Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1266 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1194

C1266 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1194

The car sped past her, "Wait."    


Ye Nianmo suddenly opened his mouth. He looked at the woman who was slowly moving forward through the rearview mirror. He was a bit surprised, how did she make him like that?    


At this moment, the phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and frowned deeply. When he looked at the woman again, his eyes were already cold.    


Ding Yiyi dragged her tired body forward. The pain from her ankle made her grit her teeth so hard that she couldn't even cry.    


The sound of steady footsteps came from behind her. Her arm was pulled by someone, and her injured ankle was twisted. A heart-wrenching pain swept over her as tears rolled down her cheeks.    


Ye Nianmo was stunned for a moment, then realized that her leg was injured. The weakness in her eyes made him lost for a moment, but he quickly recovered.    


"What is your purpose?" he asked coldly.    


"What?" Ding Yiyi endured the pain.    


Ye Nianmo frowned in dissatisfaction, "No matter what you want to do, if you go find Ding Yiyi again, I will make you disappear from this world."    


"Hehe," Ding Yi suddenly felt that it was funny. She raised her head. She was clearly in a sorry state, but she laughed out loud. "It seems that you really love her to the point that you're going blind."    


Ye Nianmo ignored her sarcasm and said, "Do your best."    


"What if I say I'm Ding Yiyi?" Ding Yiyi suddenly said. The man in front of her suddenly stopped and turned around. When he looked at her, his gaze was filled with real disgust.    


He took a step forward and coldly looked at her, "It seems that you want to do as you will."    


Ding Yiyi looked down at her swollen ankle and smiled. Her voice got weaker and weaker, then she slowly fell towards Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo subconsciously wanted to leave, but his feet felt like they were nailed to the ground, making him unable to move. His heart felt like it was viciously hit by a force. That kind of feeling was too unfamiliar.    


He only came back to his senses when his chest felt warm and the faint aroma of orange shampoo entered his nose.    


The driver stepped forward and placed the person in the driver's arms. "Find a place for her to rest."    


Ding Yiyi knew that she was in a dream because she saw Ye Chuyun, saw Qiu Bai, and even saw her mother. They smiled at her with their mouths wide open as if they were saying something, but she couldn't hear them.    


Someone seemed to be speaking into her ear, but her ears were ringing so badly that she couldn't hear clearly no matter how hard she listened.    


"Isn't it that woman?" Ye Nianmo asked.    


"No, that woman is thinner." Zhu Lin looked at the woman on the bed again and said confidently.    


Ye Nianmo turned around to get someone to send Zhu Lin off. As he was about to turn around and look at the woman sleeping soundly, his eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of white.    


The woman on the bed kicked away the quilt with her injured ankle. She was sleeping soundly on her side. Ye Nianmo bent down to pick her up subconsciously and suddenly woke up when he touched the corner of the quilt with his palm.    


He had helped Ding Yiyi pick up the quilt too many times, and he thought of her as Ding Yiyi?    


He was amused by the flash of absurdity and was about to leave when the man in the bed woke up.    


"I can tolerate you forgetting me, but I can't tolerate anyone else loving you in my capacity." Ding Yiyi looked at the ceiling and said calmly.    


Ye Nianmo turned around, "Find an excuse to convince me."    


Ding Yiyi slowly got out of bed. She accidentally touched her ankle and sucked in a breath of cold air. However, she forced herself to walk in front of him.    


She looked into his eyes, trying to convince him. "Once, you took me to the top of a mountain and drove a telescope, and I said I wanted the universe, and you said you could give me more."    


Ye Nianmo looked at her steadily with a confused expression. Finally, he calmed down and said, "We can get these as long as we investigate."    


"Hehe, that's right. After all, she has Ding Yiyi's face." Ding Yiyi slowly walked past her and headed outside.    


Ye Nianmo stood on the spot. The corner of the white sheet was still hanging on the ground. He bent down to pick up the blanket and suddenly put it down to give chase.    


Outside the hotel, Ding Yiyi was coughing violently when the cold wind blew. Her ankles were swollen to the point where she couldn't walk anymore. She could only move them step by step.    


"Make way!" The sound of an electric car came from behind her. She turned around too quickly, and her head suddenly became dizzy. Her body softly fell down and someone caught her in time.    


Jie Tian held her, but his eyes were cold as he looked at Ye Nianmo, who had chased her to the door.    


There were two rows of bodyguards standing beside him. Ye Nianmo was blocked by the bodyguards as soon as he got close.    


He looked at the woman who had fainted through the human wall. He did not move, but only raised his hand. In his palm was a mobile phone that Ding Yiyi had forgotten to take with her.    


The bodyguard took the cellphone and walked to the car with Ding Yiyi. Suddenly, he stopped and looked Ye Nianmo in the eye, "My name is Jie Tian, today should be the first time we meet."    


Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows.    


Ding Yiyi twitched her arms while she was in a coma. Jie Tian changed his posture gently to make her sleep more comfortably. He raised his head and stared coldly at Ye Nianmo when the woman in his arms became serene. In the end, he didn't say anything.    


