Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C707 Wealthy Marriage 636

C707 Wealthy Marriage 636

"Ah!" "Yihan, Nianmo and I don't need to go with you guys to see some jewelry designer. We want to go to the backyard to play, right?" Jiu Jiu winked mischievously at Nianmo. The two of them whispered for a long time just now, and Jiu Jiu agreed to take Nianmo to see some alpacas in the backyard.    


Xia Yihan didn't want to separate from Nianmo, she wanted to reject Lin Jie. Seeing Si Si turn around and look at them, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to escape.    


Si Si stared coldly at Ye Nianmo's figure. Her anger never subsided. It was for her children, for her troubled life.    


Ye Zimo protected Ye Nianmo very well. Today was a good opportunity, she would make these two people hate each other forever and live in pain forever. She sneered, took out her phone and cruelly ordered.    


Ye Zimo's arrival caused the originally lively atmosphere in the hall to freeze for a moment. The women looked at this perfect man in fascination, while some subconsciously looked for Xia Yihan who had a close relationship with Ye Zimo recently.    


Ye Zimo's mood wasn't particularly good. With Xia Yihan gone, he had no time to deploy people to protect her. The kidnapping of Nianmo was not over yet, so when he thought of the possible danger to the mother and son, he really wanted to build a huge cage to shelter the two people he cared about the most.    


Zhang Fengyi came over and reported Xia Yihan's whereabouts to Ye Zimo. Knowing that Xia Yihan and Lin Jie were conversing with the French designer in the other living room, Ye Zimo nodded and kept walking towards Xia Yihan's location.    


"What did you call me here for? Don't you know it's an emergency? It won't do you or me any good to be together. " Yan Qingyan frowned as he looked at the woman in front of him.    


In terms of shrewdness, there weren't many women in this world who could be as cautious as Si Si. However, it was obvious that she didn't want him to be like her before.    


"I want Ye Nianmo to die." Si Si held a small stack of delicate pastries and put it on Yan Qingyan's nose. Today was a good opportunity. From start to finish, she had never appeared. If a child suddenly died, the only thing people would blame was their sociable mother.    


Yan Qingyan made a weird circle in his throat with those words he was about to say. Then he silently took the plate and left. All the persuasion was useless towards this woman.    


"Ye Zimo has also come. I can't guarantee that it will be successful." Yan Qingyan left in a hurry. He didn't notice Si Si's stiff body.    


"Ye Zimo … Ye Zimo …" Si Si looked at her delicate and pretty face in the mirror and hurriedly took her bag and headed towards the hall.    


Ye Zimo's expression darkened as time passed. Lin Jie also saw the expression on Ye Zimo's face. He sighed inwardly. How could a woman like Xia Yihan not be someone that people liked to worry about?    


Xia Yihan was avoiding her! As expected, when it's been nurtured for a long time, it will become wild. " Ye Zimo lazily picked up a glass of red wine and indicated to Lin Jie that the game of cat and mouse was very exciting.    


Xia Yihan was indeed avoiding Ye Zimo. She ran out without saying a word to the man. Thinking of the man's desperate request and the cunning smile on his face, she felt a chill in her heart. Quickly find Nianmo and leave!    


Hurrying towards the backyard, Xia Yihan had no choice but to stop in her tracks as she saw a woman in front of her. "Si Si, I wish you a happy birthday!" Xia Yihan said embarrassedly as she was afraid of what might happen.    


Si Si seemed to be in a hurry as well. When she saw Xia Yihan, her eyes were filled with provocation and dissatisfaction. "Don't tell me you're happy. I'm very unhappy to see you."    


Xia Yihan swallowed her saliva. After all, the other party was Lin Jie's friend. No matter how aggressive the other party was, Xia Yihan didn't want to argue with him. She planned to leave from the side, leaving behind a tall shadow in front of her.    


"Being unhappy is not something that others give you. It's something that you fight for yourself." Xu Haorann said to Si Si with a smile as he stood in front of her. Although his tone was always gentle, it was obvious that he wanted to protect her.    


People had already begun to notice her actions. Si Si was furious. Why was it that so many men were willing to stand up for her?    


Knowing that Ye Zimo was looking for Xia Yihan, Si Si didn't want that man to pay too much attention to her plans. She cursed loudly, "Fox spirit!" Then, she hurried into the front hall.    


Jiu Jiu and Nianmo were having fun in the backyard. After Nianmo's kidnapping last time, Jiu Jiu didn't dare to stay too far away from Nianmo.    


Yan Qingyan frowned as he looked at Jiu Jiu and Ye Nianmo. With Jiu Jiu here, he had no way to make a move on them. Plus, he had told Jiu Jiu to leave first because they had urgent matters to attend to at the company.    


Coincidentally, a group of children passed by. Yan Qingyan had a plan to let the children share the pastries and then he would call Jiu Jiu.    


Jiu Jiu was very happy to receive Yan Qingyan's call. She jabbered on and on with Yan Qingyan. Nianmo obediently played with the alpaca. A little girl squatted in front of him with pastries while looking at Nianmo.    


"Uncle said he'll give you the pastries!" The little girl said.    


Nianmo frowned as he looked at Jing and the pastries, obviously not intending to take them over. On the other side, Jiu Jiu thought Nianmo was shy when she saw that Nianmo didn't want to take the pastries from the little girl's plate. She playfully walked over to the two kids and put the pastries into her mouth.    


