Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C427 Favorite Marriage 359

C427 Favorite Marriage 359

You have to feel what it's like for your man to be slept in. That's what you forced me to feel. Now, I will return it to you several times, you must endure it, don't be so fragile as to want to commit suicide.    


Then, she thought about that fool, Mo Xiaonong, who followed everything she said. She had such a good sister, but even if she married Ye Zimo, didn't she still have to send her sister to her bed?    


Others might not understand Ye Zimo, but Soong Wanting knew her too well. He would always find a way to get the woman Ye Zimo liked. No matter what, a woman he didn't like would never get his attention. For a girl like Mo Xiaonong, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't win Ye Zimo's favor.    


She was only Soong Wanting's pawn, and if she used up this pawn today, she would go down with Xia Yihan.    


It was a good day. Soong Wanting closed her eyes and took in two deep breaths, feeling that the air today was fresher than usual.    


When Xia Yihan had reached the door, Soong Wanting spoke slowly. "I say, Yihan, I want to remind you that you can't find Mo Xiaonong anywhere. Do you think she might be in Zimo's room?" "I've heard that you've been sleeping in Mo Xiaonong's room recently. Will she be carrying you …"    


Xia Yihan suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned around, and coldly looked at Soong Wanting. My sister would never do that. "    


Soong Wanting smiled and said, "Aiyo, didn't I kindly remind you? Who can burrow into who's heart to see? "Yesterday was Ye Zimo's birthday, didn't you see how Mo Xiaonong took the initiative to urge her to drink?"    


Xia Yihan had always believed in Mo Xiaonong, but Soong Wanting's words suddenly reminded her of last night. That's right, Mo Xiaonong had been too proactive last night. She had urged them to drink over and over again during dinner. Before she went to bed, she suddenly went to Ye Zimo's room and insisted on having a drink with them.    


She remembered feeling drowsy when she went back to her room, and she remembered that she wasn't tired enough to take it off and go to sleep.    


Could it be … Could it be that she was drugged by Mo Xiaonong? And the three cups of wine that she had brought couldn't be …    


Xia Yihan recalled what she experienced in Hainan. The aphrodisiac effect was too amazing. If Mo Xiaonong drugged Ye Zimo, then Mo Xiaonong sneaked into Ye Zimo's room while she was asleep...    


No! Xia Yihan forced herself to stop thinking about this. She couldn't, shouldn't suspect Mo Xiaonong.    


She was her sister, even more than her own. Last night, she had asked if she would love her forever. Since she needed her so much, how could she possibly want to rob her man?    


But she didn't think so. Why would she suddenly ask her that kind of question?    


"Look, aren't you hesitating? "I say, you should go to Ye Zimo's room first. If your sister really is there …"    


"Impossible!" Xia Yihan frowned as she interrupted Soong Wanting's words, saying seriously, "If you continue to provoke our relationship like this, I will tell Mo."    


Soong Wanting sighed and shook her head as she sighed, "Sigh, I was kind. It's fine if you don't feel grateful, but just pretend that I didn't say anything. I just happened to have some business with Ye Zimo. If you don't want to go, I'll go. If my guess is right, then the sky is falling. "    


After she finished speaking, Soong Wanting walked away in the direction of the corridor.    


Xia Yihan was still standing at the door. She turned around and touched the doorknob on the glass door of the main house. The doorknob seemed to have suddenly become many times heavier, and she couldn't move it anymore.    


She suspected Mo Xiaonong too. Even though she blamed herself, she still felt that what Soong Wanting said might be the truth. What Mo Xiaonong did was too abnormal, especially the wine before she went to bed. Why didn't she think about it then?    


She stood still in the doorway, her expression even a little dull, her steps heavy.    


She shouldn't have suspected Mo Xiaonong so much, she thought, but she couldn't stop.    


She took a deep breath and opened the door. Two Security Officer s stood at the doorway and asked them, "Did you see Miss Mo go out?"    


"Young Madame Ye, no!" Security Officer replied in unison.    


"Are you sure? What time did you start working here? "    


"Young Madame Ye, we went to work last night. We're on the night shift, are we getting off work now? We've confirmed that Miss Mo hasn't gone out yet."    


