Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1334 Married to a Rich Family 1262

C1334 Married to a Rich Family 1262

Ding Yiyi hesitated for a while, and since she was already here, it seemed that she didn't know how to behave, so she nodded.    


With a faint smile on his lips, the host turned around and pushed open the door. "Then you can go in."    


Ding Yiyi looked around the room. It was clearly a dark place in the morning, but the room seemed to have been abandoned by the sun.    


She took one step into the room, then suddenly remembered something and turned her head, "Oh right, host, is there someone cleaning the temple at 3 o'clock this morning? I think I heard a strange sound. "    


The corners of the host's mouth that had been holding a smile suddenly moved, his expression was also a little strange, but he quickly recovered, "No, our temple's working time is five in the morning and eight in the evening."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. Just as she entered the room, the only light behind her disappeared. "Kacha." It was the sound of a lock falling.    


"Host?" She immediately turned around and slammed the door. "What are you doing? Hurry up and let me out."    


The voice outside the door also sounded a bit surprised, "Didn't the people who told you to come tell you the process?"    


"What process?" Ding Yiyi was completely confused.    


The host sighed and raised his voice. "The reason so many people like to come here and beg for a son is because of the crime."    


"What crime?" It was too dark in the room. Ding Yiyi's eyes couldn't adjust to the darkness, so she could only stick close to the door and talk loudly.    


"The reason why I can't conceive of a child is because there are many evils in my previous life. Thus, I have to borrow the sin of atonement from the Bodhisattva to redeem myself and then use other external objects to absorb the obscene aura from my body before I can finally become pregnant with a child."    


After listening to the host's words, Ding Yiyi became a little doubtful. "Host, what do you mean by using external forces?"    


Before he could finish, he felt something crawl through his arm, like a cockroach crawling on its arm.    


Startled, she slapped away the item on her arm. Subconsciously, she lowered her head to look at it and sucked in a breath of air.    


What climbed on her arm just now was a scorpion whose tail had been amputated. That scorpion had the laughter of a grown woman. After being slapped off, it quickly crawled into the deeper darkness.    


"Leader!" She was too scared to move the door, so she could only shout.    


After some time, a sigh could be heard from outside the door. "Hold on, many rich and powerful ladies do this for a son."    


There were no more sounds coming from outside the door. After a while, Ding Yiyi heard some rustling sounds coming from outside the door. Presumably, the host had already left.    


She stood where she was in despair and fear. At this moment, her eyes were able to adapt to all of this. The darkness was no longer dark, but her heart almost stopped from the fright.    


Dozens of snakes of all colors hung on the walls of the room. Their corpses were dried and embalmed, but they were extremely terrifying.    


There were several huge cockroaches crawling around on the wall. Suddenly, a cockroach flew up and she crouched down in fear.    


Just as she lowered her head, another scorpion with a thorn in its side slowly crawled past her feet.    


"Ah!" She gave a cry of alarm, got up, and took a few steps. Her waist came into contact with something sharp, and she dodged it as if she had been electrocuted. When she looked carefully, she realized it was the edge of a table.    


Looking up along the table, she couldn't help but take a step back. There was a "Pa ji" sound coming from below her feet. A cockroach had been stomped so hard that it looked completely unrecognizable.    


It was a very strange Buddha statue, with three faces and a smile on one side. One corner of his mouth was bent down, his expression was sorrowful, and the other eye was staring like an ox. His thin eyebrows were raised high, and he did not look like a Bodhisattva at all.    


The lower half of the Bodhisattva's body was truly astonishing. Its six arms pointed in all directions. Some were holding toads, some were holding immortal children, and the one in the middle was abnormally long and big.    


Ding Yiyi was breathing heavily with lingering fear. She took out her cell phone and called Ye Nianmo, but her fingers stopped right after the number was uploaded.    


Fu Fengyi's hope and the scene of Ye Nianmo playing with his child in the hospital filled her mind. Warm tears welled up in her eyes. She held back her tears and put away her phone.    


It was unknown when she was standing outside the window, but her feet were already sore. There was only a praying mat in front of her, but she didn't dare to sit down, fearing that there was something scary hidden under the yellow praying mat.    


After quite a while, she could no longer hold on and could only pace around the room in a small area. The air was filled with the stench of dead mice, cockroaches, and scorpions.    


People in a closed, dark space were prone to despair, and she knew now that she had fallen into this situation.    


She was panicking, worried that no one would discover her and how long she would be here. A cockroach crawled to her side with a white worm egg on the back of its tail. It looked like it was about to give birth, and she finally vomited out in disgust.    


An hour had passed and it should have been noon outside. Although no one had brought her food, she wasn't hungry at all. Her stomach was full of acid.    


Suddenly, there seemed to be someone moving outside the door. She ran for her life as if she had found her lifeline. "Is there anyone here?" I give up, please let me out. "    


The footsteps outside the door stopped. No one answered her, and then there was another sound, but this time it was a distant sound.    


