Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C819 Wealthy Marriage 748

C819 Wealthy Marriage 748

"Wen Jun, I … I'm sorry." Xia Yihan lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong and didn't know what to do.    


A pair of shoes appeared in his line of sight. Xue Wen extended his hand to sweep the fallen leaves that had fallen onto Xia Yihan's shoulder. He softly asked, "Is everything settled?"    


Xia Yihan raised her head and saw Xue Wenjun's tired eyes and the dark green under them. She whispered, "I'm really sorry."    


"Xia Yihan, do you feel sorry for me when you see me like this?" Xue Wenjun said indifferently as he looked at the rising sun through Xia Yihan.    


"Sorry." Xia Yihan's voice was shaky but it was also firm. She swallowed her saliva with difficulty and said, "I wish I could have met you earlier. Really."    


Xue Wenjun shifted his gaze back to Xia Yihan. He gently touched Xia Yihan's hair. With a hint of urgency in his voice, he said, "You didn't sleep tonight, right? Let's go to bed now."    


Xia Yihan shook her head, held Xue Wenjun's hand and said, "Do you remember when I was locked in the warehouse? This is what Alan did, and the last person I saw touch Yuanyuan when she was in trouble half a year ago was Alan. That is to say, Guo Hao is not only related to Yuanyuan's death, but also Alan! "    


Xue Wenjun said to Xia Yihan in a deep voice, "If what you said is true, then you must start to stop Alan. This morning, she held a shareholders' meeting!"    


Xia Yihan rushed to the company without stopping. The security guard stopped her and said with a strange expression, "Miss, Miss Alan told you not to go up."    


Xia Yihan was unable to break free from the security guard's grasp, and could only reply with a cold expression, "You can ask around. The only person who can live in Hua Mansion is not Alan, it's me."    


The security officer hesitated, but Xia Yihan took the opportunity to shake off the security guard and walked inside. Alan's proud voice came from the office, "I have 80% of the ownership of this land, which means I'm your biggest shareholder. Now I want you all to jointly recommend me as CEO."    


"How did you get that share book?" Xia Yihan pushed open the door and shouted. She was slightly flustered in her heart. Did something happen to Ye Zimo?    


"You can check the authenticity of this share certificate. Xia Yihan, you really think you're Yuanyuan." Alan waved the document in her hand.    


"Even if I'm not Yuanyuan, you're definitely the killer." Xia Yihan said loudly. Alan's face contorted as she shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about?!"    


"You know best if I'm talking nonsense. Half a year ago, after Yuanyuan drove your car away, a car accident happened. You can listen to the recording." Xia Yihan released a recording she had found in the parking lot. Yuanyuan's voice sounded very frightened.    


"Security, kick out this person who is shouting without evidence." Alan shouted angrily.    


"Alan, admit defeat." Inside the door, Guo Hao pushed Mary and walked in. He looked at Alan silently.    


"I have a hobby. I feel like I'm a woman. Half a year ago, Yuanyuan saw me dressed up and Ye saw me drinking BAI powder. I was scared that she would tell Mary everything, so I chased after her until she ran away in a hurry. I think that was the source of all the tragedy.    


Guo Hao said leisurely. Alan gritted her teeth and said, "Are you crazy to say all this?!"    


"Alan, I know you've always felt that I'm biased towards your big brother, but you can take a look at the contents of this will." Mary calmly took out a document.    


Alan received it with trembling hands. Half a year ago, she had already made a will. 'The property under my banner is divided into four parts, of which Alan has the largest share,' she said.    


"That day, Yuanyuan came to me and said that she was still young, so she didn't want that much wealth and could create her own fortune. That was why she wanted me to give you the majority of my inheritance." Mary's cloudy eyes looked at Alan, in the eyes is maternal love is heartache.    


"Stop it, stop it." Alan covered her ears and retreated.    


"Alan, do you know why I don't like you living in Hua Mansion? Hua Mansion is a rotten place. I have stayed here for my entire life and have been bound here for my entire life, so I hope that you can go to the outside world. " Mary said in a low voice. Her hands were trembling as she tried to hug Alan.    


Alan raised her head crazily, tears were already flowing down her face. She looked at Mary and choked with sobs, "I didn't want to do that, I was going to commit suicide that day and the brake in the car had already been broken by me. I just wanted to curse and scold her, but who would've thought that she would get into my car all of a sudden."    


"I kept on chasing after her, but I couldn't catch her no matter what. She just took my place to die. Do you know how much pain I've been suffering for the past half year?"    


"Your biggest mistake is to keep making mistakes." Xia Yihan said in a low voice. She placed the documents on the table and nodded at Mary, not wanting to stay any longer. The rest of the matters had nothing to do with her.    


Xia Yihan hurriedly took out her cell phone and dialed Ye Zimo's number. She had no choice but to pay attention to how Mary obtained Ye Zimo's authorization.    


"Hello." As usual, Xia Yihan's voice relaxed slightly.    


"Are you alright? I want to ask you about the document Mary gave you … peng!" The loud explosion shocked Xia Yihan. She asked hastily, "Where are you now?"    


