Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C588 Favorite Marriage 519

C588 Favorite Marriage 519

Xu Haosheng brought Fatty and Glasses to the living room and invited them for tea.    


After Xia Yihan had finished washing up, she followed Zhong Yuntang into the living room. She had been smiling the entire time and didn't want Xu Haosheng to worry.    


"Big Brother Xu, thank you. I'm going back with Sister Yuntang. I'll come see you again in the future."    


"Big Brother Xu, thank you for taking care of my sister." Zhong Yuntang thanked him sincerely.    


"It's alright. Xiao Ai is here to make my life more enjoyable, and now that she's gone, I'm a lot more lonely." Xu Haosheng said in a gentle voice. Although no one could hear his mood, it was extremely sorrowful. There was a smile on his face, but no one could tell that he was happy.    


"Thank you."    


Xia Yihan left under Xu Haosheng's gaze. She didn't know that she would fall into a wolf's nest.    


Xia Yihan was familiar with the honesty of a car speeding back to the East River.    


Zhong Yuquan was wondering when Zhong Yuntang would come. With a smile on his face, he was determined to win. From time to time, he would look outside the door.    


As he expected, Zhong Yuntang brought Xia Yihan back at noon.    


"Yihan, it's great that you're here." Zhong Yuquan waved to Xia Yihan, but there wasn't much real emotion in his eyes.    


"Yihan, just say that Daddy misses you." Zhong Yuntang pulled Lili over to Zhong Yuquan and was filled with joy.    


"Dad, I'm sorry. Dad, hurry up and get better. You must get better as soon as possible." Xia Yihan held Zhong Yuquan's hand and said sincerely. Zhong Yuquan was so bad before, but he was still her father.    


Yue Mulan had just arrived outside the door. She looked on in disbelief at the scene before her. Zhao Wenying's existence had shown her failure. Xia Yihan's existence had also expressed her husband's disloyalty to her.    


She opened the door with a bang and looked at Xia Yihan and Zhong Yuquan coldly.    


"Xia Yihan, what are you doing here?" Yue Mulan said scornfully, "No one welcomes you here." That's right, no one welcomed her. She couldn't wait for Xia Yihan to disappear.    


Xia Yihan stood rooted to the spot, momentarily at a loss of what to do.    


"Yuntang, bring Yihan out first." Zhong Yuquan frowned. Why didn't the unhappy Kan Ze and Yue Mulan understand his painstaking efforts?    


Zhong Yuntang looked at Yue Mulan and then at Zhong Yuquan. As a child, she didn't know what to say. Zhong Yuntang dragged Xia Yihan out of the hospital.    


"I'm sorry, Sister Yuntang. I let your father and mother fight." Xia Yihan looked up at the sky. Yes, she didn't have the qualifications. It would be even harder for Zhong Yuquan to recognize her as his daughter.    


Zhong Yuntang looked at Xia Yihan helplessly. She didn't know how to comfort Xia Yihan. Yue Mulan and Zhong Yuquan? She couldn't say.    


"It's fine, Sister Yuntang. I've always been an orphan. I'm already used to it."    


The calm voice caused people to unconsciously become colder. It was accompanied with the expression on Xia Yihan's face, and they all felt sorry for her.    


"Yihan, I'll take you to rest first!" Zhong Yuntang drove Xia Yihan to her new place, where she didn't want to live. She looked at the luxurious house for a long time, thinking about Ye Zimo's harsh words, and Xia Yihan went in.    


"Yihan, you stay here for now. I'm going to go see Mom and Dad." Zhong Yuntang excused herself apologetically, leaving with a worried expression.    


Xia Yihan nodded. Other than here, she didn't know where she should go.    


Zhong Yuquan looked at Yue Mulan and said coldly, "Woman, what do you know!" He got out of bed, took his cell phone, and left.    


It was not surprising for Ye Zimo to receive Zhong Yuquan's call again, it was just that it happened earlier than he expected.    


"Zhong Yuquan, what can you say this time?" Ye Zimo's voice was cold. Even though they were thousands of miles apart, Zhong Yuquan still felt that his phone was cold.    


"Ye Zimo, I think you want to know more about someone."    


With Xia Yihan, he believed that he would definitely succeed.    


"Who?" Ye Zimo kept it short and did not say another word. He really wanted to see what tricks Zhong Yuquan was playing.    


"Xia Yihan."    


"That woman is a thing of the past to me." Ye Zimo spoke a few words in an honest manner, throwing away the remnants of yearning in her heart to the deepest part of her heart.    


"Is that so? Don't you even want your own child? In that case, it's your child. " Zhong Yuquan spoke with sincerity and with the attitude of an elder giving a lecture to a junior.    


Ye Zimo listened carefully. The housekeeper told her that the child was gone, and Ye Zimo believed that the housekeeper would help Xia Yihan. He didn't ask about the child's condition, but rather hoped that the child would survive.    


"Zhong Yuquan, that's also your daughter." Ye Zimo said indifferently, her tone casual.    


"Since Ye Zimo doesn't like me, I heard that Soong Shuhao really likes me as his daughter. I'll give her to Soong Shuhao." Zhong Yuquan said with regret. Whether it was because Ye Zimo couldn't get Xia Yihan, or because of Xia Yihan's future, no one knew.    