Xia Yihan's heart tightened for a moment. Mo Xiaonong didn't go out, what did that mean? She had searched for places she could go, except for Ye Zimo's bedroom … Could she really be in his bedroom?    


Even if she only thought about this possibility, her heart would still hurt so much that she could barely breathe.    


She absentmindedly looked at the Security Officer that replied her, and muttered: "Thank you, I understand."    


She didn't know how she got back into the main house. As she walked towards the hallway with heavy steps, she heard Soong Wanting's screams and changed the tone of her words: "Oh god, Mo Xiaonong, you're really here? "Why are you sleeping with Ye Zimo?"    


Xia Yihan's mind went blank as if she had been struck by lightning. Instinctively, she controlled her legs and ran towards Ye Zimo's bedroom.    


"Impossible!" Soong Wanting, you lied to me! You evil woman, you lied to me! That's my sister, that's impossible! " As she ran, her lips moved as if she wanted to say something to reprimand Soong Wanting, but she found that her voice was barely audible.    


Ye Zimo's bedroom door was wide open. She ran in and saw Soong Wanting looking at the bed in surprise.    


Xia Yihan barely had the courage to look at the bed. She was afraid, afraid that she would see an unforgettable scene that she would never forget.    


She had seen Ye Zimo and Soong Wanting tangled together right here in this bedroom. That kind of scene made her heart ache every time she thought of it.    


At that time, Soong Wanting was still Ye Zimo's fiancée, so it was normal for them to be in bed.    


And today, the person who was lying on the bed with the man she loved the most was actually her younger sister.    


"Soong Wanting!" Don't talk nonsense! Don't talk nonsense! How can you just sit back and lie! Who would believe your words, even ghosts wouldn't! My sister wouldn't do that, wouldn't! " Xia Yihan didn't look at the bed. She only looked at Soong Wanting, almost roaring at her.    


"Aiyo, don't you have eyes of your own? Look at the bed. The two of them are probably too tired to sleep right now. Take a look! "    


"NO!" I won't look! "There's nothing to see, I'm leaving, I don't believe it!" Xia Yihan said in a fluster. She turned around in panic and tried to escape through the door.    


The more she acted like this, the more obvious it was that she couldn't take such a blow before she chose to run away. Soong Wanting had been waiting for this day for almost a year. How could she let Xia Yihan run away?    


This was a bloody scar. She was going to open it up herself for Xia Yihan to see so she wouldn't forget it for the rest of her life. She would never be able to get close to Ye Zimo again!    


Soong Wanting blocked Xia Yihan's way, put her arms around her shoulders, and said in a louder voice, "Sofia, I just told you it's hard to tell. You don't believe me. This is great! Look at these two. Aiyo, they aren't wearing any clothes. I feel embarrassed looking at them. But it all happened, and it's wrong of you to run away like that. Sofia, at my urging, you should accept the reality. It may not be Zimo's fault, but what about your sister's wishful thinking? "    


Accept reality? Xia Yihan closed her eyes and shook her head with all her might. She refused to open her eyes. She refused to look. She refused!    


Would she be able to accept such a reality? She would rather die than believe that her most beloved man and her most beloved sister were still in bed.    


"Get out of the way! I don't know anything. I don't want to know anything. I'm going to brush my teeth, I'm going to exercise, I'm going to work, I don't seem to be working today. "I want to …" Xia Yihan was at a loss for words. Her heart hurt too much. She could no longer find any words to say.    


She wanted to look calm. She knew Soong Wanting was standing here waiting to see her make a joke. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to be light. How could she do that?    


"Stop hiding! "You all knew it happened …" Before Soong Wanting could finish her sentence, she suddenly heard Ye Zimo say impatiently, "Who is so noisy this early in the morning?"    


"Zimo, you're awake?" Soong Wanting asked in surprise.    


Actually, Mo Xiaonong had woken up a long time ago. She had woken up when Soong Wanting screamed.    


She really hated Soong Wanting, hated herself for being so muddle-headed and being used by her. If she was found out, how could she secretly conceive Ye Zimo's child?    


It was over. She felt that her life was destined to be a tragedy. Xia Yihan didn't want to accept reality, and when Xia Yihan was sad, she felt upset.    


