Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1167 Married to a Rich Family 1095

C1167 Married to a Rich Family 1095

"The coffee shop next to the jewelry show."    


"Now get back to the car and come back!"    


The sound of the phone was mixed with the sound of footsteps. Ye Nianmo tried his best to keep his breathing steady, "Do you understand everything I said?" He paused, then suddenly added, "Don't be afraid."    


After hanging up, he looked at Yan Mingyao maliciously, "I hope you have nothing to do with this."    


"When I was following Guo Daqing, I really didn't know why he would suddenly disappear from my sight." An ominous premonition rose up in Yan Mingyao's heart. That man might be about to catch Ao Xue, but he was still a step too late.    


The door was pushed open. Ye Bo walked in and handed a photo to Ye Nianmo. With a serious tone, he said, "This was taken near Guo Daqing's residence."    


The clear facial features of the person in the photo was the best proof. Yan Mingyao and Ye Nianmo were both surprised, "How could it be him?"    


Ye Nianmo picked up the phone again, and when he called back, it was already busy.    


In the coffee shop, Ding Yiyi's palms were drenched in sweat. After she answered Ye Nianmo's call, she was ready to go find Ao Xue, but she didn't expect to see the scene of her being held hostage, "Let her go first, we have something to talk about."    


The man ripped off the mask on his face, his unassuming face filled with viciousness, "I have to focus on her now, I don't want to deal with you yet, you can go!"    


Ao Xue's eyes were filled with fear. There was a sharp knife on her neck, the knife had already pressed into her skin — red droplets of blood came out. She sobbed as she looked at Ding Yiyi, her eyes filled with terror and pleading.    


She still didn't want to die! She can't die yet!    


Ding Yiyi hesitated as she slowly moved towards the door. Ao Xue whimpered, "Save …" The moment she said that, she pressed her knife into the door again. The pain made her too afraid to speak. Tears blurred her vision, and she could no longer see Ding Yiyi.    


The man leaned close to her and said in a relaxed tone, "I think I should introduce myself. My name is Guo Daqing, you are very beautiful."    


Ao Xue looked to the side with a frightened expression. Sweat trickled down her forehead into her eyes along her brow, mixing with her tears. Guo Daqing was amused by her fearful expression. He patted her cheek with an appointment, "Your friends don't care about you anymore. Let's go. We're the only ones who need to properly cook."    


His knife was pressed against Ao Xue's neck, so she could only follow his footsteps and walked forward. Just as she walked out of the bathroom, a vase suddenly smashed towards Guo Daqing's back.    


"Hurry up!" Ding Yiyi pulled Ao Xue, who had lost all her strength in her legs, and rushed out the door. The two of them ran all the way into the jewelry fair center.    


The sound of footsteps kept coming from behind and Guo Daqing caught up. He laughed and walked with ease as if he was hunting prey.    


Ao Xue panted. The feeling of weakness from her recent miscarriage had made it impossible for her to speed up. She tightly held onto Ding Yiyi's arm, afraid that she would abandon her.    


"Don't worry, he won't be able to catch up to us. Do your best!" Ding Yiyi also felt exhausted, but she insisted on dragging Ao Xue deeper into the exhibition. She believed that there would definitely be a security office at the convention center. As long as she could find one, it would be fine. Her phone was ringing in her pocket again and again, but she didn't have time to pick it up.    


"Ah!" Ding Yiyi cried out in pain. She bent down and raised her foot slightly, digging a nail deep into her shoe. The insolent voice came from behind, accompanied by heavy footsteps. Guo Daqing appeared at the door caught off guard.    


Ding Yiyi tried to pull the nail out, only to discover that the nail had deeply embedded itself into the sole of her shoe. Ao Xue watched in horror as he approached step by step, and when she saw that Ding Yiyi could no longer walk away, she gritted her teeth and ran to the other side.    


Guo Daqing's face turned cold. He wanted to give chase, but he was hit on the back. He turned around maliciously and saw Ding Yiyi holding her shoes, shouting, "It was you! What are you looking at!"    


Guo Daqing raised his eyebrows, "Your friend abandoned you and left on her own. You're still defending her now, are you a fool or not?"    


Ding Yiyi's forehead was sweating. The pain and extreme fear made her body shudder uncontrollably. She wiped the sweat off her forehead and stubbornly said, "At least one more person has left."    


"Hahaha!" Very well, then I will let you see the price for her to run away. " Guo Daqing slowly walked closer and stretched out his hand towards that snow-white neck that was extremely weak.    


"Heh heh heh heh heh." Ao Xue let out a heavy wheeze. There was light ahead, and she happily quickened her pace. She pushed open the glass door, and there she was on the main road. The sunlight was very good, covering all the gloom.    


She took a step forward, but was still unable to move forward. Ding Yiyi was dead for sure, she would die for sure! Perhaps she had lost her life like everyone else. Isn't that fine? From then on, she would not appear in Ye Nianmo's life. Ye Nianmo only belonged to her!    


