Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C625 Married to a Rich Family 556

C625 Married to a Rich Family 556

"Xia Yihan, I feel like I'm sleeping."    


Lin Jie's tired voice came slowly. He was really, really, really sleepy. His eyelids felt like a thousand kilograms.    


"Lin Jie, don't sleep, don't sleep." Lin Jie, don't sleep.    


Hearing Lin Jie's words, Xia Yihan panicked. It was hard to say if this young master Lin would wake up if he went to sleep. Xia Yihan couldn't just watch as a living life disappeared before her eyes. She held Lin Jie's hand tighter than before.    


"But I'm so sleepy." The pain coming from his hand made Lin Jie feel refreshed. In the darkness, he seemed to be able to see Xia Yihan's eyes, full of determination and hope. He wanted to laugh. Why was Xia Yihan even more worried than his client?    


Listening to Lin Jie's voice, Xia Yihan knew that he must be suffering from a lack of food or water. Xia Yihan herself was very hungry and her mouth was dry. She knew that it was better to speak less right now, but Xia Yihan was worried about Lin Jie.    


Ever since she was born, this was Xia Yihan's first time experiencing an earthquake. She was terrified as well. Who would save her in this boundless darkness? Nianmo, I'm sorry.    


"No, I can't give up." Xia Yihan thought about Ye Zimo and the other women. If she died, Nianmo's custody would definitely belong to Ye Zimo, and Ye Zimo's women were all good people. Nianmo would suffer, no, Xia Yihan couldn't die, even if it meant her death, she had to live on for the sake of her children.    


Ye Zimo, how are you right now? Are you hurt? If you're not, come and save us, okay?    


"Yihan, I really want to sleep now." Lin Jie closed his eyes.    


"Don't, Lin Jie, you have to persevere. As long as you persevere, we will be saved."    


If Lin Jie didn't even have any hope, how could he persist until the end? If Xia Yihan and Lin Jie talked too much, he would lose a lot of strength, but if she didn't talk to him, then he would have to sleep again. In this dilemma, Xia Yihan gritted her teeth, and she couldn't ignore her own life.    


"Lin Jie, I'll tell you a story, don't sleep!" Xia Yihan was a patient and persuasive person. She wanted to attract Lin Jie's attention. Only by doing this could she divert his attention.    


"What story?"    


Lin Jie's eyelids twitched as if he was shocked by the word "story", but he still couldn't do it like a normal person.    


"Lin Jie, I'll tell you a story. Don't sleep, you don't need to answer me. If you're sleepy, just hold my hand tightly. If I know you're sleepy, I'll wake you up." Xia Yihan thought it would be a waste of energy to get Lin Jie to talk, so she might as well let her do it alone.    


Lin Jie, who was about to close his eyes, opened them slightly after hearing Xia Yihan's voice. Since Xia Yihan knew he couldn't fall asleep, then she must have been digging her own grave since she kept talking. Lin Jie didn't understand Xia Yihan.    


"Xia Yihan, you should save your own strength."    


Lin Jie finally finished what he wanted to say with great difficulty. He felt like he had used up all of his energy.    


"Lin Jie, you and Big Brother Xu are so good, I can't let you go." Xia Yihan said resolutely, "Lin Jie, I have encountered many desperate situations, when I was alone at Lin Jiang, when I was alone in Paris, I even brought my child, what I feel most is that when I go to Ye Family, I see the man I like together with my sister, you won't understand the pain, but Lin Jie, have you thought about it, once you leave, your sister, your father and the others will suffer the most, as long as you insist, you can definitely do it, and Big Brother Xu, if he knows that you give up so easily, he will be sad."    


Xia Yihanli spoke a lot of words. She would use anything that could persuade Lin Jie. After she said that, Xia Yihan felt like her throat was on fire.    


"Then tell me your story, or something new."    


After a long time, Lin Jie opened his mouth and mumbled. He was as thin as a mosquito and could barely be heard. It was too quiet here and his words were amplified.    


Seeing Lin Jie's response, Xia Yihan smiled. In the darkness of the night, her face was like Mingyao's stars.    


Lin Jie had been listening to Xia Yihan's words in a daze. After an unknown period of time, Xia Yihan's voice gradually became softer. Lin Jie panicked a little. He held Xia Yihan's hand tightly but Xia Yihan did not reply.    


"Xia Yihan?" Lin Jie tried to say these three words, but it was difficult.    


Lin Jie was extremely scared, no. His eyes slowly closed as he fell into a deep slumber.    


After an unknown amount of time, Lin Jie sensed that someone was making a noise and slowly approached.    


"Save us!" Lin Jie shouted loudly.    


They were soldiers outside, and they were planning to go to the house there to save them.    


"Did you hear anything?" The squad leader stopped in his tracks. He seemed to have heard something, but it was too small for him to hear clearly.    


"Save us!"    


Because of the class monitor's question, everyone shook their heads.    




A look of deep thought appeared in the squad leader's eyes. The entire room was silent, and one could clearly hear the sound of embroidery needles dropping onto the ground.    


"Save us!" This time, Lin Jie said it very loudly.    


"There's someone. Let's start, we have to rescue him no matter what." The squad leader took the lead and the others began to work.    


It took a lot of effort to find Lin Jie.    


