Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1251 Wealthy Marriage 1179

C1251 Wealthy Marriage 1179

"You actually lied to me. You're injured." Ding Yiyi held back her tears as she waved her fists in a ferocious manner.    


Ye Nianmo said helplessly, "I'm really hurt, but my hand is only slightly injured."    


He frowned deeply. His left cheek was still colored, and he didn't look like he was lying. The sound of a car on the ground came from behind them.    


"Ignore you." Ding Yiyi pouted as she ran in the direction of the car. She had only run a few steps when she heard the sound of a body collapsing behind her.    


In the hospital ward, cold droplets flowed through the needle hole and into the blood vessels. Fu Fengyi held Ye Nianmo's hand and sighed, "What a sin."    


"Mr Ye has a concussion. Although he's still unconscious, but there shouldn't be any problems with the current situation." The doctor flipped through the chart, then looked at the woman who had been standing beside him. "I think you need to check, too."    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. The lack of water for so long had caused her throat to turn dry. "No need. Thank you."    


Ye Bo took a step forward, "Madam, do you want to return to Ye Family first? Young master will definitely not be able to wake up in a short while, if he wakes up and sees you like this, he will definitely be worried.    


"Alright, alright." Fu Fengyi stood up with tears streaming down her face. Ao Xue hurried forward to support her. With a sorrowful expression, she said, "Grandmother, you must be strong."    


Just as she finished speaking, Ao Xue couldn't hold back her sobs any longer. She turned around and glared fiercely at Ding Yiyi. "It's you again! Why does he always get hurt?!"    


"Are you going to cut off all your descendants with your Ye Family!?" Fu Fengyi pointed at Ding Yiyi and swore while wiping away her tears.    


Ye Bo wanted to protect Ding Yiyi. He quickly stepped in front of her and whispered, "Old madam, you should go back and rest first."    


As the car sped along the road, Fu Fengyi suddenly said slowly, "Let's go to the nearest temple. I want to seek peace for Nianmo."    


Upon entering the temple, Ao Xue said gently, "Grandma, I'll go get the incense for you. Please wait for a moment."    


Fu Fengyi nodded and sighed, waiting where she was. At this moment, a woman's voice came from beside her, "Madam, you seem to love her on the surface. There's black smoke in the door. Has something bad happened at home recently?"    


Fu Fengyi turned her head to look at the woman, who wore a wide hat and big sunglasses, tightly wrapped in a veil. She asked doubtfully, "You are?"    


"Can you show me your palm?" The woman kept her head down, her voice low and sharp. Fu Fengyi reached out her hand, half believing and half doubting.    


The woman held her hand and carefully examined it. After a long while, she said, "Your fate was destroyed by the Heaven Destroyer, you should have felt the pain of a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man."    


Fu Fengyi's body trembled. She tried her best to maintain her composure. Her trembling fingers still revealed her unease. "That's right. My great-grandchildren have left me."    


The woman's pale hands retreated into her wide black clothes. She did not speak again, but lowered her head, thinking about something.    


Fu Fengyi was a little anxious. "Who are you? How do you know these things?"    


"Leave. If you don't trust the buddhist faith, you will not be instructed. I won't say it again."    


Fu Fengyi walked two steps with some hesitation before she moved back again. "Who is that Heaven Destroyer, Solitary Star?"    


"Hehe," the woman let out a sharp laugh again, and her red lips that were faintly discernable under the veil said word by word, "If there is no mistake, your other grandson is now also bedridden because of that Heavenly Slaughter."    


"That's right." Fu Fengyi was no longer suspicious. She moved closer to the woman, only to see that she had backed away cautiously and pulled her veil a little higher.    


"May I know how to resolve this?" Fu Fengyi asked hastily, consciously telling her that this woman could help her.    


The woman suddenly raised her head and took off her sunglasses. She stared at Fu Fengyi with slightly raised eyes. "Change your hair!"    


"What!" Fu Fengyi retreated two steps and waved her hands, "What are you talking about?"    


"That face and Ye Family are incompatible, but it cannot be broken. Even if the woman with that face were to leave, it would be of no use.    


Fu Fengyi thought about it carefully after being shocked. That's right, even if Ding Yiyi left, Ye Nianmo would still look for her everywhere based on his personality. It would be better for her to fix her face so that Ding Yiyi would be gone from this world.    


"Grandma, what's wrong?" Ao Xue came back with the incense and saw her standing there stunned, thinking she was overly sad.    


Fu Fengyi turned her head and pointed to the side, "Just now," she had only just finished her sentence when she paused, "Where is he?"    


"Who is it?" Ao Xue looked at the table and said, "I didn't see anyone when we arrived."    


Fu Fengyi's heart trembled as she hid her thoughts. She cleared her throat and said, "It's alright. Let's go."    


Ao Xue looked at her back and frowned doubtfully. What was the madame hiding from him?    


When he returned to the hospital again, Ye Nianmo was still awake. Ding Yiyi sat beside him with a wet towel in her hand and helped him clean his palms.    


Ye Nianmo rubbed a layer of skin off his hands when the helicopter landed. Her bright red skin made her want to cry. Seeing that the old lady had returned, she quickly stood up and wiped her tears away.    


