Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1117 Married to a Rich Family 1045

C1117 Married to a Rich Family 1045

Ding Yiyi returned to the hall and looked around. As expected, there was no one there. Ye Chuyun had already left and there were more people in the hall.    


The host on stage started to host with the microphone and the crowd began to gather in front of him. Ye Nianmo came in after them. His eyes were heavy. No matter how casually he stood, he would easily become the focus of the audience.    


"Ladies and gentlemen, after the opening of the international shopping mall, it has successfully become a landmark in the Dongjiang City, and the Ye Group will continue to work hard for the prosperity of the Dongjiang City in the future."    


The host's official words were spoken beautifully, and the rest of the people also clapped together. The host changed the topic, "Today, we have invited a lucky star from Ye Group. Leave it to the old lady to speak for us."    


Ye Nianmo frowned. He subconsciously tried to find where Ding Yiyi was, but he was blocked by someone. Ao Xue smiled gently at him, as if everything he saw was her imagination.    


Even though Fu Fengyi was old, the noble aura on her body seemed to be as if it was natural as day, and every movement she made was like the demeanor of everyone present. She looked around the scene, and slowly said, "I'm very happy to be able to see so many unfamiliar faces here today, and the future of Dongjiang City is all dependent on you elites."    


As expected, Fu Fengyi paused for a moment before she continued: "Our Ye Family will soon receive a new life, he will continue extending the glory of our Ye Family, and it will also be the hope of our Ye Family."    


The surrounding people congratulated Ao Xue one after another. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that although Young Master Ye just brought in that pretty girl, it was this woman who won the party alone.    


As Ding Yiyi backed away, Fu Fengyi's gaze faintly swept over her from the stage. She understood now that all of this was just a show of force against her. It was to tell her that even if Ye Nianmo loved her, did she still have a way to control his marriage?    


How laughable. Ding Yiyi slightly nodded at the line of sight she cast towards the stage, then left in big strides, trying her best to look strong and steady. Her blue skirt swayed along the smooth marble floor, and everyone moved forward, leaving only her blue figure moving towards the door.    


"Miss Yiyi." The moment Ding Yiyi walked out of the hall, Ye Bo's voice came from behind her.    


"I'll take you back." Ye Bo took out his Car key, and the hall was filled with applause. Ding Yiyi turned around and left in a hurry, not even taking her coat.    


When the cold wind blew, she couldn't help but shiver. She looked at the two people being surrounded in the crowd. Ao Xue gently held Ye Nianmo's arm. The crowd was crowded, so Ye Nianmo's hand naturally blocked in front of her to prevent the crowd from hurting her.    


Ye Bo stood behind her and said, "Miss Yiyi, let's go."    


The lights of the car cut through the night and headed towards the Ye Family. Ding Yiyi looked out the window at the scenery passing by, and Ye Bo calmly answered the phone with his blue teeth.    


She didn't want to look like an abandoned woman who had run away, so she forced a smile on her face and waited for Ye Bo to hang up, then said, "You're so busy."    


Ye Bo glanced at her from the rearview mirror and also smiled, "Young Master has two phones, one is for me to filter, the other is for my family," he emphasized, "Even Miss Au Xue doesn't have that number."    


Ding Yiyi listened quietly. She looked out of the window and saw that it was a pedestrian street, where the young girls were all wrapped up in scarves. The boy beside her took his hand out of his coat and covered her ears.    


When the car left the street, Ding Yiyi turned back and gave Ye Bo a sweet smile. "Thank you."    


Returning to the Ye Family, Dou Dou immediately surrounded her, "Yi Yi, you're so beautiful!"    


Ding Yiyi forced a smile at her. The thin laces of her high heels hurt a lot. She took off her shoes and held them in her hand as she walked into the room.    


She turned on the light, not even taking off her clothes. She stared blankly at the dim light on the wall. After a long while, she took out her cell phone and said, "Qiu Bai is me."    


"Yiyi!" How are you? I've always wanted to call you, but I was worried that it would cause you trouble! " The concern in Qiu Bai's voice was obvious, and Ding Yiyi felt an inexplicable warmth.    


"I'm fine. Do you have time tomorrow? I want to talk to you. " Ding Yiyi walked in front of the window and found that she could see the mountain in front of her from this angle. The lights on the mountain were faintly discernible. After hanging up the phone, she sent a message to Ye Bo and sat outside the window in a daze.    


He took out his phone. At the moment he read the message, he was grateful to Ding Yiyi, but personally, he was more inclined to be together with the young master, because that was just his thought.    


He hurried up the stairs. There were not many people left in the banquet hall. The young master and the madame were not there. Ao Xue stood by the side and chatted with the others.    


Seeing him, Ao Xue smiled. "Grandma and Nianmo are in the meeting room discussing something."    


Ye Bo nodded at her, then turned around and prepared to leave. "Ye Bo," Ao Xue called out to him from behind, "Please take care of me in Ye Family, especially after the child is born."    


