Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C752 Wealthy Marriage 681

C752 Wealthy Marriage 681

"Director Ye, Miss Tong is not in a good mood when she sees you." Zhang Fengyi said.    


Upon hearing Tong Zhenzhen's name, Xia Yihan, who was eating her porridge, looked up. Ye Zimo hung up the phone and picked up her suit jacket from the back of the sofa. With a sharp gaze, she looked at the carrot that Xia Yihan had picked up from the side of the bowl. "The carrot needs to be eaten."    


Yihan said with a spoon in her mouth, "Tong Zhenzhen is fine, right?"    


Ye Zimo nodded and kissed Xia Yihan on the forehead before leaving in a hurry. As soon as Ye Zimo entered the company's main hall, a figure ran into her arms under the watchful eyes of the crowd.    


Lili resisted the urge to throw him out, but after a while, Tong Zhenzhen shouted, feeling wronged, "Zimo, where have you been? I'm so worried, I'm afraid you won't want me anymore!"    


The employees whispered as they watched the scene unfold. Ye Zimo's gaze swept over them. The group of employees hurriedly lowered their heads and patted Tong Zhenzhen's back. "Let go."    


Tong Zhenzhen shook her head and curled up in Ye Zimo's arms. "Not letting go."    


Ye Zimo looked ahead and said faintly, "Sometimes I wonder if you're pretending."    


Just as she finished her sentence, Tong Zhenzhen jumped out from Ye Zimo's perverted side and yelled angrily, "What do I have to pretend for? Is pretending to be an idiot so interesting?!"    


After roaring, Tong Zhenzhen ran towards the elevator. Ye Zimo looked at Tong Zhenzhen's back with a meaningful smile.    


In Gus Academy, Ruiki pretended to be serious and said, "Students, for those who study design, finding the best resources is very helpful for the future design path. Why don't you find a good internship spot for us?"    


Tong Zhenzhen was the first to raise her hand. "Teacher, I want to go to the Ye Group Group's main design department."    


Tong Zhenzhen's words caused quite a stir in the class. A male student disdainfully said, "How could the Ye Group's core section let a young girl who hasn't graduated just like that? Don't brag."    


He looked at Xia Yihan with questioning eyes, but Xia Yihan pretended not to notice as she organized the homework for her students. He turned his head and said meaningfully, "Tong Zhenzhen, that classmate was right, how can you confirm the truth?"    


Tong Zhenzhen looked at Xia Yihan and said with a deep tone, "It seems that I'll have you see it for yourselves."    


Grabbing her phone, Tong Zhenzhen pressed the button in front of everyone's eyes. Not long later, a calm voice came out from the phone: "Hello, I'm Ye Group Group Zhang Fengyi. May I ask who is it?"    


"It's me, I'm looking for Zimo." Tong Zhenzhen glanced at her fellow classmates who were stunned on the spot and said proudly.    


"Miss Tong, this is Director Ye's work phone. May I ask how did you find it?" Zhang Fengyi asked politely.    


Zhang Fengyi's question came clearly over the phone. Tong Zhenzhen blushed and shouted, "I'm looking for Ye Zimola."    


A busy tone came from the phone, then a low, deep voice answered: "Eh?"    


"Zimo, do I have to work at your company?" Tong Zhenzhen asked excitedly. Looking at Tong Zhenzhen's blissful expression, Xia Yihan started to worry if what she had done was real or not.    


The voice behind the phone paused for a moment, and then a voice said, "Yes." After Ye Zimo answered, she hung up the phone neatly. Tong Zhenzhen then hung up the phone in satisfaction.    


"CEO, Madam seems to be here too." Zhang Fengyi said to Ye Zimo, who was standing by the window and looking at Xia Yihan's office.    


Ye Zimo stared deeply at the sunlight shining on Xia Yihan's work desk, reflecting the new design of Xia Yihan. She lightly knocked on the railing, not saying a word.    


In the morning, when Xia Yihan went out, Ye Zimo's car drove over from the distance. Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Yihan.    


When Xia Yihan got on the car, Ye Zimo leaned over to help Xia Yihan fasten her seat belt, then passed the warm paper bag to Xia Yihan.    


Xia Yihan opened it and saw that it was from KFC. She took a glance at Ye Zimo and silently imagined the expression on Ye Zimo's face when she went to KFC to buy the tart. Unknowingly, she laughed out loud.    


Ye Zimo glanced sideways at Xia Yihan and asked casually, "Funny?"    


"It's not funny!" Xia Yihan nodded honestly and parked the car in the garage. As soon as she got off the car, she heard Tong Zhenzhen's voice, "Zimo, I saw you here!"    


Tong Zhenzhen nodded to Xia Yihan, holding Ye Zimo's arm while wearing her business suit. Ye Zimo's eyes swept over Tong Zhenzhen, and Tong Zhenzhen obediently put her hand down and changed her sleeve. Xia Yihan, who was a bit behind, did not notice any of this.    


"Zimo, I'm telling you, my head is hurting so much these few days. I have to squeeze a bus every day!" Tong Zhenzhen said in an aggrieved tone.    


When Xia Yihan heard Tong Zhenzhen say that she had a headache, she panicked a little. "We live near each other. How about I pick you up every day?"    


Tong Zhenzhen looked at Xia Yihan with a beaming smile, "Sister Xia, sorry to trouble you. Just let Zimo pick me up."    


