, they had to buy something. Unknowingly, Kang Ying bought a black windbreaker, a tie, and two suits for Shi Jiangyuan.    


Shi Jiangyuan bought Kang Ying a long camel-colored windbreaker and also bought two sets of jewelry. The jewelry was made of jade and could be used to complement her unique temperament.    


The two of them acted like they were competing to spend money for each other, but the money they spent was a bit unscrupulous.    


The reason for that was because they knew that even if they were to fight with everything they had ten thousand times, they would not be squandered.    


Shi Jiangyuan laughed and said, "It feels good to get rich in one day. I've always heard people say that money is the root of all evil, and talking about money is shameful. At that time, I was thinking, why do all of you like money? Those who like money but are ashamed to talk about it are the ones who are shameless and the ones who are hypocritical. "    


Kang Ying liked his open vision of money, so she agreed with a smile on her face.    


The two nouveau riche spent a beautiful sum of money, but to them it was like pulling a hair off their body, and there was no need to feel sorry for it.    


Kang Ying especially liked the feeling of spending money freely without even blinking her eyes.    


She was not an extravagant person. Spending money once or twice as a reward for her hard work was permissible, but she would not allow herself to indulge in this luxurious lifestyle for a long time.    


After all, spending money was boring.    


Once there was enough money to have any material enjoyment, then the enjoyment would immediately become boring.    


They bought quite a lot. Shi Jiangyuan saw that the two of them could no longer carry the goods, so he said to Kang Ying:    


"Stop buying, you won't be able to bring them back if you continue buying them, right? You can buy them next time when you're free, right?"    


Kang Ying said, "Alright, if you need anything in the future, you can buy it later. Let's go back first."    


Shi Jiangyuan gave a start. When the taxi driver stopped and saw the shopping bags in their hands, he couldn't help but be surprised and say:    


"Lad, you actually bought so many super expensive clothes, are you here to buy for the unit?"    


Nowadays, the unit was the wealthiest. Many managers would reimburse their families for their food and clothing. Therefore, the driver also thought that was the case for them.    


Seeing how young Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying were, they were definitely not the head of the unit. They were the children of the unit manager.    


No wonder the driver thought this way, because the brands they carried in their shopping bags were all more than four digits in size. Although the driver couldn't afford them, he was familiar with the brands.    


Shi Jiangyuan shook his head and smiled, "No, we're just doing our own stuff!"    


"Yo, you really are tycoons, aren't you people from the south? "So rich."    


The south mentioned by the people of Shanghai referred to the area around the Guangdong's Shenzhen. The people of the whole country knew that they were rich.    


Shi Jiangyuan shook his head and said, "No, we are from Beijing."    


"No wonder. In fact, the capital is a place where crouching tigers and hidden dragons lurk. Any one of these papers can make even one year's worth of hard work in the southern region."    


The taxi driver was indeed the most gossipy person in the city.    


Shi Jiangyuan and Kang Ying couldn't help but smile when they heard that.    


Today was a rare occasion for them to get rich again, so they were in a good mood. Therefore, Shi Jiangyuan let the taxi driver talk freely, treating it as a relaxing one.    


The taxi driver drove them to the entrance of the residential complex. Shi Jiangyuan carried the heaviest shopping bag and let Kang Ying carry some light bags as the two of them went home.    


After putting the shopping bags on the ground, she let out a sigh of relief. Kang Ying couldn't help but smile. Shi Jiangyuan asked her what she was laughing about. Kang Ying said:    


"I haven't enjoyed the feeling of shopping crazily in a long time. I really enjoyed buying tonight!"    


"As long as you're happy." Shi Jiangyuan looked at Kang Ying carrying the flowers. With her beautiful eyes, he felt that she was even more beautiful than the roses in her arms.    


Kang Ying turned around and took the rose to find a vase to put in the flower. This was the first flower she had received in her life, so she had to cherish it.    


Shi Jiangyuan was about to take this opportunity to hug Kang Ying, but who knew, she turned around to find the vase. Shi Jiangyuan couldn't help but blame himself for buying the flower, causing Kang Ying to focus on Kang Ying instead of him.    


However, Shi Jiangyuan quickly found a vase for Kang Ying. He filled it with water and put the rose into the vase, which Kang Ying placed next to the TV cabinet. She looked at it with satisfaction, then found Shi Jiangyuan's seagull camera.    


Shi Jiangyuan's heart was filled with sweetness from her actions. He purposely asked: "Why do you always shoot these flowers?"    


"Isn't it because you gave it to me?" Kang Ying smiled. She knew that Shi Jiangyuan was asking the obvious. The dialogue between lovers was always so childish. It was boring, but she also felt that it was full of fun.    


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