Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C432 Favorite Marriage 364

C432 Favorite Marriage 364

"Yiqing, why are you so careless?" This was the first time he had done something like this. Wasn't this the first time he had listened to Ye Zimo's orders? There was nothing he could do.    


"I'm sorry, sir." Xia Yiqing apologized with a serious expression. Prince Ya Lun obviously knew that it was possible that he had been ordered by Ye Zimo.    


He had only spoken a few words with Xia Yihan, yet Ye Zimo had already made such a gesture. It seemed that he really valued this woman very much.    


The customers that came to the Dong Li Market were usually either rich or noble, which customer was dissatisfied was not someone that the staff of the mall could afford to offend.    


Although this was a matter between customers, the shop assistant didn't dare to ignore it. The two employees immediately went up and asked if there was anything they could do to help Prince Ya Lun.    


Xia Yihan said: "I'm really sorry. This shirt has been dyed red, so I don't think it's a good idea to wear it again. If you don't mind, I'll go to this mall to choose a suitable shirt for you. "    


Even if she didn't know the brand name, Xia Yihan still recognized this mysterious man's shirt. She didn't bring the card that Ye Zimo gave her. In fact, she couldn't afford to pay for this shirt.    


She could only do her best to compensate him, and after he accepted the shirt, she would find a way to compensate him for her losses.    


Prince Ya Lun had already noticed Lee Heetai from the corner of his eyes. Although he kept a low profile, it didn't mean that Lee Heetai didn't know him.    


"No, I don't want your shirt, but you owe me one more time for what happened today. Remember, beautiful madam, you must repay all that you owe me. "    


Before Xia Yihan could reply, Prince Ya Lun gave her a meaningful look before walking away.    


"Yihan, what happened?" When Lee Heetai returned, he saw Xia Yihan frowning out of the hall.    


"Brother Heetai, I'll tell you when we get back." Do you think this dress is all right? " Xia Yihan retracted her attention, and Lee Heetai very seriously looked up and down, saying, "It's very suitable for you, I'll also buy it."    


"Sister Xia, let me follow you from a distance." Xia Yiqing said that Xia Yihan had always been kind to him, and she was a little angry with him for what happened today.    


It wasn't that she couldn't guess that it was Ye Zimo's intention. No matter what, the truth was that she was embarrassed in front of stranger.    


By doing so, she would only feel that she owed that person even more, especially when he said that he owed her and that the wrong future would make her feel even more uneasy.    


"Yiqing, I don't want to see anything like this happen again, even at the behest of others. If you listen to someone else, then go to someone else's side. If you do that, then I don't want to see you anymore. " Xia Yihan's expression was very serious. Xia Yiqing smiled apologetically and said, "I got it, Sister Xia. In the future, I will only do what Sister Xia is happy about."    


His attitude was so good, and Xia Yihan was soft-hearted. What could she say to him? Moreover, he had tacitly acknowledged Ye Zimo's order from behind the scenes.    


He said she was free. Why bother with her?    


Ye Zimo …    


"Yihan, let's go pick out the accessories and shoes for these two dresses. Let's go."    


"Yes." Xia Yihan smiled. At least on the surface, she put aside everything that had just happened.    


When Xia Yihan was picking out the shoes, Lee Heetai's secretary sent over the customer information that he wanted to see in the afternoon and drove a business car to the entrance of the mall to wait.    


Lee Heetai and Xia Yihan walked out of the mall. There was a black BMW parked diagonally across from the mall. Ye Zimo rarely drove this car, so Xia Yihan didn't notice that it was Ye Zimo's.    


Of course, what she didn't know was that Ye Zimo was chasing after her through the window without blinking.    


When they were going down the stairs, Xia Yihan was in a trance. She almost fell down the stairs while her feet were in high heels. Lee Heetai held her by the waist in time to let her down safely.    


Ye Zimo's face was dark, thinking, even if she was about to fall, you can't take advantage of her if you help her.    


