Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C168 Favorite Marriage 101

C168 Favorite Marriage 101

Soon, the answer came. Ye Zimo didn't knock on the door and just opened it.    


"You're back?" Xia Yihan ran up to him and looked up.    


Was she really happy? Ye Zimo looked down at her with a condescending gaze, intentionally hiding her cold expression.    


If she had stood on her toes and kissed him, he might have forgotten all her deceit and held her and kissed her.    


These past few days of separation had actually been very long for him. No matter how much attention he put on work, accompanying his parents and Qingyan, as long as he had some free time, he would still see her in front of him.    


She didn't do that, just looked at him.    


"Why are you calling me back so urgently? Is there something very important?" he asked coldly.    


"I …" His attitude was still as cold as ever. Xia Yihan took a deep breath and told herself that it didn't matter, he just didn't know the truth. Once he knew the truth, he would change his mind and attitude.    


"I'm not lying to you. I finally know why when Ye Zihan was young, his photo was Mo Xiaojun, but your appraisal result was not …"    


"Enough!" Ye Zimo cut her off.    


It turned out that he was afraid that she would be lonely here, so he hurriedly rushed back to see her. It was simply too foolish for him.    


She was in a hurry to see him, not because she missed him, but because she had made up another reason.    


Wasn't she worried that Yu Shanshan's parents wouldn't be severely punished and that he would go back on his word?    


"No need to put in so much effort. Xia Yihan, the result you wanted has already come out!" "Follow me!" Without a word, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his room.    


His expression was terrifyingly gloomy, and Xia Yihan didn't know what he meant by that. But at this moment, it was clear that he would not listen to her.    


She would have to obey him, see what he was up to, wait for him to calm down a little, and then she would tell him the whole story.    


Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's wrist and pulled her all the way to his bedroom.    


He turned on his computer, keyed in his password, turned on his computer, opened his email, and downloaded the video that Lin Dahui passed to him yesterday.    


It was a video of the trial, an inside story that could not be passed on to outsiders, but it wasn't too difficult for him to get what he wanted.    


The video only intercepted one of the segments and it was directed at Yu Hongtao.    


In the past, how gratifying would Xia Yihan be to see such a video, Xiaojun finally felt wronged. At this moment, although she felt gratified, as the bad guys were punished, her state of mind was different from before.    


"Did you see that? Yu Hongtao had already pronounced that Yu Shanshan's case was going to have an initial hearing in the next few days. "I've already done what I promised you. From now on, you don't have to rack your brains to think of so many things to be honest with me."    


Ye Zimo said coldly as she turned off the phone. He was about to leave.    


"I didn't lie to you! "Mr Ye, I want to tell you, Mo Xiaojun, he …" Xia Yihan still wanted to explain that Mo Xiaojun was not dead and that he was his younger brother. A cold light flashed across Ye Zimo's eyes and she gripped her chin tightly.    


"Isn't that enough? What else do you want? Aren't you here to avenge him? He had taken his revenge! Or are you worried that Yu Shanshan's trial results will not satisfy you? Don't worry, her father has been caught, and she has solid evidence. At least ten years in prison are waiting for her. "    


He was still misunderstanding her. She was so anxious that she didn't know how to explain herself in order to make him believe that what she said was true.    


"No, Mr Ye, can you listen to me?" "I didn't mean that, I …"    


"I don't want to hear anything you say. You disappoint me!" Ye Zimo shook her off and strode towards the door.    


Xia Yihan was not satisfied. The result she had imagined was not like this. She had imagined that Ye Zimo would know the truth and then reunite with Mo Xiaojun. He knew that he had wrongly blamed her.    


But why would he not listen to a word she said now?    


Did he really not trust her that much?    


Xia Yihan's heart was on the verge of breaking down, but she didn't know when, but tears had already started pouring out of her eyes. She didn't have time to wipe her tears away as she chased after him and shouted, "Mo Xiaojun is still alive!"    


