Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C444 Favorite Marriage 376

C444 Favorite Marriage 376

He ended the call, but she still hadn't gotten the answer she wanted.    


His indifference must have been an act, she thought he must have been an act!    


Xia Yihan did not believe him. She called his cell phone again and turned it off.    


Lee Heetai went to buy shoes for Xia Yihan. When he came back, he knocked on the door but she didn't hear him.    


Afraid that something would happen to her, he quickly took the spare room card and entered her room. Only then did he see her sitting on the floor, pressing her cell phone with tears all over her face.    


"What's going on?" Lee Heetai no longer had his usual elegance and calmness. He immediately threw down the things in his hands and ran in front of Xia Yihan.    


"I can't contact him?" Xia Yihan cried out like a child.    


Lee Heetai was heartbroken when she was so excited, so he hugged her and let her lean against his chest. He gently caressed her back and said extremely gently, "I understand, I understand. I'll help you contact him. There's no rush. Good girl, let's calm down."    


Xia Yihan seemed to have found someone to lean on. She tightly held onto the corner of Lee Heetai's clothes and cried for a long time.    


He patted her back patiently, and after a while she calmed down.    


"Did you see the news?" Lee Heetai's eyes had already caught a glimpse of the computer screen.    


Xia Yihan usually did not go online often, so he thought that she would not notice it. But he also knew that the news was overwhelming and that she would find out sooner or later.    


He just wanted her to know later, to care less.    


He had still underestimated the place Ye Zimo occupied in her heart. It was deeply ingrained in her heart. No matter how far she hid or how hard she forced a smile, it was still something she couldn't forget.    


Lee Heetai had already guessed that it was Ye Zimo who was in danger this time. As soon as the matter settled, Princess Ya Hui went to the East River and had such a high-profile relationship with Ye Zimo.    


He also didn't think that all of this was a coincidence. He also thought the same as Xia Yihan that Ye Zimo had been threatened by Princess Ya Hui.    


That woman was truly hateful. Lee Heetai was getting more and more disgusted with her.    


Xia Yihan nodded and said, "I saw it, Brother Heetai. I feel that Ye Zimo is such a responsible man, he wouldn't casually have children with her. Especially for a woman like Princess Ya Hui, he was even less likely to have children with her. He must have been held back by her. I asked Ye Zimo if it was because of me, and he said it wasn't. He hung up before I could reach him. I want to see him, I want to ask him face to face, I must get to the bottom of this! "    


"Alright, I'll bring you back to your home immediately. We'll have an international flight tonight, let's go back on the other side."    


Knowing that Xia Yihan would be extremely anxious, Lee Heetai immediately agreed.    


"Thank you, Brother Heetai."    


"Silly Girl." Lee Heetai touched her hair and smiled warmly.    


He called his assistant and soon the ticket arrived. They arrived at the Dongjiang River at noon the next day.    


"Rest for a while, until the time is right." Lee Heetai said to Xia Yihan.    


"I don't want to rest. I want to see him now."    


"Alright, then let's go see him now. I'll drive you there now."    


Lee Heetai drove at a moderate pace. This made Xia Yihan not too anxious, but it also ensured her safety.    


He was willing to do whatever he wanted with her, and he felt happy inside when he doted on her.    


Xia Yihan knew she owed Lee Heetai too much. However, at this moment, her heart was tied to Ye Zimo. She couldn't thank him, nor did she have the energy to think about how to repay him in the future.    


Lee Heetai's Bentley was stopped by security guards at the entrance of Ye Zimo's villa. Xia Yihan lowered her car window and said softly, "It's me!"    


"Sorry, Mr Ye said that if you came, you are not allowed to enter." Of course Security Officer knew Xia Yihan, they also wanted to let her go, but it was Ye Zimo's personal request. They didn't want to lose their job, so they had to follow the rules.    


Xia Yihan had already expected this. If Ye Zimo could be so cold to her on the phone, it was very likely that she wouldn't be allowed into this mansion.    


When she left, she wanted to never come back. She had never thought that she would be standing here again so soon. The person she loved and hated had actually disqualified her from entering this place.    


The feelings in her heart were indescribably complicated. There was discomfort, heartache, and also an indescribable sweetness.    


She was not stupid. She could guess that this was Ye Zimo's protection for her, even though he might not admit it.    


"Could I trouble you to inform the butler that I'm here and would like to go in?" Xia Yihan said to a Security Officer.    


"Please wait a moment."    


Originally, Ye Zimo had instructed them not to even report it, but in the end, the Security Officer had unwillingly made the decision to report it to the butler.    


Recently, Princess Ya Hui had become the mistress of Ye Family and openly lived here, pairing with Ye Zimo and doing their utmost to please her. The butler was truly anxious and angry, but what could he do?    


Upon hearing that Xia Yihan had returned, the butler felt as if he had seen his savior.    


At this time, Princess Ya Hui and Ye Zimo were sitting in the pavilion, chatting. Princess Ya Hui would occasionally lean her head against Ye Zimo's arm, appearing to be a little girl.    


The butler cast a glance of disgust at Princess Ya Hui from a distance, walked in front of them and reported loudly, "Mr Ye, our Young Madame Ye is back."    


