Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C660 Married to a Rich Family 590

C660 Married to a Rich Family 590

Xia Yihan's heart was beating so fast that she didn't even dare to look back. At the other end of the dark corridor, it was as if an invisible hand was quietly approaching her.    


Arriving at Ye Zimo's door, Xia Yihan rushed in without even knocking.    


Ye Zimo was in a daze looking at Nianmo's sleeping face when she suddenly heard a sound from the door.    


At this moment, Nianmo mumbled something, turned over again and fell asleep.    


Ye Zimo was infuriated.    


He thought it was some servant who had come in without his permission and disturbed his son's sleep.    


"Get out!"    


Ye Zimo's ice-cold gaze swept over Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan ran in from outside and leaned against the door, gasping for breath.    


When she heard Ye Zimo say these words to her so harshly, her face turned white.    


Ye Zimo was surprised to find that the person who had just arrived was Xia Yihan. He quickly added, "I thought you were a servant …"    


Xia Yihan's face was still pale, and she smiled wryly to herself in her heart. Look, you're just asking to be humiliated. He doesn't even welcome you.    


Xia Yihan squeezed out a very ugly smile, "I was waiting for Nianmo in the room. I haven't seen him for a long time, so I came out to find him …" "Where is he?"    


Xia Yihan didn't see her son and couldn't help but be slightly surprised.    


Ye Zimo whispered, "He's asleep."    


Did he fall asleep?    


Xia Yihan immediately took light steps and walked slowly to Ye Zimo's bedside.    


Nianmo was sleeping on Ye Zimo's bed. Even when he was asleep, there was a smile on his face.    


Xia Yihan bent down and tried to pick Nianmo up.    


Ye Zimo abruptly pulled her hand and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"    


Xia Yihan replied in a low voice, "I'll carry him back. I can't let him disturb your sleep here."    


Ye Zimo said unhappily, "Why do you want to disturb me? What if you startle him when he sleeps so deeply? Let him sleep here. "    


Xia Yihan hesitated for a moment before she shook her head. "If he wakes up at night and can't see me, he might be scared."    


Ye Zimo glanced at her and said indifferently, "I'm his father. Since he's awake, I'll naturally accompany him. What's there to be afraid of?"    


Alright, under Ye Zimo's sharp gaze, Xia Yihan retreated step by step, quickly returning to her usual lifeless look from the day.    


"So be it. I'm going to bed. "    


Xia Yihan's voice was calm and mechanical without any fluctuations.    


Ye Zimo looked at her back impatiently and said, "You still haven't said good night to me."    


Xia Yihan didn't even turn around. She just said good night and closed the door, leaving Ye Zimo's bedroom.    


Leaving Ye Zimo alone, she spent the night in insomnia.    




Xia Yihan had already lived in Ye Family for almost a week. During this period, she always avoided Ye Zimo, whether intentionally or unintentionally.    


Ye Zimo was furious to find that even if he brought her back, he would often not be able to find her. Not to mention the chance to be alone with her.    


Nianmo was very attached. Basically, he had to stay close to Xia Yihan most of the day.    


Fu Fengyi was willing to play with her grandson, but it wouldn't be long before Nianmo went to find her mother.    


Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo did not have much contact, so she was not in a rush. Ye Zimo was anxious, but she could not say it out loud. In the end, it turned into Jiu Jiu and Fu Fengyi, the two bystanders who were on fire.    


Fu Fengyi had hoped that Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan could reconcile and give birth to a grandson as soon as possible.    


However, she couldn't force Xia Yihan to talk to Ye Zimo, or force her to treat Ye Zimo well.    


Helpless, Fu Fengyi could only use all sorts of opportunities to create opportunities for the two of them to be alone together.    


That morning, Fu Fengyi carried Nianmo out for a walk and told Xia Yihan, "Ye Zimo stayed up late last night before going to bed. I didn't wake him up for breakfast. The soup is still warm in the kitchen, go call him to get up and eat dinner later. "    


Xia Yihan really wanted to reject her. Why would she do such a thing? She wasn't Ye Zimo's nanny.    


Unexpectedly, Fu Fengyi didn't even give her the chance to refuse. After she finished speaking, she hurriedly left the house with Nianmo, as if there was a ghost chasing after them.    


Watching Fu Fengyi leave with Nianmo like a gust of wind, Xia Yihan had no choice but to go to the kitchen, carrying a pot of chicken soup porridge and going upstairs to call Ye Zimo.    


"Dang, dang, dang, dang …"    


Xia Yihan lightly knocked on Ye Zimo's door.    


No one answered.    


Xia Yihan could only softly twist the handle of the door and tiptoe into Ye Zimo's room.    


The room was quiet. Xia Yihan walked on the long Persian wool carpet without making a sound.    


Ye Zimo was still sleeping on the bed.    


Xia Yihan quietly walked to the bedside and quietly looked at Ye Zimo, who was bathing in the morning light. Ye Zimo's blanket fell onto her waist, revealing her firm and strong arms. The muscles on his body were still firm and compact, as if they were not afraid of being battered by any wind or rain.    


Xia Yihan looked at Ye Zimo with a slightly dazed expression. She reached out a hand and gently touched Ye Zimo's hair. Suddenly, Ye Zimo's head moved.    


Xia Yihan was so frightened that she hurriedly retracted her hand.    


Ye Zimo narrowed her eyes and raised her head to look at the bedside. She saw Xia Yihan standing there, expressionless.    


Although Xia Yihan still didn't look too good for him, he was still happy to be able to see her as soon as he opened his eyes.    