There was a slight stabbing sensation on her neck, and she subconsciously touched her own neck. There was a slight wetness on her finger, and the wound that she had sustained from running just now had opened up again. Looking at the dark red color on her finger, she suddenly turned around and ran back into the house.    


The burning sensation in her lungs made every breath a dream. Ding Yiyi's hands were holding onto Guo Daqing's arms powerlessly. She tried to exert her strength, but discovered that her entire body was weak and without strength. As her consciousness was continuously extracted from her brain, Baby Cheng, dad, Xu Haorann, Si Si, Ye Chuqing, Ye Nianmo, all the important people in her life flashed across her mind, leaving only Ye Nianmo's figure in the end.    


Ding Yiyi's eyes slowly closed, waiting for the final moment to arrive. Suddenly, the hand holding her neck loosened and the air rushed into her lungs once again. She was lying prone on the ground, coughing so hard that her ears were ringing.    


Guo Daqing shook his body. He touched the blood on his forehead and said ferociously, "I didn't think you would dare to come back."    


"I've already called the police, hurry up and let us go!" Ao Xue yelled at the top of her lungs with the stick in her hand.    


Guo Daqing raised his eyebrows, the dim lighting made her expression even more terrifying, "Oh, really? I'm really scared! "    


He approached her step by step and grabbed the stick in Ao Xue's hand. Just as she was about to struggle out of his grip, she was hit in the neck.    


The phone suddenly rang. Ding Yiyi's ears were ringing, but she still reached out her hand with difficulty to feel her phone. Her palm felt the touch of the plastic, and she quickly picked it up.    


"Yiyi!" Ye Nianmo's anxious voice sounded, "I'm going to the exhibition center now, where are you?"    


"We're here … cough cough cough!" Ding Yiyi tried with great difficulty to pronounce the words. She stepped on her palm and exclaimed in pain, "No!"    


Ye Nianmo immediately became alert, "Guo Daqing!"    


Guo Daqing stepped on Ding Yiyi's arm and picked up the phone with a cold voice, "Young Master Ye, I formally greet you."    


"You'd better know what you're doing." Ye Nianmo said coldly.    


The sound of the phone breaking was heard as it hit the floor. Guo Daqing's maniacal smile echoed in the room. Ding Yiyi felt a sharp pain on the back of her neck and completely lost consciousness.    


"Damn it!" Ye Nianmo punched the wall, "Notify the police, there's no need to chase them. They're not there now."    


"What do you mean you don't need to chase anymore? They might not have run far! " Yan Mingyao shouted crazily. He had lost his usual cynicism and was about to collapse! He was the only one who knew how dangerous Ao Xue was. The thought that Ao Xue might have already become an ice-cold corpse sent chills down his spine.    


Ye Nianmo's lips were tightly pursed as strong emotions burst out from his eyes. His voice became colder and colder, "This is my decision!"    


"Go to your decision, your father will find it himself!" Yan Mingyao got out of the car and slammed the door shut. His figure quickly disappeared in front of them.    


Ye Chuyun was the calmest among them. If they ignored his trembling fingers, they might think that he didn't care at all.    


"Ye Nianmo," his voice was hoarse like sand in a desert, "you have to save her, you have to!"    


"Yes." Ye Nianmo answered with a heavy voice. The car turned a corner on the spot and drove forward at an extreme speed.    


Ding Yiyi was sure they were in the car with the dark feeling, the damp temperature, the slight rocking of their bodies, and the faint sound of a whistle.    


There was no movement from beside her. She lowered her voice and asked, "Ao Xue, Ao Xue, are you there?"    


She hurriedly used her feet to feel around until she touched a soft body. Only then did she relax and struggled to move to Ao Xue's side, she began to listen carefully, it was obvious that they were in a lot of space, that meant it was a truck, and outside there seemed to be only the sound of the car's horn, which meant that they were on a highway right now, at least not downtown.    


A whimpering sound came from beside her, and she quickly bent down. "Ao Xue? Are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Ao Xue understood the situation and whispered back to him.    


"I'm trapped and blindfolded, what about you?"    


"Same here!"    


The car suddenly tilted forward and stopped. The two of them quickly shut their mouths, and after a while, the sound of the door opening rang out. Ding Yiyi felt a hand grabbing onto the rope on her body and pulling her out of the car.    


Guo Daqing pushed the two of them until their eyepatches were removed and the eye-piercing light shot into their eyes. Ding Yiyi subconsciously squinted her eyes. When her eyes adjusted to the light, she quickly looked around her surroundings.    


It was an abandoned building, and the surroundings were filled with dirty empty bottles. There was only one door, so it was obviously hard to escape. She and Ao Xue looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other's eyes, why did Guo Daqing bring them here.    


His vision went dark as Guo Daqing walked closer with a smile, "I suddenly realized that there is another interesting thing. We can play hide and seek with him! However, this will require your cooperation. "    


He took out his cell phone and dialed a number that he was familiar with, "Hello." Ye Nianmo said in a low voice. Both Ding Yiyi and Ao Xue had traces of excitement in their eyes.    


"What do you want?" Ye Nianmo continued.    


Guo Daqing said softly, "I want my father's life back."    


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