Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C166 Favorite Marriage 99

C166 Favorite Marriage 99

Her eyes were red as she looked at Ye Zimo. After a long while, she finally said, "Isn't it just a contraceptive pill? There were people everywhere on the streets, there was no need to trouble Dr Hao anymore, right? Don't you believe that I'll buy it myself? "    


Ye Zimo remained indifferent as she said casually, "I don't believe you. The pill here is a traditional Chinese medicine and does not harm the body."    


"Alright!" Soong Wanting smiled desolately and said, "Since that's the case, I'll personally go with the butler. If you don't believe me, you can also go and supervise me. I'll definitely drink in front of everyone!"    


"Go!" Ye Zimo waved her hand, but her expression remained unchanged.    


Ye Zimo appeared in the dining room. The main dining room was deserted except for Faang Linuo, who sat there alone.    


He glanced at Xia Yihan's empty chair and frowned.    


Faang Linuo saw that Soong Wanting wasn't here today, and neither was Xia Yihan. It was a great thing that she was able to eat breakfast alone with Crown Prince. She secretly guessed that since he didn't like those two women anymore, it should be Faang Linuo's turn to show off, right?    


She stood up and carried the plate to where Xia Yihan used to sit. She smiled and said, "Crown Prince! Morning! It's just the two of us today. I'll sit beside you so that I can take care of your meals. "    


Ye Zimo frowned and glanced at her with extreme impatience, then said coldly: "Scram for me! "If you are willing to continue to be a servant, then stay here and continue to be a servant. If you are unwilling to pack up and leave, then!"    


"I …" Faang Linuo had just said "I" when tears started falling.    


He had seen too many tears in the past two days.    


He cast a fierce glance at Faang Linuo before saying in an even more serious tone, "If you continue to cry, then get out of here!"    


Faang Linuo hurriedly wiped away her tears and repeated countless times that I was wrong. She put down her breakfast and left the restaurant as if she was escaping.    


He took another glance at where Xia Yihan was sitting, threw his fork and knife forcefully, then turned around and walked back.    


"Yihan! You should eat more. There's no point in making things difficult for yourself. " Jiu Jiu was in Xia Yihan's bedroom.    


Xia Yihan had just finished washing her face, but she didn't have the slightest bit of appetite.    


"Let's go and have breakfast." She didn't see Soong Wanting leave, nor did she know what had happened to them. She didn't want Soong Wanting to succeed.    


She didn't want Ye Zimo to think that she was intentionally trying to make him feel sorry for her. She still stayed here, in her normal life, as if nothing had happened.    


Just as Xia Yihan was about to get up and leave, the door suddenly swung open from the outside. Ye Zimo stood there with a sullen face.    


When Jiu Jiu saw this, she instantly became a little afraid. Afraid that he would make things difficult for Xia Yihan again, she hurriedly stood in front of her to block the attack.    


"Nothing, you go out first." She also did not know what Ye Zimo was going to do, but she did not want Jiu Jiu to be implicated.    


"You think you have the right to harm your body? Don't forget, you're mine! If you dare to damage your body, it's a violation of the rules. Go eat at once! I will personally supervise you! "    


Jiu Jiu laughed without giving any face to Ye Zimo.    


The scene had originally been silent, but upon hearing her smile, it immediately became chaotic.    


Xia Yihan couldn't bring herself to laugh. Whenever she thought of him rolling around in bed with another woman, she would feel that even if he cared about her right now, she wouldn't be able to be happy.    


"I got it, Mr Ye, I'm going to eat right away, so I won't trouble you to take care of it yourself."    


Ye Zimo's brows twitched. Without saying a word, she turned around and left.    


He knew that he had gone to commit slander again. No matter how vile his words were, he still couldn't bear to see her not eating.    


Ye Zimo, does she have to stab a knife into your chest so you won't think that she's a woman who should be doted on?    


Jiu Jiu accompanied Xia Yihan to the cafeteria. Xia Yihan saw that Ye Zimo's breakfast was untouched. She suddenly regretted not having asked him to supervise so that he could eat by himself.    