"Just you alone?" The squad leader remembered that he was talking about saving us, not him, so there was someone else.    


"Save Xia Yihan." Lin Jie fainted right after he said that. His body could no longer hold up after so many words. If it wasn't for Xia Yihan, he would have already fallen asleep.    


"Squad leader, there's someone here."    


"Save him with all your might."    


When Xia Yihan was rescued, her face was pale and lifeless.    


"Squad leader, this woman looks like she died, but her pulse is still beating." A young and strong soldier pressed his hand on Xia Yihan's palm doubtfully. It was really strange.    


"You two, come here and take her to the emergency room over there."    


After the class monitor finished listening to Xia Yihan's report, he immediately ordered someone to send her there. There was still a pulse which meant that she could be saved.    


When Lin Jie woke up, he looked at the few unfamiliar faces in front of him. He did not know these people.    


"Thank you, our family's old man wants us to bring the Young Master away." A tall and big man with glasses stood in front of Battalion Commander Liu during the earthquake and said in a neither humble nor haughty manner. Old Master Lin heard that Lin Jie was here. If it wasn't something important, he would have come a long time ago.    


Battalion Commander Liu Quan was the main person in charge of the rescue.    


"You can take him away." Battalion Commander Liu waved his hand. He did not have much time to speak with these people about the government's plans, and there were so many of them waiting to be rescued.    


"Young master, let's go." The man with glasses walked in front of Lin Jie and said respectfully.    


"I'm going to take Xia Yihan away."    


Lin Jie looked at the man in front of him and expressed his opinion. Yes, if it wasn't for Xia Yihan, Lin Jie wouldn't be in his current state.    


"Young Master, we are only responsible for taking you back."    


Hearing Lin Jie's words, he looked troubled. It wasn't good to bring one more person with him this time.    


"Reporting to Battalion Commander Liu, there is an urgent message." A man in a military uniform strode into the simple tent.    


When Battalion Commander Liu heard that there was an urgent message, he immediately left the room.    


"Old Liu, my daughter, Xia Yihan, is currently in the earthquake. You must help me find her." Lee Mingjun held the phone and caressed Zhao Wenying. Ever since he took Xia Yihan away with those charity people, Zhao Wenying had been crying. Her tears were like pearls that had been cut off, causing him to feel heartache.    


"Old Li, I'll definitely find him."    


After hearing Lee Mingjun's words, Battalion Commander Liu was stunned. Lee Mingjun was just an Old Liu, and yet, he shouted that they had been friends for decades. Even if that wasn't the case, he must find Xia Yihan, but why was Lee Mingjun's daughter called Xia Yihan?    


"Then I'll leave it to you." Lee Mingjun hung up the phone and comforted her, "It's okay, I know the person who rescued this time. I've asked him to find Yihan. Don't worry."    


Yihan's fate was really ill-fated. Seeing that the difficulty had passed and she was able to see the moon clearly, how could she have known that another disaster would befall her.    


Zhao Wenying didn't say anything and held onto Lee Mingjun tightly. At this moment, he had become her last resort.    


"Dad, Mom, I'm going to find Yihan." Lee Heetai stood at the door and looked at the two old men. His father was already old, so Yihan decided to let him go find Yihan!    


Lee Mingjun looked at his son across from him as he considered whether it would be okay to let Lee Heetai go or not.    


"Bring some people with you and go get Yihan back. We must find her."    


Lee Mingjun said in a deep voice. He was quite satisfied with Lee Heetai, "Let me tell Yuntang first, don't let her let her think too much."    


"Yes." Lee Heetai nodded. Yihan, you wait for Brother Heetai. Brother Heetai will go to your place. Yihan, you and Nianmo, you have to wait for me.    


Zhong Yuntang was playing in the garden with Nianmo and her children. She was doing her best to teach them to read.    


"My mother has taught me." Nianmo said arrogantly. He already knew all these words.    


Zhong Yuntang looked at the familiar miniature version of Nianmo. It was the same personality as the original Lili, arrogant but also smart. She didn't know where Yihan had gone, nor did she say that she wouldn't know what to do if something happened to her. She only had such a family left, and Zhong Yuntang was worried about Xia Yihan.    


"Yuntang, you should know about this earthquake. Yihan is there, and I'm going to save her. She's your sister, and she's my sister as well." Lee Heetai thought about Lee Mingjun's words. He came to find Zhong Yuntang.    


"Yihan." Zhong Yuntang's eyes widened as she looked at Lee Heetai, unable to believe what she saw. How did Yihan get to the earthquake area? So far away, where should he leave Nianmo? Zhong Yuntang didn't understand.    


"Yihan is fine, I will definitely bring her back." Lee Heetai comforted Zhong Yuntang. He also comforted himself that the earthquake was ruthless. Nobody could say that.    


"Heetai, you must bring Yihan back. I have only one sister." Zhong Yuntang looked directly at Lee Heetai.    


"Don't worry, Yihan is also my younger sister."    


Lee Heetai was a little afraid to look into Zhong Yuntang's eyes, "Take care of Nianmo and Yixuan, I'll be back soon."    


Nianmo had been listening attentively to their conversation. He was too familiar with the name Xia Yihan.    


"Uncle, what happened to my mother?"    


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