Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1111 Wealthy Marriage 1039

C1111 Wealthy Marriage 1039

"Sorry everyone, I've caused you trouble." Ding Yiyi bowed her head in apology. Tears welled up in her eyes as she bowed. She bit her lower lip to prevent them from falling.    


Director Wu was shocked. He really wanted to tell Ding Yiyi to just admit defeat. However, the words were stuck in his throat and he could only look at her regretfully.    


There was total silence. In the end, Director Wu was the first to speak, "Let's act out the next scene. This round will stop for a while."    


Qiu Bai let out a long sigh. She ran to Ding Yiyi's side to comfort her, only to see Ding Yiyi greeting her with a smile. There was not a single trace of cowardice in her eyes other than guilt.    


"In the next second, drink the juice from the young female lead. Scenic Master, get ready."    


After Director Wu shouted, one of the assistants took out a glass of juice and handed it to Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi took it and frowned, "Director, can you change the taste? I'm allergic to peach juice."    


"No." Director Wu was also very bitter, but he still refused.    


Ding Yiyi knew the consequences of drinking it, but she didn't want to be a burden to her progress anymore. With the director shouting "action", she slowly put the juice to her lips. The sweet fruit fragrance was like poppies to her.    


"Wait a minute!" An unfamiliar man hurried over from the crowd and whispered something into Director Wu's ear. Director Wu's expression relaxed, "Stop, you don't need to drink this fruit juice. Change to an apple one."    


At a tall building not far away, a solemn man put down his telescope. Ye Nianmo frowned deeply as he held the railing with both of his hands, with strength that could be seen by the veins in his body.    


Ye Bo sighed. The young master still didn't want Ding Yiyi to suffer too much. Otherwise, if she just drank that cup of juice, then her goal would be achieved.    


At the scene, Ding Yiyi finished drinking the juice very smoothly and went back to the other high jump that she was most afraid of. She swallowed her saliva with great difficulty when she saw that strange man walk over, "Boss said that if you can't complete all the actions before 5 o'clock this afternoon, it would be considered as a violation of the rules."    


"5 PM!" Qiu Bai shouted. She had a vague feeling that something was very wrong. Ding Yiyi could not complete the contract at 5 PM. Thinking of the sky-high penalty fee made her anxious.    


At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Ding Yiyi kneeled on the ground with a weak leg. Her face was pale and her expression was a little dazed. Director Wu sighed and left with a shake of his head.    


"Yiyi!" Qiu Bai knew that the situation wasn't good. She blamed herself and said, "Sorry, Yi Yi. It was my fault. If I had asked them more about the filming, I would have said that it was their fault."    


Ding Yiyi forced a smile. "It doesn't matter, I can go back to France to work, and with my savings, I can just pay back a little."    


Qiu Bai looked at her feigned strength. She really couldn't tell her the several tens of millions she owed. She initially thought it was impossible, so she agreed. She didn't expect her to be so arrogant.    


"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Qiu Bai knelt on the ground beside Ding Yiyi, blaming herself as she tried to think of a way to help Ding Yiyi pay back the money as much as possible.    


A car drove past them and Ye Bo silently got off, "Miss Yiyi, let's go."    


Ding Yiyi looked at him blankly, but Qiu Bai immediately understood. "It was all your doing!"    


Ye Bo looked at her helplessly. Silence was tacit consent. They had indeed used Qiu Bai's usually confident weakness to set up this trap. Only Qiu Bai could make Ding Yiyi jump in without any warning.    


"You are all too shameless." Qiu Bai's lips were trembling. Her heart was filled with endless self-blame, and she was the one at fault.    


Her hand was gently held by someone, and she turned her head with a slightly dazed look. Ding Yiyi smiled gently at her, then looked at Ye Bo with an indifferent expression, "So I owe Ye Nianmo tens of millions, right?"    


Ye Bo looked at the unusually calm her and nodded, "Yes."    


"Tell Director Ye, I can't afford to pay. I choose to go to jail." Ding Yiyi said plainly. Her eyes only swept over Ye Bo before she looked away, because she didn't want anyone to see the fear in her eyes.    


Ye Bo sighed inaudibly. What the young master said was right, Ding Yiyi would definitely lose money in prison rather than stay by his side peacefully. "Miss Yiyi, once you go to jail, your father and other relatives will be exposed."    


As expected, Ding Yiyi shuddered. Qiu Bai gritted her teeth. "Forced love cannot last long!"    


Ye Bo looked at her with a sad expression. He wanted to say something, but he didn't. After a long while, Ding Yiyi let go of Qiu Bai's hand. Her face was ashen. "Let's go."    


Immediately, someone got out of the car to open the door. Ding Yiyi gave Qiu Bai one last glance before resolutely turning around and getting into the car.    


Ye Bo looked at his watch in silence. He took a few steps forward and stretched out his left hand, making a gesture of wanting to pull Qiu Bai back, but she shook her head, "I always felt that age makes two people have different moods and view things from different angles. It's only now that I realize that scheming is the true scary barrier."    


