Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C743 Married to a Rich Family 672

C743 Married to a Rich Family 672

Suddenly, everything quieted down. Xia Yihan felt Ye Wen's burning gaze on her. She said uncomfortably, "Then I will go back too."    


Ye Zimo didn't say anything to stop him. Xia Yihan walked towards the door, wanting to turn the handle. The clear tapping sound startled her. Ye Zimo calmly put down the remote control in her hand.    


"Ye Zimo!" "Open the door!" Xia Yihan turned her head and said angrily.    


Ye Zimo's eyebrows were raised as she sat back on her desk. He was enjoying the show, but it had wasted a lot of his time.    


Seeing that Ye Zimo was ignoring her, Xia Yihan bellowed angrily, "If you don't come out, I'll climb out the window!"    


Ye Zimo had already entered her working state. She looked at the report as her fingers flew about. Hearing Xia Yihan's angry roar, she could only say lightly, "Stop messing around."    


The person who was messing around actually told him to stop messing around! Xia Yihan looked angrily at Ye Zimo, who had already put herself to work. She could only sit cross-legged on the bed.    


Taking out the iPad from the drawer, Xia Yihan clicked on the game and started to concentrate on the game. For a moment, the only sound in the quiet room was the sound of Ye Zimo tapping on the keyboard, and two different yet unusually harmonious breathing sounds.    


After typing in the last number on the report, Ye Zimo slightly raised her head to look at Xia Yihan, who was sitting on the bed and playing a game with an expression of ecstasy on her face.    


Gently walking to Xia Yihan's side, the other party did not notice her. Ye Zimo felt her mouth go dry as she watched Xia Yihan stick out her tongue to lick her lips due to her nervousness.    


"What are you playing at?" Wrapping up Xia Yihan's petite body, Ye Zimo tilted her head and asked with an indifferent tone.    


Xia Yihan, who had reached a crucial point, turned her head slightly and said, "This is called a native of India running away. Look at these roots and bricks, all you have to do is jump over there!"    


Xia Yihan explained in a serious manner. Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan's pouting lips and answered indifferently.    


"Aiya! You will never be able to pass this stage! " Feeling depressed, Xia Yihan put down the iPad and lightly tapped her shoulder with her small hand.    


"Let me try?" Ye Zimo massaged Xia Yihan's shoulder and said indifferently.    


Keeping her arms around Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo lightly pressed her back against Xia Yihan and took the iPad, playing with it expressionlessly.    


"Right!" Jump over! "    


"Aiya, there are gorillas chasing you from behind." Xia Yihan was so excited that she was practically dancing as she watched Ye Zimo swiftly and neatly help her through a hurdle that she couldn't pass.    


By the time Ye Zimo had put down her game of clearing the level, Xia Yihan had fallen asleep on her shoulder and was mumbling something.    


After laying Xia Yihan gently on the bed, Ye Zimo pulled up her blanket and Xia Yihan woke up. She rubbed her eyes and said, "I'm going back to sleep."    


Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan up by her waist and said, "Since you're in such a good mood, then let's do something that would make both of us feel good."    


The night was long. No one could sleep, some resentful, some gasping for breath.    


When Xia Yihan woke up, she found herself in bed with the iPad on her side. The iPad wasn't turned off, and the natives on it were jumping up and down.    


His phone suddenly rang. Lin Jie's voice sounded relaxed and happy: "Why are you so lazy, you haven't woken up yet?"    


Xia Yihan glanced at the clock and rolled on the bed. "I'm not the lazy pig. I'm up now."    


Xia Yihan dressed up very quickly after making an appointment with Lin Jie. When she opened the door, she frowned when she heard the angry curses coming from downstairs.    


"What's going on with all of you? Why are you holding such hot milk? Are you trying to scald me to death?" Yuv Le poured milk on the butler.    


The butler's face turned ashen. Other than Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan, he didn't need to listen to anyone else in this house.    


The steward was very angry and said without control, "Young Master only drinks milk of this temperature. If you don't want to drink it, then don't."    


Last night's scenes were replayed again. She picked up the milk in her hands and poured it over the housekeeper's head, screaming, "You can go find Ye Zimo. Did he say anything about me when you were pulling the weeds last time? You can try again this time. "    


The steward lowered his head without a word. The surrounding servants were all afraid that the fire of war would affect them. Yuv Le's mood, which she had suppressed all night, finally improved. She picked up the milk in the pot and poured it on the housekeeper.    


"Enough!" With her wrist firmly grabbed, Xia Yihan exerted a little strength, throwing the full milk on Yuv Le's face.    


"Ah!" "My beautiful eyes!" Yuv Le screamed as she rubbed her eyes. Xia Yihanye was frightened. She hurriedly said, "Butler, go get her a towel.    


The butler was happy to see Xia Yihan venting her resentment against him. He went to the storage room to get a towel when Xia Yihan ordered him, but his movements were getting slower and slower.    


The milk also splashed on Xia Yihan. The housekeeper brought a towel and the servants nearby rushed over to help wipe away the milk stains on Xia Yihan's skirt.    


"Are you blind? I didn't see that I couldn't keep my eyes open, so why are you helping her clean her clothes? " Yuv Le covered her eyes.    


The butler sneered as he draped a towel over Yuv Le. The other servants pretended not to have heard her as they took good care of Xia Yihan, leaving her to flit around on her own.    


