Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1256 Wealthy Marriage 1184

C1256 Wealthy Marriage 1184

"What does it have to do with me! Are you waiting for me to fall into your trap? When the time comes, I'll clap my hands and run away, sending your biological daughter to jail! " Ao Xue turned her head to vent the dissatisfaction in her heart.    


Si Si walked closer and touched her cheek, avoiding her as expected. She took out an ID card from her bag, neither angry nor angry. "See what this is?"    


"Ding Yiyi's ID card." Ao Xue looked at her in surprise. "What did you do?"    


Si Si put the ID in her palm, leaned over and slowly said, "You don't need to care what I did, now there's a chance for you to be Ding Yiyi. Are you going to do it?"    


As Ding Yiyi, what should she do? Change your head? How laughable! Disdain could be seen in Ao Xue's eyes.    


Si Si pulled her hand over and lightly traced the lines on her palm with her finger. She lowered her voice and said, "She had plastic surgery and left. The only people who knew about this were the madame and me. Now you are here."    


Ao Xue was so shocked that she took a step back. Si Si's nails brushed against her palm, making it itch. She was so shocked that she didn't know what to say. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, but no words came out.    


After a long moment, she heard her own dry voice. "What has become of her?"    


"You don't need to worry about what she will become," Si Si paused for a moment, then continued, "You only need to worry about what you will become."    


A locomotive sped by on the side of the road, its occupants clamoring in the night sky, and the moths under the streetlights disrupted their flying pace.    


Ao Xue heard her heart in disarray. Her throat was dry and uncomfortable, and swallowing her saliva was difficult for her. "You want me to make her look like her?"    


"Smart!" Si Si patted her shoulder and turned around, waving her loose skirt in a beautiful arc in the air. She urged Ao Xue, "She's gone, you have enough time to become her. From now on, Ye Nianmo is yours, all the attention is yours."    


"What if she comes back?" Although Ao Xue's heart was moved, she was still cautious.    


Si Si covered her mouth and laughed happily, "Silly child, as long as you're here, who would believe her then? You have to know that the current her is a stranger from start to finish."    


Ao Xue heard her heart pounding. She had wanted to live like Ding Yiyi so many times. Now that she had the chance, she would continue to live like Ding Yiyi, living beside Ye Nianmo.    


Si Si put on her hat again. Her expression was hidden, but her voice still sounded like a ghost. "Child, you're the same blood type as her, the same face, and even the same height. These are all gifts from God. Think about it."    


She turned around and stepped on the ground with her extremely thin high heels. It was as if she was trying to urge Ao Xue to give up her life. Do? Or not?    


"Wait a minute!"    


Hearing the shout from behind them, Si Si's face was brimming with a joyful smile. I want your family to be ruined! "    


The next day, Fu Fengyi asked worriedly, "Why are you in such a hurry to go to Haoran's place?"    


Ao Xue turned her head to look at Ye Nianmo, who was flipping through the financial newspaper indifferently. She turned her head and said, "I don't have any grandmother, I just suddenly missed dad and want to go back to accompany him."    


Seeing that she had made up her mind to leave, Fu Fengyi couldn't keep her as she said: "Then if you need anything, just call me back. Ye Family is also your second home."    


Ao Xue answered with a sweet smile and looked at Ye Nianmo again. Her eyes were filled with determination. When she comes back, she will not let go!    


Las Vegas    


"Did you lie to me!" Ding Yiyi finally exploded after running all over the place for an entire day. She tugged at Adai and angrily said, "You said that your father lives here, but these past few days you've been dragging me around the entire city. I'm really angry."    


Adai lowered his head and played with the shoulder strap in his hand. He felt wronged and said, "But I said that I must look for Father!"    


Seeing her aggrieved expression, Ding Yiyi sighed. "Forget it, let's go back to the hotel."    


As soon as she turned around, she put it into Adai's arms and placed the tip of her nose against his chest. She hurriedly kicked backwards and rubbed her nose. "Why are you standing so close to me?"    


Adai still had an innocent look on his face. "I'm following you."    


Just as she finished her sentence, a whistle sounded from beside her. A sportscar stopped beside Ding Yiyi, and a Chinese man sat inside it.    


"Hi, would you like a drink?"    


"Thank you. I'm not interested."    


Ding Yiyi pulled Little Marten's wrist and walked forward. The man refused to forgive her. "We'll just have one cup of wine. Do you want to bet on it?" Recently, Gamble King is going to have his birthday celebration, so there are chips in the casino.    


"Gamble King's birthday or not, it has nothing to do with me." Ding Yiyi had just reached out to pull Adai who was standing behind her, but she didn't manage to grab anyone. She turned around and saw Adai standing on the ground, his head lowered, thinking about something.    


Rejecting the man's invitation, she turned around and returned to Adai's side. "What happened? Are you sleepy or hungry? "    


Little Dummy suddenly looked up. "Let's go and gamble!"    