"Xiao Qiu, I must obey the young master's orders." Ye Bo's tone was slow, like a dying old man. He couldn't say anything against his will to make her happy.    


Qiu Bai glared at him. "Disgusting!" She looked at the car apologetically. She had already decided who she was going to ask for help, so she walked with firm steps.    


When they just arrived at the Ye Family gate, Ding Yiyi spoke up, "Go find Qiu Bai. She is a person of extreme ability, if you don't go find her, you will really lose her."    


Her words made Ye Bo tighten his grip on the briefcase. He knew she was right, but his words were in a straight line, "Young Master told me to send you to Ye Family safely."    


Ding Yiyi suddenly laughed, "But love only happens once. Ye Bo, don't worry, I believe there are people monitoring me from all directions right?"    


Ye Bo was silent. After a long while, he said as if he made up his mind, "Miss Yiyi, thank you!"    


"Go." Ding Yiyi stopped smiling and turned around to look out the window at the familiar yet unfamiliar building.    


Ye Bo got off the car straightforwardly and instructed the bodyguards to protect Ding Yiyi before leaving in a hurry. Ding Yiyi got off the car with a face full of makeup and an indifferent expression.    


Her Ye Family had not changed, and even the grass did not seem to have grown and aged before. She stood silently in front of the door, and the black clad man accompanying her did not urge her, but only stood by her side.    


After a long while, she slowly walked towards the door but unexpectedly met Ao Xue who had just walked out. Ao Xue was accompanied by three servants, all of whom seemed to be very careful.    


The two of them looked at each other from afar. Ao Xue took a few steps back after seeing her. Ding Yiyi walked towards her with an indifferent expression. She retreated, but there was no way to shorten the distance between them.    


In the end, Ding Yiyi still walked up to her. Ding Yiyi looked at Ao Xue's stomach in silence, her eyes emotionless. Ao Xue said in a hoarse voice, "Why did you come back?"    


Ding Yiyi looked up. "Why do you think I came back?"    


"No, that's impossible." Ao Xue slightly shook her head as she gasped for breath, seemingly unable to accept this fact. Suddenly, she hugged her stomach and screamed as she bent down. "My stomach!"    


Ding Yiyi looked coldly at the flustered servants as they held Ao Xue. "Are you pretending again?"    


"I'm not pretending. My stomach really hurts." Ao Xue had a pained expression on her face as beads of sweat the size of beans slid down her forehead. She tightly held onto the servant's arm as she moaned in a low voice.    


"Young Master!" The first thing the butler saw when he heard the news was Ye Nianmo walking towards them with big strides. Ding Yiyi turned her head and met Ye Nianmo's gaze.    


Ye Nianmo just glanced at her for a second before his gaze landed on Ao Xue's stomach. He walked to Ao Xue's side, bent down, and hugged her.    


Ao Xue laid her hands helplessly on his shoulders and said in a sad tone, "Nianmo, my stomach hurts so much."    


Ding Yiyi watched as Ye Nianmo carried Ao Xue and left with big steps. All the servants left. She was the only one left in the bustling yard.    


She stood there without moving because she did not know where she was going. Wherever she went, she did not feel a sense of belonging. Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door.    


Fu Fengyi was well-deserved to have been around the world for dozens of years. She was calm and didn't even show a trace of surprise at Ding Yiyi's sudden appearance. She turned to the butler, "Arrange a room for her."    


The steward carefully tried to gauge the old lady's mood. After some hesitation, he said, "Come with me."    


Without any luggage, Ding Yiyi followed him out. After walking for an unknown amount of time, the butler pointed at a row of rooms and said, "You can stay with servants for the time being."    


Ding Yiyi didn't seem to be in any mood. She only nodded quietly. Just as the butler was about to leave, she suddenly asked, "Has your Young Master been getting along well with Ao Xue recently?"    


The butler looked at her, "We are servants, so we can't figure out the meaning behind their actions."    


Ding Yiyi nodded and turned around. The door was gently closed as she looked at the spacious room. Even though it was a servants' room, it was actually more spacious and comfortable than an ordinary home.    


Her body was sticky and her thoughts were muddled. She wanted to take a bath and empty her mind, but she knew that nothing here belonged to her except herself.    


She paced back and forth in the room, a little agitated. Finally, she stepped into the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, the tap turned out cold water.    


When her fingers touched the icy water, they immediately turned red. A shiver ran through her entire body, but she didn't stop taking off her clothes. Right now, she really needed to calm down.    


Her clothes fell to the ground one by one. She stood under the head of the shower, her warm body colliding with the cold water. She clenched her teeth, her body trembling physically. A thin layer of goosebumps appeared on her fair skin.    


After a long while, she finally walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her cold body. She laid on the bed with her head leaning against the soft pillow, then she couldn't help but fall into a deep sleep.    


Her hot breath sprayed on her delicate neck. She woke up with a whimper and met her gentle eyes. Ye Nianmo put both of his arms around her neck, locking her in place.    


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