Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C123 Favorite Marriage 56

C123 Favorite Marriage 56

"It's all very light. I'll have some porridge and side dishes." Ye Zimo advised her mother.    


"Don't try to persuade me, I'm not eating."    


Fu Fengyi's attitude became tough again. Ye Zimo knew that she had gotten into a dead end again.    


His personality was just like his mother's. Sometimes, it was difficult for someone who was obsessed with a single matter to come out.    


"If you don't eat it, then I can't either. If you eat more, then I won't starve too much." He lowered his voice and advised her again. Fu Fengyi opened her eyes and looked at him angrily, "If you don't eat, I will never eat. You're fine, I'll probably be fine in a day or two. "    


Every time Fu Fengyi said that, Ye Zimo would feel helpless. It wasn't that he hadn't tried to fight her before, but even if he didn't eat with her, she wouldn't eat. Furthermore, she was even angrier.    


"Alright, I'll go eat. Mom, you have to promise me that at most, you will eat well for one day, don't make me worry."    


"Go." Fu Fengyi said weakly.    


Ye Zimo came out of her room. Soong Wanting and Faang Linuo walked over together, and just as they were about to call for Fu Fengyi, seeing that Ye Zimo was alone, she whispered to him, "Why didn't Auntie come? Don't you want to eat it? "    


Ye Zimo nodded. Soong Wanting looked worried.    


"I'll go and talk to Auntie, how can I not eat?"    


"No need, she won't listen. Let her be quiet." With that, Ye Zimo left.    


Soong Wanting had eaten in the temple at noon, so she was very hungry and didn't want to waste too much time. He said no, and she simply followed him.    


The butler also called Xia Yihan over for dinner. She came out of her room just in time to hear the conversation between Ye Zimo and Soong Wanting.    


Ye Zimo was the first to leave, so she did not see Xia Yihan behind her.    


Xia Yihan recalled Fu Fengyi's soulless look after seeing that beggar, and she really couldn't bear to see it. How she wished that Mo Xiaojun wasn't her son, it was just a guess.    


She stood in front of Fu Fengyi's door and wanted to ask her out for a meal, but she was afraid that it would make her even more unhappy.    


After thinking for a long time, he lightly knocked on her door. Fu Fengyi's voice was filled with fatigue. "Come in!"    


When Xia Yihan walked in, she opened her eyes and looked at her. Then, without expression, she asked, "Why are you here? If there's nothing important to say, we can talk about it later. I don't want to talk right now. "    


She could guess that Fu Fengyi didn't welcome her, so she didn't mind. With a smile on her face, she said, "Madam, I want to say a few words about Ye Zihan."    


Fu Fengyi's brows twitched. She no longer chased her away.    


Xia Yihan walked up to her and sat down in a chair beside her bed.    


The reason why she didn't invite him to sit down was because she didn't want to give Fu Fengyi a sense of oppression while standing.    


"You know I'm an orphan, ma'am?"    


Fu Fengyi didn't say anything. Xia Yihan just continued, "Most of our orphanages were abandoned or abandoned children. Therefore, there were still many children who had lost their way and had grown up well. You and Director-General Ye are both good people, so I believe that your family's child will also be fine, it's just that you haven't found him yet. "    


Xia Yihan's voice was gentle, and even though Ye Zimo often said this, Fu Fengyi was already numb to it. It sounded like the effect was getting better from another person's mouth.    


Most importantly, she could feel that Xia Yihan was sincere.    


When she still did not speak, Xia Yihan continued, "Madam, do you know? Although neither of us grew up with our biological parents, we all missed them. We also hope to be able to reunite with them one day. Every single one of us is trying to find traces of our own bodies and memories. We always hope to find some clues that we can use to identify our families. Our dean says I was placed in front of the orphanage when I was very young, probably for a month or two. I don't have any birthmarks on me, and I don't have any memories. I know I can't find my parents, but even if I can't find them, I still want them to be healthy and happy. I believe they must have something to say to get rid of me. I never hated them. If they punished themselves for me, I would be sorry. Auntie, please believe me, your child must be thinking the same thing as me. He is also trying his best to find you. There will be a day when you meet again. You must take care of your body and not let him feel any heartache. "    


Xia Yihan's words made Fu Fengyi's heart ache, but it also seemed to rekindle a sliver of hope. Tears welled up uncontrollably in her eyes.    


