Deserted Wife's Extraordinary Life

C434 Can You Step aside for a Moment

C434 Can You Step aside for a Moment

Kang Ying followed the cart to the ward. The nurses put Shi Jiangyuan on the bed, and then the nurses injected his vein, gave him an anti-inflammatory IV, and told Kang Ying to change the medicine carefully before she left.    


No one asked Kang Ying who Shi Jiangyuan was. Seeing that she kept up with Shi Jiangyuan's identity, everyone all agreed that she was Shi Jiangyuan's relative.    


After everything was settled, Kang Ying went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.    


His clothes were dirty from the mud, his neck still had some blood, and his face was streaked with black.    


She hurriedly used the towel in the bathroom to clean it. After she tidied it up with difficulty, she wiped the knife wound on her neck. The knife wound wasn't deep.    


When Kang Ying thought about how deep that knife was, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain on her back. If it wasn't for Shi Jiangyuan blocking that knife, she would have been stabbed in the heart by Liu Kun. At this moment, she was cold and could burn paper for her tomorrow.    


Kang Ying used soap to rub the towel clean, put warm water on it, and went to the ward to scrub Shi Jiangyuan.    


Shi Jiangyuan was in the same sorry state as her. However, because he had to undergo surgery, he changed his clothes into a hospital gown, but there were still some traces of dirt on his face and hands.    


Kang Ying used a towel to gently wipe his face. A large patch of dark green had already appeared on his face, and he remembered that Yellow Hair beat him up. When he woke up tomorrow, he would definitely be wearing a panda's eye.    


She scrubbed Shi Jiangyuan slowly, from his face to his neck, to the exposed skin on his hands …    


Kang Ying had never served a man like this before. Luckily, he was unconscious, otherwise she would not have been able to do anything.    


While he was unconscious, she wiped his oil with confidence.    


After cleaning Shi Jiangyuan, Kang Ying washed her dirty coat in the bathroom and put it on a shelf to dry.    


Kang Ying only wore a thin woolen sweater underneath and felt that it could not block the cold night air. Kang Ying thought that she couldn't be sick, otherwise, who would take care of Shi Jiangyuan?    


So, Kang Ying took off the quilt from the other bed and covered herself with it. Then, she sat by Shi Jiangyuan's bed and watched drops of medicine drip down drop by drop. Although she was sleepy and tired, she didn't dare to close her eyes.    


After two o'clock, Shi Jiangyuan's medicine was finally finished. Kang Ying couldn't resist her sleepiness and fell asleep on Shi Jiangyuan's bed.    


Shi Jiangyuan opened his eyes and wanted to turn around, but something was stuck on his waist, preventing him from doing so.    


He was lying on his side, and the pain from the wound on his back caused him a tearing pain. Shi Jiangyuan touched his back and found a pillow at his waist. This pillow must have been used to stop him from turning over.    


He struggled to get up, but his whole body was in pain and he couldn't move. When he looked down, he saw Kang Ying sitting beside him with her head resting on the edge of his bed, sound asleep.    


When Shi Jiangyuan saw Kang Ying by his side, he instantly felt at ease and a bit of warmth welled up. It seemed that this girl must have watched him for the whole night and only fell asleep after he used the medicine.    


Shi Jiangyuan also felt pain all over his body. His face was in pain, his back was in pain, and his legs were in pain too. Although he had a long training experience, this was the first time he encountered such a dangerous environment yesterday.    


If there had been any mishap, he and Kang Ying would have had a bad end, even if the police had arrived too late.    


At that time, he had used all of his strength, so he didn't feel the impact at all. Now that he had rested for the whole night, his muscles had been overused and he had received a delayed feedback.    


Shi Jiangyuan could only barely move his legs. After all, he had been lying down all night without changing his posture.    


However, even this slight vibration woke Kang Ying up. She raised her head in a daze, opened her eyes and looked at Shi Jiangyuan as if she didn't know what was going on. She had an expression on her face like "who am I? Where am I?"    


Shi Jiangyuan saw that he had woken her up and regretted that he shouldn't have moved. He didn't expect Kang Ying to smile happily at him when he woke up. It was a bright and beautiful smile, fresh and enchanting like the morning sun.    


Therefore, Shi Jiangyuan also grinned and said, "You're awake?"    


Kang Ying said, "Isn't that what I should be asking? It's good that you're awake, but do you feel any discomfort? "    


In fact, Shi Jiangyuan felt uncomfortable everywhere, he didn't need to pretend to be a tough guy anymore, so he frowned.    


Kang Ying shook off the quilt on her body and stood up with difficulty. Her whole body was also in pain. She could feel the pain and knew that every muscle in Shi Jiangyuan's body would be hurt after a fierce fight with the three of them.    


"I'm fine, don't worry." Shi Jiangyuan couldn't help but grunt as he dragged the wound with him.    


"Don't move, the wound on your back is deep. The doctor has treated it for three hours, but luckily it did not injure your internal organs. You can just say that you want to recuperate." "But be careful not to tear the wound. If you need anything, I'll help you." Kang Ying said.    


When Shi Jiangyuan heard it was only a flesh wound, he didn't pay it any further mind. However, his body felt sore and weak. He wanted to get out of bed and rely on his own strength to get up.    


"Can you help me up? I need to get out of bed and go to the bathroom."    


Shi Jiangyuan's back was injured. He had no way of borrowing the force, so even if he stood up normally, he was still in a difficult position, especially for fear of dragging the wound on his back.    


After Kang Ying heard what he said, she realized that Shi Jiangyuan must have had a lot of water after a night of training. It was due to her overthinking, so she quickly went forward to help Shi Jiangyuan.    


After trying several times, she finally put her arm around Shi Jiangyuan's waist. Shi Jiangyuan put a hand on her shoulder and slowly stood up.    


After getting up, Shi Jiangyuan realized that every muscle in his body was in pain. How much strength did he use yesterday?    


He could only laugh at himself, saying that he hadn't exercised in too long, and that he would be at a disadvantage in actual combat.    


However, Kang Ying said, "It's a good thing you're an expert. Otherwise, we would have been in deep trouble last night. This time, it's you who saved my life."    


Although Shi Jiangyuan had done something like a hero saving the beauty, he didn't dare to have the attitude of a hero saving the beauty. He said: "As long as you are fine, then that is good. "You're too polite, who are we and who are we?"    


The corner of Kang Ying's mouth raised slightly. She did not say a word of thanks for this great favor. His life had been saved by her. No matter how she expressed her gratitude, it would seem hypocritical and courteous.    


She helped Shi Jiangyuan to the bathroom and was thinking about how to help him when Shi Jiangyuan saw her standing there in a daze. His face turned red, but he couldn't wait any longer, so he reminded her:    


"Can you step aside for a moment?"    


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