Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C610 Married to a Rich Family 541

C610 Married to a Rich Family 541

Xia Yihan was still asleep when she heard someone talking. She rolled over and wanted to go back to sleep. She had played too late last night and hadn't slept well yet.    


"Uncle Xu, it's so early. My mother is still resting." Nianmo looked at the quiet woman on the bed and said with a smile, "Do you want me to wake up Mom and answer the phone, Uncle Xu?"    


Xia Yihan slowly woke up. Looking at Nianmo's expression, she knew that this brat must be up to something.    


"Nianmo, why aren't you taking a good rest in the morning? Who are you talking to on the phone?" Xia Yihan asked with a smile.    


Nianmo had switched off the phone when he heard Xia Yihan's voice. It really was a small fry.    


Xu Haosheng was very happy when he heard Xia Yihan's voice. The haze from last night had completely dissipated.    


"Mom, I'm calling Uncle Xu."    


"Disturbing you this early in the morning, Uncle Xu, you're being naughty!" Xia Yihan reprimanded Nianmo. She was just saying that she couldn't bear to scold this child. Xia Yihan couldn't bear to think about the suffering she had endured before he was born.    


"Mom, I'm calling you. Uncle Xu said he misses you." Nianmo handed the phone to Xia Yihan and sat obediently on the bed, pretending to be a good kid.    


Ye Zimo had just walked to the door to see if the mother and son had arrived. She was going to see Zhao Wenying today, but since he couldn't see her, he decided to take a look.    


It was better to come early than to come at the right time. Ye Zimo's arrival had been a coincidence, and she heard the important words right away.    


Xia Yihan smiled and did not take Nianmo's words to heart.    


"Big Brother Xu, Nianmo doesn't know better and has disturbed you again."    


"Xiao Ai, you said that this was too formal. Didn't you agree to our marriage? Nianmo is my child. " Xu Haosheng brought up the topic, intentionally or not. He wanted Xia Yihan to remember this matter.    


Xia Yihan was surprised. These days, she had been too preoccupied with Zhao Wenying's matters and dealing with Ye Zimo. She had forgotten about this matter. Life was not something she should have expected, it was just that Xia Yihan's heart was not with Xu Haosheng.    


Xia Yihan didn't know what to say. When she didn't see Ye Zimo, she agreed to Xu Haosheng's request without thinking too much. However, it was different now. Seeing Ye Zimo, Xia Yihan knew that no matter how hard she tried to forget, she still harbored Ye Zimo in her heart.    


The few minutes of silence was very long, Xu Haosheng couldn't hear Xia Yihan's answer and had a bad premonition.    


"Xiao Ai, didn't you say that auntie was sick? I'm free today, shall we go and see her? "    


Xia Yihan nodded. She remembered that they were talking on the phone before she realized she was talking on the phone. She replied softly, "Okay."    


"I'm here to pick you up?" Xu Haosheng clearly knew that Xia Yihan followed Ye Zimo, but he still hoped that Xia Yihan would let him pick her up. He wanted to see if Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were living separately.    


Xu Haosheng was looking down on himself for his little trick. Since when did he start scheming like this?    


"It's fine. I'll let Yiqing send me there later." After she finished speaking, she remembered that Xu Haosheng was not from the East River. He definitely did not know about Lee Family, did not know the road, and did not have a car.    


Xu Haosheng felt bad when he heard Xia Yihan's rejection.    


"Big Brother Xu, are you in Dihao Hotel? I'll come pick you up in a while. "    


This sentence made Xu Haosheng's mood fluctuate. He was wondering if his love life was like buying lottery tickets, going through ups and downs.    


"Alright, I'll wait for you."    


In a word, multitasking, he waited for her, waited for her to turn around and see him.    


"Big Brother Xu, wait a few minutes, I'll be fine." Xia Yihan hung up the phone, "Nianmo, quickly go out and find uncle Qing. I'll take you to grandma's house."    


Nianmo nodded obediently and went to find Xia Yiqing.    


Xia Yihan quickly changed her clothes and ran out after a simple wash.    


"Find them?" To see my mother? " Ye Zimo was just about to go check out the Fu Group, but didn't know that she would see Nianmo the moment she came out.    


This brat didn't even toss him and directly snorted before leaving.    


Seeing Xia Yiqing was happier than seeing him.    


"Uncle Yiqing, my mom told you to take us to her grandma's house." Nianmo ran past Ye Zimo and walked toward Xia Yiqing without any hesitation.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo with a troubled expression. He just came back and Mr Ye said he was in a hurry to get back to the company and let him drive.    


Ye Zimo glanced at Nianmo and waved her hand at Xia Yiqing, saying, "Yi Qing, today is your day off, go and play."    


Xia Yiqing knew that Mr Ye was going to be Miss Xia's driver. He smiled and said, "Mr Ye, I will follow your orders."    


"Young Master, I'm sorry. I'm not working today." He couldn't see through Ye Zimo's intentions at all, so he could only apologize to Xia Yiqing.    


Nianmo looked at Xia Yiqing with cold eyes!    


Xia Yiqing shivered. Young Master was only three years old, why did he already have the air of a king!? Thinking about that glance, he must have seen wrongly!    


"Once it's cleared, I'll bring you there!"    


Ye Zimo had a cold expression on her face. If it wasn't for the fact that she was afraid this brat would take Xia Yihan and leave, let's see if he would break his legs!    


"I want to go to Dihao Hotel!" Xia Yihan's eyes flashed, but she still spoke in the end. She promised Xu Haosheng that she would pick him up!    