Xia Yihan quickly pulled out a few sheets of paper from the box beside the bed. She stood up and gently wiped her tears.    


Fu Fengyi grabbed Xia Yihan's arm as if she was trying to save her life and whispered to her, "Tell me, my child, is my little Ye Zihan really going to be okay? Is he looking for me too? "    


Even though she knew that asking Xia Yihan wouldn't result in any convincing results, it seemed like she was trying to deceive herself.    


"Yes sir!" Xia Yihan said firmly.    


"He must be looking for you!"    


At this moment, Xia Yihan was silently praying in her heart that it wasn't Xiaojun or such an innocent old man who was so cruel to her.    


Xia Yihan pulled out a hand and patted Fu Fengyi's back gently, again and again, very patiently.    


Fu Fengyi cried for a while, as if her emotions had been vented. Xia Yihan then took the opportunity to persuade her, "So, please don't let him worry about you. Why don't you come eat with me?"    


Fu Fengyi let out a long sigh and said, "I think I'll listen to you. Go and eat. If my little Ye Zihan comes back to find me, I can't just wait with my life on the line."    


Tears also leaked out of the corners of Xia Yihan's eyes as she said with a slight sob, "Yes, that's what you think. "Mr Ye, he will be happy too."    


Seeing that Fu Fengyi was about to get out of bed, Xia Yihan quickly bent over to help her grab her slippers. She squatted down and prepared to help her put them on.    


She didn't know why, but she wanted to serve her. No matter if she was just Ye Zimo's mother or Mo Xiaojun's mother, she just wanted to get close to her.    


Of course, it could also be because she had never had a mother. She had always desired the love of mother and daughter.    


"No need, I'll do it myself." Fu Fengyi bent her body, but her head was a little dizzy and she swayed a few times.    


"Don't move, let me." Xia Yihan said, patiently helping her put on her slippers and helped her to her feet.    


When the two of them walked out of the door, Fu Fengyi asked Xia Yihan: "Did Mo ask you to come?"    


"Yes, it was Mr Ye who told me to come."    


The reason why Xia Yihan lied was because she didn't want Fu Fengyi to think that she was trying to curry favor with her. It didn't matter that she had negative feelings for her. She was afraid that her previous attempt at consoling her would fail.    


Ye Zimo wanted to find someone to persuade her, but she also wanted Soong Wanting to. Why would she be asked to come? She clearly knew that she didn't like this woman staying in the villa.    


Fu Fengyi sighed inwardly. This child's heart was truly soft and kind. From this point, it could be seen that Soong Wanting was inferior to her.    


Soong Wanting was thoughtful, meticulous, and purposeful. Xia Yihan had a simple and honest personality.    


"I want to ask you a question." When the two of them reached the main hall, Fu Fengyi suddenly stopped and looked at Xia Yihan with a serious expression.    


"Auntie, feel free to ask."    


"To Mo …" Fu Fengyi pondered for a moment. Actually, this question was not easy to ask. It was as if she was asking about someone else's privacy.    


"Let's put it this way, I know that Mo definitely didn't ask you to call me here for a meal. Why did you come here?" Is it because I care about Mo and am afraid that he will worry about me? "    


Xia Yihan was really stumped. When she came to find her, her thoughts were actually very complicated. She might be Mo Xiaojun's mother. At the same time, she didn't want to make Ye Zimo unhappy. Also, whenever she saw someone looking for their family, she was filled with sympathy. This series of complex thoughts made it hard for her to tell which one was the main one.    


"Madam, I am touched by your maternal love. There may be other reasons."    


Xia Yihan's reply surprised Fu Fengyi. She didn't take the opportunity to tell her that she loved Ye Zimo, so she was willing to do everything for her. That was how Soong Wanting had emphasized it. Compared to her, this girl was truly hard to fathom.    


"Have you ever thought of becoming Mo's wife one day and becoming his wife?" Fu Fengyi asked again. Xia Yihan smiled bitterly.    


Just now, Ye Zimo had even ordered her not to miss out on the pill. He would probably have a grudge against her for being so close to him for the rest of his life, so how could she even dare to hope that they would succeed?    