Ye Zimo's face darkened. She said coldly, "This is no longer her home. She has no right to enter. Let her out."    


Princess Ya Hui studied Ye Zimo's expression. Seeing the change in his expression, she immediately guessed what had happened.    


"Is that Xia Yihan?" She came to you? " Princess Ya Hui asked.    


Fortunately, she didn't understand Chinese. "No, it's a woman from the past. She kept bothering me and chased me away many times. She didn't even need to use her dignity to search for me again and again."    


"Is that so? There was such a woman? Ye Zimo, come with me to take a look. " Princess Ya Hui smiled sweetly, then stood up to hold onto Ye Zimo's arm.    


Ye Zimo glanced at the butler. He could see the blame in Ye Zimo's eyes.    


At this moment, the butler was somewhat regretful. He only wanted Xia Yihan to chase Princess Ya Hui away, but he had forgotten Princess Ya Hui's position. How could Xia Yihan match up to her dignity?    


Besides, no one knew what Ye Zimo was thinking. Right now, he was completely obedient to Princess Ya Hui. If Xia Yihan saw this, wouldn't he die from discomfort?    


He wanted to slap himself twice, but it was too late.    


He only hoped that Ye Zimo would say something and not go out with Princess Ya Hui. Unexpectedly, Ye Zimo turned to smile gently and said, "Alright."    


Although it was in Chinese, Princess Ya Hui still understood the simple and good words.    


She had originally thought that Ye Zimo was avoiding her because it was Xia Yihan. She hadn't thought that he would agree to go out with her so generously. She wondered if she had guessed wrongly.    


She had been feeling very tired these past two days. If it weren't for Xia Yihan, she wouldn't have been interested in going out for a walk.    


"I'm a little tired. Forget it, I'm not going." Princess Ya Hui said.    


"Okay, butler, send that woman away!" Ye Zimo said coldly. This time, the housekeeper felt like he had been granted amnesty and quickly agreed, "Yes, Mr Ye. I will let her go immediately."    


Just as the butler finished speaking, he heard Soong Wanting's voice not far away: "Zimo, I heard that Xia Yihan is at the door." How could he not let her in? Although you two have broken up, there are still a lot of her things here, she might be... Sorry, I forgot Your Highness was here. But it doesn't matter, she doesn't understand Chinese. "    


Soong Wanting's provocative words made Princess Ya Hui, who had originally wanted to return to her room to rest, change her expression. She stared coldly at Ye Zimo.    


She could not understand other words, but she was already very familiar with the name Xia Yihan.    


"Ye Zimo!" "It seems that I'll have to trouble you to come out with me and visit Xia Yihan?"    


Ye Zimo's hand slightly moved, but she smiled indifferently and said, "How can we let Your Highness meet with her? "Just ask her to come in and meet you."    


Ye Zimo spoke with respect and gentleness. Princess Ya Hui glanced at him, but didn't seem to care about Xia Yihan at all.    


Just like on the mountain, if the matter did not involve the woman's life or death, he would not show it.    


If he loved her that much, his heart would have already been in turmoil by now, right?    


The more Princess Ya Hui thought about it, the more she liked it. However, because she had an agreement with him, it was not easy for her to act on it, so she could only arrogantly nod and once again sit back down.    


When Soong Wanting saw Ye Zimo's faintly discernable gaze on her, the indifference in her eyes made her feel a little fearful.    


She was always trying to impress him, trying to make him think she was a gentle woman, a good mother. However, Xia Yihan always came to mess things up. She had personally heard the conversation between the butler and Security Officer, so she had quietly followed along with the butler's footsteps.    


Xia Yihan left so resolutely, can be considered her design Mo Xiaonong event victorious, did not expect her to go and come back.    


How could she watch Xia Yihan come back to the villa and make her mistress?    


Of course, she knew that she couldn't defeat Xia Yihan by herself, so she wanted to use Princess Ya Hui's presence to drive Xia Yihan away.    


She was jealous even if she was a woman, so she mentioned Xia Yihan's name in front of Princess Ya Hui, causing her expression to change immediately.    


For this, she had to pay a price that would make Ye Zimo hate her even more, and it would take even longer to reverse the impression she had in his heart. But she had no other choice, so she had to do it.    


"Sorry, I …" Soong Wanting looked pitifully at Ye Zimo. Ye Zimo's face darkened as she said coldly, "This has nothing to do with you. If you don't want to be locked up everyday, then get the hell back here!"    


"Yes, Zimo. I will go now, I shouldn't have come." "I was just thinking about Yihan. After all …"    


"Butler!" Soong Wanting was afraid that if he said to lock her up again, she wouldn't be able to do anything.    


She quickly said, "I'll be going back. It's time for Xiao Hengheng to drink some milk."    


"Butler, inform the guard to let Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai in." As it turned out, Ye Zimo didn't pay any attention to her anymore. Soong Wanting was overjoyed, knowing that she had once again luckily escaped this time.    


She really wanted to see for herself how Xia Yihan had been humiliated. She was afraid of Ye Zimo, so she didn't dare to stay any longer.    