Yan Qingyan's heart leaped into his throat. He didn't know what Si Si had done to him, but his mind was in a mess and he could only see Jiu Jiu's face.    


"He really wanted to rush out without caring about anything else and stop when he saw who it was." "Daddy!" Nianmo jumped at Ye Zimo happily and acted coquettishly in Ye Zimo's arms.    


Ye Zimo looked at Nianmo in pain and touched his head. Her eyes turned cold when she looked at Jiu Jiu. If he remembered correctly, the reason Nianmo was kidnapped last time was because of this woman's negligence.    


Jiu Jiu couldn't bring herself to look into Ye Zimo's eyes. Xia Yihan and Xu Haorann were on their way, shouting, "Sofia, we're here."    


Xia Yihan wanted to run away when she saw Ye Zimo, but when she looked at him, her feet seemed nailed to the ground and she couldn't move at all. The two looked at each other from afar until Ye Nianmo walked towards Xia Yihan, holding Ye Zimo's hand.    


"Did you have a good day?" Ye Zimo turned sideways and whispered into Xia Yihan's earlobes in front of everyone's eyes. She quickly let go of the seat and her expression was relaxed as if nothing had happened.    


"Ye Zimo, don't go too far!" Xu Haorann couldn't stand the scene any longer and wanted to step forward to speak up for Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan lowered her head and grabbed Xu Haorann's arm: "Big Brother Xu, don't."    


Ye Zimo frowned as she looked at Xu Haorann's annoying arms and Xia Yihan's delicate wrists. In the next second, Xia Yihan had already pulled away from Xu Haorann and was tightly locked in Ye Zimo's embrace.    


"Ye Zimo, let me go!" Xia Yihan was so angry that her face turned red. This man had always been like this, indiscriminately making things difficult for her.    


"You'd better obediently stay in my arms, or else I don't know what else to do." Her chest was warm, but the words she heard were ice-cold. Xia Yihan was in despair.    


Feeling the silence of the woman in her arms, Ye Zimo smiled in satisfaction. If Xia Yihan were to raise her head at this moment, she would definitely be able to see the doting look in her eyes.    


Xu Haorann saw it and hesitated for a moment. Although his heart was in pain, he still let Ye Zimo take Xia Yihan away. Knowing that there was always someone protecting Nianmo, Ye Zimo felt at ease. All that was left was Nianmo, staring blankly at Mommy who was being hugged by her father. He subconsciously wanted to follow her.    


Xu Haorann and Jiu Jiu coaxed Nianmo with a bit of blush. Jiu Jiu, upon receiving Yan Qingyan's call, left hurriedly with Xu Haorann to take care of Nianmo. Xu Haorann always treated Nianmo as his own son and played with him with Nianmo and the alpaca.    


In the Lin Family room, Xia Yihan let out a low groan, and looked at Ye Zimo who had her head lowered and a straight face, with a blushing face.    


Ye Zimo held the disinfectant in her hand and carefully cleaned the wound on Xia Yihan's wrist. If it wasn't for Ye Zimo forcing him to apply the antidote, Xia Yihan wouldn't have realized that she was cut by a branch when she was looking for Nianmo.    


Ye Zimo had applied the medicine in a serious manner. A strand of her meticulous hair hung down to her forehead and was roughly cut to the back of her head, as if she was protesting against being disturbed.    


Xia Yihan chuckled. This man was always like this, domineering beyond belief. However, he would occasionally reveal a hint of childishness that would make others unable to stop.    


A casual laugh caught Ye Zimo's attention. Under her fierce gaze, Xia Yihan obediently lowered her head and frowned. Sure enough, she could feel the other party's strength continuously slowing down.    


Xia Yihan was momentarily stunned by the cool touch. She gently blew at the wound on Xia Yihan's hand with her cheeks, trying to soothe the burning sensation.    


When Ye Zimo raised her head and saw the other party staring at her with a dumbfounded expression, her brows were tightly locked together. Her heart was also in pain. "It still hurts?"    


Xia Yihan nodded subconsciously. Was that Ye Zimo? How could such a proud man do such a thing? She was eager to confirm.    


A cool sensation spread out from her arm once again. Xia Yihan stretched out her hand and touched the other party's forehead in disbelief, feeling the warmth coming from her fingers.    


"Xia Yihan, you're playing with fire." Ye Zimo grabbed Xia Yihan's hand that was trying to escape and placed it on her chest. With her other hand, she held onto her lips that she wanted to escape from.    


"Xia Yihan."    


When she received Zhang Fengyi's call, Ye Zimo's hand was lingering on Xia Yihan's smooth back. She was satisfied with the other party's fair skin that was imprinted with her scent.    


"Director Ye, young master Nianmo is crying." Even through the phone, Zhang Fengyi could feel the unfriendly gaze of Ye Zimo. He simply said that he was going to hang up on her.    


By the time Ye Mo and Xia Yihan arrived, Ye Nianmo was already crying so much that he was about to burp. When he saw Xia Yihan, Ye Nianmo pouted and threw himself into Xia Yihan's arms.    


Xu Haorann looked on awkwardly from the side. Ye Zimo raised her head and swept a sharp gaze at Zhang Fengyi. She suppressed her anger and asked, "What's going on?"    


Zhang Fengyi sent over the tie with a helpless smile, "The children are playing together. Young Master didn't seem to be happy after hearing about Ocean Palace, so he cried."    


Ocean Palace?    


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