"Madam, I know my own limits." she whispered back.    


"Mm, let's go." Fu Fengyi took another step and Xia Yihan followed. Neither of them said a word.    


When Xia Yihan helped Fu Fengyi out of the restaurant, everyone was a little surprised. When Jiu Jiu saw that Xia Yihan didn't come to eat, she was about to call them when they came in.    


Ye Zimo stood up in disbelief. With a pleasantly surprised tone, she said, "Mom, you're here!"    


To think that this little woman was able to invite his mother over. He really didn't know what method she had used, but it was obvious that what she had done made him admire her very much and was even a little touched.    


Soong Wanting also hurriedly stood up and went up to greet him with a big smile on her face. She said enthusiastically: "Auntie, you're here. I told Zimo that I wanted to call you for a meal. I was just trying to persuade him to have a meal with you. He said that he wouldn't let me disturb you, and that I wouldn't dare to go if I did, lest you get unhappy from the ruckus. "    


As soon as she came over to help, Xia Yihan quietly let go and gave her the credit. She walked around the table and waited for Fu Fengyi and Ye Zimo to take their seats.    


After Fu Fengyi sat down, Soong Wanting quickly ordered the butler to personally go get Fu Fengyi's dinner to heat it up.    


"Auntie, it's great that you're here. What's wrong with not eating?" If you don't come, I'll send some to you after I finish eating. I advise you to eat some more. " Soong Wanting felt that the matter of having Fu Fengyi to eat tonight had given Xia Yihan the advantage. She was both angry and annoyed, so she could only say a lot to make up for it.    


Fu Fengyi smiled and patted her hand. "Take a seat. Auntie knows what you're thinking."    


When Fu Fengyi's dinner was served, everyone began to eat.    


Jiu Jiu secretly gave Xia Yihan a meaningful glance, thinking to herself, "I didn't expect you to be so good at dealing with Madam without making any noise." This is great, if she was on your side, then Song would have no chance at all.    


After dinner, Ye Zimo accompanied her mother back to her room. During this time, she didn't pay much attention to Xia Yihan.    


Half an hour after the meal, Jiu Jiu and Dr Hao brought Xia Yihan's pill to her room.    


"Yihan!" Jiu Jiu looked at Xia Yihan as she picked up the bowl of brown soup, wanting to stop her.    


"What's wrong?" Xia Yihan asked.    


"Can you not drink? Tell Mr Ye that you want to give birth to his child, okay? Don't drink it, I think it's cruel. "    


Xia Yihan smiled bitterly. "This is just a precaution, not a birth control drug. There's nothing cruel about it."    


"No!" Yihan, don't drink anymore. Go and tell Mr Ye not to drink anymore, okay? "    


Seeing that Jiu Jiu was about to come up and rob him, and that Dr Hao was looking at her as if he were about to drink from his own eyes, Xia Yihan pretended to be serious and said to Jiu Jiu, "Sofia, don't hold him back. If he really meant it, he would have told me. Isn't this medicine something that he ordered people to prepare? "    


This time, Jiu Jiu did not speak. She was right, it was Ye Zimo's order.    


Sigh! He didn't know what was wrong with these two. One or two of them seemed to be extremely stubborn to the point of death.    


Jiu Jiu watched as Xia Yihan drank all the medicine before her eyes, as if she was watching her life being taken away. She really wanted to tell Ye Zimo that she didn't want to do this anymore, that she felt too cruel.    


"Thank you, Dr Hao, you've worked hard."    


"You're welcome." Dr Hao had always felt ashamed of Xia Yihan. Now that he saw her, he still didn't dare to look at her directly.    


After Dr Hao had left, Jiu Jiu still wanted to talk to Xia Yihan about the pill. Seeing her tired face, Jiu Jiu did not advise her to go back. After telling her to rest well, she left as well.    


About an hour later, Mo Xiaonong returned to the villa escorted by a few Security Officer s. Not long after, Hee Wen also returned, and the villa became lively once again.    


Compared to the ruckus outside, Fu Fengyi's room was too quiet.    


Ye Zimo sat beside her, and neither mother nor son spoke. They were both thinking about the same person.    


In the midst of the silence, Fu Fengyi's cell phone rang. It was Ye Haorann.    


"Fengyi, are you still at Mo's place?" he asked on the phone.    