A short breath came from the phone. After a long time, Ye Zimo's voice came back, "Be good and go to sleep. You'll see me when you wake up."    


"I don't want to. Tell me where are you?" Xia Yihan's tears fell like rain. Her hands were shaking so much that she couldn't even hold her phone. The gunshots that came out of her ears made her feel shocked. Something must have happened to Ye Zimo!    


"Don't cry …" Ye Zimo's voice was cut off suddenly, leaving only a busy signal. Xia Yihan sat paralyzed on the ground as she stared blankly out the window.    


Outside the window, there was a young bird looking at Xia Yihan with its head tilted. After a while, it flapped its wings and flew away. Xia Yihan suddenly got up and ran downstairs.    


"Is Director Ye alright?" Zhang Fengyi walked to the side of Ye Zimo with difficulty after hearing a series of popping sounds. His face was a bit apologetic as he said, "It was my negligence. I didn't expect Alan to suddenly take away that document."    


With a cold expression, Ye Zimo tore off her tie and tied her bleeding arm. She looked at the shadow that was swaying outside the car and suddenly laughed. "It must be crying again."    


After changing her gun and looking at the silhouette, Ye Zimo muttered, "I haven't seen enough of you yet, how could I bear to die?"    


Clutching her stomach, Xia Yihan returned to the Hua Mansion. She lightly wiped away the sweet, throbbing burden on her body. "My darling, your mother wants to see someone who is very important to both your mother and you.    


As if understanding Xia Yihan's pleas, the pain disappeared and a clap of thunder sounded in the distance, followed by a huge lightning bolt sweeping across the area, bringing with it strong gales and dark clouds.    


The sky and the earth had darkened, and the trees were rustling as if they had found an opportunity to communicate with each other about the trivial matters of the day. This caused Xia Yihan to be upset.    


Xia Yihan ran back to her room and found the emerald earrings that Ye Zimo had personally brought. She slammed the earrings onto the floor and a small black GPS rolled out.    


Xia Yihan ran downstairs with the GPS in her hand. The wind outside the building was howling loudly and the fallen leaves fell. The hundreds of millions of yuan mansion was like a lifeless object being hit by the wind outside. It could collapse at any moment.    


"It hurts!" Xia Yihan hugged her stomach and slowly squatted down. The dull pain in her stomach made her realize that a tiny life might descend today.    


"Be good, baby, and hold on a little longer. Mommy will soon take you to a safe place." Xia Yihan endured the pain as she pulled the GPS into the car and drove towards her destination.    


On the empty highway, Ye Zimo had shot someone who wanted to ambush her from behind. Zhang Fengyi gritted his teeth and said, "There are two more people. These people are all mercenaries. I don't know which woman brought them."    


Ye Zimo was completely focused on her surroundings. Suddenly, she frowned and looked toward a place not far away. A red car was speeding towards Ye Zimo. The hulking figure staggered out of the car. After seeing the scene, he was stunned for a moment before suddenly getting back into the car.    


Xia Yihan got back into the car and saw the dark red shadow of the blood. Xia Yihan's heart couldn't help but beat wildly. She was in a daze, waving her arm at him.    


There was blood on that arm, so she couldn't even tell whose it was. However, Xia Yihan knew that Ye Zimo was still safe.    


A figure slowly walked behind the car and approached Ye Zimo's car carefully. Xia Yihan squinted as she saw Ye Zimo holding a grenade in her hand.    


Disregarding everything, Xia Yihan raised her head and shouted towards the side of the car, "grenade! He has grenades in his hands! "    


The man shot towards Xia Yihan in shock. In the next second, a bullet accurately pierced the man's head. Ye Zimo ran towards Xia Yihan without even looking at him.    


Ye Zimo panicked. Her heart felt like it was about to tear. Dark red blood flowed down from the seat to the ground. Ye Zimo's eyes were bloodshot. Her legs could no longer feel her speed and could only stiffly run forward.    


"Yihan …" Ye Zimo could only stammer out these words after a thousand words.    


"I'm fine!" Xia Yihan held her stomach and looked at the window in confusion. Rain started to fall onto the window, bringing with it the sound of the rain, implying that the old was about to be washed.    


"The baby seems to be coming out." Xia Yihan slightly opened her legs, the dark red blood between her thighs was shocking. Ye Zimo gently hugged Xia Yihan, patting Xia Yihan on the shoulder as she kissed this disobedient woman. "Go to sleep. When the storm is over, the one you'll wake up to will definitely be me."    


The little girl in his dream turned around and stretched out her arm towards Xia Yihan with a faint smile on her face. "Baby!"    


Xia Yihan started to move in the air, subconsciously rubbing her flat and empty belly. The wind outside the window was howling, and Xia Yihan looked around in panic.    


"How is it? It's not revived. It's in the emergency room right now. "    


"What a pity! It's been like this since the day I was born. Mom and Dad are dead because of grief!"    


The two nurses chatted outside, not noticing Xia Yihan's pale face. Xia Yihan frantically asked with bare feet, "Where is the emergency ward?!"    


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