Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1226 Wealthy Marriage 1154

C1226 Wealthy Marriage 1154

The rain kept falling and the car was stuck on the road. Qiu Bai anxiously looked around at the slowly moving traffic. A sound came from the side and Ding Yiyi got out of the car, shuttling back and forth among the cars.    


"Damn it!" She cursed under her breath and followed him out of the car.    


The driver picked up the walkie-talkie, "Young Master Ye, there's a traffic jam. Miss Ding has already got off the car and seems to want to walk."    


The rain made the air gray. Ding Yiyi walked forward with her head down, her steps in a hurry.    


"Yiyi, it takes an hour to get from here to cemetery by car. How are you going to get there?"    


Qiu Bai waved to the car beside her as she tried to convince her.    


Ding Yiyi stopped and slowly raised her head. The tip of her nose was red from the cold. Her wet hair was scattered on her shoulders. She looked at Qiu Bai with a blank and helpless expression.    


Qiu Bai heaved a huge sigh. "I know the shortcut. I'll bring you there."    


A sharp siren sounded in the driveway, and a police car stopped beside the two of them. "Do you know that pedestrians are not allowed to walk on this road?"    


"Comrade, please help me out. She has a family member who will be buried today and must arrive in an hour."    


Qiu Bai tried to get the police to let her through, but they heard her and said in a low voice, Come on up, I'll walk you over.    


Ding Yiyi suddenly raised her head, hope brimming in her eyes. She moved her lips and said hoarsely, "Thank you."    


Watching Ding Yiyi leaving in the motorcycle police car, Qiu Bai sighed and prayed silently for her.    


The dead tree in front of cemetery was struck by lightning at the waist, and fell diagonally into the muddy water. The wild flowers that bloomed with great difficulty on the roadside were also beaten until their heads were pulled, making the design of the park extremely beautiful.    


Ding Yiyi got out of the car and bowed deeply to the policeman who had escorted her here. "Thank you so much."    


"Don't run around on the streets in the future." The traffic police left after criticizing the car. Just as they reached the corner, the patrol car stopped again. "Reporting to Chief, the mission has been completed."    


After hanging up, Baker immediately dialed another number, "I've successfully delivered your family's little friend to you. From now on, you are not allowed to abuse your private teachings again."    


"Thank you." Ye Nianmo's voice didn't fluctuate at all. Hearing the wailing sounds coming from the other side of the phone, Baker heaved a huge sigh and hung up the phone.    


Everyone who slept here was either rich or noble. Even if they died, they would occupy a large piece of land that was worth an inch of money. A staff member stopped her, "I'm sorry, in order to protect the hidden treasures of the guests in cemetery, everyone has to undergo an identification test. May I ask who you are?"    


"I'm here to attend Ye Chuyun's funeral …" The word 'funeral' stuck in his throat as he swallowed his saliva with great difficulty. "Can I go in now?"    


The guard flipped through the book in his hand with a troubled expression on his face. "May I know your name, Ding Yiyi?"    


Seeing her nod, the manager said, "I'm sorry, but someone had clearly stated that if someone called Ding Yiyi wanted to enter, they must stop her. Why don't you come back after you are buried?"    


"He's still waiting for me. I have to go now!" Ding Yiyi rushed inside.    


The supervisor hurriedly grabbed her. Ding Yiyi was too strong and the ground was slippery. Ding Yiyi staggered backward and fell into the mud puddle, splashing mud all over her body.    


As the rain got heavier and colder, Ding Yiyi couldn't help but shiver in the mud pit. The manager couldn't stand it any longer and passed her an umbrella. "I threw you in and lost my job. Have pity on me."    


As the rain got heavier and heavier, suddenly, a bell rang from the cemetery. She raised her head to look around, and when the cemetery extended outwards, she saw a white church with a pointy top. To her, that scream sounded like Ye Chuyun's call.    


The priest's voice was low and indistinct, almost inaudible. The rainwater converged into a single point along the black walls of the umbrella, wetting the soles of everyone's feet.    


Time was up. The white coffin on the escalator slowly descended. Everyone held a handful of dirt in their hands and sprinkled it on top of the coffin.    


Hai Zhuoxuan looked at the coffin with a complicated expression. Everyone knew that he gave all the shares to Ye Chuyun, but after returning home, no one mentioned it. Ye Chuyun's death surprised him, but he also felt that it was reasonable.    


The dirt landed on the white coffin, and then it gently slid down the coffin. The next person walked up to it.    


"What's that?" Ye Chuqing suddenly noticed a figure running over from a distance away and asked in disbelief, "Sister Yiyi?"    


Ding Yiyi's body was covered in mud and water. Her face was bruised and bruised from the fall. It was not hard to tell that she had flipped over from the wall. Her hair was all tangled up and messy.    


Fu Fengyi was about to open her mouth to say something when her arm was gently grabbed by someone. Ye Nianmo looked at Ding Yiyi and whispered, "Grandma, just consider it as me begging you."    


The crowd automatically parted to form a path. Ding Yiyi walked slowly to the side of the grave with her trembling body and jumped down with her hands holding on. Ye Bo, Ye Chuqing, and Hai Zhuoxuan all wanted to go up, but were stopped by Ye Nianmo's cold voice, "Nobody moves."    


The white coffin was extremely eye-catching in the black sky. She slowly lowered her head and placed a kiss on the cold coffin. "Sorry that I came too late."    


