Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1316 Married to a Rich Family 1244

C1316 Married to a Rich Family 1244

Ye Bo looked at the bowing Soong Mengjie with a complicated expression. She was so careful that he couldn't even feel angry, even though it was just sympathy for the weak.    


He then shifted his gaze to the young master who was on the verge of exploding. Ye Nianmo's eyes were brimming with an intense, angry emotion. His body slightly leaned forward, like a leopard that was about to take action.    


"Zhuoxuan, are you not trying to explain?" Ye Nianmo said coldly, his voice sounded like it came from the gaps between his teeth.    


A bitter and mocking smile flashed across Hai Zhuoxuan's face, "Do you still need an explanation?"    


As soon as he said that, he was punched until he hit the wall. He wiped away the blood at the corner of his mouth, then turned around to look at Ye Nianmo.    


After that, a punch landed on his stomach with a great deal of strength. As his muscles and bones clashed, there was a dull thud. Hai Zhuoxuan groaned in pain but still held onto his wrist tightly. "Don't … don't tell Chu Qing."    


"You still dare to mention her!" Ye Nianmo was on the verge of going crazy. He stretched out his other hand to kick him, but Soong Mengjie, who was running towards him, held him back.    


"Please don't hurt him," Soong Mengjie cried.    


Ye Nianmo turned his head and looked at her bulging stomach. His eyes were cold, as if he was looking at a dead object.    


Soong Mengjie was so scared that she let go, clutching her stomach as she retreated.    


"Ye Bo," he suddenly opened his mouth, "notify the doctor."    


Soong Mengjie retreated helplessly and looked at Hai Zhuoxuan imploringly. The latter just stared at Ye Nianmo, waiting for a promise.    


She was in despair. She turned around and wanted to run away, but her arm was grabbed gently yet she couldn't break free. She could only look at Ye Bo with tears in her eyes as she shook her head and begged with her eyes.    


When the doctor arrived, two nurses took her by the hands and carried her to the delivery room. She tried to resist, but was dragged to the spot.    


"What are you doing!" Ding Yiyi rushed to the obstetrics and gynecology department, only to see Soong Mengjie crying as she was driven by two nurses. She didn't see Hai Zhuoxuan and Ye Nianmo at the corner.    


She rushed to Soong Mengjie's side, broke open the nurse's hand, and hugged the shivering Soong Mengjie as she said angrily, "What happened in your hospital? Why did you force her to miscarry? Didn't you see her crying like that?"    


"Have you always known about this?" A few faint words suddenly came from the corner, causing her to be greatly shocked.    


Lili turned around and saw Ye Nianmo. "Nianmo, why are you here?" She turned her gaze to Hai Zhuoxuan, who Ye Nianmo had beaten badly, "Zhuoxuan, why are you here? "What's going on?"    


Her words suddenly disappeared in her throat, and the hands holding Soong Mengjie also loosened slightly. Her eyes swept over Hai Zhuoxuan and her body with disbelief. "He didn't take responsibility for what you said, so the one who wanted you to beat the child up is him?"    


Soong Mengjie lowered her hands, but her body was still shaking. The fingers that covered her stomach weakly nodded.    


"Raise your head." Ding Yiyi's voice was filled with disbelief and turned slightly cold and indifferent.    


Soong Mengjie raised her head and immediately received a slap to the face, causing her to tilt her head to the side. The elastic band loosened from her face and her entire face became covered with shadows.    


Ding Yiyi gritted her teeth as she yelled. "He's someone with a wife!"    


Then, she turned around and walked to Hai Zhuoxuan, who was leaning against the wall, and slapped him again, "She's your wife. She's still missing you even on the plane. She's going to give birth 36 weeks later!"    


Hai Zhuoxuan's originally cold expression turned painful. He lowered his head slightly and covered his long, narrow eyes with his bangs, "Don't tell her."    


"Since you don't want her to feel sad, then why did you go and harm her and then my friends? You hurt two women!" Ding Yiyi really wanted to go up and tear him apart.    


"Doctor." Ye Nianmo said coldly. The nurse who was standing on the side walked up to Soong Mengjie and grabbed her arm.    


Soong Mengjie was crying. "Yiyi, Yiyi!"    


Ding Yiyi closed her eyes in pain and clenched her hands into fists by her side. She was still trembling slightly.    


"Yiyi, you're my best friend. I've never felt pain like my parents since I was young. I just want to have a child of the person I love and then love her wholeheartedly."    


She was very clear about Soong Mengjie's family, because she had never been able to get Xiao Xiaolee's understanding regarding her illegitimate daughter. Furthermore, Soong Shuhao only wanted to marry her into a rich family.    


"Wait." She suddenly opened her mouth and the scene quieted down.    


Ye Nianmo let go of Hai Zhuoxuan and walked in front of her. He looked down at her seriously and said, "She's my sister."    


"She is also my sister-in-law," she paused, "but she is also my friend."    


Ye Nianmo pursed his lips and didn't say anything, but his expression was full of disapproval. His sleeve was held and Ding Yiyi whispered, "Give me time, I'll go convince her."    


After a long while, Ye Nianmo's cold gaze swept across Soong Mengjie's bulging stomach again. The latter subconsciously hid behind the nurse.    


He looked at Hai Zhuoxuan, who was leaning against the wall, and said coldly, "Do your best."    


