Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C943 Wealthy Marriage 872

C943 Wealthy Marriage 872

"Isn't that Chu Qing's shoes?" Ding Yiyi got off the car and picked up her shoes. Ye Nianmo said to her with a tense expression, "We can't wait any longer, call the police."    


"Hm!" "No, wait!" Ding Yiyi took out her phone. There had always been a text on the phone, but she was too anxious to notice it.    


"Sister Yiyi, tell my brother and mom that I'm with a friend for the time being." Ding Yiyi asked Ye Nianmo, whose face had turned green after reading the text message, "Did Chu Qing have any friends?"    


Ye Nianmo shook his head. Chu Qing had always been a bit cautious, where did her friends come from? He turned to her and said: "No matter what, we don't have a clue. We can't find her, so let's go back to my house."    


A glaring light came from the front as an off-road car drove over at an incredible speed. After a sudden turn, it stopped abruptly. Hai Zhuoxuan got out of the car and walked in front of the two with large strides: "What's going on?"    


"I can't find him. I wonder where he went." Ding Yiyi looked at him in surprise. She had just received a text message from Chu Qing, why did he lie to Hai Zhuoxuan?    


Hai Zhuoxuan inhaled a breath of cold air and turned around to leave, "I'll go look for her!" Ding Yiyi watched worriedly as the car shot out like an arrow leaving a bow. "It can't be too late, can it?" she asked worriedly.    


Ye Nianmo had already turned around, but after hearing that, his figure only paused for a moment: "Chu Qing might also be in danger." Sensing the coldness in his tone, Ding Yiyi silently got on the carriage.    


At Ye Family, Xia Yihan sat to the side, while Ao Xue sat to the side consoled her with a soft voice. Ye Zimo called from the side, "Mn, alright.    


After hanging up, Ye Zimo said in a deep voice, "The surveillance footage showed her getting into a blue Porsche of her own accord."    


"Yiyi also received a message just now from Chu Qing, saying that she's fine." Ye Nianmo continued. When Ao Xue heard him say "Yi Yi", she raised her head and quickly turned to look at Xia Yihan.    


"Could it be a friend?" Xia Yihan shook her head, frowning as she replied, "That won't happen. This child has always been introverted and has never heard of any friends. Furthermore, it will take an hour to get here from the city center. How can he get here in such a short period of time?"    


Ding Yiyi sucked in a breath. "Could it be that someone has been following her all this time?" No one in the hall spoke, because what Ding Yiyi had said was probably the most terrible truth.    


"Mom, you should go rest first. It's almost morning now, we'll talk tomorrow." Ye Nianmo pinched the bridge of his nose and said tiredly.    


Ye Zimo put the depressed Xia Yihan in her arms and went upstairs without saying a word. Ye Nianmo looked at them silently. Since when were their backs not as energetic as when they were young?    


"Then I'll go back as well." Ding Yiyi took her bag from the butler. Ye Nianmo waved to her and said, "No need. It's already morning when you get back. You can stay at home."    


Ao Xue looked around and replied, "That's right, Yiyi. Chu Qing's whereabouts are unknown. It's better for you to stay for the night."    


The atmosphere that had just eased up a moment ago turned cold again because of Ao Xue's words. The butler rushed forward to help her out, "Miss Ding Yiyi, let me take you to the guest room."    


Ding Yiyi knew that no one was in high spirits and did not refuse. She followed the housekeeper. The butler brought her to a guest room and said, "Because today Young Master Mo and his wife, Miss Au Xue, will be staying in this cleaned room. You will be able to take care of it."    


Ding Yiyi was speechless as she looked at the room. It was almost a hundred square meters and it was fully furnished, yet it was just a regular room? After the butler left, Ding Yiyi threw herself onto the soft bed and rolled a few rounds before falling asleep.    


"Don't make things difficult for her, or I won't help you in the future." Ding Yiyi heard sounds coming from the balcony and got up in a daze. When she opened the window, Ao Xue, who was next door to her, was startled and stammered, "What did you hear?"    


Ding Yiyi was so scared that she lost all sleep. "I … I didn't hear anything," she stammered.    


"Oh, oh, that's good." Ao Xue smiled and turned around to return to her room. Ding Yiyi also couldn't sleep, so she got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.    


Using her memory, she found the kitchen. Ding Yiyi moved her hands up and down the huge refrigerator, but she couldn't find a place to open the door.    


"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a faint voice came from the darkness. Ding Yiyi turned her head in fright while Ye Nianmo looked at her steadily.    


Ye Nianmo stayed in the kitchen. When he saw her sneaking around, he didn't warn her until Ding Yiyi couldn't find the door.    


"I'm thirsty." Ding Yiyi whispered, feeling embarrassed. Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows. He pressed the button of the remote control on the refrigerator door. The two wide doors opened from the middle and split into 40%.    


After throwing a bottle of mineral water to her, Ye Nianmo sat back on the table. Ding Yiyi stared at him with watery eyes and said, "No matter how worried you are, it's impossible for Chu Qing to appear in front of you right now."    


"Is there anyone who can comfort others like you?" Ye Nianmo drank his wine in one gulp in frustration. He paused and said, "I'm not a good brother, and I'm not a good brother either."    


Ding Yiyi patted his shoulder sympathetically. "If you keep on drinking like this, you might become a good alcoholic."    