Ye Bo turned around to face her. Without retorting or saying anything, he politely bowed to her and left with big strides. Ao Xue rubbed her belly as her gaze turned profound.    


In the meeting room, Ye Nianmo stood in front of the windowsill. With a solemn expression, he said, "Grandma, I hope this will be the last time you can take the initiative to make a suggestion."    


"Grandson, grandma is doing this for your own good. I think that child Ao Xue can become the mother of Ye Family, not to mention that she still has a grandson in her womb."    


A hint of regret appeared on Fu Fengyi's delicate face. "Grandmother, I'm already very old. I don't know when I'll go find your grandfather, so I want to see my great-grandson and hug him for a limited amount of time."    


Ye Nianmo's expression was a bit moved, but there was also a bit of gentleness in his solemn expression, "But grandma, my heart is only with Ding Yiyi. She is sad that you did this, and it hurts more to see her hurt me. You are hurting me, grandma."    


Fu Fengyi retreated a few steps back. His words made her at a loss of what to do. Ye Nianmo pinched the bridge of his nose, "Grandmother, I'll be leaving first."    


He opened the door and saw Ye Bo standing outside. "Miss Yiyi has gone home."    


Ye Nianmo nodded, "I'll go back by myself. Take care of Grandma."    


"Ye Family," Ding Yiyi sneezed. She stretched her frozen arms but still did not want to leave, much less sleep. The door opened and Ye Nianmo stood at the doorway.    


He watched the moonlight fall on her cheeks, the blue hem of her dress slanting down from the window sill, the wind lifting her hair to reveal her small, delicate ears.    


Was there a sudden moment where he felt that the woman before him was about to fly across the wind in the next second, but he could not bear to disturb her beauty.    


"I'm back." Ding Yiyi turned her head and looked into his eyes. She neither evaded nor felt sad. She just stared at him, unperturbed.    


Ye Nianmo walked in front of him. He bent over and looked at her. Her long hair brushed against his neck. Ye Nianmo bent down slightly to pick her up from the windowsill and gently put her on the bed.    


"Ye Nianmo, I'm tired." Ding Yiyi laid on the bed with her eyes closed and said lightly.    


Ye Nianmo sat on the edge of the bed and gently patted the blanket with his big hands.    


The atmosphere was calm after barely maintaining. No one said anything. After who knows how long, there was a knock on the door and the butler's voice came, "Miss Au Xue is not feeling well. She wants young master to come over and take a look."    


Ding Yiyi's body moved. She rolled onto her side and said, "You can go. Maybe there's something I need you for."    


She heard the sound of material being groped. A big hand gently touched her head. "I'll be back soon."    


Ye Nianmo went to Ao Xue's room, and as soon as he entered, Ao Xue threw herself into her arms. "Nianmo, I'm dreaming.    


"Ao Xue, enough." Ye Nianmo easily pulled her arm away from his neck. His expression was calm and his eyes were clear.    


"Nianmo, why are you so fierce?" Are you angry about what happened tonight? I don't know anything about it, and I only knew it last. " Ao Xue looked at him with a wronged expression.    


Ye Nianmo was an arm's length away from her, "After you give birth to your child, you will leave the Ye Family. This decision will not change."    


Ao Xue was stunned for a moment. With a sad and cold smile, she said, "I know. I haven't forgotten. From now on, you and Yi Yi will raise this child. I won't disturb you."    


Ye Nianmo's expression became gentler. This gentleness was even more sarcastic and sad in Ao Xue's eyes. She tried to pull his hand and put it on her stomach, "Can you accompany me tonight? I really had nightmares. "    


Under the orange light, Ao Xue didn't let go of Ye Nianmo's hand even for a second. Her eyebrows were knitted slightly, and her face was full of worry. The light made the two of them look very long.    


And on the other side of the room was the same sad figure, walking up and down the room, her feet on the soft wool blanket, the moonlight gradually fading into the clouds, sad and lonely.    


"Miss Yiyi, go to sleep. Young Master won't be back." The housekeeper stood at the door and looked at the child who was always a bit worried. The first time he saw her, she was quite optimistic and cheerful. It was unknown when it had started, but the child's face was filled with sadness.    


"Thank you." Ding Yiyi smiled at him and turned to hide the loneliness in her eyes. She knew he wouldn't come back.    


In the morning, Ding Yiyi slowly opened her eyes. There was no sleepiness in her eyes. She had been awake all night, numb all night, waiting for an entire night with the thought of not having any hope, even though she knew it was hopeless.    


"Ha Qiu!" She fiercely sneezed, got up, put on her clothes and opened the wardrobe. The maid costume she usually wore had already disappeared, replaced by a whole new wardrobe full of clothes.    


She had to choose a white shirt and get dressed to eat in the maid's dining room. Dou Dou saw her and opened her mouth in shock. "Why did you come, no, Miss Yiyi."    


"What's wrong?" Ding Yiyi could feel everyone's different attitudes towards her. Her head was aching, but she still forced herself to stay alert.    


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