Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1422 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1350

C1422 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1350

In the garage, the butler was already waiting for him. "The Grand Master is looking for you."    


The huge crystal chandelier in Nuo's large room lit up the entire room. The old man stood outside the window with his pipe in his hand. His expression was solemn as if he was looking at his own castle.    


"Grand Elder." The butler brought Edward in, then closed the door and gave the two of them space.    


The old man turned. "You love that woman? I saw you hug her. "    


"I don't love her." Edward sounded indifferent together, but he was very confident.    


The old man persisted. "At least I have a good impression. I don't see you holding a woman."    


"Must we discuss it?" Edward frowned, "She has a family in the country. I just did what a gentleman should do."    


There was disappointment in the old man's eyes. He took a document and handed it to Edward, "In half a year, I want to open a business here. I hope you can pass."    


"I said I don't do business." Edward only skimmed through the first two pages and stopped reading. He closed the document and handed it to the old man.    


The old man sighed. "Only this time I want you to help me. I want you to help me find a woman."    


"What woman?" Edward said.    


The old man shook his head, "I don't know. I saw her twenty years ago, and by then, she should have already been married off. But I still haven't forgotten about her at all times." So promise to help me find her. "    


His expression lost his usual arrogance and overbearing attitude. Instead, it had the helplessness of an old man who had lost his life. Edward had never seen him show any signs of weakness.    


"Alright, I promise you, but only this once." Edward nodded in agreement.    


Half a year later    


In the morning, a woman with a ponytail pulled open the window curtains and happily cleaned the windowsill with a duster. There were still pickles on the counter, and the faint smell of sesame oil and sour vinegar mixed together to create a strange smell.    


A flower boy was walking leisurely downstairs with a basket of flowers in his hands. The huge flower petals of the African chrysanthemum were covered with sparkling dewdrops, which made one's mood rise up involuntarily.    


She turned around and went downstairs. When the flower girl saw her, she also shouted, "Sister Emily, today's flowers are huge!"    


The woman laughed, "I saw it, so I ran really fast. Give me five! "Thank you!"    


The child picked five and gave it to her, "The super good-looking ones will be yours."    


"Thank you!" The woman stroked her head and carried the flowers upstairs.    


When she entered the room, the man was already drinking black tea. She put down the flowers and walked in front of him to grab it. The pink lip pouted, "I said drinking tea in the morning would hurt my stomach!"    


The man sighed. "Emily, I'm English, not Chinese."    


"No!" The woman turned around, her ponytail drawing an arc in the air. With her back facing him, she felt silence behind her before she stealthily turned around to cast a glance, just in time to meet the man's gentle gaze.    


"You!" Edward said helplessly. He took out his passport and her ID card from the cabinet, "Take your ID card and passport carefully. Don't lose it again next time."    


The woman took it, "D'you want to," she said, and then, with a blank face, "Why do I always feel that my name is unfamiliar?"    


Edward stood up and lightly pushed her shoulders, "I think your shot of cucumber might be protesting that you ignored her."    


Seeing that the woman hurriedly put down her ID and passport to rush into the kitchen, Edward had a different expression on his face.    


In half a year, Ding Yiyi had completely forgotten everything about her. Her name, her family, the people she loved and the people who loved her. Right now, he was the only family in the world.    


He had given her a new identity, knowing that the Chinese valued family names, so he had kept her last name as the only proof that she had ever existed in the world.    


"Edward, you can eat breakfast now." Ding Yiyi stretched out half her body as if she had lost all her memories.    


He put down the thoughts in his head and walked quickly to the dining table. Breakfast was already set up in front of the table, and the knife and fork in Edward's hand had also become chopsticks.    


"How long will it take us to get back to China?" Ding Yiyi asked, not looking forward to going to China.    


Edward used his chopsticks to pat the cucumber and dropped a piece halfway. He frowned as he looked at the stain on the edge of the plate and asked, "You don't want to go to China."    


"Not really. I prefer London." Ding Yiyi said with a smile, "But there's nothing we can do about it. You have to go for half a year!"    


Seeing her reluctant face, Edward couldn't help but comfort her, "If we're done with this, we might not need to stay half a month. We'll come back as soon as it's done!"    


"Yes!" Ding Yiyi replied. At this moment, the doorbell rang. When Ding Yiyi opened the door, the driver was already standing outside.    


The luggage was already placed at the entrance. Ding Yiyi took the initiative to pick up a small one and said, "I'll help you carry it down."    


The foreign man watched in horror as the brightly dressed woman carried a small suitcase down the stairs. She didn't even take the elevator down.    


"Let her go." Edward facepalmed and spoke with a doting tone that even he did not feel.    


At this moment, a figure walked out from the corridor. The old man seemed to be in high spirits, and the badge of honor on his chest was clearly showing his identity.    


