Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1373 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1301

C1373 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1301

"You must have escaped from a mental hospital. Don't be afraid, big brother will take you home to take care of you." The truck driver thought that even if such a beautiful woman had mental problems, it didn't matter. He just needed to give her food and clothes when she brought her home.    


Ao Xue struggled desperately and slapped the man's face, "Who said I was insane? I'm telling you, send me to the city center immediately and I'll be fine. Otherwise, I'll sue you until you lose everything and go to jail!"    


"You're not crazy?" The driver looked at her suspiciously for a while before shouting, "If you're not crazy, then go to some mental hospital. Let's go, let's go. I'm not pulling you anymore!"    


Without a word, Ao Xue got off the car and watched as the driver drove away. She took two deep breaths, her chest trembling with fear.    


By the time she arrived at Ding Yiyi's house, the sky had already darkened. She looked at the two-story villa with a face full of resentment and anger.    


Ding Yiyi had been sitting in the living room the whole time. When she heard the doorbell, she stood up like a frightened little deer and ran to open the door without even putting on her slippers, "Nianmo! Little Snow? "    


Seeing the wounds on Ao Xue's face, she was shocked. She hastily invited her in as if she were looking at the bruises on her face. She saw that there were traces of blood seeping through her cheeks. Half of her cheeks had already swelled up, revealing a faint cyan color.    


"Hurry up and take a seat, I'll go get the medical kit." She ran to the storage box and started rummaging through the cabinet, but she couldn't find it no matter how hard she tried.    


She kicked the cabinet in frustration as she thought of Ye Nianmo. If he was here, he wouldn't have made her look so bad, right?    


After a long while, she finally found a half roll of bandages and medicine. Ao Xue was sitting quietly on the sofa. When she saw her, she said, "I'm in pain."    


"I know you're in pain," Ding Yiyi said softly as she sat beside her. "Tell me what happened."    


"That brother took me away, and then some bad people tried to bully me." Ao Xue caressed her face with a miserable expression.    


With a choked throat, Ding Yiyi turned on the disinfectant and said, "It doesn't matter. No one will bully you here anymore."    


Ao Xue's heart skipped a beat, but she pretended to be afraid on the surface and asked, "Bad brother is still here."    


Ding Yiyi helped disinfect the wounds on her face while forcing out a smile. "No, brother isn't here anymore. He hasn't been around all this time."    


She lowered her head to put the bottle away, then led Ao Xue's hand back to her room. She personally offered incense to Ao Xue before closing the door and leaving.    


In the dark, Ao Xue reached out her hand to gently stroke the wounds on her face. If she knew that Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi had a falling out, she wouldn't have ended up like this.    


"I don't want you to be restless!" The vicious words of the darkness were like magic.    


The morning sun shined into the room as Ding Yiyi opened her eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling. She turned her head and saw the white pillow lying neatly to the side. The aura that belonged to someone else had completely vanished.    


Ye Nianmo had been silent for a whole day and night. This was something she had never done before. She reached out her hand to caress the cold sheets. Tears flowed without warning and snaked into her lips along the veins on her skin. It was warm and bitter.    


"Dong, dong, dong."    


"He's coming." She quickly wiped the tears from her face, got up, dressed, and went to open the door.    


Ao Xue stood on tiptoe at the door and looked inside. Then, as if frightened, she turned around and whispered, "Big brother isn't here?"    


"Don't be afraid if he isn't here." Ding Yiyi closed the door and walked downstairs. "I'll make you breakfast."    


She made sandwiches and juice for her, and as soon as she brought her plate to her, Ao Xue's hand went up and she knocked over the cups and plates.    


Fragments of glass flew everywhere and the air was filled with the faint smell of orange juice. Ao Xue pouted and said, "I don't want to eat sandwiches or juice."    


Ding Yiyi was surprised for a moment, but thinking that she was only five years old and had an IQ, a child of that age would always act this coquettishly and did not bother about it. "Okay, sit still and don't let the glass scratch you. I'll cook some noodles for you after I'm done."    


Ao Xue sat with her legs swinging, looking down at Ding Yiyi who squatted on the floor and cleaned up the broken glass. She thought to herself that since Ye Nianmo wasn't here, the woman in front of her should just play with her.    


After cleaning up the broken glass, Ding Yiyi rushed to cook some noodles for her. After the noodles were done cooking, Ao Xue ate a few mouthfuls before putting down her chopsticks. "I don't want any more!"    


"Snowy, don't be picky." Ding Yiyi said as she washed the dishes.    


There was another splintering sound, and she turned to see the whole bowl had been knocked over.    


Annoyed, she quickly walked up to Ao Xue. "Are you doing this on purpose?"    


Ao Xue blinked and suddenly said in a sobbing tone of voice, "I don't know why, but I seem to have a big sister in my mind talking just now. I'm afraid."    


"What did she say?" Ding Yiyi's heart shuddered. Could it be that the mature Ao Xue had appeared?    


