Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1041 Wealthy Marriage 969

C1041 Wealthy Marriage 969

She nodded regretfully and caressed the phone in her hand. "That was the first phone that my mother gave me. Afterwards, I was able to earn money and always bought the same phone."    


Before she could react, the phone in her hand was snatched away. Ye Nianmo pulled her up with his big hand and tossed the phone out of her hands. Instantly, she could no longer be seen.    


"What needs to be forgotten needs to be forgotten." He said lightly.    


The two searched around where Hai Zhuoxuan might have gone, and even went to the Lin Family. Lin Ling was not in a good mood, so she could only shake her head with reddened eyes.    


At dusk, the car pulled up in front of the dam, the shimmering surface of the water against the yellow that had disappeared over the horizon.    


"What should we do?" Ding Yiyi looked at the water in frustration. Ye Nianmo leaned against the window and looked at the dam nearby. A father and son were fishing. Their son seemed to be impatient. He kept running around and was scolded by the man beside him before he sat down obediently.    


"I think I know where he is." Ye Nianmo started the car and it shot out like an arrow.    


Within the cemetery, the cold wind had become even colder and the branches had withered even more.    


Tombstone after tombstone was erected on the empty grassland. Regardless of whether it was spring, summer, autumn or winter, a Midnight Cat lazily jumped from tombstone to tombstone. Its blue eyes stared at the two people not far away.    


Ye Chuqing sneezed and pulled her coat tighter around her as the last of the warmth of the sun drained from her.    


Hai Zhuoxuan, who was standing in front of the tombstone without moving, turned his head and said with an indifferent expression, "You can go back."    


"I don't!" Ye Chuqing hurriedly stood beside him and swore her will. Hai Zhuoxuan frowned almost imperceptibly. He turned around and continued to look at the tombstone.    


The person in the photo was still refined. Only by standing here could his heart temporarily be at ease and he would not suffer a fate worse than death.    


At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Chuqing answered in a fluster, "Yixuan!"    


On the other end of the phone, Ye Chuqing seemed to be saying something. "I'm sorry, but I won't be going back to France for the time being. I'm sorry!" I will take good care of myself! "    


After hanging up, Ye Chuqing looked at the tombstone apologetically. Maybe she had disturbed Uncle Hai by answering the phone here.    


"Another pitiful person." Hai Zhuoxuan looked at the tombstone with a hint of ridicule.    


Ye Chuqing didn't hear clearly and asked doubtfully, "Brother Zhuoxuan, what did you say?"    


"I say," he suddenly turned around and said word by word, "Don't you know that Lee Yixuan has always liked you?"    


"How is this possible!?" He has always encouraged me to chase you. " After Ye Chuqing finished speaking, she felt that she had said it too blatantly, so she quickly looked away.    


Hai Zhuoxuan wanted to say something, but his eyes fell on the car that was speeding past nearby. He stood up and looked at the two people who were getting closer and closer to him.    


Ye Chuqing called out nervously, "Brother!"    


Ye Nianmo walked up and glanced at Ye Chuqing. He punched towards his chin and viciously said, "This is for Auntie Lin. Do you know how long she has been crying for?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan straightened his body and looked directly at him, but very soon, his stomach was punched again, "This is for my mom, do you know how much she blames herself for? She was worried that you were about to go crazy!"    


As soon as he said that, Hai Zhuoxuan got another punch on his lower abdomen, "This is for Chuqing. Because of that crappy reason, you made her sad for decades!"    


"Last!" This is for Ding Yiyi, the one who made her cry for so long! " Ye Nianmo raised his fist and punched himself in the chest.    


"Brother!" "Brother Zhuoxuan!" Ye Chuqing wanted to go forward while crying, but Ding Yiyi held her head and shook it silently. This was their unique method to restore their friendship.    


The two men at the scene were both breathing heavily. Hai Zhuoxuan held the tombstone awkwardly with his hand. Suddenly, he bellowed and waved his fist towards Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo did not dodge and took a punch on the cheek. He wiped his torn lips and said coldly, "Again."    


Hai Zhuoxuan waved his fist in a muffled manner. The muffled sound produced by the collision between the muscles was enough to prove that both of them had used most of their strength.    


When the night came and the sky was bright, two men stood on the grass filled with dew. Ye Chuqing wiped the blood from the corner of Hai Zhuoxuan's mouth while crying.    


Ye Nianmo stood up shakily as he looked at Hai Zhuoxuan and said coldly, "The international shopping mall has not resumed construction."    


Hai Zhuoxuan lowered his head, covering his eyes with his bangs. His expression could not be seen. Ye Nianmo's body shook. Ding Yiyi hurried forward to support him.    


He took the opportunity to wrap his arm around her waist, and took a few steps forward before suddenly turning around. His torn lips still revealed a big smile. "The last sentence, I don't want to give you Ding Yiyi anymore, she's mine."    


Ye Nianmo left with wounds all over his body. In the hotel at night, Ye Chuqing was tossing and turning in her sleep, murmuring to herself.    