Ye Zimo looked at the end of the call, her eyes filled with an inextinguishable fire. Xia Yihan actually left the child behind, the child is about to be born. That's right, that child was either his or Xia Yihan's child, so how could Xia Yihan bear to kill the child? Ye Zimo shook her head. He believed that with Xia Yihan's kind personality, this child would survive for eighty percent of his life.    


Ye Zimo knew Zhong Yuquan was ruthless. He guessed the reason Zhong Yuquan used Xia Yihan to threaten him. He was already in his position, so Zhong Yuquan used Xia Yihan to threaten him not to hand over those investigations.    


Zhong Yuquan stood on the roof of the hospital and looked at the cars coming and going. He closed his eyes and he couldn't see the expression on his face. Yihan, you can only blame Ye Zimo for not paying attention to you.    


Soong Shuhao felt flattered when he saw Zhong Yuquan. Now that Zhong Yuquan's hands were hot, if he hugged one of his thighs, Soong Shuhao would not have to worry about his future life. Thinking about it, Soong Shuhao's saliva had been dripping recently.    


Zhong Yuquan didn't like Soong Shuhao at all. With his pussy look, he disdained interacting with him. At the moment, only he could complete this task. Soong Shuhao had left a shadow for Xia Yihan.    


"Uncle Liu Steel, you?" Soong Shuhao ran over eagerly to greet them. He was not willing to let Zhong Yuquan say nothing, so he asked.    


"Shuhao, I do have something to talk to you about."    


Soong Shuhao looked at Zhong Yuquan in confusion. This old fox definitely had something bad that happened to him. Soong Shuhao was just silently cursing in his heart. If he really said Soong Shuhao didn't have that kind of courage, then it would be impossible for him to do so.    


"Uncle Zhong, if you can use Shuhao, feel free to say so." Soong Shuhao patted his chest and said boldly, but the fear of death in his eyes was too incongruous.    


Zhong Yuquan was a fox that had become smart, so no one could see his perfunctory attitude.    


"Shuhao, my daughter came from Lin Jiang. I hope you can accompany her for a day of fun, but don't use violence." Zhong Yuquan said in a stern voice. That kind of dignity was not something that an ordinary person could emit.    


Soong Shuhao was out of breath under Zhong Yuquan's pressure. He looked carefully at Zhong Yuquan: "Uncle Uncle Zhong, are you talking about that daughter?"    


He had to get to the bottom of this, or else he wouldn't even know how he died.    


"You'll know when you get there, but you need to be polite. Otherwise, you'll know what I'm up to." Zhong Yuquan's few light words spread in the air, causing Soong Shuhao's whole body to tremble.    


"Uncle Zhong Bo, don't worry. I will definitely do as you say."    


Soong Shuhao said with his lackey's legs. The flattering smile on his face became even wider, as if Zhong Yuquan was his reborn parents.    


"Alright, I'll get someone to lead you there later." Zhong Yuquan left without even saying anything. He didn't want to waste too much time with Soong Shuhao.    


Watching Zhong Yuquan walk further and further away, Soong Shuhao finally dared to raise his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead. This old fox's aura was getting more and more scary.    


"What did he want you for?" Xiao Xiaolee looked at the figure of Zhong Yuquan around the corner and asked. People like Zhong Yuquan definitely came to beg for Soong Shuhao's help.    


"Let me be with his daughter." Soong Shuhao did not think too much and conveyed Zhong Yuquan's original words.    


"You dare." Xiao Xiaolee said viciously. Soong Shuhao was so lustful that he would suffer a loss sooner or later. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't even bother to talk to him.    


"You're thinking too much. I guess he's using me, but I don't know how to use him. Don't think too much. I definitely won't touch his daughter." Soong Shuhao promised with all his might. In fact, his guarantee was so cheap that he would guarantee that it was Zhong Yuquan's deterrence.    


"Really? You won't take advantage of this?" Xiao Xiaolee was very smart, she knew Soong Shuhao too well.    


"I wouldn't dare even if I wanted to. You can forget about Zhong Yuquan's daughter." He was right, he didn't dare to even think about it.    


Xiao Xiaolee looked at Soong Shuhao mockingly.    


Watching Soong Shuhao leave, Xiao Xiaolee's sneer disappeared. She wanted to find a way out for herself. She wasn't willing to follow a useless man like Soong Shuhao.    


Soong Shuhao followed the man in black and arrived at a villa on the outskirts of the city. He looked around to see who the goddess was.    


He couldn't wait to go in and take a look.    


Soong Shuhao followed his heart and pushed open the door. Step by step, he walked in. Since he didn't know Lu Shan's true face, he would go and see who it was.    


Xia Yihan sat on the swing. She didn't dare to swing. She was still thinking about the days when she used to swing.    


Thinking that Zhong Yuquan said he would come see her later, Xia Yihan became restless. Even though she knew Zhong Yuquan might hurt her, Xia Yihan still went up regardless of everything.    


She tried to convince herself that this would be the last time, the last time.    


She stood up and wanted to go over to see Zhong Yuquan, but she didn't know what to say. In the hospital, she wasn't as nervous as when Yue Mulan interrupted her and wanted to see Zhong Yuquan. Xia Yihan thought back to the first time she met Zhong Yuquan in private, when she was still living with Ye Zimo.    


In the past, she still couldn't resist the temptation of her future family. Xia Yihan stood up, tidied her dress and turned around, wanting to show her most obedient side in front of her family.    


"Why is it you?" Xia Yihan's eyes widened as she looked at the person in front of her. She was so surprised that she stopped what she was about to say.    


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