Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1209 Wealthy Marriage 1137

C1209 Wealthy Marriage 1137

Ding Yiyi noticed the three of them and exchanged a few words with the people beside her. She walked up to them and said, "Grandma, Teacher Xia."    


Fu Fengyi's face was still as stern as ever. "It seems like none of us have the qualifications to travel together with you, as long as we appear in two batches, no one will understand if others see it!"    


Ding Yiyi remained silent and did not retort. Xia Yihan circled around her and said, "Mom, maybe the invitation was sent separately. It's normal for Yiyi not to know."    


Hearing her words, Fu Fengyi's expression became a little better. In front of the old woman, she said, "You're still the best. Your great-grandson is already in his arms. I'm a worried person!" My life is miserable, and I originally had the chance to hug my great-grandson. But now, everything has been destroyed! "    


"Miss Xia," a staff member walked in front of Xia Yihan. "Can I invite you to make a speech today?"    


Xia Yihan was slightly stunned, but she still nodded in agreement.    


When the meeting began, Xia Yihan walked onto the stage. She looked increasingly graceful as she neared middle age, "The staff asked me to come on stage to speak today, but I felt that the one who should stand on stage the most, as a successful woman, should be my mother-in-law, Lady Fu Fengyi."    


The people below the stage all cast their gaze towards Fu Fengyi. There were even some who secretly said that Xia Yihan knew how to be a good person, giving all the credit to her mother-in-law. No matter how they looked at it, they would still have some face.    


Fu Fengyi had also swept away her previous unhappiness and calmly accepted the envious gazes of the others. Ding Yiyi stood beside Ao Xue; she was only a few centimeters lower than Ao Xue. When she tilted her head, she could see her face.    


As the waiter passed, she took two glasses of champagne. With a flick of her fingers, a white pill dipped into the champagne and swirled for a moment in the golden liquid before disappearing.    


Ao Xue moved her elbow slightly. Ding Yiyi looked at Xia Yihan on the stage and said, "I won't forget the matter where you hurt Chuyun."    


Ao Xue turned her head to glance at her. With her head held high and eyes full of disdain, she asked, "Then what do you want?"    


"You'll know soon enough."    


Ding Yiyi handed her a glass of champagne.    


"Drink, why don't you drink?" Ao Xue grabbed the glass of champagne in Ding Yiyi's hand with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She raised her head and took a sip.    


Ding Yiyi picked up another glass of champagne and looked towards the stage as she drank it. Xia Yihan was explaining her design concept while listening, and there was actually a trace of fascination in her listening.    


Xia Yihan was explaining the composition of a ring. She wanted to listen for a while more, but her footsteps were heading in the direction of Ao Xue. Even though she couldn't see anyone, she was still walking calmly.    


Ao Xue ran to the bathroom with her hands over her stomach. The bathroom was on the back of the villa, and it was lavishly designed. Transparent tiles covered the ground beneath her feet, while goldfish weaved around the green lotus leaves.    


She didn't have time to admire these ideas, so she randomly picked one and rushed inside. She hesitated when she locked the door, but in the end, she didn't close it.    


Ever since that incident, the confined space had left her in fear. The feeling of hunger and imminent death was deeply imprinted in her mind. As long as she was in the sealed space, she would panic and panic, worried that someone would lock her up!    


She had gone to a psychiatrist, but the other side told her to take medicine. What a joke, why did she take medicine! He was clearly not sick!    


The sound of stiletto shoes hitting the ground came from outside the door, followed by a click, then a pause. It was as if the air was about to solidify.    


Ao Xue was suspicious. The pain in her stomach made her unable to care about anything else until the sound of high heels rang out again. This time, she saw a pair of bare, shallow heels from the partition below the washroom.    


The door was suddenly pulled shut. The sound of the door being locked made her heart tremble. "Who are you? There's someone inside! "    


"Do you know the biggest difference between you and me?"    


The voice outside the door was so familiar. Ten minutes ago, they had been at loggerheads, but now it was her turn.    


She did not reply, and Ding Yiyi continued as if she did not care at all, "The biggest difference between you and me is that you do not dare to admit it, and I do so in the hope that you will remember."    


"Ding Yiyi, you will die a horrible death!" Ao Xue slapped the door board and cursed fiercely: "You rotten woman, Ye Nianmo fell in love with you, he even lost his Ye Group, Ye Chuyun fell in love with you, he even lost his life, you are just a rotten woman, a rotten little third party!"    


"Hua La La", a stream of water slanted down from the door of the cubicle. Ao Xue's heart instantly turned cold from the water.    


"What are you doing!" She screamed and hid.    


Ding Yiyi turned her attention to the tap, her tone no longer as calm as before. "If you dare to curse him to death again, let's see!"    


Ao Xue shook the water off her face. She was disgusted by the thought of the water flowing out from the toilet faucet. "Little San, did I say something wrong?" It was me and Nianmo who were together first, you little third party! "    


She cried and howled until she heard the sound of high heels coming closer and closer. She panicked and the fear of confined space swept over her, and she pounded on the door like a madman, "Let me out! I don't want to be here! Let me out! "    


Outside the washroom, Ding Yiyi leaned against the cold tiles, listening to the sounds of pounding on the door and the shrill curses coming from inside. She closed her eyes to cover her complicated emotions. When she opened them again, it was already a tranquil scene.    