Right after she finished speaking, her hand was caught by Ye Nianmo. Ye Nianmo deliberately said in a drunk tone: "Have you ever seen an alcoholic that calm? I don't smell alcohol on me, take a whiff! "    


Ding Yiyi hurriedly dodged the attack. Her hand was forcefully pulled back and she fell on top of him. Both of them were stunned. Ding Yiyi quickly got up and walked towards the stairs. "I'm going to sleep."    


"Good night." Ye Nianmo muttered towards her back.    


The next morning, Ding Yiyi woke up early. When she went downstairs, the living room was already filled with people. Seeing her, the butler hurried over and greeted her. Eat breakfast. "    


"No need, thank you." Ding Yiyi was embarrassed. She didn't expect herself to sleep so late. Mo Xiaojun said from the living room, "I've already asked someone we know to keep an eye on him. He'll tell us the moment he finds out."    


Ye Zimo nodded. Ao Xue added, "The relationship between Yi Yi and Chu Qing has always been good. Chu Qing even left a message for Yi Yi yesterday."    


Everyone's gaze fell on Ding Yiyi. Xia Yihan opened her mouth and said, "Miss Ding, please take note of my daughter. If she comes looking for you, please let us know."    


Ding Yiyi nodded. The living room was stifling. After the discussion, everyone dispersed. Nianmo, let's go to school as well. " Ao Xue said.    


Ye Nianmo picked up the Car key, looked at Ding Yiyi, and planned to call her over. Ye Chuyun, who was by her side, had already walked up to her, but she did not know what to say.    


"Let's go." Ye Nianmo brought Ao Xue out. Ding Yiyi looked at the two of them from behind and said, "Let's go as well." Ye Qianyun opened his mouth and naturally held her hand.    


Ding Yiyi's originally messy thoughts became even more chaotic. She allowed him to hold her hand and let her leave the Ye Family, halting the locomotive halfway.    


"What is it? We have arrived? " Ding Yiyi watched curiously as Ye Chuyun walked into the KFC. Not long later, he took out a bag of hot breakfast and placed it in her hands.    


Ding Yiyi's heart was also warmed by the warmth of the breakfast. When they arrived at the school, Ye Chuyun left. Just as Ding Yiyi was about to leave, an SUV drove into the parking space in one go, and Hai Zhuoxuan got off.    


Ding Yiyi saw that he didn't even notice her standing beside him and didn't even change her clothes. She worriedly said, "Zhuoxuan."    


Hai Zhuoxuan turned around and looked at her. His face was still gloomy. Ding Yiyi said, "You didn't sleep all night?" Hai Zhuoxuan nodded indifferently. He had been searching all night, where was Chu Qing?    


When Ding Yiyi arrived at the classroom, she ran out after seeing the text message on her phone. She panted as she ran to the lake shore of the school and saw Ye Chuqing standing silently with her back facing her.    


"Chu Qing!" Ding Yiyi shouted as she ran. Ye Chuqing turned her head and forced a smile. Under her eyes, there was a faint dark green color.    


"Where did you go? Do you know that everyone is looking for you?" Ding Yiyi's tone was harsh. Ye Chuqing lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry."    


"Come back with me." Ding Yiyi pulled her hand and was about to leave. Ye Chuqing took a few steps back and said, "I'm not going back."    


"Then at least tell me who took you away yesterday?" Ding Yiyi had already calmed down. While diverting her attention away, she quietly fished out her cell phone from her bag.    


Ye Chuqing shook her head. Two people ran over from a short distance away. Ding Yiyi looked at him in surprise. "Zhang Tang, Yan Mingyao?"    


Zhang Tang gave two bottles of water to Ye Chuqing beside him and said with a smile of victory: "Chu Qing, haven't we already arranged to see a movie? The show will start in two hours, let's go."    


Ye Chuqing looked at Ding Yiyi hesitantly and turned around to leave. Ding Yiyi grabbed her arm and pulled her down forcefully. "Chu Qing, tell me honestly, did he do anything to you?"    


Ye Chuqing shook her head with a wry smile. Zhang Tang took the opportunity to snatch the girl away, while Yan Mingyao stood in front of Ding Yiyi who wanted to come forward and said, "She has already agreed to be Zhang Tang's girlfriend!"    


"What did you say!" Hai Zhuoxuan walked out from under a tree and looked fixedly at Ye Chuqing.    


Didn't I inform Ye Nianmo? Why is Hai Zhuoxuan here? Ding Yiyi picked up her phone to check and found out that she had messed up her contact list because she was in too much of a hurry.    


Zhang Tang arrogantly placed his hand on Ye Chuqing's shoulder. Before he could say anything, Hai Zhuoxuan, who was rushing over, punched him and knocked him to the ground.    


"Take your dirty hands away." Hai Zhuoxuan said coldly. Ye Chuqing's face started to have some expectation. She looked at him anxiously and said, "Brother Zhuoxuan, don't you like me a little and you don't like it when people touch me?"    


"Enough! If you don't love yourself so much, then I have nothing to say. Hai Zhuoxuan glanced at Ye Chuqing, whose face had suddenly turned pale, then left with big steps.    


Ye Chuqing's face turned pale and she immediately turned around to speak. Ding Yiyi opened her mouth, but when she saw the despair in her eyes, she was no longer able to say what she wanted to say.    


It was only when she was sure that Zhang Tang and Ye Chuqing had gone far away and saw that Ding Yiyi did not want her to chase after Yan Mingyao, that she finally left.    


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