Ye Zimo's back stiffened. She immediately stopped walking and turned her head to look at her in a daze.    


"What did you say?" Say that again! "    


He was finally willing to listen to what she had to say, and she finally said the words "Mo Xiaojun didn't die".    


Xia Yihan ran excitedly towards him and repeated what she had said before: "Mo Xiaojun did not die! "He …"    


When he saw the ecstasy in her eyes, he immediately understood why she could remain indifferent when she saw the video of Yu Hongtao's sentence. Originally, she should have been overjoyed, and should have shed tears. She didn't even have tears in her eyes. Seeing the video, she was so calm. So the answer was like this.    


"He's not dead? How do you know he's not dead? Are you happy? "    


"I'm happy. Of course I'm happy. You should be happy too. He's your younger brother!"    


She said she had someone she loved, and she loved him more than her own life.    


He didn't know what Ye Zimo was thinking. Since she was still lying for Mo Xiaojun, did she really not care about his feelings that much? It's just that she used to lie to get him to take revenge for Mo Xiaojun, why is she lying now? In order to fight for Mo Xiaojun's future prosperity?    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything. Xia Yihan didn't know what he was thinking.    


Ever since she thought that Mo Xiaojun might still be alive, her nerves were in a state of extreme excitement. She wanted to tell Ye Zimo everything she had said in her heart. She wanted him to believe her. She wanted him to believe that Mo Xiaojun was his brother.    


"Mr Ye, are you unhappy? He really is your brother! Your family will have a chance to reunite. The last time you did a DNA test was fake. It was true that Mo Xiaojun was still alive, so of course your test results were unsatisfactory. Listen to me, I really didn't lie to you. He must still be alive. Just find him and do another test and you'll know he's your brother. "    


Xia Yihan finished what she wanted to say in one breath. She looked at him with feverish anticipation, waiting for him to say, Okay, we'll find him right away.    


Who knew that his expression was still cold. Of course, she didn't know that he already got the results of the test with Yan Qingyan this morning, and that he already had a younger brother. No matter what she said about the similarities between Mo Xiaojun and him, they were not as convincing as the results he had obtained.    


"You mean, Mo Xiaojun is still alive, but you don't know where he is right now, do you?" Ye Zimo said slowly, her face expressionless. It was hard to tell how angry he was or how disappointed he was with her.    


All she wanted to do was to see the truth. All she wanted to do was for him to believe her. Xia Yihan couldn't think of anything else as she nodded and said anxiously, "Yes, it's like that. I guess he's still alive. No, he's still alive. "    


"Did you come to avenge him when you weren't sure he was dead?" he asked again, how sorry he was when he asked that question. For Mo Xiaojun, she became so reckless and impulsive.    


"At the time, I thought it was him. Everyone thought it was him. At that time, he rented a room near the place where he worked. I met Yu Shanshan when we were taking a walk and she said that she would kill him. We didn't think much of it and thought that Yu Shanshan was just trying to scare us. After we parted that night, he went back to his rented apartment. The next morning, when I received the news and went to see it, the house had been burnt down to an empty shelf, and the body of the man was already obscured … Actually, it couldn't be considered as his face being blurry. His face was already so hot that even his skin was no longer visible. At that time, I was really sad. I thought that if he lived by himself, it would definitely be him who died. It couldn't be anyone else. Especially afterwards, when Yu Shanshan came out to ask the police to settle the case quickly, and even came to Mo Family to bribe the people from Mo Family. Think about it, Yu Shanshan did it to him. Her target is Xiaojun, and he died in a rented house by himself. Who would believe that it was him? The corpse didn't go to the Criminal Investigation Department for long. After a quick check, Mo Family was brought to be cremated. I didn't agree, but I couldn't argue with my mother. I was cremated after all, and then I started to interview her. In short, after all that has happened and no news of him, it never occurred to me from the beginning to the end that he might still be alive. "    


Her words had experienced a lot of twists and turns, which made Ye Zimo feel even more emotional. Although she had said it before, he was too clear on what she might have experienced.    