She really wanted to say that all of this was a misunderstanding. She really wanted to continue this good sister of hers.    


Even if Xia Yihan truly loved her, it couldn't be love without a bottom line right? Once she opened her eyes, she would tacitly agree that she was in Ye Zimo's bed. From now on, Ye Zimo would not want her, and Xia Yihan would also hate her.    


She used to be one of the lowest class girls in society. Recently, Xia Yihan had made her a phoenix on a branch of the moon. Wherever she went, she drove a dazzling sports car. Who wouldn't be jealous of her?    


From now on, her glorious life would come to an end. Her gorgeous clothes would be stripped off and she would appear in front of everyone. She would become a filthy, ugly duckling once more.    


She really didn't want to accept this. She also hated how deeply she slept last night, to the point that she slept until dawn.    


At this moment, she didn't dare to move. Her mind was rapidly thinking of an excuse to make Xia Yihan forgive her.    


As long as Xia Yihan didn't hate her, she still had a chance. She would be able to preserve everything that she had now.    


"Who?" Soong Wanting? " While Mo Xiaonong was thinking about how to deal with the current situation, Ye Zimo asked again and sat up.    


He was wearing only a pair of panties, but he was covered with a thin blanket. Beside him, Mo Xiaonong was also covered with a blanket.    


"Zimo, it's me. I came to ask you something about Xiao Hengheng. I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, so I just pushed open the door and entered. Who would have thought that Mo Xiaonong would actually be sleeping on your bed. I was so surprised that I forgot everything I wanted to talk to you about. " Soong Wanting took two more steps inside the door and said in a hypocritical tone.    


Xia Yihan felt as if she had been nailed to the ground. It was impossible for Soong Wanting to be talking nonsense when she said that.    


If Mo Xiaonong wasn't lying on the bed, how many people would Soong Wanting have the guts to say that? It would be weird if Ye Zimo didn't rip her to shreds?    


The truth was right in front of her eyes. She didn't want to admit it, she wanted to run.    


"What Mo Xiaonong?" What are you talking about? Last night, it was Yihan … Mo Xiaonong? Why is it you? " Ye Zimo exclaimed in a low tone as she glanced at Mo Xiaonong, whose body was lying on the ground. Her voice was filled with astonishment.    


From his reaction, anyone could tell that he didn't know.    


Xia Yihan's heart ached even more when she thought about the wine that Ye Zimo had drunk the night before. Her Ye Zimo, her most beloved Ye Zimo, had truly been tricked by Mo Xiaonong. He was innocent.    


But no matter how innocent he was, the truth was right here. He was in bed with her sister, so no matter how innocent he was, she couldn't accept it.    


"Mo Xiaonong!" Wake up! Why are you in my bed? " Ye Zimo asked loudly.    


Mo Xiaonong had no place to run to, so she could only slowly open her eyes. She had probably thought of an excuse. She had learned how to perform, and she only hoped that this performance would fool Xia Yihan as easily as before.    


Mo Xiaonong opened her eyes and sat up, seemingly surprised. She covered her chest with the blanket and stammered, "Why am I here? I... Did I come here because I drank too much? "    


At this moment, the sky collapsed!    


Xia Yihan could no longer avoid it. After hearing Ye Zimo's words and Mo Xiaonong's, her heart was already bleeding. That wound was too big, and it seemed to never heal.    


She looked at the bed and saw that Mo Xiaonong was battered and exhausted. The figure of her sister, whom she admired the most, was like a sharp weapon piercing into her eyes.    


"Oh, Xiaonong, you drank too much. How could you coincidentally climb onto your brother-in-law's bed?" It was fine if they drank too much, or if they didn't drink too much. Both of them were like this … Oh, it looked so bad last night. Look at your shoulder. There's a kiss on it. Tsk tsk tsk tsk, how shameful. Yihan, what should we do? If it were me, I wouldn't accept my own man and my own sister. "But you're so good to your sister …" Soong Wanting chattered on. Xia Yihan looked at her coldly and snapped, "Stop it! Get the hell out of here! "    


"What are you mad at me for? I didn't sleep with your man!" Soong Wanting smiled but didn't move.    