She was in despair. She curled up her body and slid down the door. At her side, a fat scorpion proudly crawled past.    


"Lalalalalala." There was a series of meaningless sounds from her mouth; the tears had dried on her face.    


Suddenly, the door was lifted, followed by the sound of a keyhole being inserted into the lock. A moment later, the door opened from the outside, and she was caught off guard as she fell onto the threshold.    


The emcee looked at her with a trace of sympathy. "It's all over."    


Ding Yiyi lay quietly on the ground. The outside of the door was already completely dark. The bamboo that was almost two meters tall was blowing loudly in the wind. Compared to the darkness inside the room, the outside was even brighter.    


She quietly got up and dragged her tired body out, but was stopped by the host behind her, "Wait a moment."    


The presiding judge stepped into the room, oblivious to the horrifying scene inside. He picked up an unclean cup from the table, grabbed a handful of ash from the incense burner in front of the Bodhisattva, and placed it into the cup. Then, he borrowed the kettle he carried around with him to pour fresh water into the cup.    


"This is the last step." The master of ceremonies came out and handed her the cup.    


Ding Yiyi's body shuddered as her gaze followed the circulation of the swirling gray liquid in the cup. She heard her stomach grunt and she couldn't help but vomit, but she could only spit out acid.    


"I don't drink." She wiped the liquid from her mouth with much difficulty and frowned as she refused.    


The host didn't insist. "I've said it before, all the rich and powerful ladies have come here to beg for their children, and they've all suffered as you have. However, since you're asking for their son, you'll have to suffer a bit."    


Ding Yiyi continued to look at the cup of liquid that was mixed with all kinds of weird things. The host's words reminded her of her purpose in coming here.    


In order to leave incense for Ye Family, she had to work hard.    


With her conviction confirmed, she shakily took the cup from the host, clenched her teeth, and poured the liquid into her mouth.    


Her mouth was full of a strange taste. It was very difficult for her to swallow every time. She only stopped when there was only a thin layer of liquid left in the cup.    


"I wish you success in getting pregnant." The host said indifferently from the side and stretched out his left hand, gesturing with it.    


When Ding Yiyi returned to her room, she immediately felt unwell in her stomach. Her forehead was covered with cold sweat, and her legs were so weak that she could only stand with the support of other items.    


Her stomach churned as she covered her mouth and ran out the door. As soon as she stepped out of the door, she could no longer bear it and vomited.    


Her stomach, which had not eaten much all day, was cramping, and all she could spit out was yellow and white bile. After vomiting for a while, she squatted on the ground and cried.    


Not daring to wake up the others, she could only bite her lower lip and silently cry. The soft and tender lip was bitten through, and a trace of dark red seeped out from the hole in its skin.    


"Thump." The weird sound was exceptionally clear in the dark night, and this time she was sure that it came from within her own house.    


She carefully stepped through the doorway. Her eyes first rested on the Bodhisattva that was facing the door, before she slowly moved to the side. At that moment, she saw another scene that she would never forget.    


A pale hand reached out from the wall carved with large flowers. The arm was very slender, as if it knew she was there. It automatically swung towards the door, which was extremely strange.    


"Ah!" Ding Yiyi let out a mournful cry before she turned around and ran out the door. She ran very fast, and the wind was howling in her ears. It sounded like someone was calling her from behind.    


"What's the matter with you?" An arm grabbed her firmly, and the owner of the voice spoke with a hint of anxiety.    


Ding Yiyi's mind was in a mess. She subconsciously punched and kicked the person in front of her until her hands were firmly locked in place. Then, she raised her head in fright.    


"Du Puyan?"    


Her entire body felt weak and weak. Sweat flowed into her eyes from her forehead. She blinked, trying to ease the soreness in her eyes. With a weak voice, she asked, "What are you doing here?"    


"The host here is my friend. What happened to you? Why were you in such a panic?" Du Puyan relaxed his hold on her and expressed his concern.    


Ding Yiyi thought of that pale arm again and said in panic, "There's something strange in the room I live in." She paused, her voice suddenly softening. "There's … there's a ghost."    


Du Puyan's expression turned strange and he frowned, "Are you tired?"    


"No." Ding Yiyi shook her head and pulled on his arm impatiently. "I'll show you."    


The two of them walked in front of Ding Yiyi's room. When the door was opened, they could see the Bodhisattva, which was facing the door from the inside.    


"I'll go in and take a look. You stay here." Du Puyan walked in first, and the sound of his footsteps was heard.    


After a while, he walked out again. With a relaxed expression, he said, "Come in and have a look. There's nothing."    


Ding Yiyi walked in hesitantly. As soon as she entered the room, her gaze fell onto the carved wall. There was indeed nothing on the wall.    


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