Only Ding Yiyi, Soong Mengjie, and Hai Zhuoxuan were left at the scene. He walked in front of Soong Mengjie and whispered, "Sorry." Then he left, leaving in a clean and crisp manner.    


Soong Mengjie's tears kept rolling down her face. She was crying so hard that she was out of breath. She looked like she was about to be dehydrated.    


Seeing her heartbroken expression, Ding Yiyi could only sigh heavily.    


Ding Family handed over the warm water to Soong Mengjie, and Ding Yiyi said in a low voice: "Ye Family will not tolerate this child's existence in this world."    


Soong Mengjie's body trembled, she put down the glass of water and urgently held Ding Yiyi's hand, "I plan to listen to him and break it, but I really don't want to part with this child, you can be considered Ye Family, help me and Ye Nianmo agree, as long as he agrees, the child will definitely be saved."    


Ding Yiyi slowly shook her head, "Ye Family will not let any blemishes exist in this world. On the surface, they are docile, but in the private, part of them is like a lion in deep slumber." She held Soong Mengjie's hand backhandedly, "Once you use a trick, the injuries you receive will definitely be far more severe than the ones you have now. The only thing I can help you with is to minimize your injuries."    


At that moment, Ding Yiyi's cell phone rang. She answered, "Got it."    


After hanging up, she said: "Hai Zhuoxuan has already flown to Los Angeles."    


Soong Mengjie blankly raised her head to look at her, then quickly lowered her head, a pair of hands stroking her bulging stomach.    


"He is the person who understands Ye Family the most, which means that he knows how to use Ye Family to cut the grass at its roots. Not only can't your child be preserved, even you are in danger, but he still chose to go to the United States.    


Ding Yiyi spoke word by word. Looking at the weak and helpless appearance of the woman beside her, she too felt heartache, but more so, determination. If Fu Fengyi knew about this, then Soong Mengjie would be in an even worse situation.    


In order to satisfy Ye Chuqing, Ye Family would help Hai Zhuoxuan hide the truth. Hai Zhuoxuan was still a good husband that Ye Chuqing trusted, and the one who would be hurt in this whole matter, would only be Soong Mengjie.    


After a long while, Soong Mengjie leaned her head back against the sofa and murmured to herself, "Let me think."    


Ding Yiyi stood up with a complicated expression. "I'll come see you tomorrow."    


She went to the Ye Group and the secretary said that Ye Nianmo didn't come back, so she went back to their home.    


He called Ye Nianmo and got Ye Bo's call. Ye Bo also said briefly, "Young Master said he's doing very well, so you don't have to worry about him."    


How could Ding Yiyi not be worried! After some thought, she grabbed her backpack and ran out the door.    


Late in the afternoon, the view of the mountain was divided into two parts. One part was covered by the orange sunset, the other part was hidden in the shadows. A man sat on the border between light and darkness, the wind blowing his suit jacket noisily.    


Ding Yiyi walked up to him and dusted herself off from the climb. Just as she was about to sit down, she was stopped by a hand. She looked at him in confusion.    


Ye Nianmo's expression was still as serious as before. He just silently took off his jacket and laid it on the stone. He said concisely, "Cool."    


Ding Yiyi's heart warmed as she sat down next to him. His suit jacket still retained the warmth of the sun and the smell, making her feel at ease.    


She narrowed her eyes and looked at the sun that was gradually setting in the distance. She took a deep breath and hugged her knees, not saying a word.    


"When I was young, my father had a woman called Soong Wanting. That woman also had a child called Du Du." Ye Nianmo spoke with a calm tone.    


Ding Yiyi listened quietly and put out her hand to hold his hand. She exerted a little strength in her palm to let him see her concern and encouragement.    


Ye Nianmo looked in front of him and smiled. He then continued, "Perhaps when I was young, my parents were too entangled with each other, so I swore that if I decide on a person, I will keep walking." He looked at Ding Yiyi with a gentle gaze.    


"Thank you for choosing me." Ding Yiyi said softly.    


"Family is all I have. I won't let anyone destroy it." he said lightly, with determination in his tone.    


Ding Yiyi's face was slightly pale. She could tell from his words that no matter what, Soong Mengjie would not give birth to this child. Furthermore, she might be in danger.    


Seemingly seeing through her concerns, Ye Nianmo pursed his lips, "I can let her go," he said coldly, "The child must not be left alive."    


The setting sun had completely disappeared from the horizon, and the wind brought with it a hint of coldness, spinning and jumping in the air between the two of them.    


Suddenly, a figure quickly walked over from not too far away. When he got closer, he noticed that it was Ye Nianmo. He had a hurried expression and the wrinkles on his forehead had shrunk.    


"Young master, the company received this fax today."    


Ye Nianmo took the fax, and his eyes suddenly changed when he saw the contents.    


"Ye Family, Soong Mengjie is in my hands. Say, if Ye Chuqing knew that her beloved husband, her good friend, had a leg and a child, would she be unable to live due to grief?"    


The lines were filled with frightened thoughts. Ding Yiyi immediately recalled the man in black who kidnapped Fu Fengyi and Ao Xue, "It's her!"    


"Find out where this fax came from." Ye Nianmo asked while holding the paper.    


"It came from a printing shop," Ye Bo said. "They said there were too many people today and didn't notice who sent this email."    


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