CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



"Qianqian, what's the matter?" Ye Feng noticed Mu Qianqian's absent-mindedness and turned his head to rub her small head.    


Mu Qianqian knew that her mood must have affected Brother Feng, but her heart was in a mess right now. There were a lot of things tangled up in her heart, so she didn't want to ignore Ye Feng's interest tonight.    


"Brother Feng, I'm a bit tired today. I want to go back to school to rest."    


Mu Qianqian didn't feel good in rejecting Brother Feng. They had clearly not met for a few years, so they should have a lot to say. However, she had already let Brother Feng go a few times. Mu Qianqian felt a little guilty.    


Ye Feng also realized that his Qianqian wasn't the same dazed little girl as before. She seemed to have something on her mind as she smiled carelessly. His little girl had grown up.    


Ye Feng held onto Mu Qianqian with one hand and comforted her while he drove, "When you're tired, go back and have a good rest. Don't go to class and go online with your phone after you get back. Go to sleep early. I'll come pick you up tomorrow to take your pictures."    


After sending Mu Qianqian downstairs to the school dormitory, Ye Feng wanted to dotingly kiss Mu Qianqian's forehead, but Mu Qianqian avoided him uncomfortably. Unknowingly, these intimate actions would always make Mu Qianqian think of that domineering man.    


Mu Qianqian didn't want Brother Feng to notice her withdrawal, so she didn't want him to be embarrassed. She immediately opened the car door and ran back to the dormitory. Hiding in front of the dorm entrance, Mu Qianqian watched as the silver car disappeared. Her heart was filled with dull pain.    


Sorry, Brother Feng, I did a shameful thing. You will look down on me if you know about it, right?    


In the dorm, Ting Ye looked at Mu Qianqian in surprise as she pushed open the door and put down the book in her hands. She then wrapped her arms around Mu Qianqian's neck.    


"Idiot!" You finally came back to see me! I've missed you so much these past few days! "    


Mu Qianqian almost died from being strangled by Ting Ye, but she quickly escaped from Ting Ye's clutches. She panted a few times as she breathed. Mu Qianqian was glad that she was still alive.    


"I'm back now! I'll be yours tonight! "    


Mu Qianqian's dispirited mood was swept away and her mood immediately became cheerful upon seeing Ting Ye.    


However, Ting Ye excitedly pulled Mu Qianqian to a chair. "You went to shoot a promotional video today, right?" How about it? "How does it feel to be a celebrity?"    


Mu Qianqian thought about her day's experience and felt depressed again. "Don't mention it, it's even more tiring than taking the sports exam. I just found out today that my acting skills have yet to improve."    


"Pfft!" When Ting Ye heard Mu Qianqian's evaluation of herself, she felt that she still hadn't seen through it enough! Forget about your acting. It's not that you want to improve, it's just that you don't have any acting! "But you just need to show your true self. Luckily, it's a charity promotional video."    


"Brother Feng was pretty much as you said. I was taught a lesson by the director the whole morning. Later, at noon, Brother Feng also let me do it myself. That's why I was able to smoothly shoot this afternoon."    


Mu Qianqian was moved by Ye Feng's maintenance on the set, "After this promotional video is finished, I won't challenge actors anymore."    


While chatting with Mu Qianqian, Ting Ye turned on the TV with the remote control, "Hey, your idol starred in the latest TV series."    


Knowing that Mu Qianqian liked Ling Jinghan's scenes, Ting Ye turned on the TV and waited for Mu Qianqian to shout out in excitement, as usual. However, she found that her dumbo was deep in thought while watching the TV.    


Mu Qianqian looked at the familiar figure on the television. She did not know why, but she no longer had the worship from before. Looking at the gentle woman on the television, her heart was filled with guilt.    


"This is my fiancé, Rong Heting."    


When Mu Qianqian thought of Ling Jinghan's declaration of happiness after the shoot and Ling Jinghan's maintenance during her time of distress, she felt like a thief who stole something that didn't belong to her, even though she didn't want to.    


Rong Heting and Ling Jinghan left together. Mu Qianqian looked out of the window at the night sky while guessing in her mind. The scenes she imagined made her heart clench tightly.    


Would he be the same as when he was with her? Would he spoil other women as much as he did when he kissed her?    


Mu Qianqian patted her head. No matter how intimate their relationship was, it was reasonable that they would get married. What right did she have to dream about it?    


Before the gloom in her heart could dissipate, Ting Ye, who was watching TV, felt indignant!    


"Damn you, Little San!" Destroying the love of others is too shameful! "    


Ting Ye pointed at the supporting roles on the TV screen and cursed. "That guy didn't love her at all. In the end, she stuck it onto her for her own benefit and made her real girlfriend live in pain!"    


"Bam!" Ting Ye slammed her palm on the table, causing Mu Qianqian's heart to tremble. The speaker was unintentional, the listener purposeful, Ting Ye's accusation was like a bucket of cold water poured on Mu Qianqian's heart.    


"Perhaps …" "Maybe she was forced to?" Mu Qianqian asked tentatively. She didn't have any confidence in herself.    


"That should not destroy other people's feelings! How could he pass his pain on to someone else? Even if you have your reasons, to make someone else suffer for your own benefit is wrong! "    


"Ye-zi …"    


Mu Qianqian looked at Ting Ye, not knowing what other reason she could find to convince herself to follow Rong Heting.    


She really wanted to confess to Ting Ye that she was that shameless Xiao San, but she didn't dare. She was afraid of losing him.    


Even though she did it for the sake of being deep in her bones, she had truly destroyed the feelings of others. Ling Jinghan's maintenance today was the greatest irony to her. How could she steal Ling Jinghan's man and still enjoy her maintenance and care?    


Ting Ye looked at the absent-minded Mu Qianqian and touched her forehead. "It's not hot!" Are you okay? Why does it feel so weird when you've been living with your aunt ever since you got home? "    


Ting Ye held Mu Qianqian's pale face and asked doubtfully, "You haven't come to school recently and you don't study in the research group. Did you do anything bad?"    


"Don't think too much into it. It's just something at home. Auntie told me to help her."    


Ting Ye's words stabbed Mu Qianqian's sore spot, avoiding Ting Ye's gaze. Mu Qianqian hurriedly explained, afraid that Ting Ye would suspect.    


Knowing that Mu Qianqian did not want to talk about her family matters, Ting Ye did not ask any further questions and turned her attention back to the television.    


All night Mu Qianqian lay in bed, turning over and over, her mind in a whirl of confused images. Sometimes it was the maintenance of Rong Heting's crowd, sometimes the warmth of the two of them in the mountains, sometimes Ye Feng's trust and affection, sometimes Ling Jinghan's gentle smile, sometimes Ting Ye's heartbroken reproach, and now, in the middle of the night, Rong Heting and Ling Jinghan clung to each other.    


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