"Edward," the old man looked around and suddenly sniffed, "what's the smell?"    


Edward walked back into the living room and brought the cucumbers on the table over, "It might be the taste."    


The old man frowned as he looked at the plate in front of him. It wasn't an exquisite plate, but it still had a strong smell. He looked away and said, "Help me find her."    


"I will." He turned around and wanted to go downstairs to find Ding Yiyi.    


"Edward," the old man called out to him, "I said half a year ago that you would like that woman."    


Edward turned to look at him. His straight casual suit made him seem even more extraordinary, "So what if I am?"    


"Catch her and don't let her leave, otherwise, you will see my fate." The old man's expression was filled with regret and vicissitudes.    


Edward didn't give a specific response. Instead, he slowly walked down the stairs.    


The old man looked at his back and took another sniff at the sour smell in the air. Then, his eyes fell on the cucumber on the table in front of him. His jewelled fingers hesitated for a moment before he picked up a piece of cucumber.    


Downstairs, Edward watched as Ding Yiyi put her luggage in the car and then greeted a neighbor who passed by loudly. Her forehead was covered in sweat from carrying the luggage and she looked extremely charming.    


He suddenly turned around and went back up the stairs. The old man had already left the apartment, and he couldn't see the cucumber in the plate with the old man.    


He went to the study and took out a key from the bottom of the cabinet. He then moved away the oil painting hanging on the wall and opened the safe.    


There was only one notebook in the safe. He took out the notebook and was about to flip through it when he stopped abruptly and hurriedly put it into his bag.    


Downstairs, Ding Yiyi was chatting with her neighbor, and when she saw him, she muttered, "You're so slow! "Old grandpa!"    


Edward smiled dotingly at her and said to his neighbor, "Sorry to disturb your work."    


"No, I love talking to Emily." With that, the fat woman wriggled her fat ass and walked away.    


As they sat in the car, Ding Yiyi suddenly saw a small white horn sticking out of his bag. Curious, she wanted to reach out to grab it, but she was stopped halfway.    


She reached back, her face still curious. "What is this?"    


Edward looked at her seriously, "This is all my secret."    


Ding Yiyi became more curious after he said that and took the initiative to hold his arm. Only when she felt his body suddenly stiffen, did she remember that Edward didn't like being touched. Every time she accidentally touched him, his body would easily become unnatural.    


"Good! "In the future, even if I have secrets, I won't tell you!" She let go of her hand and turned her head away.    


After a while, she seemed to have forgotten about it. She hummed a song as she looked out of the window at the scenery with a trace of nostalgia in her eyes.    


When they arrived at the airport, the two of them boarded the plane without any problems. There weren't many people in the first class cabin. There was a young woman sitting beside Ding Yiyi reading a newspaper.    


Ding Yiyi couldn't help but look in her direction when she heard her words. It turned out to be Economic Magazine. The man in the magazine was wearing a suit and was wearing a suit. He looked very natural and unrestrained while facing the camera.    


The girl felt her gaze and took the initiative to hand over the magazine. "How is it? His name is Ye Nianmo, he's the number one entrepreneur among our country's young philanthropists today. "    


Ding Yiyi glanced at the man in the magazine again. Although she felt that he was indeed handsome, she still said angrily, "I feel that our Edward is more handsome than that man!"    


As if she didn't want to lose in terms of momentum, she stuck out her chest and continued: "Not only is Ye Nianmo handsome, but he is also very affectionate. I heard that his wife was burned half a year ago, he comes to the hospital to see her every day."    


"So what? Maybe it's just an entrepreneur putting on a show? " Ding Yiyi's heart skipped a beat as she finished her sentence. It was as if someone was trying to play with her tranquil heart, but she didn't care.    


Edward, who was on the side, looked at the two girls who were bickering in front of him.    


He first passed it to a girl in the aisle. The girl shyly took it, but her expression was no longer as crafty as before.    


He then continued to open the sugar bag in his hand and handed it over to Ding Yiyi. Seeing that she didn't accept it, he said neither hurriedly nor hurriedly, "What I left for you is your favorite taste."    


Only then did Ding Yiyi accept it with satisfaction. She didn't forget to mutter, "I'm not a child, so I don't like eating lollipops."    


The girl in the hallway kept a close eye on the two of them. When she saw the man's gentle gaze, she couldn't help but lament that she wasn't so lucky to have met such a good man.    


When the plane arrived at Dongjiang City, Ding Yiyi initially wanted to follow behind Edward, but unexpectedly, someone walked a few steps forward to separate them. She could only slowly move out.    


After exiting the tunnel with Edward, the car that was supposed to be waiting at the same place didn't come. Edward went to take care of it, while she just stood there and waited.    


Just then he saw the man from the magazine come out on the other side. The man walked quickly, as if he didn't want to take the time to walk.    


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