Hai Zhuoxuan sat on the floor by the window, his face hidden from the light of the bedside lamp. Ye Chuqing turned around again, frowning.    


He stretched out his hand and gently touched her ring finger. The touch between his fingers brought about a similar memory.    


Ye Chuqing slightly moved her ring finger. The anxious expression on her face calmed down, and she slightly moved her ring finger, falling into a deep sleep.    


He let go of his finger, gave him a long look, and left the room. In the early hours of the morning, the only people left on the street were the young people who had played the song every night.    


They roared past him in colorful cars, and he walked slowly, feeling the biting cold.    


The huge building was currently like a abandoned child, and the outline of the building could vaguely be seen. He silently watched, and this was the first step he had spent so much effort to destroy Ye Family.    


"Hey!" "What are you doing here? We're not going to start any more, let's hurry up and go." "… …" "the patrolling worker shouted as he fired a flashlight at him.    


He stood still like a stone statue, the worker cursed in a low voice, then turned around and walked back to his companion's side, sighing, "If I can't do it alone with Ye Family, how can I have the money to teach my children during the Spring Festival?"    


"That's right, I'm counting on this list to save up tuition fees for my child. Now, I want to think of a place to earn more money."    


The wind blew the cement bag under his feet, causing him to lower his head as if he was startled by the wind. After a long time, he expressionlessly turned around, bringing with him his desolation.    


As he walked, he felt the empty space on the street. In his heart, he was walking towards a destination. It was unknown how long he walked for as he arrived at the entrance to his house.    


The one beside him was Ye Family. After his father passed away, his mother chose to continue living here. However, he had left the university in a fluster. To him, this was a cage and a scar.    


He stood in the doorway, the hour hand already pointing to half past two in the morning. There was a light on in the room, and he knew it was his father's study.    


Suddenly, a figure approached from behind the curtain. Then, he stretched out his hands and closed the window. He looked at the somewhat skinny figure behind the curtain and felt extremely stifled.    


"Brother Zhuoxuan." A small voice came from beside him, as if afraid to disturb him, its pitch dropping again and again.    


Ye Chuqing walked out from the corner of the room. Her nose was red from the cold and her lips were cracked. It was difficult for her to lick her lips.    


She was only wearing a woolen sweater. The top and bottom buttons of the sweater were wrongly buttoned, making her look funny. She lowered her head and hurriedly undid the buttons again. "I was in a hurry to come out, so I buttoned it wrongly."    


A pair of hands reached to her eyes. Hai Zhuoxuan casually swept away her hands and helped her undo the buttons one by one before buttoning them back up accordingly.    


She didn't dare look up. Tears were on the back of his hand, and his fingers trembled slightly as he continued buttoning his buttons.    


The light in the room finally dimmed, and the two of them stood under the street lamp, the moths sparse and unwilling to go away around the light yellow gentleness.    


Ye Chuqing kept her head down as she waited for him to turn around and leave. She looked for him for the whole night, and in the end, she could only wait for him to show up. Luckily, she found him again.    


She lowered her head and let her thoughts run wild, until the hand hanging at her side was pulled up, the hand holding his was warm and dry, could wrap around her whole hand, seemed to feel the cold of her palm, and the hand holding hers tightened.    


She walked along with Hai Zhuoxuan in a daze. At her height, she could only see his broad back. She couldn't see his expression, but she could feel the faint smile on the corner of his mouth.    


The wind was strong, and the road was long. The street lamps stretched out the shadows in front and behind, making the long road look short.    


In the ward, Ding Yiyi couldn't remember how many times she asked Ye Bo, "Is he really okay? Have you seen a doctor? "    


Ye Bo stood at the side and smiled. "Young Master is a man after all. He always hopes to leave the best impression in front of his beloved. Miss Yiyi doesn't have to worry about that."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. The door was knocked. Qiu Bai walked in and saw Ye Bo. Their eyes lit up, but no one mentioned anything.    


"Yiyi, how's uncle?" Qiu Bai placed the fruit basket on the table and asked. Ding Yiyi shook her head helplessly. "The doctor said that there's still blood in Daddy's brain. Now we'll see if it's clear through physiotherapy."    


Qiu Bai saw that her mind was in a state of chaos and sighed. "I've already helped you get rid of a lot of work, but this time there's a variety show that I think you should do."    


"A variety show?" I've never been on a variety show before? " Ding Yiyi looked at her in surprise.    


White Ball nodded, "The last time you played with a Paris designer's pigeon, it did not have a good effect. The company arranged for you to go. You have to go there and record it in a week."    


Ding Yiyi nodded helplessly. At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Chuqing's voice sounded like she was crying, "Sister Sister Yiyi, Zhuoxuan is gone. I can't find him."    


By the time Ding Yiyi's group had rushed over, Ye Chuqing's tears were already flowing down as a circle of Ye Family bodyguards stood around her.    


"He must have left me behind. That's why he called Dad and left." Ye Chuqing burped as she cried.    


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