Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1082 Married to a Rich Family 1010

C1082 Married to a Rich Family 1010

Ding Yiyi was completely unaware of all that had happened. She simply blindly entered the elevator and followed the smiling crowd out. There was a huge pink balloon arch in front of the elevator. There was a sign not far away with a person's name written on it in red. She subconsciously didn't look at the two names side by side, afraid that she might not be able to handle it.    


The sound of the wedding march came from inside the house. Ding Yiyi stood at the door with a deep sense of happiness in her melodious voice. Her thick voice seemed to be able to see the scene inside.    


Ao Xue held Ye Nianmo's arm blissfully. People were looking at them with blessings. They walked to the front of the stage to receive the blessings from the priest and told each other that they would.    


"NO!" It's not like that! " She whispered, and the happy march of the marriage now sounded in her ears like a sad song of pain, and she trembled all over, her hands trembling on the door.    


"I don't agree!" The door was suddenly opened. Everyone turned around to look at the girl who had suddenly appeared out of curiosity. The groom and bride turned around and looked at her strangely.    


It wasn't Ye Nianmo or Ao Xue! Ding Yiyi looked at the two strangers. Her body was as light as a feather and she almost dropped down to the ground.    


"Miss, what's the matter?" A middle-aged woman frowned and looked at Ding Yiyi. She glared viciously at the groom, who looked back innocently.    


"Sorry, I found the wrong place." Ding Yiyi bowed to the crowd. Her face was as red as an apple and her body was trembling slightly.    


She backed out, and very quickly the door closed behind her, as if unwilling to let her covet this happiness. She faced the brown wooden door again, and couldn't help but crouch down.    


One step, two steps. The hard soles of his shoes hit the marble floor with a steady clang. The newcomer's footsteps were steady, carrying a natural momentum.    


Ye Nianmo stood in front of her, looking down at her from above. The music in the room had stopped, and the pastor's voice came faintly, "Whether poor, rich, or sick, are you willing to stay by her side?"    


He listened, waiting for the words, 'I will,' he said softly.    


The person crouching in front of her suddenly paused, but didn't look up. Ye Nianmo continued to call her in the gentlest voice in his life, "I'll take you away."    


Ding Yiyi raised her head slowly, her tears gushing like a full spring. Her expression was fragile and helpless, like a child who had lost its way. She looked at him, but only at him.    


Ye Nianmo's heart ached. He stretched out his hand towards her and encouraged her, "Come, hold my hand."    


Ding Yiyi finally regained her senses as she quietly looked at the clear lines on his hand. She moved her body and stood up shakily. Her legs were numb, just like her heart.    


"Why are you engaged to her?" She looked at him as she spoke, one word at a time. Her curled fists became tighter and tighter as her nails dug into her palms, forming the shape of a crescent moon.    


"I'm not engaged. I'm canceling it." Ye Nianmo tried his best to comfort her with gentleness. He looked at her fixedly, not losing out to any other expression on her face.    


His words only made Ding Yiyi's blank expression even more confused. She licked her dry and peeling lips for seven to eight hours without touching a drop of water, instinctively blinking her bloodshot eyes, "I'm asking why you're engaged to her."    


Ye Nianmo was silent. He won't say the real reason because he knows that this reason will bring their relationship to an end. Although he won't let her go, he doesn't want to see her sad.    


"Because I'm pregnant." A few meters away, Ao Xue stood quietly. There seemed to be some sort of lively activity going on inside the room. People were laughing and clapping. This had nothing to do with the three people standing outside the hall.    


Ding Yiyi's eyes fell on Ao Xue's protruding belly, then on Ye Nianmo's pursed lips, then she looked up bit by bit. She slightly opened her mouth, but wasn't sure if she had spoken.    


Ye Nianmo panicked. She didn't cry or make a fuss, but only said: "I know?"    


He held her hand and said slowly, "Yiyi, listen to me."    


"I won't listen!" She exploded. The calmness just now had used up all of her rationality. He should have let her go, let her go alone, and let her keep her last bit of dignity. But why did he call her? Why didn't he let her go?!    


She did not retreat, but instead advanced step by step. Staring at his eyes, she said in a perverted tone, "You said that you love me, I believe you. You said that you are only responsible for her, and I also believe you. But why are you doing this! Just because I believe you, just because I'm retreating? "    


She didn't want to say anymore, so she turned her head towards Ao Xue who was standing a few steps away and coldly said, "Congratulations, you won."    


Footsteps could be heard constantly in the room. People were about to open the door with smiles on their faces. Cheers could be heard from the inside, and the scene outside was bleak. Ding Yiyi suddenly smiled, lowered her head and rushed downstairs.    


