Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C586 Favorite Marriage 517

C586 Favorite Marriage 517

Xia Yihan hid into her bedroom. Her face was already covered in tears. Xia Yihan kept telling her not to cry, not to worry. She was worried about Zhong Yuquan being so terrible to her and using her.    


Xia Yihan sadly discovered that no matter how many excuses she tried to come up with, she was still very worried about Zhong Yuquan.    


When the phone rang, Xia Yihan was in no mood to pick it up. She just stared at the bed sheets.    


Xu Haosheng was worried that Xia Yihan would follow her to her bedroom. The sound of his phone made him frown. What was the relationship between Zhong Yuquan and Xia Yihan? Xia Yihan had actually lost her soul when she heard that he was sick.    


"Hello, who are you looking for?" Xu Haosheng took the phone. There were no comments. Xu Haosheng glanced at Xia Yihan. It was better if he answered the phone!    


"I'm looking for Yihan, I'm her father. Can you help me get her to call?" Zhong Yuquan looked at the phone a few times. He was sure A’san wouldn't lie to him, so there was only one possibility: Xia Yihan had met someone in Riverside.    


His eyes were filled with deep thought. Father, Xia Yihan had never told him about her having a father, and he had never asked her about it.    


"Xiao Ai, your dad is looking for you." She never opened her mouth. She really wanted to ask him if he was sick, and if he was well, but Xia Yihan couldn't ask, thinking about what Zhong Yuquan had done to her, she always felt bad.    


"I'm sorry, sir. She's busy right now." Xu Haosheng thought that since he was Xiao Ai's father, his tone was very respectful.    


Xu Haosheng was called Xia Yihan earlier, he heard it. Although it wasn't the same name, but Zhong Yuquan knew that Xia Yihan was the Xiao Ai that the man who answered the phone spoke of when he said your father was looking for you.    


"Yihan, is she alright? I haven't seen her in a long time and I miss her. " Zhong Yuquan said in a sorrowful tone.    


Xu Haosheng looked at Xia Yihan, not knowing what to say.    


Xia Yihan took the phone from his hand. After a long time, Xu Haosheng thought she had said something when Xia Yihan stopped talking. "Are you alright?"    


Xia Yihan didn't call him father because Zhong Yuquan's heart was broken into pieces, but she still cared about him.    


Even if Ye Zimo told Xia Yihan that it was because Zhong Yuquan framed Ye Haorann, Ye Haorann would die. Xia Yihan blamed Zhong Yuquan, even if there was a lot of fault, Xia Yihan's entire blame would be gone when she heard that Zhong Yuquan was sick. She only hoped that he would be fine, thinking of Lee Mingjun who was far away from home, thinking of Ye Haorann who had already left, Xia Yihan did not want anything to happen to Zhong Yuquan.    


Zhong Yuquan was really worried about him. His heart wavered a little as he thought about what Ye Zimo had told him. Zhong Yuquan was determined that he couldn't afford to lose.    


"Yihan, my only wish right now is to meet you."    


His only wish was to see her? Xia Yihan didn't believe him. Even if she didn't believe him, she was still deceiving herself. Zhong Yuquan had already recognized her as his daughter.    


"Dad, are you really sick?" Xia Yihan still called out these two words. Where was the hatred in such a family?    


"Yihan, I just want to see you." Zhong Yuquan's sorrowful tone made Xia Yihan's heart throb with pain. Sorry, dad, I can't come to Dongjiang River, I can't take care of you.    


"Dad, you have to get better. Sister Yuntang will take good care of you by your side." She was afraid that if she kept talking, she would run back to the East River uncontrollably. The East River was her nightmare, she did not want to go there, she still had a child in her womb, Ye Zimo did not want this child to be born, so she had to protect her own child well.    


Zhong Yuquan looked at the hanging up phone and squinted his eyes. He still couldn't get Xia Yihan to come back? No, if she wouldn't come, how would he take Ye Zimo down?    


Zhong Yuquan laid on his bed and started to think about how to trick Xia Yihan into coming back.    


Zhong Yuntang carried her lunchbox and walked in.    


"Dad, how is it?" Seeing Zhong Yuquan not say anything, Zhong Yuntang thought he was sad about his illness.    


Zhong Yuquan looked at Zhong Yuntang and had a plan in his mind. It seemed that the heavens would not kill him.    


"Yuntang, do you know anything about Yihan now?" Zhong Yuquan asked casually. He asked so casually that no one could tell what was wrong.    


"I don't know." Zhong Yuntang shook her head. Lee Heetai asked her to help him take care of Yihan, and Yihan was still his sister. Recently, Zhong Yuntang hadn't heard anything from Xia Yihan, so she felt that she hadn't done well enough.    


"Yihan, I'm alone at Lin Jiang. This is her number." Zhong Yuquan sighed and said, "I heard from others that she doesn't live a good life there alone. That's right, how could a pregnant woman live a good life and not have any relatives."    


Even if he didn't look at her, he knew Zhong Yuntang would be worried about Xia Yihan. If Zhong Yuntang didn't care about Xia Yihan, Zhong Yuquan really wouldn't know how to bring her back to the East River. Zhong Yuntang's appearance gave him a glimmer of hope.    


"Father, isn't Yihan at Ye Family? Why were they in Riverside? Furthermore, it's a person. What's going on? " Zhong Yuntang couldn't believe her ears, so she asked uncertainly.    


