Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1177 Wealthy Marriage 1105

C1177 Wealthy Marriage 1105

"I didn't tell her." Ye Chuyun said with great difficulty. The joy he felt earlier had been swept away. He had never been this frustrated before. Could it be that this happiness would once again leave him?    


Perhaps it was because he looked too sad, but the white doctor did not say much, and only said: "I have always advised you to stay at Los Angeles for treatment, and I hope you would consider the path of a heart transplant."    


"What's the success rate?" Ye Chuyun was very calm.    


"The current technology in the United States is more than enough to deal with heart transplants. The success rate is close to 90%. How long you can survive after surgery will depend on your immunity skills and your future physical condition."    


Ye Chuyun made his decision almost instantly, "I want to do it."    


For Ding Yiyi's happiness, he must persevere. The doctor clasped his hands. "Since you have decided to do this, I suggest that you be admitted as soon as possible. Your condition is not optimistic."    


Ding Yiyi walked on the red carpet while wearing her wedding dress, his heart full of happiness. He had never wanted to live as much as she did before. He smiled and said, "I will come back when I get engaged."    


Coming out of the hospital, he stood in the middle of the square. Not far away, an old man took out some bread crumbs and let the white pigeons fly to his side to peck at them.    


He stood in the middle of life and old age, enjoying the winter sun of Los Angeles. The strong desire to live filled his body, and he took out his phone to call, "Mom and Dad, I want to get married."    


Ding Yiyi was in the midst of receiving Qiu Bai's angry roar when she heard the news that Ye Nianmo was coming back. What do you mean you're getting engaged? Am I the last to know? "    


Ding Yiyi thought for a moment and said seriously, "Of course not, An Ran and Xu Weiren don't know yet."    


Qiu Bai curled her lips, but her expression was full of worry. The onlookers knew who Ding Yiyi loved, and they knew better than anyone else. They did not want Ding Yiyi to regret it in the future.    


Ding Yiyi picked up her handbag and smiled, "Chuyun is back today. I can't tell you now. I'm going to pick him up at the airport."    


She looked doubtfully at Qiu Bai, who pulled her back and said sincerely, "I'm not helping them, but I'm helping you. I'd rather you stay single than regret it after you get married."    


"Miss Ding," Ye Bo had a serious expression, "Please go and see the young master."    


Ding Yiyi was taken aback, but immediately rejected the offer. "I'm not going."    


She wanted to leave anxiously, but was blocked by Ye Bo. He said anxiously: "Young Master has been crazy these days and only sleeps for two hours every day. He works the rest of the time."    


She was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt wronged. Even tears could not be controlled as they flowed out. She took a deep breath and slowly said, "This is his own choice. It has nothing to do with me. My apologies."    


She looked like a deserter who had abandoned his armor on the battlefield and ran frantically to a place he thought was safe. In the coffee shop, Qiu Bai looked out of the window at the figure disappearing in a sorry state and said indifferently, "I've always wondered why I became good friends with her. Only later on did I find out that she and I are very similar, once I decide to leave, I won't hesitate."    


"You are different from her." Ye Bo's gaze was locked on her tightly and his face was filled with love, "I hope that the two of us will never have that day." She was stunned, unable to control her sorrowful emotions. Unable to respond, she could only choose to escape.    


Until they arrived at the airport, Ding Yiyi was still flustered. The exit of the airport was full of people holding tags. She moved through the crowd until she heard Ye Chuyun calling her with a smile, "Yiyi."    


He stood a few steps away, holding her in his white shirt and jeans. There was no sadness in his arms, no dispute between women, only warmth and relief.    


That night, Ye Chuyun accompanied Ding Yiyi to the door of his house. The two of them smiled at each other. Although no one spoke, the atmosphere was very harmonious.    


Just as she was about to turn around and leave, her wrist was grabbed by someone. She turned her head in confusion and looked into Ye Chuyun's smiling eyes, "Will you meet my parents with me tomorrow afternoon?"    


"So fast?" Ding Yiyi subconsciously blurted out. Feeling that something was wrong, she hurriedly asked, "Aunt and Uncle, aren't you in a foreign country?"    


Ye Chuyun rubbed her palm, while his voice was full of happiness, "I heard that we're getting engaged and will be back today. If you think it's too fast, I can delay it again."    


Ding Yiyi didn't want to make him sad, but she wanted to make herself give up even more. She shook her head and said, "No, let's just let it be tomorrow. The day to choose is worse than the day to meet."    


After going upstairs, she returned home. She turned on the light in the living room and walked to the window. Downstairs, Ye Chuyun waved at her before driving away. She watched the orange taillights gradually disappear into the night, and her tensed nerves completely relaxed.    


She sat at the dressing table, the woman in the mirror painted a pale makeup, the years did not seem to leave a single trace on her smooth face. She was twenty-five years old, it was time to get married, why should she struggle in the sea of love and find someone who loved her to live without worry?    