When Ye Zimo heard this, she knew where Xia Yihan was going. After all, this woman did not know that he was her fiancé. Ye Zimo seemed to have forgotten that three years ago, when he married Zhong Yuntang, he was no longer her fiancé!    


"You're not allowed to go!"    


How could Ye Zimo bring Xia Yihan along!    


"Ye Zimo, Xia Yiqing is your man, I have no right to command him, but don't forget, I have the right to bring out my Ye Family!" She wasn't short on money right now! Ye Zimo had no right to ask about her matters!    


"How dare you!" He really wanted to break her wings!    


"Ye Zimo, it's a coincidence that we're walking here. Three years ago, you did not want Nianmo, he's just my child. Don't use any Ye Family bloodline to say anything!"    


Ye Zimo didn't realize that Xia Yihan had been out for three years. Not only did she have a sharp tongue, she also knew how to speak well and how to be decisive!    


She was no longer a flower protected by his wings. Ye Zimo believed that Soong Shuhao wouldn't dare to act against Xia Yihan easily now!    


"I'll give you three minutes to think about it. Either take mother and I to Di Hao, or get out of my way!" Nianmo ran over quickly and looked at Ye Zimo aggressively!    


Xia Yihan gave Ye Zimo an elegant back as she dragged Nianmo to the garage!    


Three minutes, it seemed that Ye Zimo's favorite thing in the past was to give you as much time as you can to appear immediately. Unexpectedly, one day this move would be used on him!    


"Mom, will he come?" Nianmo looked around to see if Ye Zimo had arrived!    


"Nianmo, he's your dad. As a child, you have to be filial and filial!"    


Xia Yihan didn't think that a three year old child would be able to understand filial piety. She only told Nianmo the truth. Ye Zimo was her father, and also someone that she couldn't let go of in her heart!    


When Ye Zimo heard this, her heart flipped. She admitted that the child was his! Before Ye Zimo could open her mouth, all the joy vanished without a trace!    


"Mom, can I not have him as a father?!"    


Nianmo said sulkily. What dad, he cared about him and his mom at all!    




Xia Yihan burst into laughter. This child actually thought that father was a toy. If he wanted it, he would have to do it. If he didn't want it, he would just abandon it!    


"Because he's not good. Mom, can I have Uncle Xu be my dad?!"    


"You like Uncle Xu a lot?"    


Before Nianmo could say anything, Ye Zimo walked over angrily and ran towards the garage!    


"Get in!" Ye Zimo didn't dare to think about what kind of unfilial words this brat would say if she waited any longer!    


He could not fight, and he could not scold or curse!    


Ye Zimo held her breath. She did not know how to vent as her expression turned ugly!    


Xia Yihan had never seen Ye Zimo being humiliated like this. She wanted to laugh, but in the end she endured it!    


Looking at the two of them, Xia Yihan's heart was filled with happiness!    


"Go to Dihao Hotel!" Nianmo ordered without even looking at Ye Zimo!    


Ye Zimo's eyes were filled with ice. Nianmo chuckled and hugged Xia Yihan!    


Xu Haosheng was waiting for Xia Yihan at the entrance of the hotel!    


"Uncle Xu, here it is!" Nianmo waved from afar. The small hand waved futilely through the glass wall.    


Ye Zimo was unwilling to find a place to park her car!    


"Big Brother Xu, get in the car!"    


Xia Yihan smiled as she opened the car door. The smile on her face was dazzling!    


Xu Haosheng's heart ached when he saw Ye Zimo appear. He tried his best to act natural and didn't want Ye Zimo to see his weak side!    


"Uncle Xu, it's me. Why can't you see me?" Nianmo looked at Xu Haosheng reprimanded, as if he had done something to make people angry.    


"Nianmo, why are you here?" Xu Haosheng walked to the car door and habitually patted Nianmo's head. His eyes were filled with unconcealable affection.    


Ye Zimo really wanted to go up and chop off Xu Haosheng's hand. Forget about Mo Xiaojun, he was Nianmo's uncle. Which branch of Xu Haosheng could he be considered as?    


Ye Zimo's gaze was too resentful, Xu Haosheng had no choice but to see it.    


"Let's go." Xia Yihan started to have a headache as she looked at the two of them who were still struggling with their lives on the line.    


As soon as Xu Haosheng sat down, he started to make Ye Zimo unhappy.    


"Xiao Ai, when will we meet in Paris? Your teacher must miss you very much. " Xu Haosheng wasn't a simple person. He knew how to make Xia Yihan go back. Xia Yihan had always been grateful to her teacher, saying that without her teacher, she wouldn't be who she was today.    


Otherwise, if Ye Zimo had treated Xia Yihan like that in the past, she would still return to the Ye Family. Xu Haosheng already knew that Xia Yihan was not the little girl who saw love as the number one in her life, but rather her own career and her own son.    


Ye Zimo's heart tightened. Teacher, since when did Yihan have a teacher? What did she do in these three years abroad? Ye Zimo's discovery of inferiority was that he didn't understand Xia Yihan at all.    


"That's right. I haven't seen the teacher for a long time. Let's wait for my mother to recover. If there's nothing here, let's go back!" Xia Yihan said that we were talking about Nianmo, but what Ye Zimo said didn't sound the same.    


Xia Yihan, you actually told him about you in front of him, how can you be like this?    


If he hadn't made Xia Yihan misunderstand, was Yihan now married to him? Although they had children, Yihan had always said they were hers.    


Ye Zimo would always do the same thing, he did not regret it. As a son, he had let Ye Haorann down. Ye Zimo regretted letting Xia Yihan go to France.    


"Uncle Xu, I want to go as well." Nianmo raised his hands, afraid of being thrown away.    


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