Xia Yihan couldn't bear to look away. Ye Chuqing, who was standing at the side, was about to cry.    


Ding Yiyi didn't cry, but her eyes were frighteningly red. She opened her palm, took out the ring box she had been holding, and placed it on top of the coffin. She smiled. "In the end, I still failed."    


With that, she climbed up resolutely. She stretched out an arm in front of her, and rain flowed from Ye Nianmo's jaw into his grey suit. He looked at her fixedly.    


The brown soil was lifted up, gradually covering the white coffin. The rain lessened, making the backs of people's faces seem extremely clear.    


Fu Fengyi stood in the wind and rain for two hours. Due to her excessive grief, she actually fainted right after the funeral. Everyone rushed to pinch her and call for an ambulance. It was a chaotic scene.    


Ding Yiyi squatted on the ground. The bustling crowd gradually dispersed, and her cemetery returned to tranquility. She turned her head to look at the brightly smiling face on the tombstone. She suddenly realized that she really couldn't see him again. Hearing him, she touched him.    


He was exhausted after a whole day of working so hard. Tears flowed down his face without any warning. He first swallowed softly, and then began to bawl like a child.    


"Big brother, you were too cruel to Sister Yiyi today. Don't you see how sad she is? Are you jealous all the time? " Ye Chuqing stood under the eaves of the pavilion. Because she was worried about Ding Yiyi, she stayed behind.    


As the rain got heavier, Ye Nianmo opened his umbrella and looked at the woman who was crying her heart out. He said lightly: "If the wound is not opened, there will be pus."    


The rain was heavy, like a person who responded to the sadness on the ground. Ye Nianmo covered Ding Yiyi's head with the umbrella and let the wind and rain ruffle his coat.    


Even though she was dead, she was still in pain. It had been a week since Ding Yiyi left her room after returning to the Ye Family. In the living room, Ye Family sat together.    


"What are you trying to say?" Ye Zimo asked.    


Ye Nianmo looked around the audience, and then his gaze finally landed on Fu Fengyi, "I hope that no one would not welcome Yiyi staying here while she is at Ye Family."    


"But she's not Ye Family. Plus, she has her own home, why not go back to it?" Ao Xue was the first to speak. After that, she was frightened by Ye Nianmo's gaze until she didn't dare to speak anymore.    


Fu Fengyi continued: "What Xiao Xue said was right, even if Chuyun was the one who gave her the Ye Group, she shouldn't have taken it! Furthermore, she had even locked Xiao Xue in the basement, this kind of woman cannot stay in the Ye Family. "    


"If Grandmother insists on doing so, I will take her with me."    




Fu Fengyi and Ao Xue called out at the same time. The atmosphere was tense. Xia Yihan lightly shook Ye Zimo's arm, gesturing for him to speak.    


Seeing that the time was right, Ye Zimo bluntly said, "Our Ye Family rooms are not short in number to the point that we need to think about the number of people we should stay in, and we are not weak enough to be afraid of being misled."    


Fu Fengyi frowned, she had her own considerations. Right now, the acceptance certificate was in her possession, so it wouldn't be difficult for Ding Yiyi to leave Ye Group. The difficulty was that she didn't want her relationship with Ye Nianmo to get into a deadlock, after all, he was her last grandson.    


"Nianmo, Grandma will listen to you." Fu Fengyi said.    


When Fu Fengyi entered the meditation room, she also followed along, "Grandma, it's not like you don't know Ding Yiyi's character, making her stay in Ye Family makes it hard for her to do anything."    


Fu Fengyi took a few incense sticks of worship to the Bodhisattva, and muttered to herself, "Zimo is right, our Ye Family has not even been missing a room, yet people are already sleeping on the streets. Chuyun just left, don't move first."    


Ao Xue was dissatisfied in her heart. She thought Fu Fengyi said this because she was afraid of Ye Nianmo and Ye Zimo, "Grandma! It's too easy for people to bully you like this! "    


"How dare you!" Fu Fengyi slammed the table and stood up.    


Ao Xue jumped in fright and quickly backed up with a face full of smiles. "Grandma, I was just casually saying it. Don't be angry, you can't even draw a picture with your body."    


Fu Fengyi softened her expression and said, "Go, I will pray for Chuyun."    


In the bar, Ao Xue poured wine one after another. The glass was pulled away by Si Si. "Go back home drunk. What do you want the madame to think? Stop drinking."    


"What old madam?" "It's just an old bun. Ye Nianmo didn't dare to reply the moment he opened his mouth. Hehe, if I knew it earlier, I would have killed Ding Yiyi while I was still in Russia."    


"What did you say?"    


"Kill Ding Yiyi!"    


A crisp slap sounded out. Ao Xue's body was powerless after drinking the wine, and she fell to the ground on the spot.    


Si Si slowly walked in front of her and squatted down. She gently caressed her cheeks, her red nails faintly discernible in the light. "She is my prey. I have my own plans. If you make a decision and ruin my plan in the future, don't blame your mother for not loving you."    


The strength in her fingers increased, and she continued to gently say, "Child, you and mom are on the same side, so the money will all be yours after mom dies, so be good. After all, isn't it better for you to bury Ye Chuyun under the ground forever?"    


Ao Xue looked at the woman in front of her. She was so depressed that her heart was about to burst, but she could only swallow her anger. "Mom, I understand."    


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