For him, she was willing. Needless to say, she could even save a puppy that was related to Mo Xiaojun with her life. It was clear that she could do anything for him.    


Ye Zimo thought a lot in her heart, but her expression remained as calm as ever. She asked softly, "You've been sick these past few days and you haven't left the villa. How do you know he hasn't died?"    


"Do you remember the dean I mentioned to you that someone had put fifty thousand dollars on her desk? Today, the dean called me again and said that there was an extra file bag in the drawer of his desk. It contained two hundred and fifty thousand yuan. These two times, the total sum of money just so happened to be three hundred thousand, which was the same number as the Mo Family. Three hundred thousand, this isn't a small amount. At the same time, I don't think it's possible that it could be that much of a coincidence. And from what my mother said, Mo Family was stolen, there were no traces of a lock being broken, and even the windows were closed. That person might very well be the key to the Mo Family. You don't know, my mom has a habit of placing the key in a specific place. However, only a few of us know about this. Also, she likes to keep her cash at home, a habit known only to our family. It was not easy to get into and out of the orphanage without being discovered. So I thought, if Mo Family loses money, it's from the orphanage. In that case, the only one who could give away the money was Xiaojun. Do you think my deduction makes sense? Also, the last time I was at the fountain, I clearly saw him, which is why I chased after him. I didn't think it was a hallucination, but at the time I couldn't imagine that he wasn't dead, and I kept telling myself it was a hallucination. "Also, I've seen pictures of him when he was young, the same as Ye Zihan's …"    


"Alright, I understand. You're saying that you have sufficient reasons to prove that he's alive, so you want me to help you find him, right?"    


In order to get him to help her find Mo Xiaojun, she still insisted that Mo Xiaojun was his brother. How could he not be angry?    


"No, he's not helping me find him. Rather, we have to find him together. He is your family." Xia Yihan understood the meaning behind his words and hurriedly explained, afraid that he would misunderstand.    


"And then?" he asked.    


"When you find him, you'll be able to spend time with him and leave this place, right?" He grabbed her chin again and forced her to look up at him.    


"I did not! "I don't think so. I just want you and your family to reunite as soon as possible."    


To think that it was fake!    


Ye Zimo mockingly curled her lips and asked, "You're so great! You just want us to reunite as soon as possible. What about you? You don't want to see him soon? "    


"I... Of course I want to as well! I've lived with him for more than twenty years. I know he's alive, so of course I want to see him earlier. "    


"So in order to see him, you can continue to deceive me and say that he is my younger brother. Xia Yihan, is he that important to you? " There was a hurt look in Ye Zimo's eyes that stung Xia Yihan's eyes.    


"No!" Ye Zimo! You're thinking too much. I'm not lying to you. How simple it is, once you find him, you'll know he's your brother. Didn't you believe in the DNA results? You guys go and check, he must be your brother's, I'm not lying to you! "    


"Don't cry until you see the coffin? Good! I'll help you find him, and I'll test him for you! "    


"Really? Great! Mo, when you find him and the results come out, you'll know that I didn't lie to you. "Maybe you still don't believe me, but you'll understand when the time comes." Tears welled up in Xia Yihan's eyes as she laughed with tears of joy.    


Ye Zimo just squeezed her with a little more strength and spoke with a solemn face, "Don't think that if I find him, you will be able to return to him as you wished. I've already done what we agreed to do for you. No matter what, you will stay here for the rest of your life. Whether you are willing or not, you will never be able to escape! "    


"I didn't want to escape. Ye Zimo, from the moment I signed the contract with you, I was destined to be your woman. Even if he comes back, it doesn't matter if he's your brother or not, I won't be with him anymore. "    


She might not have had time to think about it at first, but now, with his reminder, she had an answer. Since Mo Xiaojun was still alive, it was impossible for her to follow him back to the past. In fact, she was Ye Zimo's woman and they were brothers. How could she go back to Mo Xiaojun?    