What was going on? Why was he bedridden with his fiancée? Was she still unwilling to see him not eating?    


Seeing that she was staring blankly at Ye Zimo's plate, Jiu Jiu could not help but say, "Why are the two of you so worrying? Do you want to call him and supervise his meals? "    


Xia Yihan only sighed and said, "No."    


She would go, and he would not eat, she knew.    


Xia Yihan randomly swallowed her breakfast and said to Jiu Jiu, "Do me a favor and send him the breakfast. Don't tell him I asked you to give it to him. "It doesn't matter whether he eats or not, you just have to send him away."    




Jiu Jiu was carrying a tray as she walked along with Xia Yihan. Just as she walked into the hall, she saw Ye Zimo hurrying out. They looked at the entrance to the main house and saw a car parked there, apparently waiting for him.    


Xia Yihan wanted to ask where he was going, but she had no place to ask.    


Ye Zimo's destination was his parents' home. His mother said that she had something important to do, so she wanted him to put everything down and head back immediately.    


He could tell from her excited tone that it was a very happy thing.    


After all these years, there was nothing that could truly make her mother happy. Except for Ye Zihan, she would be so happy when she received news of Ye Zihan. However, every time she was happy, there would be a huge loss.    


Ye Zimo guessed that it was probably related to Ye Zihan again. Who knew where she got the news from.    


Returning to the Ye Family, the moment he entered the door, he heard a burst of laughter. It was his mother, Fu Fengyi's voice.    


"Child, you've finally returned home. Mom has thought about what you've thought about for so many years …" There was a fit of choking after the laughter.    


What was going on? With a frown, Ye Zimo took the slippers from Nanny Xiao Lan and asked, "What's wrong?"    


"You'll know when you get in." Xiao Lan's voice was choked with sobs. It was obvious that she had been crying.    


Did Ye Zihan go home? Ye Zimo didn't have time to change her slippers and walk in.    


She was not in the living room. Her mother's voice was coming from her bedroom.    


"Mom!" I'm back! " Ye Zimo said as she entered her mother's room. Then he noticed a twenty-five-year-old man sitting on her bed.    


Fu Fengyi was holding his hand and crying. Ye Zimo was momentarily stunned.    


"Mo, come quickly! Let me tell you, this is your brother. This is your brother, Ye Zihan! Mom finally found him! "    


"You're my brother?" The man stood up and looked Ye Zimo up and down.    


He didn't expect his brother to be such a carefree person. He himself could be considered handsome, but in front of his brother, he seemed to be just an ordinary person.    


"Mom? Where did you find him? " Ye Zimo wasn't as ecstatic as Fu Fengyi.    


Although he also wanted to be overjoyed, he just couldn't be happy. Although he didn't believe Xia Yihan's words, but now that such a man had appeared in front of him, he had a feeling that it was impossible for him to be Xia Yihan's younger brother.    


"It's on the internet. Aiya, don't ask anymore. There's no mistake, this child is my Ye Zihan." "Look at his nose and eyes. Doesn't he look like me?" Fu Fengyi retracted her tears. Seeing that Ye Zimo was suspicious, she hurriedly pulled his hand and pointed at the man's face for Ye Zimo to see.    


"Mom!" Should we be more careful about this? " Ye Zimo asked softly.    


The man originally had a face full of smiles, but when he heard Ye Zimo's words, the smile on his face immediately disappeared.    


He laughed mockingly and said to him, "I understand, you are someone who doesn't believe that I am from the Ye Family. Do you think I came here because your family is number one? I tell you, I don't give a shit about money. If you don't believe me, I'll leave now. I haven't been able to find my loved ones, and I've been like this for so many years! "    


"Don't go! Child, don't go. Mom finally found you with great difficulty. " Fu Fengyi held the man's hand, almost begging him.    