Ye Nianmo didn't look at Ao Xue. He chased after Ding Yiyi the moment she ran away. Ao Xue stood there quietly, watching the two of them disappear in front of her.    


The door opened and everyone walked out, flocking around the newbie. Everyone had a happy smile on their faces as they squeezed Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue was forced to retreat a few steps, but she still stood there silently, until a pair of hands came to her front and held her tightly in their embrace.    


"Nianmo?" Her head was on Yan Mingyao's shoulder, and her eyes were focused on the colorful wall not far away. Even though she knew who was holding her, she still shouted again and again, "Nianmo, Nianmo, Nianmo."    


Ye Nianmo easily caught up with Ding Yiyi on the street. He was extremely gentle with a trace of helplessness in his tone, "Can you listen to me?"    


"Let me go first." Seeing that the other party didn't make a move, she started to struggle with all her might. Ye Nianmo was worried for her, so he slightly relaxed his grip.    


She lowered her head and rushed toward the road, ignoring everything else. A red light lit up and the cars that were in a hurry to get home roared as they rushed forward. The sharp sound of brakes could be heard.    


"Yiyi!" Ding Yiyi could only hear the cry of despair and fear. She felt the sky spin and the earth spin. After the powerful impact, she opened her eyes.    


Not far away, two or three people were gathered. They coldly took out their phones to take pictures of this sudden event, which could be used as a topic of conversation. She blinked, and Ye Nianmo's angry shout sounded in her ears: "What are you doing! What the hell are you doing!? "    


He was extremely frightened. If he didn't hold her in time just now, if the driver didn't step on the brakes in time, what would happen?    


He knew the result, so he became even more terrified. He could only hug the woman he loved tightly. Only by doing so could his heart resume beating.    


Ding Yiyi moved her body. She wanted to speak, but her dry lips were firmly sealed. That kiss was not gentle in the slightest. It was filled with a mixture of anxiety and complicated emotions. The touch made her tremble slightly.    


They stood by the side of the road, surrounded by people who had gotten off work. They just took a quick glance at the handsome man and the sweet girl, and then wearily set off on their journey home.    


"That day, when you and Hai Zhuoxuan were drinking together, I heard your conversation." Ye Nianmo Lun was the first to break the silence. He looked at her silently, his voice gentle.    


She was physically and mentally exhausted, so she didn't want to say another word. Ye Nianmo paused before continuing, "That was my worst night, the woman I loved the most drank with my most trusted brother, and all of this was caused by me. Thus, I also drank the alcohol, drinking the alcohol with sleeping pills."    


She looked at him quietly, a reason that seemed like his own, and in the whole thing he seemed innocent and passive, but so what? She opened her mouth slightly, her voice weary. "We can't go back. With that child, we can't go back."    


Ye Nianmo pursed his lips. He knew what she said was right. He looked at her eyes that gradually became as calm as stagnant water. He got angry for no reason. "No, I won't let you go. Never!"    


Ding Yiyi closed her eyes tiredly and said softly, "Then come home with me. I want to rest now."    


The Ding Family was empty, but it did not have a trace of gray in it. Ye Nianmo would ask the hour worker to clean the place regularly, so that the place would always maintain a clean atmosphere. Baby Cheng was brought to the Ye Family after Ding Yiyi left.    


Ding Yiyi lay tiredly on the bed. The cold wind was blowing against the glass, and the glass was emitting a slight sound of shaking. The heavy dark blue curtain was put down, and the leaf-shaped floor lamp by the window was illuminated with a yellow light.    


Her eyes were closed, her breathing was long, her face slightly wrinkled, like a child's. Just like that, she lay there quietly with her palm held by another person. Their fingers were interlocked, and that was the place that connected her heart to the rest of her body.    


After an unknown amount of time had passed, the bangs on her head were pushed away, and a gentle kiss landed between her eyebrows, attempting to heal her wounds. Her soft voice sounded, "Sleep well."    


As the door closed, those who should have been asleep opened their eyes, tears streaming down their faces without warning.    


Ye Group    


Ye Nianmo directly went to the Ye Group. His heart was filled with exhaustion, but he still had to deal with the mountain of documents. He was the core of the thousands of people in the Ye Group, and was destined to never let his emotions run wild.    


It was very cold. The wind roared mercilessly. The white collar workers walked around hurriedly for their livelihood. Ye Nianmo got off the car and calmly walked towards the woman who had been standing at the door all this time.    


Ao Xue had already taken off her engagement dress, but she stubbornly wore a ring. She wore a thin dress with a bulging stomach. Her expression was even more sorrowful than the weather. She looked at him and said indifferently, "Do you hate me?"    


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