"Why do you sound so weak and uncomfortable?" His concern came from the other end of the phone, but Fu Fengyi only indifferently replied, "No."    


"When will you be back?" After a long while, Ye Haorann asked again.    


"She's not going back! Don't call her in the future! " Ye Zimo took the phone and growled into it.    


Every time he saw his mother feeling bad for Ye Zihan, he would hate Ye Haorann even more and would even sneer at him to go against him.    


If Ye Zimo usually spoke too harshly to Ye Haorann, Fu Fengyi would stop her. But now, she didn't even have the slightest intention of speaking.    


Xia Yihan's comforting only lasted for the time it took to have dinner. After that, she started to let her imagination run wild again.    


"Mo!" Ye Haorann called out powerlessly, but Ye Zimo directly cut off the call, not giving him the chance to speak.    


"You can leave. I'm sleeping." Ye Zimo pursed her lips. Without a word, she stood up and silently left her mother's room.    


He did not return to his bedroom. Instead, he walked out of the main house and headed towards the lilac planted path.    


At this moment, Xia Yihan was sitting on the bed, exhausted. When Mo Xiaonong came back and saw that she didn't have the joy of being reborn from a calamity, all she felt was anger and reproach.    


She had wanted to get along well with her sister and count on her to stay here and enjoy a good life. However, this was her personality. If she had something to say, she couldn't help but say it.    


"I'm sorry, Xiaonong. It was my fault this time. You can only blame me if you want to." It was unknown how many times Xia Yihan had said this, but Mo Xiaonong still didn't seem to understand. She just kept saying it.    


"What use is it for you to blame me? You will just say you're wrong. If you're wrong, you must compensate me. Tell me, how are you going to compensate me?"    


Whenever Mo Xiaonong tried to pester her like this, Xia Yihan would only let her calm down and avoid her.    


She was really tired and really wanted to sleep right now, but it seemed like Mo Xiaonong wouldn't let her sleep in peace.    


"I remember that Mr Ye has something to ask me. I'll go look for him. Xiaonong, go take a shower. When I come back, let's go to bed early." Xia Yihan hurriedly left the guest room after giving her instructions.    


Having climbed the mountain all day, her legs were sore and weak, and she didn't dare to walk hard.    


Mo Xiaonong's stubborn enthusiasm didn't go away so quickly. She really couldn't walk anymore and wanted to find a place to rest. Naturally, she thought of the bench under the lilac tree.    


That was her favorite place in the entire mansion. She closed her eyes and occasionally saw Mo Xiaojun's friendly face in the silence.    


Xia Yihan kept her head down from start to finish, slowly walking in that direction. When she looked up just as she was about to get close, she saw Ye Zimo sitting upright, staring at the lilac leaf in front of her in a daze.    


She stopped, unsure if she should go forward or go back.    


"Come here!" Ye Zimo had already noticed her and gave her an order in a low voice. This time, Xia Yihan had no other choice but to listen to him and walk to his side.    


Ye Zimo patted the chair beside him, gesturing for her to sit down.    


Xia Yihan obediently sat down on the chair. He did not speak, nor did she speak.    


Perhaps because of the pill, his cold attitude made her feel a little wronged, so she didn't want to talk. She felt that she really shouldn't have done this. She clearly didn't have the right to be angry, so why was she still confused? But sometimes, she just couldn't understand and wanted to get angry at him.    


Even though her temper was peaceful, it didn't really hurt, he probably didn't even know that she was angry at all.    


Ye Zimo was also sulking about the pill. If she hadn't persuaded his mother to go to dinner, he might have been cold to her for a while.    


He wanted her to sit beside him, but that didn't mean he was going to coax her, say something tender, just give her a chance to ask him if he was in a good mood, as he had started in his bedroom.    


Who knows? He was silent, and she was silent.    


This damnable woman was actually acting just like that. She only needed the time it took to eat a meal to put on a face for him, acting so stubborn?    


Xia Yihan's mental activity was not as rich as Ye Xiao's. She was just quietly looking at the lilac leaf. In her heart, she was looking forward to interacting with him.    


However, he didn't let her say anything, so she didn't want to speak. She didn't know which sentence would step on his taboo, so she decided not to speak. Instead, it would be safe.    


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