Seeing the displeasure on his face, Fu Fengyi roared at Ye Zimo, "What do you mean? Apologize to your brother! How much suffering had the child suffered after being away for so many years? What right do you have to question him? If I say yes yes, you have the qualifications to say no? "    


Ye Zimo's face was still as cold as ever as she glanced at the person his mother said was his younger brother. He couldn't tell how the man looked like his mother, but he couldn't say how. However, the person who suddenly appeared made it impossible for him to not be suspicious.    


He did not want to hurt his mother's feelings, so he just smiled and said, "Didn't I say it was? I'm just saying that you should be more careful. Looking at you, you're too excited. Yours is yours, not yours. Even if you want it, it's yours. "Well, let's sit down and talk."    


Ye Zimo casually took a chair beside her mother's bed and sat down. She looked at the man gently and asked him in a friendly manner, "What was your name?"    


"He used to be called Yan Qingyan. Just listen to his name. He is worthy of being my son." Fu Fengyi seemed to be afraid that the two of them would clash, so she rushed to answer for her "youngest son."    


Ye Zimo really didn't know what to say. She was afraid that her mother would be seriously ill if she were to be ruined by his enthusiasm.    


Even if he did, he shouldn't have asked too many questions in front of her.    


"Qingyan, this name sounds good." Ye Zimo praised.    


Yan Qingyan received the praise of "Brother", and his displeasure seemed to have been swept away.    


"Brother, let me tell you, this name is given to me by my master, who is also my foster father. He was on the street, and when he met me, I was a little beggar, maybe ten years old. I knew a little triptych at the time, too, but it was all for the money. He said I looked good and felt sorry for me, so he took me with him. My master was very good at messing around. I don't know how he ended up in the movie base, acting as a substitute for her. The income is not that high, so it's still better than going through the streets and alleyways we used to go through. "    


Yan Qingyan was very good at saying it. He pretty much told Ye Zichen everything that happened to him in the past, but he didn't mention anything about what happened when he was younger.    


Ye Zimo sat all the time, and occasionally, when he was talking about something he was happy with, he would respond with a word or two.    


Seeing that they were talking back and forth without any conflicts, Fu Fengyi felt extremely happy.    


After Ye Zimo's observation, Yan Qingyan truly treated him and Fu Fengyi as close relatives. His tone of voice revealed the eagerness that a family member should have after not seeing them for so many years. This made him feel very strange. If he was pretending, he wouldn't be able to pretend to be so realistic.    


"I need to go to the bathroom." Yan Qingyan stood up and said after talking for an hour or two.    


"Go!" Fu Fengyi smiled benignly. She almost sent him to the bathroom.    


After Yan Qingyan left, Ye Zimo asked her mother in a low voice, "Why haven't I heard that you have registered some marriage net? When did this happen? What proof does he have that he's my brother? "    


"This is a long story. Anyway, I asked him very clearly, his age and his experience, I think it is very similar, it must be, there is no mistake. "Mom feels it. You believe Mom!"    


"I …" Ye Zimo wanted to ask more, but Yan Qingyan was already back.    


"Mo, eat lunch with Xiao Han at home." Fu Fengyi stood up and smiled to the two as she said, "I will cook personally for me, Little Wu and Steelwashing Dust."    


Looking at her mother's smiling face, Ye Zimo's heart was filled with emotion.    


Yan Qingyan looked at Fu Fengyi's leaving figure and retracted the smile on his face. He looked at Ye Zimo seriously and spoke slowly: "You still don't believe me, right? Needless to say, I can see that you don't believe me. I only met once today, and frankly, I'm not sure. But I'm afraid that if she's my mom, I won't immediately make her happy, so I'm in the wrong. "    


Ye Zimo had read countless people, but she had never been so moved by a single sentence from a man.    


"Smoking? Brother! "It doesn't matter if you are my brother or not. You are older than me. With that, Yan Qingyan took out a cigarette from his pocket and passed it to Ye Zimo.    


Ye Zimo didn't refuse, instead, she took the order and the two of them slowly puffed out the cloud. Yan Qingyan started to talk about his childhood.    