Xia Yihan looked desolately at Ye Zimo. She didn't understand Ye Zimo's expression, she only felt that he was so unfamiliar. From now on, he would be the most unfamiliar person to her.    


"Ye Zimo, how can you do this? Even if you drank too much, even if you were drugged, how could you not recognize me or her? How can you do this? " Xia Yihan questioned her again and again, her heart tearing up as tears flowed down her cheeks.    


"Do you remember? Ye Zimo, you don't remember that I was drugged. Do you remember what happened to you? Why can't you recognize me? You don't love me, right? Well, since you don't love me, let's call it a day. I... I hate you! "    


After Xia Yihan finished speaking, she turned around and was about to run away. Ye Zimo strode out of the bed, grabbed Xia Yihan's wrist, and said with a deep voice, "Where are you going? Can't you see I didn't mean to betray you? "When you heard that Princess Ya Hui and I went to bed together, you believed me as well. Why don't you believe me now?"    


"I believe you. I trust you so much. Ye Zimo, you have let down the trust I have in you!" How smart are you, how wise are you? How could you be so easily caught in this childish trap? I'm sorry, but even if it isn't your fault, I still can't accept this. "We're finished, we're really finished. Let go of me, I don't want to stay here, this place is too dirty."    


Xia Yihan tried her best to break Ye Zimo's hand. At this moment, she couldn't endure any more pain. She had to run and cry somewhere devoid of people.    


Her life, everything she had dreamed of, was gone in an instant.    


Their happiness could no longer be turned back. They had nowhere to go, so they had to part ways.    


To separate her from Ye Zimo felt a thousand, ten thousand times worse than to let her die.    


"Sis!" I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Can you forgive me? We made a mistake while drinking, we didn't even think of betraying you, Sis. " Mo Xiaonong didn't bother to look at her. Without wrapping herself in a blanket, she jumped off the bed and tried to pull Xia Yihan away as well.    


Ever since Xia Yihan learned that Mo Xiaonong had spent the night in Ye Zimo's room, she never had the guts to look directly at Mo Xiaonong.    


At this moment, she finally said her heartless words to Ye Zimo. Her messy brain finally managed to temporarily calm down. Even though her heart was still in pain and she couldn't breathe, at least she still had the courage to look at Mo Xiaonong.    


She mocked and sneered. Mo Xiaonong had never seen Xia Yihan smile at her like this before. She was so scared that she started to panic.    


"Sis …" "I really didn't do it on purpose, did you misunderstand me …"    


"Enough! Mo Xiaonong! Even if I were a fool, it's impossible for me to not wake up. You can go, I never want to see you! " Xia Yihan had thought that she would slap Mo Xiaonong. Unexpectedly, she was too calm and didn't have the impulse to raise her hand.    


"Sis, I'm sorry, I …"    


"Stop calling me Sis!" You don't deserve to call me that? What else do you want to say? " Xia Yihan's gaze suddenly turned sharp as she glared at Mo Xiaonong. Her voice rose by several decibels.    


"You know that the person I love the most is him, and yet you're still trying to get close to him? Is this the first time? How many times have you purposely put on a show to show him? I even lied to myself, saying that you are just competitive, that you are not a bad person, that you will become better? Think about it, how many things you've robbed me of since I was a kid. I don't care about anything. But you're touching the man I love the most, do you think I can forgive you? "    


"Sis!" I really, really didn't do it on purpose … "I was too dazed to think that I had walked into the wrong room …" Mo Xiaonong tried to pull Xia Yihan back, but she dodged to the side.    


Xia Yihan's expression was even colder, the mocking smile on her face even wider.    


"In the wrong room? You carefully prepared the wine last night. Did you say it was okay to go into the wrong room? Mo Xiaonong, I remember that when you were young, you would admit that you did something wrong and say that Mo Xiaonong was brave enough to take responsibility for it. "What, you don't dare to accept the honor of doing it now?"    


"That's right, Xiaonong. Think about it, it is perfectly justified for this woman to steal an outstanding man. What did you do, and you still don't dare to admit it?" Besides, you might even have Zimo's child in your womb. It's time to make things clear to your sister, or two women working together. Not to mention the modern society, many rich and powerful people still have a few wives in their homes. "Aiya, as for the two sisters serving a man at the same time, there are quite a few of them."    


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