Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1258 Married to a Rich Family 1186

C1258 Married to a Rich Family 1186

Although Adai wanted to stay by Ding Yiyi's side, she was making it harder for him. Halfway through the fight, he stopped and said, "I won't fight anymore!" It's not fun! "    


Ding Yiyi had already retreated to the wall, but could only helplessly say, "Ah Dai, you can't avoid a fight."    


Staring at Ding Yiyi with his cheeks puffed up, Adai tried to use a fake move to pull her away, but he was held back by another man.    


With the excuse of stopping a business car, Ding Yiyi's man had already grabbed her and pushed her into the car.    


When she was being pushed into the car, she heard Adai's heart-wrenching screams, "There's something wrong with his intelligence. It's very easy to be tricked while he's at Las Vegas, can you guys bring him along as well?"    


The men in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat ignored her, so she had to turn around anxiously. Adai was running behind the car as if he was shouting something.    


People's speed still couldn't keep up with the speed of cars. After turning a corner, they finally couldn't see Adai anymore. Ding Yiyi turned her head around in desolation.    


Now it was clear that she had no way to escape. What would Jie Yang do to her? Kill her or use her to lure Yu Lan out?    


The car continued on the main road. The man didn't say a word, and Ding Yiyi was so happy that she was lost in her own thoughts. She knew that it would be Gamble King's birthday in half a month, so if it really was Yangjie, then her life might really be in danger!    


She waited with trepidation for the final verdict, and when the car pulled into a two-story house, the man in black seemed to be taking no precautions against her, taking her out of the car without doing anything.    


There was a person sitting in the living room, Ding Yiyi's eyes were filled with surprise. Although she had tried her best to hide it, the expression on her face was still reflected in the clouds.    


"You're surprised to see me. What? Have you seen me before?" Yun Xiao walked up to Yu Lan and took a sniff. It was indeed the fragrance Yu Lan had given her when she returned home that day.    


Ding Yiyi tried her best to remain calm. "I thought they were Yangjie's men."    


"Really?" Then can you tell me who you are? " Yun Xiao calmly smiled. At the beginning, she thought that this woman was interested in Lan Lan, so she couldn't help but take a look. Now, it seemed that this woman was much more interesting than she had imagined.    


Before Ding Yiyi could say anything, a servant entered the room. "Madam, Young Master Ye is here."    


Young Master Ye? Could it be Ye Nianmo? Ding Yiyi's arm twitched and she quickly turned around to comb her hair. Ding Yiyi's actions made her curious, "Let Young Master Ye come straight over."    


Ye Nianmo walked in with big strides. His eyes swept across Ding Yiyi and then fell on Yun Xiao, "Auntie Yun, how is Uncle Yu?"    


Looking at Ye Nianmo's face, it was as if he didn't know Ding Yiyi. She said, "It's alright, I've been fighting with Jie Yang's people for quite some time, so I might have to wait until his birthday half a month later. Jie Yang can't stop him from appearing."    


Ye Nianmo took out a Pad and flipped through it, "But we must have been very cautious that day."    


"That's right, but he was the only one who could find Gamble King that day." Yu Lan smiled as she patted Ye Nianmo's shoulder. When she saw Ding Yiyi, she was stunned.    


"What is it? "Very familiar?" Yun Yun saw that he had been staring at the woman he had found, and his face turned cold.    


Yu Lan quickly returned to her senses, smiled, and said, "Of course not. That's the correct reaction from seeing someone I know."    


Ye Nianmo's gaze finally met Ding Yiyi's once again. He recognized her as the woman who jumped down with Yu Lan.    


Ding Yiyi felt a little guilty under his focused gaze. She shifted her eyes away uncomfortably until she found a familiar body standing in front of her.    


"Who are you?" Ye Nianmo's voice was cold and emotionless. He looked at her with a cold gaze.    


Ding Yiyi opened her mouth and only after a long while did she speak. "I'm just an ordinary person."    


She knew that Ye Nianmo was examining her, so she could only try her best to match his gaze with hers and act calm.    


Ye Nianmo finally looked away and looked at Yu Lan and Yun Yang. Yu Lan winked at the servant and the servant walked up to Ding Yiyi, "Miss, please come with me."    


Ding Yiyi did not dare to stay longer than a second. She did not even dare to look at Ye Nianmo as she hurriedly followed the servant out.    


The living room fell into silence once again. Ye Nianmo opened his mouth, "Bring her there on Gamble King's birthday. I suspect that she's either from Gamble King or Jie Yang's side."    


Yu Lan frowned, "Are you saying that she might have been acting that day? She might have been Gamble King's person, or Jie Yang's person."    


"Then what should we do?" Yun Xiao was somewhat worried.    


Ye Nianmo pondered a little longer than last time, "The best way is to put the bomb by my side." He turned around and looked at Yu Lan, "Tomorrow I will go and survey the terrain of Gamble King's birthday site, and I will take her with me."    


"Is this too dangerous for you?" Yu Lan was very touched. Gamble King was his friend and he had an obligation to help his friend, but Ye Family had nothing to do with this matter. It was not easy for him to help a friend.    


Ye Nianmo's expression was even more serious than before, "Uncle Yu, actually, I have something that I need your help with."    


In the guest room, Ding Yiyi looked at the furnishings in the room. Her heart was still beating fast. She didn't know if this was heaven's will or not. Even if she changed her face, she still couldn't get rid of Ye Nianmo.    