This Lee Heetai was indeed not a good person. He was the kind of wolf that was patiently wearing a gentleman's coat.    


Xia Yihan and Lee Heetai had indeed never had such contact before, so she immediately realized that his hands were around her waist, causing her face to instantly turn red.    


Fortunately, the secretary had already gotten out of the car and came over to call Lee Heetai. Xia Yihan took the opportunity to leave his side.    


Xia Yihan got on Lee Heetai's car, Xia Yiqing also got on the car Ye Zimo assigned to Xia Yihan. At the same time, he received a call from Ye Zimo.    


"Did the man do anything else after he was splashed with juice? What did he say? " Ye Zimo asked in a low voice.    


"Mr Ye, he said that this is what Young Madame Ye owes him. He also said that everything she owes him must be returned."    


Prince Ya Lun, do you think this place is your Fan Le?    


Ye Zimo's hand was clenched into a fist, so much so that her bones were cracking.    


"Remember, contact me the next time that person reappears. "If you can't get in touch with her, then think of a way to keep her away from Xia Yihan."    


"Yes, Mr Ye."    


Ye Zimo put down the phone and looked at the car that was slowly leaving. She was thinking, "That brat Lee Heetai wouldn't do anything to Xia Yihan in the car, right?"    


At this moment, Lee Heetai was passing the information to Xia Yihan to familiarize her with the information.    


"You must remember this. There are some data that I need to ask you when I'm talking to you." Lee Heetai acted as if it was all business, as if he really needed Xia Yihan as a temporary assistant.    


Regardless of whether he was real or fake, Xia Yihan felt that she still had to treat him seriously. If he really wanted to ask her, she should work hard to negotiate a successful outcome for him and his clients.    


She didn't think about Ye Zimo's time anymore, especially since the data required her to memorize it over and over again.    


Lee Heetai and her sat in the back row side by side. Seeing her mouth constantly moving while whispering those difficult numbers, Lee Heetai felt that she was really silly and cute.    


Xia Yihan didn't notice her gaze. She merely lowered her head and started reading the information.    


When they were almost there, Lee Heetai took the documents and scanned through them for a while before returning them to Xia Yihan.    


Being able to work with Mrs. Li was an honor for the Dongjiang locals. That customer was very respectful to Lee Heetai and Xia Yihan.    


During this time, he also talked about some of the specific businesses. Every time Lee Heetai asked for data, Xia Yihan would answer very fluently. Lee Heetai admired her memory very much.    


"Director Li, I wonder if we can have dinner with your sister tonight, Young Madame Ye?"    


So this Wang guy already knew who Xia Yihan was. Lee Heetai looked at Xia Yihan and saw that she was completely unwilling. He smiled and said, "Maybe another day. Yihan is not feeling well today."    


Separated from the customer with surname Wang, Lee Heetai gently asked Xia Yihan what she would like to eat tonight, and where she would like to eat. Xia Yihan just smiled and said whatever she wanted.    


After the meeting ended, her temporary work ended. Sitting in Lee Heetai's car, she fell into deep thought once again. After some thought, she realized that Ye Zimo was also the same. Lee Heetai changed his car and drove it himself. The whole time, Xia Yihan didn't seem to know where she was.    


It wasn't until the two of them got off at the Dongjiang restaurant that Xia Yihan realized she was here.    


She ate together with Ye Zimo. Other than Ye Zimo's villa, the place where she ate the most was the East River Mansion, which was still part of Fu Group.    


Xia Yihan discovered that as long as she didn't leave the city, she wouldn't be able to escape his shadow no matter where she went.    


"You don't like it here? "If you don't like it, we'll change it." Lee Heetai asked considerately.    


Xia Yihan shook her head and said thoughtfully, "Actually, the flavor is almost the same everywhere. This place is good."    


"Young Madame Ye!" As soon as Xia Yihan walked in, someone respectfully greeted her. It was then the second person and the third person. Everywhere she passed, they would greet her.    