Princess Ya Hui picked up the drink on the table in front of her and slowly took two sips. Her expression was cold as she waited for Xia Yihan to come in.    


Xia Yihan waited at the door. At this moment, she regretted leaving Ye Zimo too easily.    


She promised him that she would always be with him, that she would raise Ye Zhengheng together with him. Why did she choose to leave after what Soong Wanting had done?    


Xia Yihan, you only think about your own feelings. You're too selfish.    


You wash your face with tears every day, feeling out of love, feeling that he has let you down. But have you ever thought about how he lived?    


He won't cry like you. If he can't vent his emotions, will he be more upset than you?    


Even if you say you can leave, he will still go and bow his head to a woman he doesn't like for you. Xia Yihan, in front of him, you're really too insignificant.    


Xia Yihan was anxiously waiting for Ye Zimo to let her in. She wanted to see him with her own eyes, to see if he was doing well, and to tell him that she loved him.    


"Yes, let them through immediately!" After the guard received the butler's order, he immediately opened the door and let Lee Heetai and Xia Yihan through.    


He finally entered the villa. Not long after, the scenery inside had changed.    


Previously, the potted plants on both sides of the road had been replaced, presumably according to Princess Ya Hui's preference. Looking at these, Xia Yihan felt a little sad.    


Lee Heetai's Bentley stopped at the main house entrance. The butler went up to Xia Yihan to help her open the car door. Another security guard walked to the other side to help Lee Heetai open the car door.    


"Your Highness and Mr Ye are at the pavilion in the garden. Please come with Mr Lee."    


You... The housekeeper didn't call her Young Madame Ye anymore. It was probably Ye Zimo's order.    


Indeed, she was no longer Young Madame Ye. Perhaps it was the early autumn. After Xia Yihan got off the car, she felt a chill down her spine the moment she heard this name.    


Fortunately, she could still comfort herself that whatever Ye Zimo did was for her sake.    


"Thank you." Lee Heetai walked up to her and wanted her to take his hand.    


He wanted to give her some strength and courage, but Xia Yihan felt that if she held Lee Heetai's arm, Ye Zimo would definitely feel sad.    


The housekeeper looked at Xia Yihan and saw that her thin body had lost even more weight. Even her face was no longer as radiant as it had been when she was here.    


These two people, why did they have to suffer so much?    


He had followed Ye Zimo for such a long time, and he knew his emotions the best.    


Recently, Ye Zimo had been especially silent. Especially when she was alone, she would stare off into space. And the place he stopped at always had something to do with Xia Yihan, like his cloakroom.    


He would choose his clothes himself and stay in the cloakroom for a long time.    


Sometimes when he was running, he would suddenly stop and glance to the side. Next to his treadmill, Xia Yihan's mini version of Treadmill was still lying there.    


He didn't ask anyone to take away that Treadmill, which proves that he still has Xia Yihan in his heart, and still wants her to come back one day.    


Recently, Princess Ya Hui had come. He seemed to have talked a little more and would take the initiative to pay attention to her.    


The butler could tell that he was being very courteous to Princess Ya Hui. It was not only because she was a princess that he was being courteous to her.    


When the reporters were taking pictures, he and Princess Ya Hui would put their arms around each other's waists and let people take pictures. After taking pictures, he would find some excuse to leave her.    


The butler could clearly see all these details, but Princess Ya Hui was increasingly bossing things around here. The butler felt that one day, she might become the mistress of this place.    


"Please!" The butler said this again and then led the way.    


It was a familiar road. When she lived here, she had walked with Ye Zimo this way to the pavilion after dinner.    


Recently, she had dreamed of this road almost every night, of sitting and talking with Ye Zimo in the pavilion, sometimes in love, sometimes in a quarrel.    


Knowing that Princess Ya Hui was present, Xia Yihan quickly rushed over. However, she didn't want to lose her composure in front of her, so she held her head high and walked forward with a smile on her face.    


She saw him!    


After what seemed like a century of parting, she finally saw the man in her dreams again.    


At that moment, he was sitting next to Princess Ya Hui, not looking in her direction, but at her.    


Even though there was still some distance to go, she could feel his gaze on her.    


Ye Zimo, do you really like him, or do you want to act in front of me?    


You're not allowed to look at her! Don't look at her with such love!    


Xia Yihan's heart silently screamed, silently said, look at me, Ye Zimo, I'm back.    


Princess Ya Hui locked gazes with Ye Zimo first, then turned her head, looking down at Xia Yihan condescendingly.    


Xia Yihan had thought about the scene of her reuniting with Ye Zimo countless times, but she never thought that it would be like this.    


When she reached the door, Ye Zimo's men stopped her. She knew that if she came in, she would face a difficult situation.    


Even though she had already thought of what she would face, when everyone looked at her with looks of sympathy or disdain, her heart wasn't completely calm.    


Maybe that was all right, she just wanted him to look at her.    


Ye Zimo, as long as you glance at me once, that's enough.    


At this moment, the attention he was looking at had turned into an extravagant request. He was looking over at her, but there was a lazy, mocking smirk on his face, as if her presence here was just a joke.    


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