Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1230 Wealthy Marriage 1158

C1230 Wealthy Marriage 1158

"Ao Xue?" Yan Qingyan secretly remembered this name.    


Ye Family, Ye Nianmo and Ye Bo's conversation was clearly coming to an end. Ao Xue quietly left the room. She was still a little worried and quickly dialed her mother's number. "Mom, you won't harm Nianmo will you?"    


"Silly child, she is someone you like, why would I harm her? When the time comes and the Ye Family is mine, won't he obediently listen to you? "    


After hanging up the phone, Ao Xue finally relaxed, looking forward to the future.    


Conference on Ye Group    


Jason criticized Ding Yiyi in the meeting, "As the person in charge of leading an enterprise, you didn't even see the basic funds clearly. Students coming from Columbia University definitely wouldn't make this mistake."    


"Jason, isn't the teaching method at Columbia University trying to find a solution?" Ye Bo silently defended Ding Yiyi on the side.    


Jason snorted. He turned his head away and stopped for a moment. Ding Yiyi lowered her eyes. She knew Jason was right. She was really too stupid.    


The moment the meeting broke out and Ye Bo was about to leave with his briefcase, Ding Yiyi caught up to him, "Are you going to find Nianmo?"    


"Yes, Director Ding." Ye Bo straightened his body and said.    


"Bring me there, I don't want to wait foolishly every day, please." Ding Yiyi pleaded with him.    


Ye Bo was in a difficult position. He knew that the Young Master did not want Ding Yiyi to be involved in this storm, and this was not a small matter. Even if it was Ye Group, having thirty million in them all of a sudden was not a small blow.    


"Take me with you. I hope I can give my best on this matter."    


Ding Yiyi's eyes showed her determination. Ye Bo walked to the corridor and made a phone call to her, then nodded to her.    


Under Ye Nianmo's leadership, the company that Ye Nianmo belonged to has expanded its scale and rented a rented office in the business district. In order to keep Ye Nianmo, the company gave him a lot of benefits and rights, and even the office was bigger than his.    


The moment Ding Yiyi walked into the company, the employees recognized her. "Is she a celebrity who took the role of the crazy Qian Bi?"    


Ye Bo walked to her side to protect her, the two of them walked into Ye Nianmo's office under the gaze of the crowd.    


In the office, Ye Nianmo was focused on reading the documents. The moment Ye Bo and Ding Yiyi entered, his gaze swept over them.    


Ye Bo smiled bitterly. In the past, his young master had already reached the selfless state when he was working. He didn't even feel anything when he walked in a few times. He immediately reacted the moment Ding Yiyi came in.    


"What's the situation now?" Ding Yiyi asked as soon as she sat down.    


"Have you eaten?" The first thing Ye Nianmo asks is this question to you.    


Ding Yiyi was stunned. "Not yet."    


Ye Nianmo frowned slightly. He got up, picked up his coat and went to pull Ding Yiyi. She resisted, "I'm not hungry. I just want to know how the situation is right now!"    


"There are two choices. I'll carry you out and you can leave by yourself." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    


In the dining room, Ding Yiyi thought about the white man's motives as she rolled the pasta with a fork. She heard a low voice say, "Open your mouth."    


She subconsciously opened her mouth and stuffed the noodles into it. In order to prevent the noodles from spilling out, she could only close her mouth and chew while a faint blush appeared on her face.    


Ye Nianmo drank a mouthful of red wine in satisfaction, "Two choices, I'll feed you and yourself."    


The moment he said that, he was satisfied to see that the little woman in front of him obediently started to eat the noodles in big mouthfuls. When they returned to the office, Ding Yiyi could no longer hold it in. Ye Nianmo did not tease her and looked at Ye Bo, who was waiting at the side, and said, "Speak."    


"That man is called Gyp, he's from California, and he's the only child in the family. I plan to go to Los Angeles to find the man's relatives and friends and see if there's anything abnormal with him."    


Ye Nianmo nodded, but Ding Yiyi said uneasily, "Ye Bo, what do we do after you leave? So many things I'm afraid I can't handle. "    


Ye Bo was surprised, "Isn't Young Master here?"    


With a smile on his face, he finally restrained his smile and said in a serious tone, "In order to let the company run normally, come here to me every day with the documents and we can work together."    


"Why does it feel like I'm coming to you for my summer homework?" Ding Yiyi asked doubtfully.    


Ye Nianmo nodded calmly, "Then bring your homework to me."    


Seeing Ding Yiyi being circled around by the young master, Ye Bo glanced outside the window and felt a little sympathy for her.    


Deep into the night, a figure waited at Ye Family's door. Every time the car lights flashed, her charming little face would move in that direction once. Finally, the metal door opened and a black car slowly drove by.    


Ao Xue excitedly took a step or two forward, "Nianmo."    


Her excited and gentle expression, as well as the words she hadn't said before, were frozen in her throat. She watched as Ding Yiyi got off Ye Nianmo's car and walked over side by side with him.    


At first, her expression was painful, but it was quickly hidden. She quickly walked up to Nianmo and said, "Nianmo, I've stewed some soup. Drink some."    


"Thank you. I'm not hungry. You should go to bed early." Ye Nianmo walked forward a few steps and turned around to look at Ding Yiyi, who was walking slowly behind him. He frowned slightly. "Follow me. We still have a lot of work to do tonight."    