They would have one or two children, and she would watch them grow up, and she would accompany him as he grew old, and then one day she or he would leave him alone in the world, waiting for the day they would meet again.    


This was a life that could be completed with a single glance. It was beautiful and enviable, but she suddenly felt so flustered that she could not help herself.    


Her life could have been without that person, but why did her heart hurt so much? She clearly swore that she would not have anything to do with her anymore, didn't she?    


Unable to find an answer to the question in her heart, she suddenly stood up and ran frantically towards the door.    


At the Ye Group Building, Ding Yiyi quietly looked up at the lights that lit up on the highest floor.    


There seemed to be a shadow passing by the window. She subconsciously hid behind a tree, knowing full well that he wouldn't be able to find her, but she stubbornly hid behind the tree trunk and didn't want to come out.    


The ringtone suddenly rang on his phone. Ye Chuyun's text message contained a hint of happiness and love, "Remember to cover up well. Good night."    


She suddenly blamed herself in her heart. How could she be so uncertain after agreeing to be with Ye Chuyun? She was going to see Ye Chuyun's parents tomorrow, she shouldn't be here.    


In the Ye Group office, Ye Nianmo's brows were knitted tightly. He suddenly felt a very familiar feeling in his heart. Standing beside the window, he saw a figure flash past.    


It was just a shadow, and it was only a split-second. However, he was certain that it was Ding Yiyi. His heart was beating wildly, and he desperately rushed down. The elevator slowly rose from the first floor, and he couldn't wait to run down the stairs.    


When he ran out of the Ye Group gate while gasping for breath, the only things around him were the trees and the wind. The silhouette that flashed past seemed to be like a dream, as he dejectedly took a few steps back, and then, suddenly, he ruthlessly punched the tree trunk.    


A dull sound rang out in the quiet night. As he pounded on the hammer, he roared out Ding Yiyi's name, one after another, with the intent of tearing one's heart and tearing one's lungs apart.    


Not far away, she looked at the man in pain. The hands that were covering her mouth were shaking uncontrollably, and a slight choking sound flowed out from her fingertips. She leaned against the tree trunk and looked at the starry sky.    


Tears blurred his vision, making the starry sky seem even more beautiful and mottled. Behind him, the sound of flesh hitting the tree trunk again and again was extremely clear. A few steps away, two heartbroken people were grieving alone.    


Ding Yiyi didn't sleep all night. The next day, when she got up, there were only two hours left before her parents agreed to meet with Ye Chuyun.    


"You need makeup, you need to pick out clothes, you need to get your hair done, you need to buy presents." She walked around the room muttering to herself. First, she opened the wardrobe to pick out the clothes. After much difficulty, she finally found the clothes she liked. Half an hour had already passed.    


She hurriedly changed into her clothes and went to the bathroom to wash. In a hurry, the toothpaste foam splattered on her clothes. With a frown on her face, she returned to her room.    


Another five minutes passed, and she restlessly searched the wardrobe. She could find many flaws in any of the clothes, and after much difficulty, she managed to find a new one to change into.    


He hurriedly sat in front of the dressing mirror. There was makeup water, foundation powder, and concealment cream. His skin was in a poor state and fine particles were floating on the foundation powder.    


"Ah!" She threw away the lipstick in her hand with a growl and ran into the bathroom to take off her makeup. How could she wear such makeup to see Ye Chuyun's parents!    


In the bathroom, she rubbed her cheeks crazily as she took off her makeup and poured it into her eyes. Suddenly, she burst into tears.    


She squatted on the ground and cried her heart out. All the pain and helplessness she felt flowed out from her eyes. The doorbell rang, but she didn't care about it as she immersed herself in her own sad world.    


Sitting in Ye Chuyun's car, it had been over 10 minutes. Seeing her red eyes, Ye Chuyun didn't say anything but patted the back of her hand and said in a warm tone, "It's okay, I'll take care of everything."    


She forced a smile at him, an undisguised expression of sadness on her face. In the mirror, she wore a simple T-shirt and jeans and looked emaciated despite the fact that she wasn't wearing makeup.    


"I'm sorry." She apologized in a low voice, feeling guilty. She should have dressed up so that everyone would see her sincerity, but now she had ruined everything.    


Ye Chuyun suddenly raised his eyebrows and took out his phone under her gaze, "Mom, you guys haven't gone out yet right? Hmm, one hour later. There's a traffic jam here. It's very serious."    


After hanging up, he gave her a sly, hungry smile and turned into the next shopping mall. Forty minutes later, Ding Yiyi came out of the mall, dressed in a new outfit.    


She was wearing a pink dress with a delicate makeup that made her blush faintly, and people who passed by looked at her appreciatively.    


Ye Chuyun opened the door for her with undisguised love in his eyes. He sighed from the bottom of his heart, "So beautiful."    


Ding Yiyi smiled sweetly at him, unable to express the gratitude in her heart. He had preserved his last bit of dignity, so he didn't ask her why she was crying or why she went to see his parents without dressing up. He always stood by her side silently, preparing to give her a warm embrace.    


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