"The earliest family I ever stayed in was a rural family. I left when I was four, and the adoptive parents said I was about two when I came to his house one spring night and I was starving. They took me in because they felt sorry for me. However, his family was very poor and was unable to support him in the end. Just say that I'm four years old, or I'll leave myself. I refused to leave, and my foster mother relented. Who knew that after a period of time, when even I couldn't remember this incident, my adoptive father would bring me to a very lively place. It was probably a small town … I didn't find him. I was too young to remember the address when I wanted to go back. I began to wander, did not know the date, did not know how long it was picking up food, and met another good person. She was old, and she didn't mind my being dirty. She said she had no children, so she took me home. "Not two years later, she died again. She gave me to a relative, and I went to that place …"    


When Yan Qingyan said this, it was as if he was telling the story of someone else. Including how he was bullied by his adoptive parents and how he was beaten and scolded.    


Only then did Ye Zimo notice that there was a scar on his face. It wasn't too big, and there were marks of burns on his neck.    


All this shows that he was indeed a tragic childhood.    


According to his age and time when he left, it would be appropriate to say that he was his younger brother.    


However, this was not enough to prove their marriage.    


After Yan Qingyan said that, he cautiously looked outside the door, but didn't see Fu Fengyi's shadow. He then whispered: "If you want to do DNA identification, I'll accompany you at any time." You just have to arrange for me to be notified where you're going and when you're going. My cell phone number is three thousand five hundred. "    


"Alright!" Ye Zimo patted his shoulder and said sincerely, "Thank you for worrying about my mother's feelings. No matter what the result is, even if it isn't, it's still fate for you and my family. Until I find my real brother, I still want you to keep my mother happy, whether you want to or not. "Of course, I will also …"    


"You don't need to give me anything!" I will! I thought it was my mother when I saw her. So kind, so kind to me. "You don't know, I've been looking for my mother in my dreams all these years …" Yan Qingyan said in a choked voice. He had not lost control of his emotions when he told of his misfortunes, but now he could not bear it any longer. Thinking about how he had been searching for his biological parents for years, he wished that this was the last stop.    


Ye Zimo stood up and patted him on the shoulder.    


However, being moved was being moved. If he wasn't arranged by someone, he would be willing to treat him as his own brother. However, whether he was his own brother or not, he still had to know for sure. The DNA had to be done, but he didn't want his mother to know, or she would ask for the results.    


At noon, Ye Haorann also rushed back. He had an emergency meeting with the provincial chamber of commerce in the morning, so he had to participate. As soon as the meeting was over, he rushed home. It was the first time that Ye Zimo didn't glare at him when she saw him at the dining table.    


When Ye Haorann saw Yan Qingyan was in tears, Ye Zimo could not help but feel tears welling up in her eyes.    


It seemed like he didn't miss his son, he just didn't show it. This was the first time Ye Zimo blamed herself for him treating his father like that. Actually, Ye Haorann wasn't someone easy to deceive, but when faced with 'Ye Zihan' who suddenly returned home, he didn't doubt anything. What did this mean?    


Fu Fengyi originally wanted to rest after lunch. Today, she didn't want to rest, so she pulled Yan Qingyan and kept talking.    


Ye Zimo and Ye Haorann looked at each other silently. After a long while, Ye Haorann asked: "When are you going to confirm it?"    


"In the afternoon. Are you coming with me?" Ye Zimo asked Ye Haorann. In all these years, he probably hadn't spoken to his father in such a good manner.    


Ye Haorann shook his head.    


The people who appeared on television every day knew him, and such an occasion was not a good one to go to.    


"Whatever. It's the same if I go with him."    


After Ye Zimo finished speaking, she couldn't help but glance at her father's white hair. Perhaps he was really old.    


After so many years, everything was enough. No matter what the result was, he would never make things difficult for his father again.    


"Will it be a good result?" Ye Haorann asked after a long while. Only then did Ye Zimo realize that her father was already old, and she was even afraid of a bad ending.    


Ye Zimo's expression was still cold, but when she turned around, she said lightly, "You're not a son, what are you afraid of?"    


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