Ding Yiyi looked at him and asked curiously, "How much do these chips cost?"    


"Several hundred thousand." A foreign woman looked at him from time to time. She was obviously attracted by him. She smiled and said in Chinese, "Chinese boy, are you willing to come to my room for a drink?"    


Before Little Marten could reply, Ding Yiyi immediately stood in front of him and cautiously looked at the foreign woman. "I don't want to!"    


The foreign woman shook her head and left with a smile. Coincidentally, the dealer announced the start of the game.    


"Little Dai." Ding Yiyi turned her head to speak to him, only to discover that he had already run off somewhere.    


She turned around in a hurry and saw the child in a shirt and jeans.    


A familiar figure flashed not far away, and Ding Yiyi hurried to catch up with him. However, halfway through, someone grabbed her waist, and she was just about to scream out in fright when she heard a deep voice in her ear, "Hello Miss, I'm not a bad person. I just want to ask you to help me cover up a little.    


Her body trembled as she turned her head to look at this man. She knew this middle-aged man. Wasn't he the man her master had met when he had brought her to Teacher Xia? His name seemed to be Yu Lan. At that time, he had a very beautiful woman by his side.    


Seeing that Ding Yiyi didn't resist, Yu Lan quietly pulled apart the distance between the two of them. He thought to himself that luckily the clouds had been attracted by the flower arrangement recently.    


Ding Yiyi knew he wasn't a bad person, but she didn't know what he was up to. She could only follow his movements and in a short while, the two of them left the noisy hall and went deeper into the hallway.    


Yu Lan had already let go of Ding Yiyi. He seemed to be looking for something as his expression became more and more anxious. Suddenly, a large number of black clothed people appeared in front of and behind the two of them.    


"Don't be afraid." He reached out and grabbed Ding Yiyi's waist because he was afraid that she would run away. These people would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of a single one. When that happened, this woman would be in danger.    


The woman in his arms took a step forward and broke free from his restraints. Instead, she turned around and calmly said, "Let's go."    


Yu Lan narrowed her eyes and sized her up. There was admiration in her eyes, and her expression wasn't as tense as before. "Alright."    


The man in the luxurious chair sat lazily, while the bodyguard beside him helped him light a cigarette. He placed his feet on the tea table and said, "I've long heard that my dad has a friend who's 20 years younger than him. Now, it seems that he's even younger than our actual age."    


Yu Lan stepped forward. "You unfilial son, you've placed your father under house arrest in an attempt to seize his family property. I won't stand idly by and watch. Hurry up and release him!"    




The man kicked the tea table with his heel, "Uncle Yu, although you're my dad's friend, you have to be careful when you speak. My dad is very good, so you should prepare to celebrate his birthday."    


Ding Yiyi calmly took a step back. If she hadn't seen wrongly, the black shadow in the man's pocket when he kicked the tea table should be a gun. She glanced around and saw all the bodyguards' hands in the bulging pockets.    


Yu Lan sneered, "Gamble King's everything will belong to you two sooner or later. Why do you have to treat him like this?"    


"Enough!" The man finally got angry, "I, Jie Yang, don't have time to listen to your bullshit."    


He waved his hand and the two men grabbed Ding Yiyi one after the other. She couldn't break free, so she just stood there without moving.    


Jie Yang's interest was piqued. He stood up and walked up to her, looking at her condescendingly. He waved his hand to let the people beside him go. "You're very pretty."    


Behind him, Yu Lan's hand was already in his pocket. Everything was going according to plan. Jie Yang liked beautiful women the most. This was also the reason why he chose that woman at first glance.    


As long as he took out his gun and shot Jie Yang, he would be able to escape through the window. Without a backbone, those people would not dare to imprison Gamble King.    


The other reason he didn't move was that the woman was too calm, which made him curious.    


"What's your name?" Jie Yang reached out his hand to caress Ding Yiyi's face. His unassuming face was filled with lust.    


Ding Yiyi slightly turned her head away. Although her fingers were trembling, she forced herself to remain composed as she replied, "Guess."    


Jie Yang was stunned for a moment, and the interest on his face deepened, "Interesting, then let's go back to the room and guess?"    


Ding Yiyi's face was covered in cold sweat. From the moment Jie Yang became interested in her, she knew that Yu Lan wanted to use her as bait, so she could only save herself.    


One of the bodyguards was only half an arm's width away, which meant she could definitely grab the gun at the back of his belt if she was fast enough.    


A few more bodyguards came in and knocked on the door. Yu Lan let go of Yu Lan. It was too late for him to save that woman, so he had to protect himself.    


He turned around and was about to jump out of the window when he heard a loud shout behind him, "Nobody move!"    


He turned his head in surprise and then laughed out loud. "Beauty, you really made me look at you in a new light."    


Although he was approaching middle age, his smile didn't change at all. Ding Yiyi didn't have time to admire him as she placed the gun against Jie Yang's neck and approached Yu Lan.    


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