As the two's silhouettes disappeared, a trace of heartache and ruthlessness flashed past Ao Xue's face before calming down once more. She expressionlessly turned around and entered the Ye Family.    


Yan Qingyan was shocked. How could his son fall for a scheming woman like Ao Xue? If he were to marry her in the future, Jiu Jiu would definitely be bullied!    


He immediately called Yan Mingyao, "Now, I have something to tell you."    


It was a common bar. Yan Mingyao was a bit frustrated, "Why did you stop me from liking her?"    


"She's very scheming, not what you think." Yan Qingyan thought back to the brutality in Si Si's attempt to make him kill Wu Chengdu and was even more determined in his heart.    


Yan Mingyao smiled bitterly, "I know she's a bad woman, so bad that it makes people grind their teeth in anger, but I just like her."    


"No!" Yan Qingyan snapped, then his tone softened. "My son is so outstanding, he'll definitely see something even better."    


Yan Mingyao stood up and drained his glass, "Dad, I don't care how others feel, I only want her."    


Yan Qingyan was shocked, he turned around and looked at him with eyes full of determination, "You and mom are my most important people, I hope you guys can stand on my side."    


Arguing with his father made Yan Mingyao uncomfortable. Walking out of the bar, the cold wind woke him up a little, but the longing for that person suddenly burst out from Yan Mingyao's heart.    


He picked up his phone and dialed the number without any hesitation. Just as the number rang two times, the phone was pressed off. The shock of the alcohol gave him an irresistible urge to call again, and he was pressed down again.    


The third time, a notification sound came from his phone, "The user you called has been shut down."    


At Ye Family, Ao Xue frowned as she took off the battery on her phone. Thinking about Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo together, she felt extremely depressed.    


She quietly walked out of the room and into the study. Inside the study, Ding Yiyi was sitting upright on the side of her desk, eating a sweet potato stick and reading the documents seriously.    


Ding Yiyi yawned and chewed two mouthfuls of dried melon. The data made her dizzy. As long as she was lazy, Ye Nianmo's line of sight would always be able to catch her in time.    


"This is the wrong place." Ye Nianmo didn't even raise his head as he handed over the documents. A piece of dried melon appeared under his nose and he raised his eyebrows.    


"I'll treat you to a dried melon."    


Ding Yiyi smiled slyly. She blinked her eyes as she continued, "Let me go back to sleep after you've finished eating all the fruits."    


Ye Nianmo lowered his head. His gaze was fixed on his delicate fingers and fair skin. Right now, he wanted to eat something else.    


When Ding Yiyi saw that he didn't say anything, she could only bitterly withdraw her hand. However, she only saw him tilting his head to take a bite of the dried sweet potato before continuing to read the document with a calm expression.    


She was stunned for a moment. "Then I'll go to bed."    


"Nope." Ye Nianmo said lightly.    


Ding Yiyi was flustered. "Didn't you just say that you were going to let me go to bed after eating my dried melon?!"    


"I didn't." Ye Nianmo put the modified document aside and went to get another one.    


Seeing that he wasn't willing to let her go, Ding Yiyi had no choice but to lower her head and force herself to pick up the document again, forcing herself to read it with great vigor.    


Ao Xue looked at all of this with anger, feeling indignant. Didn't you say you didn't want to eat? What did that thing that killed Ding Yiyi mean?    


In the dead of night, Ding Yiyi slept soundly on the table, a shallow mark on the document left on her cheek.    


Ye Nianmo walked in front of her, bent down and kissed on her forehead. The yearning in his eyes was almost overflowing. He reached out to take the document she didn't finish reading, then sat back down in his seat.    


Sometimes, it's not that I want you to contribute much, but it's just that I want you to stay by my side.    


When Ding Yiyi woke up, she found that she was already lying on the bed, her alarm clock was ringing wildly. She got up and pressed it, picking up the two photo frames on the table, "Good morning Chuyun, good morning Baby Cheng."    


After quickly washing up, there was no longer Ye Nianmo left on the dining table. She quickly swallowed the sandwich, picked up her bag and ran out.    


At the Ye Family gate, a black Mercedes-Benz was quietly waiting. Seeing Ding Yiyi, the driver opened the back door and Ye Nianmo sat inside with his eyes closed.    


Was he waiting for him? Ding Yiyi got into the car so quickly that her head hit the roof.    


"It hurts." She grimaced and got into the car. A big hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, and her body fell to the side.    


Ye Nianmo covered the place where he was hit with a big hand. He silently helped her knead it, but his hands were very gentle and very warm.    


The drowsiness came again, and she fell asleep again, and woke up again, blinking at first, her straight legs wrapped in her cropped silver slacks, and looking up at the back of the chair, and up again, marked with the suspicious mark of her suit coat.    


She subconsciously wiped her mouth and retreated from Ye Nianmo's embrace in embarrassment, while her eyes kept on looking at the puddle on his chest.    


Ye Nianmo continued to read the book as if he didn't notice anything, but the corner of his mouth slightly raised, making him in a very happy mood.    


As soon as they entered the company, the employees became curious about the normally meticulous supervisor.    


"What is that?" Haven't you washed the detergent? "    


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