"Lin Jie, I'm sorry, I'm late!" Xia Yihan rushed into the dining room.    


The waiter led Yuv Le to her seat. Lin Jie got up gracefully and helped Xia Yihan pull up her chair. He smiled and said, "It's alright. I just arrived too. I just picked up Si Si to do some beauty work."    


Seeing the obvious stain on Xia Yihan's dress, Lin Jie quickly reacted: "Yuv Le lives at your house?"    


Xia Yihan nodded and said, "Yes, we've already been living here for a week."    


Lin Jie exclaimed in surprise, "Yihan, you know what you're doing. Move out. No matter where you want to live, you can't live in my villa on the west side of the city?"    


Xia Yihan shook her head and changed the topic with a smile, "Lin Jie, what do you want to talk to me about?"    


Seeing that Xia Yihan didn't seem to want to mention Yuv Le at all, Lin Jie took out the documents in his hands worriedly, "Look, a famous designer from France, Ruiki, the one you designed before was mainly the ring, and the one you used to design the ring for was missing and decorating."    


Xia Yihan's eyes lit up when she saw the people in the magazine! He smiled and said, "This is the designer who won the highest award, the Swan Award."    


Looking at the happy Xia Yihan, Lin Jie's mood also became better. He smiled and said, "I know you're interested in him. He's a professor at Gus Academy and wants a partner. I wonder if you're willing to help him at school."    


"I'm willing, I'm willing!" Xia Yihan's eyes lit up as she covered the magazine. Being able to cooperate with Ruiki was already a peak that all designers could reach!    


Looking at Xia Yihan's smiling face, Lin Jie had an idea in his heart. He picked up his phone and dialed a number that he had never used before. With a cold and stern voice, he said, "I want you to help me deal with someone fast and ruthless."    


After meeting up with Lin Jie, Xia Yihan drove home. In the rearview mirror, a Cayenne was chasing after her, following behind Xia Yihan's Porsche at a leisurely pace.    


Xia Yihan moved closer to the rearview mirror as if she could still see Ye Zimo's ice-cold face. She wanted to slow down to let Ye Zimo pass, but the accelerator seemed to be broken and there was no response at all.    


"What's going on?!" Xia Yihan screamed in panic as she desperately stepped on the brakes.    


Not far ahead was a bend. With the sound of a horn, Ye Zimo had caught up from behind.    


"What's going on!?" "Speed drop!" Ye Zimo watched the road in front of her as she looked at Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan maintained her speed in panic and said, "I don't know either. The brake seems to be broken!"    


Ye Zimo frowned. There was already a slight slope ahead of her. If she were to maintain this speed, she might be thrown out at the turn.    


"Control the steering wheel. Don't worry." Ye Zimo looked deeply into Xia Yihan's eyes, and ignored everything else as she increased her horsepower to overtake Xia Yihan.    


The steepest bend was right in front of her. Xia Yihan watched as Ye Zimo's car shot towards her like an arrow leaving the bowstring. It made a turn at the top of the slope, and then moved horizontally to block her way.    


Xia Yihan desperately stepped on the brakes and slammed into Ye Zimo's lunch counter. The airbag bounced open to protect Xia Yihan.    


After climbing out of the air cushion, Xia Yihan rushed to get off the car. Ye Zimo's car was affected by the force of the impact, so it was only slightly damaged compared to Xia Yihan's car.    


"Ye Zimo, Ye Zimo!" Unconsciously, Xia Yihan ran forward. Ye Zimo's car was already caved in and smoking non-stop.    


With a heart full of despair, she threw herself at Ye Zimo's car door. She didn't even look at the door as she opened it. Xia Yihan cried, "Ye Zimo!"    


The moment the car door was opened, Xia Yihan was thrown into a warm embrace. Smelling the familiar smell, Xia Yihan wailed, "You scared me to death! Why did you do that?!"    


Ye Zimo gently patted Xia Yihan's back. Xia Yihan's tears slid down his face and down his neck, causing him to tremble.    


"I'm sorry, Xia Yihan." Ye Zimo kissed the ends of Xia Yihan's hair and suddenly pushed Xia Yihan away.    


"My leg is stuck. Go and shout somewhere else." Ye Zimo ordered Xia Yihan, returning to her usual icy expression.    


Xia Yihan's thoughts were in a mess as she cried. She replied with a heavy nasal voice, "What did you say? I want to accompany you here! "    


Ye Zimo impatiently hit the steering wheel and said in a sharp voice, "Woman, don't be shameless."    


Ye Zimo's cold attitude and words made Xia Yihan's heart feel as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over her head. "Alright, I'll go get someone!"    


Seeing Xia Yihan running away unsteadily, Ye Zimo looked calmly at the smoking front of the car. She carefully tried to move her legs away from the car. With a stumble, she fell to the side and supported herself with a pair of petite hands.    


"Can't you understand what I'm saying? "Xia Yihan!" Seeing the smoke getting thicker, Ye Zimo pushed Xia Yihan fiercely with her hand.    


Xia Yihan wiped away the tears on her face. Without saying anything, she stubbornly held onto Ye Zimo's arm and raised her head. Her eyes, which had already turned red from crying, squinted as she stubbornly looked at Ye Zimo.    


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