"If you don't believe me, just call Ye Zimo and tell her that you're going to see Yihan. See if she makes you feel like looking or not." Zhong Yuquan didn't say whether it was true or not. He told Zhong Yuntang to take a look, which was more convincing than what he said.    


Zhong Yuntang saw that Zhong Yuquan didn't seem to be lying. She walked away from Zhong Yuquan and dialed Ye Zimo's number.    


Ye Zimo didn't expect Zhong Yuntang to call him. He hated Zhong Yuquan, but Zhong Yuntang was Zhong Yuquan's friend and he also hated Zhong Yuntang. Thinking about what Zhong Yuntang had done for him, Ye Zimo still pressed the answer button.    


"Yuntang, you're looking for me?" Ye Zimo asked in a low voice. It was difficult to tell the emotions from her voice.    


It had been a long time since Zhong Yuntang heard Ye Zimo's voice. His voice was deeper than it used to be, and he still had that pleasant male voice.    


Zhong Yuntang shook her head and asked, "Zimo, I haven't seen Yihan for a long time. I just came back from abroad and brought her some presents. I came to see her?"    


Zhong Yuntang did not believe Zhong Yuquan's words. Zhong Yuntang had always thought that Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan would definitely be able to get along. They had such a good relationship.    


Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes. She didn't know where Xia Yihan was, and she didn't ask around either. Zhong Yuntang didn't ask before, so why would she suddenly ask such a question? Was this intentional or unintentional.    


"She's not at home." Ye Zimo said calmly. Mo Xiaonong moved closer to Ye Zimo, her eyes narrowing when she heard the three words' Xia Yihan 'on the phone. Xia Yihan, oh Xia Yihan, why are you still lingering around even after you've left?    


Looking at Zhang Qing kneeling on the floor, Mo Xiaonong's face was ferocious. She did not dare to make a move under Ye Zimo's gaze. Zhang Qing's face made her jealous.    


Mo Xiaonong felt a lot more at ease looking at Zhang Qing kneeling on the ground. What's the use of having a face like hers? Wasn't she being punished by Mr Ye kneeling on the ground now?    


Ye Zimo let go of Mo Xiaonong, stood up, and walked out. Zhong Yuntang's call gave him a bad feeling. Why would she ask about Xia Yihan? Ye oh hated Zhong Yuquan, so he hated Xia Yihan. After the butler told him that the child in Xia Yihan's womb was gone, Ye Zimo didn't care that Xia Yihan was there.    


"Is Yuntang still coming to see Yihan?"    


Zhong Yuntang looked at her phone in disbelief. Yihan really wasn't in Ye Family, and what her father said was true, but she couldn't understand why Ye Zimo would let Yihan stay by Jiang Lin by herself so easily.    


"Zimo, since Yihan isn't home, then I'll wait for her to come. There's nothing else to do."    


"Do you believe me? When did Daddy lie to you? " Zhong Yuquan said affectionately, "Yihan is my child and you are my child."    


"Dad, then what you said earlier about Yihan being in Riverside is true." Zhong Yuntang said with certainty. She started to believe that what Zhong Yuquan said was true.    


What Zhong Yuquan wanted was such a result. Only Zhong Yuntang believed that Xia Yihan was in a difficult situation, so she helped him bring Xia Yihan over to the East River.    


"Yes, I got the news from a friend." Zhong Yuquan heaved a long sigh and said, "Pitiful child."    


"Dad, should I go get Yihan?" Zhong Yuntang looked at Zhong Yuquan and said firmly.    


"Your mother didn't like Yihan. It's all my fault that I didn't do enough in the past."    


He needed Zhong Yuntang to help him, so he would explain it to Yue Mulan later.    


"Dad, I'll take Yihan and arrange her outside. I'm worried about her being outside alone." Zhong Yuntang thought about finding a house for Xia Yihan outside, and looking for someone to take care of her.    


"Here, this address and phone number. Go find him, he'll take you to Yihan." Zhong Yuquan gave Lili the number of the fat brother and sister. He had asked A’san not to cut Zhong Yuquan, because A’san had been so obvious about Lili in the past. If Zhong Yuntang saw him, it would be a problem.    


Zhong Yuntang took the address and number that Zhong Yuquan gave her and planned to go to Lin Jiang to pick up Xia Yihan tomorrow.    


"Dad, don't worry. I'll bring Yihan back tomorrow." Zhong Yuntang vowed solemnly.    


She didn't know that bringing Xia Yihan over would only harm her, and Zhong Yuntang couldn't do anything about it even if she regretted it.    


"Yuntang, thank you."    


Zhong Yuntang smiled and shook her head. She thought Zhong Yuquan was thanking her for taking care of Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan had been in a dilemma after receiving Zhong Yuquan's call. She wanted to go to the East River to see Zhong Yuquan. Xia Yihan stood up and walked to the door, then remembered Ye Zimo's harsh words. She told Xia Yihan to disappear from this world.    


Xu Haosheng sat on the sofa. He heard it when Xia Yihan answered the phone. He was waiting for her to make a decision. Xu Haosheng laughed at himself.    


He looked at the door. Xiao Ai, what should I do? In less than two months, I've already reached the limit. Can you tell me what to do?    


Xu Haosheng laughed at himself for being so silly. Xia Yihan had someone else's child. Since a woman could insist on having her child, it could be seen that she still liked her child's father.    


Wu Ai, Wu Ai, Xiao Ai, you told me early in the morning that you have no love, but I can't take back my feelings now.    


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