CEO’s Contract Sweet Wife



"Yu, can you give me some time? I want to marry you when I think of everything or if I fall in love again. Otherwise, I will feel unfair to you. "    


In a simple subconscious, only two people who truly loved each other could live a life together, and now, she could see love in Nan Wenyu's eyes.    


But in her heart, she clearly knew that she wasn't in love with Nan Wenyu.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you."    


Nan Wenyu couldn't help but give in when he saw the look of grievance in Ye Zichen's eyes. He was willing to unconditionally spoil Ye Zichen, but this purity could only belong to him.    


After bringing the simple dress back to the mansion, Nan Wenyu put it on the bed. Nan Wenyu raised his hand to unzip it, but it was dodged by a simple hand.    


"Your clothes are wet. Change them."    


Looking at her dress that had been drenched by the seawater, she stood up and got off the bed. Ever since she woke up, she had been resisting Nan Wenyu's approach even though she knew that the two of them were unmarried couples.    


She still couldn't accept Nan Wenyu's approach.    


"I can do it myself. You can leave first."    


Nan Wenyu turned around and walked behind Simple. He raised his hand to support Simple's shoulder and moved his thin lips close to Simple Ear.    


"Jane, where else do you have that I haven't seen before? "Long ago, we were already the most intimate of lovers, so you don't have to keep rejecting me.    


Although he had enough patience for simplicity, he wouldn't feel at ease until it was simple. Earlier, when she was in a coma, Nan Wenyu had always been protecting her.    


Now that his simple body was gradually recovering, it was time.    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, her simple body froze. She took a step forward and pulled away from Nan Wenyu. Perhaps what Nan Wenyu said was true, but it was simply impossible for her to accept his approach.    


"But I have already forgotten! Didn't you say you wouldn't force me to remember the past? Didn't you say you wanted me to fall in love with you again? "Then you can't touch me first. I don't care what happened to me before."    


"Now I just want to be able to leave our first wedding night."    


If she could fall in love with Nan Wenyu again, or think of the past, then she would be able to accept Nan Wenyu.    


Seeing the simple and serious look on his face, Nan Wenyu nodded with a smile. He lifted his hand and scratched his simple and delicate nose.    


"I promise not to touch you until we get married."    


After getting Nan Wenyu's guarantee, Simply put, he turned around and walked into the cloakroom. After changing his clothes, he left with Nan Wenyu for dinner.    


There were very few people on this island, and even at night, it was very quiet. It was said that this place was an independent island state, and most of the people here were locals.    


She simply sat at the window of the dining room and watched the scenery outside through the window. She had to admit that the scenery was very beautiful, making her mood very relaxed.    


Nan Wenyu looked at the simple and satisfied expression on his face and nodded to Wu Tie, who was standing beside him.    


Wen Hua looked at Nan Wenyu's signal as he held the red wine bottle in his hand and poured himself a glass of red wine.    


"This wine is not strong, you can drink a little."    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, she retracted her gaze and looked at the red wine in front of her. She then lifted up the wine cup and placed it under her nose as she sniffed the fragrance of the red wine.    


"It smells good!"    


Although she didn't know much about alcohol and didn't know how strong she was, it shouldn't be a problem for her to take a sip.    


She put the glass of wine on the table, but she didn't dare to drink too much.    


waiter walked over with a tray.    


"Sorry to interrupt, but this is the chocolate cake that the restaurant specially released for today. It's a gift for both of you to taste."    


Looking at the alluring chocolate cake, his eyes lit up.    


"My favorite chocolate cake."    


Simply picked up the spoon and scooped up a spoonful of cake. He put it in his mouth, and for some reason, Simply felt that this cake had a very familiar feeling to it. It was as if she had eaten it often in the past.    


She felt satisfied and looked at Nan Wenyu without any intention of moving.    


"Don't you like it?"    


Nan Wenyu looked at the childish simplicity in front of him, while his eyes were filled with love.    


"I don't like sweets."    


Hearing Nan Wenyu's words, she felt a sense of happiness. She could enjoy this cake by herself, then reach out to take the cake tray, but waiter beat her to it.    


"Miss, I'll help you."    


waiter placed the cake tray in front of the simple, accidentally knocked over the simple wine cup with his hand, and spilled the red wine along the edge of the table onto the simple skirt.    


"I'm sorry, young lady. I was too careless. I'm truly sorry."    


He stood up and wiped the red wine stains on his skirt with a tissue. When he saw waiter's flustered look, he lightly shook his head.    


"How do you do things? Go and call your manager over."    


Wen Hua stood up and looked at waiter. The originally happy and relaxed atmosphere was completely broken.    


"Forget it, forget it. I'll go to the washroom and take care of it. There's nothing else."    


She knew that waiter did it out of good intentions, so she didn't want to make things difficult for waiter. She simply turned around and walked towards the bathroom.    


"I'll go with you."    


Nan Wenyu stood up and was about to follow behind Luo Yuan.    


"No need, wait for me here. I'll be back soon."    


Hearing the simple words, Nan Wenyu stopped walking and sat back at a distance, looking at the spilled red wine with a dark expression.    


"Deal with it."    


Unfortunately, it was only a small sip, so it shouldn't have much effect.    


He simply lowered his head to look at the marks on his skirt. Just as he walked to the door, he did not notice the figure that walked out from inside and accidentally bumped into a person he knew.    


"Sorry, sorry."    


She staggered back, her body caught in the grip of a pair of powerful hands.    


"Are you all right?"    


Hearing this gentle voice, her nose began to ache. She raised her head to look at the person in front of her. With such a handsome face, he was wearing a black suit.    


His hand was warm and powerful. He was clearly a stranger, yet he simply made her feel a sense of familiarity that she had never felt before. She instinctively wanted to get closer to him and look at his blue eyes.    


Simple had the urge to cry.    


"Do I know you? Why do I think you're familiar with it? "    


When the man heard the simple words, a faint smile appeared on his face. He looked at the simple with a gentle gaze. His eyes were filled with too many emotions. He was glad, surprised, and pampered.    


"Maybe we've met somewhere before."    


The man lifted his hand and caressed his long, simple hair. His movements were gentle.    


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