It was the buffet time on the lawn. The waiter came and went with a tray. Xia Yihan held her wine cup and chatted amiably with the people around her. She helped Fu Fengyi explain so that she wouldn't be left alone.    


Ding Yiyi picked up the cake and ate it slowly. After half an hour, she stopped a waiter and said, "Sorry, I found something wrong with the door when I went to the washroom. Can someone please take a look?"    


The waiter nodded and walked towards the washroom. Soon, a miserable figure rushed out of the washroom, attracting everyone's gazes.    


Ao Xue was wearing a light blue dress with a white mink cape hanging wet on her shoulders. The silk cloth was tightly stuck to her body due to being soaked. The triangle-shaped area below her waist was very obvious, making her look extremely miserable.    


"What happened?" The old lady was the first to ask. Knowing that Fu Fengyi loved her reputation, she tried to smooth things over. "I'm really sorry. Something must have gone wrong with the washroom."    


Fu Fengyi suppressed her anger and said, "Hurry up and clean up."    


Ao Xue lowered her head. It had snowed two days ago, but now, she was shivering from the cold, and the suffocating feeling from the confined space still enveloped her. Seeing that she didn't move, Xia Yihan was worried that she would catch a cold.    


"I seem to have met this woman before. She had once appeared with the General Manager of Ye Group before."    


"That handsome Ye Nianmo? I heard that he is very serious, and doesn't look too good looking at that woman. "    


"Who knows? Look at the color of her underwear."    


Ao Xue lowered her head and followed Ding Yiyi as she walked through the crowd. A pair of familiar, nude high-heeled shoes stood silently in front of her. She raised her head and Ding Yiyi silently looked at her.    


There was no provocation in her gaze, nor was there any schadenfreude. There was nothing there, just like stagnant water. This made Ao Xue even more furious.    


When Ao Xue left, the scene continued with its previous liveliness as the people drank to their heart's content. It was as if they had all forgotten about what had just happened.    


Fu Fengyi couldn't stay any longer and prepared to leave, but the driver ran over to her. "Madam, Second Young Master is awake!"    


Before she could make a sound, Ding Yiyi stumbled past her.    


In the ward, Ye Chuyun had lost all his hair in just a few days. Hai Qingqing and Mo Xiaojun were forcing themselves to smile.    


"Chuyun!" Ding Yiyi ran in, but was pushed aside by Fu Fengyi who was right behind her. She didn't mind, but she looked at him happily.    


"Grandma, I've made you worry." Although Ye Chuyun was talking to Fu Fengyi, he kept looking at Ding Yiyi.    


Their gazes met in the air. Hai Qingqing gently pulled Mo Xiaojun's sleeve, indicating for him to give the two of them a chance. Mo Xiaojun looked at her in confusion, clearly not understanding what she meant.    


Seeing that her husband didn't understand, Hai Qingqing could only personally go on stage, "Mom, didn't you make a wish last time at the Buddhist Hall? It would be better to return the favor now. "    


Mo Xiaojun also agreed when he heard that, "It's really effective. Chuyun really woke up. God bless him!"    


Fu Fengyi wiped her tears away and quickly nodded. "Right, right!" "I'm going to return the favor. Chuyun, you just wait here obediently. Grandma will come see you again tonight."    


Hai Qingqing and Mo Xiaojun accompanied Fu Fengyi out the door, deliberately leaving them space. Ding Yiyi looked at his sadness and didn't want him to worry about her. She forced a smile and said, "I didn't expect that you would be so handsome with such a bald head!"    


Ye Chuyun's eyes were gentle, "Is your Ye Group alright?"    


Worry filled his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't see the tiredness under Ding Yiyi's eyes. He even started to despise Ding Yiyi for handing him such a terrible mess when he was awake.    


Ding Yiyi turned her head to the side to wipe away the tears that had welled up in her eyes. Turning her head, she nodded heavily. "I did well!"    


Outside the door, Ye Nianmo stood quietly. From time to time, sounds came from the inside of the room. His hand was on the doorknob, but he didn't push the door open to disturb him.    


How to make up his mind to compete with someone with a limited life, he did not know how long he could last, perhaps wait until the moment his heart shattered.    


Ye Family    


Ao Xue had already changed her clothes. Seeing Fu Fengyi hurrying home, she did not even look at her when she entered and immediately ordered, "I want to bathe and change my clothes. Notify Ye Family to be tasty today."    


"What's made Grandmother so happy?" Ao Xue felt lucky that she wasn't angry about what happened this morning.    


Fu Fengyi couldn't hide the joy on her face. "Chuyun woke up. Sure enough, the heavens treated our Ye Family well."    


After saying so, she hurriedly left …    


After she had showered, Ao Xue raised her eyebrows. Her expression was full of ridicule as she muttered in a faint voice, "I think it's the heavens that has no eyes."    


All day long, Fu Fengyi had been chanting in the Buddhist hall, and this morning the old woman had sent her hand gift, saying that everyone had left in a hurry and hadn't had time to take it away.    


Xia Yihan opened it and realized it was a sending off of Guan Yin. She sighed, "It's so exquisite."    


Ye Zimo had recently become infatuated with antiques and was holding a magnifying glass while painting in the Ming Dynasty. Upon hearing this, she raised her head and asked, "Do you need it?"    


Xia Yihan glared at him coquettishly, her face blushing slightly without saying a word. Ao Xue looked at her son, Guan Yin, and suddenly said with a smile, "Aunt Xia, I'll go and give it to Grandmother."    


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