"Morning." A low, hoarse, sexy male voice rang out.    


Xia Yihan lowered her head, suppressing her panic as she quietly replied, "Good morning. Auntie asked me to bring you a bowl of chicken soup porridge, you should drink it while it's still hot. "    


Ye Zimo sat up, stretched, and then lazily told her, "Put it there, I'll have another drink later."    


Xia Yihan stared blankly at his bare chest in the air and replied, "Ok."    


Seeing Xia Yihan's infatuated expression, Ye Zimo's mood became even happier.    


"Have you seen enough? If I see enough, I'll have to get dressed. " Ye Zimo teased with a smile.    


Only then did Xia Yihan realize that she had been staring at Ye Zimo's body for too long.    


"I... I, I didn't... I'll be going out first.    


Xia Yihan stammered as she explained to Ye Zimo. Her face was flushed red as she left the room in a flustered manner.    


Ye Zimo smiled meaningfully at her retreating back.    


Woman, you can't escape!    




After that, Fu Fengyi planned a few more times to let Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo get along alone. However, the results were not ideal.    


Nianmo wasn't very cooperative and always jumped out to cause trouble when Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo were alone. He either wanted his mother to tell him a story or his father to sing him a song, which was no ordinary light bulb.    


Helpless, Fu Fengyi sent out her trump card.    


She planned to take Nianmo on a vacation abroad, leaving some space for these two entangled lovers. Oh, no, it was the former lover.    


Fu Fengyi told Ye Zimo in private, "Son, I'm taking my grandson out to play now. You must seize this opportunity to win Yihan's heart back. I hope that when I return home, I will be able to see that the two of you are back on track. "    


Ye Zimo forced a smile and said, "Mom, don't tell me I don't want to? However, I'm really in a bit of a mess right now. I'm afraid that even if I continue to work hard at the end, I'll still end up empty-handed. "    


Fu Fengyi patted him on the shoulder to encourage him, "Don't be discouraged, do what you did to make her fall in love with you. You already have a child, and you even have a foundation for love. Son, do your best! "    


As for Nianmo, he was very conflicted.    


He wanted to go abroad with his grandmother, but he couldn't leave his mother.    


"Mom, why don't you come with us?"    


Nianmo pulled Xia Yihan's sleeve and said to her coquettishly.    


Xia Yihan was helping Nianmo pack his luggage. She lowered her head and said with a smile, "Mom still has a lot of things to do at the company, so I can't accompany you. You and grandma are so fun. You have to listen to grandma, okay? "    


Nianmo shook her clothes in dissatisfaction: "Then what if I miss my mom?"    


In fact, even before he left, he was already thinking about his mother.    


What should he do?    


Nianmo was so worried that he frowned. Seeing this, Xia Yihan laughed and pointed at his nose, saying, "You, if you miss your mother, then video chat with me. "That way, you can see your mother even when you're abroad."    


Nianmo immediately laughed: "Yeah, I forgot. "Then let's do it like this. Mom, once I'm overseas, I'll have to video chat with you everyday, okay?"    


"Fine, fine, anything you say is fine." Xia Yihan pinched his nose intimately and said with a smile.    


Ye Zimo, who was standing outside the door, silently watched the two of them packing their luggage while talking and laughing. A trace of envy flashed in her eyes.    


He envied Nianmo for being able to stay by Xia Yihan's side in broad daylight. He also envied Xia Yihan for being so intimate with Nianmo.    


All of this originally belonged to him …    


Ye Zimo's thoughts started to drift off into the distance.    


If only something like this hadn't happened between him and Xia Yihan.    


How wonderful life would be if we could only see it for the first time...    


That way, he wouldn't have to spend so much effort to make Xia Yihan change her mind.    


He could have long since been together with Xia Yihan. He could only envy the mandarin ducks …    


This damned fate had separated the two lovers they loved.    


However, Ye Zimo was grateful for fate. She had allowed Xia Yihan to give birth to a child that belonged to two people, allowing the bond between the two of them to remain intact.    


Now, he wanted to rely on this connection to gradually pull Xia Yihanxin back to his side.    


Fu Fengyi packed her luggage very quickly. She pulled Nianmo's hand and said goodbye to Xia Yihan and Ye Zimo.    


"I'll take the child for a walk, see the scenery, and change the environment. You guys just wait at home for us to come back, okay? "    


They both agreed.    


Lili turned to Xia Yihan, who looked at her beautiful white face and sighed softly. "Yihan, Auntie will leave Zimo to you. You have to take care of him, not think about his mistakes, but think about his strengths as well."    


Xia Yihan didn't pick up his topic. She just smiled, "Auntie, you have to be careful on the way. If Nianmo doesn't listen to you, then bring him back."    


Fu Fengyi saw that she didn't want to listen to her own words, so she could only sigh in her heart.    


This was all she could do. All that was left was to rely on Ye Zimo's own hard work.    


She could only help him up to this point.    


Ye Zimo looked deeply at Xia Yihan and held her hand tightly.    


Fu Fengyi and Nianmo waved goodbye to the two and boarded the plane heading for the country of Wuhan Iron and Steel.    


Xia Yihan waited until the plane took off before leaving the airport. Ye Zimo sat in the car. He saw that Xia Yihan's expression was a little down, so he comforted her, "Don't worry. Mom will take good care of Nianmo."    


Xia Yihan's mood was downcast. She had forgotten that she was going to be a robot. She muttered, "I'm not worried. I'm just missing him too much. What do I do? He just left and I'm already thinking about him."    


How was she going to live after so many days?    


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