She only hoped that Xiaojun would live a good life and find a woman that he was fond of.    


She really didn't have any possessive desires towards him. Perhaps the love she had for Xiaojun in her heart wasn't true love between a man and a woman. She did not want to kiss him, nor did she want to be his woman. She wondered how Xiaojun felt towards her. Would he want to treat her like that? She never thought about it and Xiaojun never expressed it.    


Maybe he had some feelings for her that, if any, were already in the past. She would only think of him as her brother in the future. She believed that Mo Xiaojun would also treat her as his sister.    


She would devote all her heart to the man before her, and, as he said, since he had done what he had promised her, she should keep her word.    


"Ye Zimo, I know you didn't know Mo Xiaojun was still alive when you helped me deal with Yu Hongtao and Yu Shanshan, so I will always be grateful to you for this matter. I'll stay with you forever, no matter what happens to you and your fiancée. Even if you are married, I want to be a lady. As long as you do not chase me away, I will continue as per our agreement. I just hope that you won't be too cruel to me, that we can coexist peacefully, that you'll be happier, and so will I. "    


That might be Xia Yihan, treating their relationship as a mere business deal.    


He wasn't even as free as her. He didn't believe in love, but he couldn't let her go in his heart. He had no way of being cold and rational towards her.    


It was rare for her to keep her word and say that she would never leave him. Of course, if Mo Xiaojun was really alive and he hadn't appeared for a day, then her words would have to be observed.    


"Do you still not believe me? "Ye Zimo, every word I say to you is sincere. I will guard you for the rest of my life." I've been watching you all my life, watching you, loving you, Ye Zimo, why don't you believe me?    


I wish I could show you my heart, but I can't.    


She thought that if she said love to him now, he wouldn't believe it until Mo Xiaojun's results came out. Not only did he not believe her, he would even say that she had some ulterior motive. She did not want her sincere love to be tarnished by him, so she did not say it.    


Tears welled up in her eyes again, trickling down bit by bit. He really wanted to kiss her until they dried. How he wanted to say to her that no matter what she did, he still liked her.    


He closed his eyes and forced himself to be cold. Once again, he curled his lips in a mocking smile and asked her, "Are you willing to guard me for the rest of my life? I'm not Mo Xiaojun! "    


"I am willing!" I will! "I …" As Xia Yihan spoke, she could no longer control her emotions and could not help but whimper.    


He let go of her chin and raised his hand to wipe away her tears. However, when he thought of how he hurriedly ran back to accompany her, she only anxiously asked him to help find Mo Xiaojun. Then, he once again put his hands back at his sides and clenched them tightly.    


"If he's really alive, you'll be able to see him soon. Don't worry." He turned and walked out.    


Ye Zimo called Lin Dahui and told him to arrange people to pay attention to the orphanage and Mo Family, to see if there were any traces of Mo Xiaojun. He also briefly explained to Xia Yihan that Mo Xiaojun was still alive. Lin Dahui agreed and immediately went to do it.    


After leaving the villa, Ye Zimo returned to the Ye Family. In the past few days, he had not avoided Ye Haorann on purpose when he returned home.    


Ever since he had found Yan Qingyan, Ye Family was full of joy and laughter. Ye Zimo didn't completely doubt her brother's sudden appearance and the outcome. Whenever he became suspicious, he would look at his mother's happy expression and listen to Ye Haorann's hearty laughter. He felt that if he continued to investigate, it would hurt the two elders too much.    


Besides, although he didn't look like Ye Family, but he was the same age and season as Ye Family.    


The place he was going to appraise was the largest appraising body in the entire Dongjiang Province. He had went there many times before as well, and the results showed that the people he brought were not related to him by blood. Only Yan Qingyan, their results were related. Lin Dahui was familiar with the people in the appraisal organization and they had also done public relations before. There was simply no reason for them to mess with his results.    


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