Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C903 Wealthy Marriage 832

C903 Wealthy Marriage 832

Ye Chuqing, who was standing to the side, noticed Soong Mengjie. Her face, which originally had a faint smile on it, had also turned gloomy and a little worried.    


Coming to the amusement park was his own suggestion, so Hai Zhuoxuan readily agreed. He was happy for a long time, but Hai Zhuoxuan actually called Soong Mengjie over. Was it possible to see that Zhuoxuan was completely uninterested in him and had always treated him as his younger sister?    


"Mengjie, I've been looking for you." Ding Yiyi didn't understand the feelings of the crowd. She pulled Soong Mengjie over and stuffed the gift box into Soong Mengjie's hands, whispering, "You forgot to bring your present. I'll bring it for you."    


Soong Mengjie lowered her voice and replied to Ding Yiyi, "I remembered about that halfway, so I went back to look. I didn't find it. I didn't expect you to bring it over."    


"Sofia, why don't you introduce your friend?" "Soong Mengjie …" Hai Zhuoxuan gently called out to her. Ye Chuqing's face turned pale and lowered her head, thinking of something.    


Soong Mengjie heard Hai Zhuoxuan's voice and quickly parted with Ding Yiyi. She introduced, "It's Ding Yiyi from the Z-Major Jewelry Design class. She's so beautiful in jewelry design. She has talent."    


"Oh, isn't that the same major as Ao Xue?" Hai Zhuoxuan pointed out.    


Ao Xue smiled and took the initiative to wrap her arms around Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo resisted the urge to push Ao Xue away and stood there motionlessly.    


Ding Yiyi had a good impression of Ao Xue. She helped Ao Xue to redress her grievances, yet such a great beauty had actually fallen into the hands of that Stinking Hooligan.    


"Yiyi, I found out that we are really fated to be together. In class, I see you as the most fated one, Nianmo, do you know?" "The first day is Yiyi sitting next to me."    


Ao Xue held Ye Nianmo's arm affectionately and smiled sweetly at Ding Yiyi. From the outside, it looked like Ye Nianmo doted on Ao Xue.    


"Oh, really?" Ye Nianmo responded indifferently. Seeing that Ye Nianmo didn't seem to be interested in Ding Yiyi at all, Ao Xue felt slightly relieved.    


"Don't just stand there and chat, let's go ride the Ferris Wheel. Chu Qing, didn't you always talk about wanting to be a Ferris Wheel? "    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at Ye Chuqing gently and asked her in detail. Ye Chuqing nodded, but was troubled when it came to the allocation of seats.    


Ao Xue, Chu Qing, Soong Mengjie, and Ding Yiyi were all girls while Ye Nianmo and Hai Zhuoxuan were boys. Ao Xue took the initiative to stand next to Ye Nianmo and say coquettishly, "It's said that lovers who ride the Ferris Wheel together will always be together. Nianmo, I must always be together with you."    


Ye Nianmo didn't care about who he was doing it with. Looking at Ye Chuqing's pale face, Ye Nianmo cared more about his sister.    


Ding Yiyi obviously didn't care who she was with in the end. She had never been on a Ferris Wheel before, so she felt that spending money on this kind of thing was just a waste of money!    


Soong Mengjie obviously wanted to sit with Hai Zhuoxuan as well, but she was too shy to say it out loud.    


Ding Yiyi decided to help her friend out, inviting Ye Chuqing on her own accord, "Would you like to ride the Ferris Wheel with me?"    


Ye Chuqing didn't think that Ding Yiyi would invite her. From the first moment, she had liked this careless girl, plus she wouldn't reject others. Although Ye Chuqing really wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel with Hai Zhuoxuan, she still couldn't bear to see Ding Yiyi's invitation fail, so she nodded.    


Ye Nianmo became anxious as he saw his sister nod. Of course he knew Ding Yiyi's thoughts. She just wanted Soong Mengjie to sit together with Hai Zhuoxuan! Sister's love brother will protect her!    


"No way!" As Ye Nianmo opened his mouth to speak, everyone looked at him and Ao Xue tightened her grip on him.    


"You and me." Ye Nianmo pulled Ding Yiyi over. Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo in confusion. The man's face was still ashen half an hour ago. He really wanted to eat him. Why would he ask to sit with her?    


"Nianmo! "What are you saying, I'm your girlfriend." Ao Xue was holding Ye Nianmo's wrist, her voice tinged with tears.    


"You and her." Ye Nianmo pointed at Soong Mengjie. When Soong Mengjie saw the domineering Ao Xue, she lowered her head uncomfortably and became an ostrich again.    


Ding Yiyi wanted to say something, but Ye Nianmo grabbed onto Ding Yiyi and pulled her onto the Ferris Wheel.    


Ao Xue stomped her feet and got into another Ferris wheel. Ye Chuqing knew that she was happy to be able to sit together with Hai Zhuoxuan as if she had eaten cotton candy.    


"Sofia, Ao Xue is very easy to get along with. Don't be afraid, I'll be right behind you."    


Soong Mengjie, who was about to board the cockpit, stopped for a moment, turned around, looked at Hai Zhuoxuan gratefully and sat down.    


Hai Zhuoxuan did not hide his concern for Soong Mengjie. Even a blind person could feel it. Ye Chuqing's heart, which had just bloomed, once again sank to the bottom. It was so sour that it made people want to cry.    


"Little idiot, what's wrong? I feel like you're a little unhappy, do you not like to ride on a Ferris Wheel?" Hai Zhuoxuan asked despite knowing the answer.    


Ye Chuqing shook her head and smiled brightly at Hai Zhuoxuan. Hai Zhuoxuan naturally grabbed Ye Chuqing's hand and led her to sit inside the cabin. He took the initiative to extend his hand to protect Ye Chuqing, making her heart soften even more.    