The door was pushed open. Ye Nianmo stood at the door and said coldly, "Come with me."    


The moment she stepped out of the door, Ye Nianmo had already disappeared from sight. Ding Yiyi had no choice but to follow him with small steps.    


There was no obstruction along the way. There was a business car parked outside the house. Before Ding Yiyi could get on the car, it started moving. Her head hit the window.    


She let out a low cry of pain, but the person driving in the driver's seat did not even look back as they sped forward. After who knows how long, the car finally stopped in front of a hotel.    


Ye Nianmo got out of the car first, opened the back seat door and peeked in. He said without any emotion in his voice, "Don't play any tricks for me, or I won't show mercy."    


With that, he walked into the hotel. In order to keep an eye on Ding Yiyi, Ye Nianmo chose a presidential suite.    


As soon as they entered the room, he pulled Ding Yiyi into a guest room. "You can only stay here."    


He turned to leave, but the woman's voice came from behind him, "Excuse me?"    


"What is it?" He turned around, his face filled with impatience.    


Ding Yiyi's eyes were a little hot and moist. She had never seen Ye Nianmo be this impatient before. When he forgets about Ding Yiyi in the future, his attitude towards her would be the same as well.    


Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ye Nianmo turned around and was about to leave when his sleeve was caught. He suddenly raised his hand and said, "Another one, you're not allowed to touch me."    


Ding Yiyi was forced back a few steps by his actions before she managed to stand firmly on the wall. She whispered, "I was just wondering if I could help me find a friend. He's like a child, I'm worried about him."    


Ye Nianmo looked at her meaningfully, "I have no obligation to help you."    


Seeing him turn around so quickly, Ding Yiyi lowered her head and muttered, "That's right, you have no obligation."    


At noon, Ye Nianmo brought Ding Yiyi to the dining room for lunch. A waiter brought two cups of watertight peach juice, "Hello, this is a free drink from the hotel today."    


Ding Yiyi's scalp went numb the moment she smelled the watertight peach juice. Worried that Ye Nianmo would notice something abnormal, she carefully observed him and found that he seemed to be lost in some sort of memory as he stared at the liquid in the cup in a daze.    


After a long while, he looked away and noticed that the beautiful woman in front of him seemed to be resisting the tea too. "You don't like it?"    


Ding Yiyi was surprised by his observation skills. Out of a guilty conscience, she hastily shook her head. "No."    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows. He was even more suspicious of this woman in his heart. She seemed to want to intentionally keep a distance from him?    


He reached out his hand and pushed the watertight peach juice in front of Ding Yiyi, his eyes full of curiosity.    


Ding Yiyi swallowed her saliva and slowly accepted the cup of peach juice. The strong fragrance of the fruit assaulted her nostrils and under the gaze of the people in front of her, she could only pick up the cup quickly.    


A pale yellow liquid flowed into her mouth. Her taste buds were filled with the taste of watermelon. After taking a sip, she put it down and cut her steak.    


Ye Nianmo did not say anything else. After dinner, he got on the elevator and a drunk man staggered out of the elevator door. Ding Yiyi was hit by the car and leaned towards Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo watched as the woman in front of him crashed into the elevator door. She rubbed her nose in pain, while kicking the elevator door as if she didn't want to vent her anger.    


As he looked at her, he could not help but think of Ding Yiyi. That woman was also the same. She would wrinkle her nose when she was hit, and even kick something when she was not satisfied.    


When the elevator door opened, Ding Yiyi was pulled out of the elevator mercilessly. Ye Nianmo returned to the elevator and didn't even bat an eye at her face.    


Ding Yiyi watched in astonishment as the elevator doors closed again. She felt an itch in her arm and subconsciously reached out to scratch it. Instantly, a lot of red spots appeared on her arm.    


As soon as she returned to her room, not only her arms, but many red spots appeared on her neck. With a headache and short breath, she laid down on her bed and rolled around in pain.    


It was as if thousands of ants were crawling all over her body, but there was nothing she could do. She could only lie down on the bed and bite the blanket. Her tears dampened the pillow. In the darkness, she struggled in loneliness.    


His skin was itching even more! She rushed into the bathroom and turned on the shower. The Las Vegas at night had a bone chilling effect. The cold water wetted her body, alleviating the itch, causing her to tremble in the corner. She could only rely on the photo in her phone to constantly cheer herself up.    


Bar outside the hotel    


Ye Nianmo drank all the liquid in his cup in one gulp, then took out an outrageous piece of paper from his pocket. Under the dim light, he opened it and looked at it word by word.    


The words inside were heartlessly heartless, but he was looking at it very seriously. His eyes even showed a hint of warmth.    


It was a long night, and he was alone in the bar, and she was alone and unaccompanied.    


At four in the morning, Ding Yiyi, who had finally fallen asleep and was wrapped in a blanket, was shaken awake. She stood up in a daze. The blanket slipped onto her shoulders but she did not notice. "What is it?"    


"Put your clothes on." Ye Nianmo's voice was cold as he quickly walked out the door with his back facing her.    


Ding Yiyi immediately sobered up. When she looked down, she was so embarrassed that she immediately crawled into bed. The blush on her face didn't leave her face until she went out the door.    


The Las Vegas in the early hours of the morning did not stop just because of time. The constant stream of people entering and exiting the casino clearly showed the charm of the Nightless City.    


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