Xia Yihan turned to look at Ye Zimo subconsciously. Tong Zhenzhen tugged on Zimo and looked at Ye Zimo in a wronged manner. As Ye Zimo walked forward, she indifferently replied, "Remember to eat lunch at noon."    


Tong Zhenzhen answered first, "Aren't we going to have lunch together?" Xia Yihan was stunned for a moment. Ye Zimo was talking to Tong Zhenzhen just now?    


Ye Zimo tilted her head and looked at Xia Yihan, repeating, "Remember to eat lunch at noon."    


Tong Zhenzhen pouted her lips in dissatisfaction. Xia Yihan nodded and said, "Alright, I understand. I'll be leaving now."    


Xia Yihan couldn't bear to be a good boy and act like a spoiled child. She answered without hesitation and left. Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan's figure. If Xia Yihan were to turn her head at this moment, she would be able to see that this man's eyes were filled with a busy doting expression.    


"Kitty, take this paper to the complex and print it into a book. Xia Yihan ordered Kitty to take out the sketch of the design she had just finished and print it while she was at it.    


The complex was owned by Ye Zimo's company. Due to its huge business and the Fashion Jewelry, every now and then, Kitty would run errand and make copies of things for Xia Yihan.    


Beside the reconsideration machine, there seemed to be a girl acting coquettishly like a boy. "I really don't know how to use this thing. Can you help me?"    


The man agreed without hesitation and helped Tong Zhenzhen. Kitty stood to the side with the materials, but Tong Zhenzhen found out and said, "You're not a little girl running errands beside Sister Xia, hello!"    


Kitty looked at the material that Tong Zhenzhen was going to copy with a smile and said with disdain, "I'm an errand boy for Director Xia, and you're an errand boy for Director Ye. You're not bad at all."    


Tong Zhenzhen raised her head and said, "Fashion Jewelry is also an industry that belongs to Ye Family. Of course, it's better for me to run errands for Ye Group than for Sister Xia. Also, I'm from the Gus Academy's design institute, what are you?"    


The other party choked back: "Then I'll have to ask you, Director Ye, first, clearly Fashion Jewelry was created by our CEO Xia, and you still want to buy it. Also, it's hard to say if you can build a brand on your own like Director Xia!"    


The male employees had already left. Tong Zhenzhen and Kitty were staring at the photocopies. Inside the washroom, Kitty was furiously cursing Tong Zhenzhen with a piece of toilet paper.    


"No problem, won't working with me disappoint you?" Tong Zhenzhen's voice rang out. Kitty leaned against the door and listened for a while, thinking, "Cooperation?" Ye Group handed over the case to this woman so quickly? "    


The mischievous mind quickly overcame Kitty's doubts. She tiptoed out and stuffed a mop into Tong Zhenzhen's bathroom.    


Kitty smiled happily at the sound of the water splashing. When she walked to the door, she heard Tong Zhenzhen opening the door with all her might. She put down the sign she was using and left with a smile.    


"Kitty, what's the matter with you today? Always absent-minded. You've done wrong here and there." Xia Yihan pointed at the stack of documents in her hands.    


Kitty nodded her head carelessly. After taking care of Tong Zhenzhen, she was still a little afraid. After all, several hours had passed.    


Xia Yihan saw that Kitty seemed to be scared out of her wits, so she said with concern, "If you are not feeling well, then go home and rest."    


Xia Yihan's concern made Kitty immediately set her mind on helping Xia Yihan get Ye Zimo back.    


In the middle of the night, a figure appeared in the corridor. The usually lively building was pitch black with only four dim floor lights blinking.    


Kitty groped her way to the toilet in the complex, but the sign never moved, and Kitty called inside, "Is anyone there?"    


The mop was still stuck on the door handle, but there was no sound from inside. The wind outside the window made a loud noise as Kitty ran out of the bathroom screaming and called Xia Yihan while trembling.    




"Manager Xia, I locked Tong Zhenzhen in the toilet. I just called her and she didn't answer me, I'm scared!" Kitty explained tremblingly.    


Xia Yihan didn't have time to reprimand Kitty. She picked up her coat and ran out the door. When she heard the door close, Ye Zimo looked at her watch. When she came out again, she was anxious to see the elevator plummet.    


"Manager Xia, you're finally here." In front of the Fashion Jewelry gate, Kitty came over. She really did not dare to stay alone in the complex.    


Xia Yihan was worried about the wound on Tong Zhenzhen's head, so she asked Kitty to take her to the toilet. He removed the toilet mop and opened the door. Tong Zhenzhen had already fainted on the toilet.    


"Is that true? Are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital. " Tong obediently helped Tong Zhenzhen out, and Kitty quickly went up to help.    


Ye Zimo's words emerged from the shadows right after they left the toilet. "What are you doing?"    


In the ward, Tong Zhenzhen slept soundly. Kitty lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."    


Ye Zimo's face turned cold. "Who gave you the right to do that?"    


Xia Yihan protected Kitty with her face. "I don't believe Kitty would do these things for no reason. There must be a conflict between the two of them."    


Tong Zhenzhen woke up and said to Xia Yihan in fright, "Sister Xia, I know I was wrong. Don't let Kitty mess with me, it's really dark in the toilet."    


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