The Ferris Wheel slowly rose. The multi-colored lights seemed to be shaping a fairyland of dreams, as if they would be able to touch happiness at the top.    


Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan were in a small confined space at the same time. They were fiddling with the hem of their long skirts nervously.    


Ye Chuqing secretly looked at Hai Zhuoxuan. Hai Zhuoxuan looked out of the window, not knowing what to think. Ye Chuqing felt a little wronged as she called out softly, "Brother Zhuoxuan."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was wondering why Ye Nianmo took the initiative to invite Ding Yiyi to join him. One must know that he grew up together with Ye Nianmo and knew Ye Nianmo's character very well.    


Ye Nianmo did not care about the small details of the people he cared about. He treated those who disliked him or the stranger coldly. It seemed that Ding Yiyi had another meaning to Ye Nianmo.    


"Brother Zhuoxuan!" Ye Chuqing raised her voice slightly. Hai Zhuoxuan came back to his senses and patted Ye Chuqing's head with a smile. He said softly, "Brother Zhuoxuan apologizes. I was distracted just now. It's my punishment!"    


Ye Chuqing was amused by Hai Zhuoxuan's expression and her tears turned into smiles. On the other side, Ao Xue was also considering the relationship between Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo.    


Judging from Ding Yiyi's outfit, she definitely wasn't the child of a rich family. Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi were basically on the same line.    


Could he have taken a fancy to Ding Yiyi's face? As Ao Xue was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt that Ding Yiyi was somewhat similar to her. A person with a tight frame interrupted her attention. She turned around, saw Soong Mengjie's unnatural pale face, and asked, "What happened?"    


Soong Mengjie shook her head and pointed at her bag. Ao Xue reached into her bag and took out a spray.    


Soong Mengjie nodded. She took the spray and took two deep puffs. After a long while, her face returned to normal.    


"Thank you." Soong Mengjie knew Ao Xue, but she wasn't familiar with her. Because of the interaction just now, she had a better impression of Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue waved her hand and calmly asked Soong Mengjie about Ding Yiyi's background. The moment Soong Mengjie mentioned Ding Yiyi, she immediately beamed with joy.    


"Yiyi is really a good person, her family situation was pretty good in the past, her dad started a logistics company, her mom was a teacher, but then her mom got sick, so her dad sold all the money in the company to treat her mom. Unfortunately, they still couldn't make it, and then the family wasn't so well."    


The more Soong Mengjie said, the more her heart ached for Ding Yiyi. She didn't notice the look in Ao Xue's eyes as she sized her up. If what Soong Mengjie said was true, then it wasn't impossible for Ding Yiyi to have several tens of thousands of emeralds hanging around her neck. After all, she used to have a pretty good family background.    


Ding Yiyi never thought that she had already become someone that Hai Zhuoxuan and Ao Xue cared a lot about. Sitting in the Ferris Wheel, Ding Yiyi felt a little uneasy.    


Ye Nianmo was always paying attention to Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan who were standing in front of him. Only after seeing Ye Chuqing and Hai Zhuoxuan talking and laughing did he feel slightly relieved.    


Turning back, Ye Nianmo looked at Ding Yiyi strangely. Ding Yiyi seemed very nervous. Her left hand gripped the armrest tightly as the veins on her body popped up. Her right hand pressed down on the seat uncontrollably as she leaned her back against the seat.    


"What's the matter with you?" Ye Nianmo asked.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head with a pale face. She had been so focused on helping Soong Mengjie and Hai Zhuoxuan sit together that she had forgotten that she was afraid of heights.    


"Are you afraid of heights?" Ye Nianmo extended his hand to pat Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi immediately opened Ye Nianmo's hand: "Don't touch me!"    


"Pah!" Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo, who had an unreadable expression, and felt a little dizzy. She stammered, "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose. I'm a little afraid of heights."    


Ye Nianmo was very angry. This woman had misinterpreted his good intentions time and time again. Did she still want him to put his hot face on her cold butt?    


Returning to his seat, Ye Nianmo ignored Ding Yiyi. Ding Yiyi became more and more nervous as the Ferris Wheel became higher and higher. Soon, it would reach its highest point.    


"No." Ding Yiyi said in a low voice. Her body was so limp that she couldn't even sit properly. She felt like she was floating in the air.    


A soft sigh came from within the space, and before Ding Yiyi knew what had happened, she was pulled into a warm embrace.    


Ye Zimo's hand gently patted Ding Yiyi's back to comfort her. When Ding Yiyi moved, the force of Ye Zimo's hand on Ding Yiyi's back became slightly lighter.    


Ding Yiyi snuggled up to Ye Zimo, not knowing what to do. The heartbeat that came from Ye Nianmo's heart made Ding Yiyi feel relieved.    


The two of them didn't realize that the Ferris Wheel had stopped. The door opened as Hai Zhuoxuan, Ye Chuqing, Ao Xue and Soong Mengjie looked at the two of them in shock.    


Ding Yiyi shook Ye Nianmo off as if she was shocked by electricity, "Hey, don't tell me you got the name of a hoodlum again? I was kind just now." Ye Nianmo felt a bit angry when he saw the other party throw him out after using up his energy.    


"Thank you!" Ding Yiyi had already stepped out of the cabin door. When she heard Soong Mengjie's words, she turned around and spoke in a low voice before jumping to Soong Mengjie's side like a little rabbit.    


Was that blushing just now? Ye Nianmo thought about it and shook his head. Seeing the interaction between Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo, Ao Xue was so angry that she was about to faint. Who could tell where that Ding Yiyi had come from?    


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