Perhaps she had gotten used to following Ye Zimo and had forgotten what kind of warm reception she would receive when she arrived here.    


There were so many people who greeted her that she didn't have the strength or the ability to explain one by one that she and Ye Zimo were finished.    


She really hoped that the separation between her and Ye Zimo would be like the last time she and Hai Zhixuan pretended to be together. Everyone knew that she wouldn't be like this no matter where she went in the future.    


She could feel everyone's respectful gazes on her, concealing their curiosity. They were also secretly guessing when she and the man came over.    


Perhaps the rumors would spread like wildfire tomorrow, saying that Mr Ye's woman had a date with an unfamiliar man alone.    


Would it affect his reputation? she thought silently.    


She would still think of him and worry about him. Perhaps she should slowly get used to this kind of speculation. There would always be a day when they could not remember that she was once Young Madame Ye. Time could always fade away.    


But when those people couldn't remember, would she be able to let them go?    


She sighed softly. Lee Heetai looked at the melancholy between her brows and could not help but feel sorry for her, even though he knew it was the same for couples.    


The waiter had taken them to an elegant booth where Xia Yihan and Ye Zimoli often sat.    


"Eat more, baby. You don't look good these two days."    


"Don't tell me Xia Yihan still needs to lose weight?"    


"No matter how fat you are, I will still forcefully accept you. I won't despise you."    




Xia Yihan almost burst into tears when she heard Ye Zimo whisper in her ear.    


"What do you want to eat, Yihan?" Lee Heetai suddenly opened his mouth, and Xia Yihan reluctantly pursed her lips and said, "Let me look at the menu."    


She purposely didn't say anything to be casual, afraid that Lee Heetai would think that she was dealing with it.    


The waiter brought the menu in front of her and said respectfully: "Mr Ye said that if you come, there are a few dishes that must be served. This main course, this soup... " The waiter pointed it out on the menu, and Xia Yihan's tears fell on the broth the waiter was pointing to. Transparent tears magnified the words' vegetable soup '.    


She wiped her eyes hurriedly and apologized softly.    


"Sorry, then let's order these two. Also, there's this one, this one." Xia Yihan casually ordered a few more items before saying to Lee Heetai, "Brother Heetai, take a look and see what you want to eat."    


Lee Heetai frowned when he saw the tears on Xia Yihan's menu. When she spoke to him, his expression returned to normal.    


Why did she look so desperate? Was it not simply a matter of awkwardness? Had she broken up with Ye Zimo?    


Just like Xia Yihan, he also pointed out a few dishes at random. After all, he was worried about her and wasn't in the mood to eat.    


"Sir, Young Madame Ye, please wait a moment. Your food will be served soon."    


Xia Yihan knew that she was here for special treatment, so she quickly smiled and said, "Thank you, but you don't have to make our dishes. We're not hungry yet, so let's follow the usual customer order, first come first serve, then serve us when it's our turn. "    


"Yes, Young Madame Ye!" The waiter politely answered and left after serving both of them cups of tea.    


Xia Yihan held the glass of water but didn't drink it. Lee Heetai looked at her worriedly.    


"Brother Heetai, do you want to ask me what happened? Actually, I didn't want to say it. I thought that if I didn't say it, no one would be able to tell that I was in a bad mood. However, I seem to be really bad at concealing my identity and have been discovered by you. " Xia Yihan pretended to smile confidently.    


"Ye Zimo and I broke up." Xia Yihan said this casually. It was probably the same for all couples, so Lee Heetai had seen too much of it.    


"This isn't the first time I've said goodbye to him, but I also felt that it was true last time, so does this time's seriousness look like a joke to me as well?" Xia Yihan talked to herself. Even though she was smiling, Lee Heetai still felt sour in his heart.    


This woman loves very pure, Ye Zimo has a child, she is also willing to be his child's stepmother, is willing to unconditionally trust him. Even though he and Princess Ya Hui had spread rumors about him, and he had admitted it himself, Xia Yihan still believed that he would not betray her.    