"Nianmo." Lili suddenly mumbled. Jie Tian's expression changed slightly. He turned around and was about to leave, but Ye Nianmo stopped him.    


"What did she just say?" Ye Nianmo looked at the woman in his arms again. It was the strange feeling of being unable to part with her again!    


He took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "I have something to ask her."    


"Do you think you can do whatever you want with me here?" Jie Tian held Ding Yiyi and gave her a look. His bodyguard went up to Ye Nianmo and blocked him. In the next second, he started to scream.    


Ye Nianmo let go and repeated, "I said I have something to ask her."    


The atmosphere between them was tense. Jie Tian looked at him coldly, turned around and carefully put Ding Yiyi into the car. Then he turned around again. His eyes were as sharp as a devil from hell.    


He took off his suit jacket and handed it to the bodyguard beside him. Then, he loosened the buttons on his sleeves and looked at Ye Nianmo provocatively, "If you can beat me, I'll let you meet her."    


Ye Nianmo pursed his lips. In the next second, a punch filled with power mercilessly flew towards the man in front of him. Before he could get close, Wu Tie heavily punched him in the face.    


Ye Nianmo took a step back and his chest violently shook. That whisper just now was extremely similar to Ding Yiyi's, which made him lose control. When he regained consciousness, he had already attacked Jie Tian once again.    


His speed was fast and ruthless. Jie Tian couldn't help but grunt after taking a punch on his lower abdomen. The bodyguard immediately stepped forward, using his eyes to warn these people not to help.    


At that moment, Ye Nianmo's phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and said gently, "Yiyi." In the next second, his expression suddenly changed. "Is Grandma sick?"    


After hanging up the phone, he glanced at the blurry figure in the carriage and then drove away without a care in the world.    


In a trance, Ding Yiyi felt someone holding her hand. The tip of her nose was filled with the smell of food, and her stomach began to grumble.    


A deep laugh entered her ears as the power in her palms increased even more. She opened her eyes in a daze and tilted her head to look at the people who should not have appeared here.    


"You're awake." Jie Tian looked at her happily. His curly eyelashes fluttered. He looked very innocent, but Ding Yiyi would not fall for his trick.    


She looked over, "Jie Tian, how have you been?"    


"Ding, I really miss you." Jie Tian smiled and wanted to get close, but Ding Yiyi suddenly raised her arm to block the rest of his movements.    


Ding Yiyi closed her eyes tiredly. "Don't talk to me in a mask. I really can't handle it."    


The people around her had retracted their breath, and the relaxed atmosphere in the air seemed to have changed. After a while, a deep voice replaced the clear and melodious voice, "If you want, I can find the best plastic surgeon to bring you back."    


Ding Yiyi touched her face and shook her head silently. What she cared about was not that face, but that person's face that she would rather believe in.    


The humidifier's voice was soft, mixed with her own. "I don't care about her or him, but I don't want her to lie about my identity."    


"So what do you want to do?" Jie Tian bent his body and approached her. He gently pulled her face away, forcing her to look at him directly.    


There was no emotion in Ding Yiyi's eyes. "I want to expose her."    


Jie Tian stared at her with an unconcealable spirit in his eyes. That was the sharpness that could clear up all the businesses owned by Wu Steel in a short month.    


Suddenly, the sharpness disappeared. He blinked and returned to the smiling, harmless boy from before. He said sweetly, "Alright."    


Just as Ding Yiyi was about to get up, her shoulder was held down by someone. Jie Tian grabbed the porridge on the table and offered to feed her a spoon in his hand.    


She shook her head and refused. She reached out her hand to take it. Jie Tian took a step back to avoid her hand and pouted, feeling wronged, "I'll feed you!"    


"Jie Tian," Ding Yiyi said as she held her forehead with a headache. "What do you want?"    


"I think you belong to me." Jie Tian swore with a smile, but a hint of sharpness flashed across his eyes.    


Ding Yiyi frowned. "Stop messing around. We've only known each other for a short month."    


"You and Ye Nianmo have known each other for so many years, but didn't he recognize you?" With a sudden change in style, Jie Tian was like a playboy, his emotions changing unpredictably, and now he had become the new Person in Power that everyone in the Las Vegas was amazed at.    


Ding Yiyi couldn't help but shudder. "You're different from him."    


"Is that so?" Jie Tian lowered his eyes. His outrageous eyelashes cast a shadow under his eyes. He lowered his head and approached with one leg on the bed. His slender body leaned forward.    


"The first time I kissed you, it was my first kiss, and I only thought it was fun; the second time I saw your tears, I laughed at your stupidity; the third time you died to protect me, I thought you were stupid, the fourth time you couldn't find me in the casino, I thought you were stupid."    


As he slowly spoke, his tone was as calm as if he was telling a story. Ding Yiyi had the nagging feeling that he was going to say something troublesome, so she tried to reject him. "Stop."    


"Why not?" He approached her and continued, "But even so, I was still attracted by you. People can disguise themselves in front of others, but people can't disguise themselves in front of idiots. They firmly believe that idiots don't have thoughts, so you are the kind and sincere you."    


Ding Yiyi closed her eyes tiredly. "Let's not talk anymore. I'm tired."    


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