Fu Fengyi walked to the bedside and carefully tucked Ye Nianmo in. She stood up and walked in front of Ding Yiyi. "Come here for a moment."    


In the hospital's coffee shop, the maid was taking Fu Fengyi's blood pressure. Suddenly, she grabbed Ding Yiyi's shriveled arm and said, "You have to destroy my Ye Family to have no descendants."    


"Sorry grandma." Ding Yiyi said in an apologetic tone.    


Fu Fengyi's eyes were also red. "My grandson has already died because of you. I don't want to suffer this kind of pain anymore. Child, do you understand the pain of a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man?"    


The more she spoke, the more agitated she became. The maid hurriedly helped her to calm down. "Madame, please don't be angry."    


Ding Yiyi stood up and cried, "I'll leave now, leave the Dongjiang City, and go far away."    


Fu Fengyi shook her head, "Even if you leave, that kid Nianmo will still miss you. He will look for you until he finds you."    


Her every word stabbed into Ding Yiyi's chest like a sharp needle. She slumped into a chair. "Then what should I do?"    


Fu Fengyi signaled with her eyes for the maid to leave, leaving only Ding Yiyi and her alone. She held Ding Yiyi's hand and said, "Grandmother has a way for you and Nianmo to never meet again."    


Ding Yiyi's arm twitched as she was grabbed even tighter by Fu Fengyi. She swallowed a mouthful of saliva with much difficulty. "What is it?"    


"Face lift."    


The low voice sounded in the air. Looking at the look of disbelief in the other party's eyes, Fu Fengyi tightened her grip on her palm, "According to grandma, Nianmo is too obsessed with you now. You need to fix your face, change your identity, and continue living.    


Ding Yiyi's entire body was frighteningly cold. She rolled her eyes mechanically as she tried to salvage the situation. "Can you help us? I'll try my best to be a good wife. A good daughter-in-law. I won't make you angry again."    


"No way!" Fu Fengyi released her hand and said harshly, "Look at what happened to you after you reached the Ye Family. You don't belong to the Ye Family, and the Ye Family doesn't belong to you as well!"    


Seeing Ding Yiyi's dejected look, she softened her tone and said, "Child, grandmother really cannot lose Nianmo. Just treat it as doing a good job and letting go of Ye Family to live."    


"Sorry, I have something that I need to take care of. I would like to leave for a moment." Ding Yiyi stood up abruptly, and the chair behind her fell to the ground with a thud.    


Fu Fengyi didn't move. "I'll give you one day to think. Yiyi, I hope you can think about what's good for Nianmo."    


Ding Yiyi ran away from the coffee shop in a sorry state and wandered around the hospital in a daze. Suddenly, she heard a loud shout from behind her, "Give way, the person in front!"    


Just as she came back to her senses, an electric car sped past her. The man cursed and turned his head, "What are you doing!? They don't have long ears! "    


Ding Yiyi fell back a few steps, her calves hitting the side of the road as she climbed up.    


She felt as if all her strength had been sucked out of her. She looked at the people coming and going at her, thinking, "If it weren't for me, what would Ye Nianmo be like?"    


In a daze, the gentle voice tried to wake her up. "Yi Yi, wake up. You'll catch a cold sleeping here."    


She barely opened her eyes, but the person in front of her stood against the light. The familiar gentleness on her face made her tears immediately spill out from her eyes, "Chuyun."    


"Idiot, why are you crying?" His slender fingers gently wiped away the tears on her face. Suddenly, he stopped what he was doing and turned his head to the side.    


Ding Yiyi also looked to the side. It was a white door with no end in sight. The door was shrouded in smoke, making it hard to see clearly.    


A hand stretched out in front of him. Ye Chuyun said softly, "Let's go. There's someone waiting for you."    


"Who is it?" Ding Yiyi placed her hand on Ding Yiyi's palm. The other's palm was very cold, but she still held it tighter.    


Ye Chuyun didn't answer, instead, he took her to the white door. He gave her a light push, "Go."    


Ding Yiyi pushed the door open with some hesitation. A strange light flashed and she couldn't help but narrow her eyes.    


Inside the door was the wedding venue. Everyone was brimming with a happy smile as ribbons and balloons danced on the roof. Amidst the crowd, a couple embraced and kissed happily.    


As she walked closer, the man's handsome face made her heart jump, "Nianmo?"    


No one could see her. Ye Nianmo looked at Ao Xue affectionately and grabbed her hand, walking out.    


Ding Yiyi hastily followed him. She was very anxious and wanted him to see her. "Nianmo!"    


Ye Nianmo and Ao Xue walked quickly, leaving Ding Yiyi far behind.    


Ding Yiyi squeezed her way through the crowd in a sorry state, only to see the white door open. Ye Nianmo pulled Ao Xue's hand and walked towards the door.    


"Wait for me!" Ding Yiyi pushed her way through the crowd and gradually closed the door. At the last second, she finally squeezed through the door.    


The blinding light made her close her eyes again. She heard the baby crying, opened her eyes, and took a step back.    


Ye Nianmo, who was carrying a child, had an uncontrollable joy on his face. Ao Xue snuggled close to him and looked at him lovingly.    


In the blink of an eye, the child had grown up. The family of three were playing football on the grass. The football rolled to Ding Yiyi's feet. A little boy staggered over to her. "Auntie, why are you crying?"    


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