Such a love, how could he just let it go?    


Lee Heetai didn't want to ask about specific things, so he understood without asking. Something important must have happened, otherwise, the stubborn Xia Yihan wouldn't easily give up. It couldn't be Ye Zimo who gave up first. How could he let go of such a good woman? Besides, he was a domineering man to begin with. He had touched a woman before, and he didn't allow her to leave as she wished.    


"Brother Heetai, I don't know why, but I wanted to leave him so I could start over. Since he already knew that it was impossible to be together, there was no need for him to not forget. But I can remember him everywhere I go, and I can't forget him. "    


As Xia Yihan said this, two streams of tears flowed down her cheeks. Lee Heetai took out a tissue and passed it to her.    


"Isn't it very firm? Why did they have to separate again? He was nice to you, too. " Lee Heetai said softly.    


For someone like Ye Zimo, she could give up her principle for Xia Yihan. As a man, he was also moved to be threatened because of her.    


No matter how much he liked Xia Yihan, he still wanted to see two lovers succeed.    


"Yes, he was very kind to me, and I loved him very much. Why must they be separated? Because I don't want to face uncertainty every day... Forget it, Brother Heetai, let's not talk about him. Since I've already said that I would break up, I have a way to forget about him. "    


"I have plans for a business trip. I want to go to Australia to study a project. I'll take you there." Lee Heetai said.    


"Is that so? Australia? I heard that a place with a very leisurely atmosphere is different from the one in the country. "However …" She wanted to say something, but she wasn't in the mood to go out. Seeing Lee Heetai's earnest gaze, she thought for a moment, then changed her mind and said, "I'll think about it. It sounds like a good place to go."    


The dishes were served quickly, and Xia Yihan was oblivious to the taste.    


In particular, the two dishes that Ye Zimo had specified that she must eat were very good for her body. Every time, he would force her to eat them.    


She didn't expect that even after they broke up, she would still be forced to eat these two dishes. The dishes were still the same as usual.    


After dinner, Lee Heetai wanted to take Xia Yihan to a yacht on the river to watch the scenery. Thinking back to when she was engaged to go to the yacht with Ye Zimo, he gave up on this idea.    


"Brother Heetai, what kind of work do you have tomorrow?" Is your assistant still on leave? If necessary, I can continue to be your temporary assistant. "No need, I'll go to work normally tomorrow."    


"It just so happens that I have to see a client tomorrow. Let's go home, the information is in my home." Lee Heetai said it.    


This sentence made Xia Yihan absent-minded. She remembered that Ye Zimo had said it countless times: "Let's go home."    


Now that she could never go back to his house, her heart once again ached, and she smiled as if nothing had happened as she followed Lee Heetai.    


Returning to the Lee Family, Lee Heetai randomly took out some information and gave it to Xia Yihan, telling her to familiarize herself with the contents, and said that she needed to use it the next day when she sees her customer.    


Xia Yihan went to the study on the second floor that her mother had prepared for her. She tried her best to concentrate, but she would still think about that man between her memories.    


She only felt that the content was too small. It didn't take her long to memorize it.    


It was not the first time she had separated from Ye Zimo. She knew what it would be like to be separated from him.    


Ye Zimo resisted the urge to go to Lee Family several times. While he was restlessly walking around the study room, Hai Zhixuan called.    


"I've returned to the East River, to my old place. Do you have time to come out? "It's fine if you bring her along."    


"Right away." Ye Zimo seemed to have been redeemed. Knowing that she wouldn't leave until she was drunk with Hai Zhixuan, he intentionally brought a few strong Security Officer with her.    


The moment Ye Zimo entered the bar, Hai Zhixuan kept looking behind him.    


Did he really have to find Xia Yihan so obviously?    


"Where's Yihan?" Hai Zhixuan asked.    


"Do you want to drink with me or with her?" Ye Zimo asked snappily.    


"Mostly looking for her."    


"You are courting death!"    


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