"She said …" Ao Xue's face turned cold. Her originally sweet voice sounded like it had disappeared into an icehouse. "She said … what you owe her will never be returned. After you die, you should go to hell."    


Her expression was too ferocious, her eyes were wide, her thin lips were moving slightly, and her venomous words were louder and louder.    


Ding Yiyi stepped back, her slippers making a crisp sound on the glass.    


"That's what she said." Ao Xue had returned to her innocent, beaming face. Her long legs swung back and forth on the chair, making her look innocent.    


"Ding Ling Ling." The doorbell rang, saving Ding Yiyi, who was about to suffocate in this atmosphere.    


She hurriedly took off her apron and walked towards the hallway. "I'm going to guard the door."    


The bell outside the door rang more and more urgently. Ding Yiyi was frightened by Ao Xue's words and didn't even notice who knocked on the door and entered the password to open the door.    


Ao Xue stared at Ding Yiyi, who had revealed half of her back at the entrance. She was humming a song in a good mood as she watched Ding Yiyi slowly turn back.    


A man in a peaked cap was holding an axe from a firebox, its sharp blade resting on Ding Yiyi's neck.    


"News, news, police are escorting a prisoner while the car is being protected and conducting maintenance work. The prisoner took the opportunity to escape and slit the throat of a doctor with a fruit knife in April this year. He is a major suspect, please see the relevant citizen to make a call."    


Ding Yiyi was no longer in the mood to listen to what the host was saying. She could only stare at a picture on the screen. The owner of the picture was standing in front of her, holding an axe to his neck.    


The man turned his gaze away from the television and spoke urgently, "Don't play any tricks. I've already died once, so I'm not worried about taking another life!"    


After she finished speaking, she led Ding Yiyi in Ao Xue's direction, "You guys better behave for me!"    


"We are only women, we won't be a threat. Calm down, she is sick, her IQ is only 5 years old, and she won't call the police. Let her go." Ding Yiyi raised her hands slowly.    


The man looked at Ao Xue. "No!" All of you must be here! "    


The man found a rope and tied the two of them up. The axe at his waist was pressed against Ding Yiyi's cheek several times.    


After tying the two of them up, the man sat on the sofa. Maybe it was because he hadn't slept for a long time, so he put his feet on the sofa. Soon, he heard snoring sounds.    


"Little Snow, don't be afraid. Don't make a sound." Ding Yiyi couldn't see what was going on with Ao Xue, so she tried her best to calm her down.    


Ao Xue rolled her eyes with her back facing her. She thought how unlucky she was to follow her. Even good families could have murderers in their homes.    


The air in the room was cold, but Ding Yiyi was sweating profusely. Suddenly, she heard her phone being placed on the washstand. If she could get it, she would be able to call for help.    


She carefully struggled for a while, and realized that the rope around her wrist wasn't tied tightly. Overjoyed, she lowered her voice and said, "Snowy, let's play a game now. We'll stand up and maintain our formation, okay?"    


Ao Xue didn't know what she was going to do, but she didn't respond.    


Ding Yiyi carefully stood up while observing the situation on the sofa. Feeling Ao Xue's cooperation, her confidence was greatly shaken. She reached out her trembling hand with the intention to grab the phone on the table.    


Ao Xue saw all of this, and in her heart, she did not want Ding Yiyi to be saved. This thought became more and more profound as she slowly retreated, deliberately knocking over the soy sauce placed on the kitchen counter.    


The man woke up with a start, looking at the two with his red eyes, as if he wanted to kill both of them.    


Ding Yiyi grabbed the phone on the counter and struggled to free herself from the ropes. She then pulled Ao Xue upstairs.    


Xiao Xue, run! "Run as hard as you can!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, felt the man behind her, and flung open the door.    


This was the dry cleaning room. There was a dry cleaner in the room, and she grabbed the dirty clothes that had been left aside. She climbed into the dry cleaner, squatted down, and put all the dirty clothes on top of her.    


The surroundings were very quiet. With trembling hands, she opened her cell phone and randomly pressed the number '1'.    


The phone beeped a low beep that sounded terrible in the silence.    


Suddenly a strange sound echoed out from the corridor. It was the sound of an axe striking the wooden floor. Sometimes it was heavy and sometimes it was light.    


Sweat dripped from her forehead into her eyes. She blinked and her heart was in her throat. The phone was still ringing.    


Through the gray door of the dryer she saw first the red corner of the axe, then the veined hand. At this moment, the call connected.    


The cell phone's vibrations were the most terrifying thing at this moment. She looked at the person who was about to leave the room before stopping and hurriedly pressing down the phone.    




"Young master, the meeting will begin at 8 o'clock." Ye Bo stood inside the huge presidential room. The four sides of the room were transparent. Outside the glass was the blue sea and colorful fish and coral.    


The light was reflected from the sea to the glass, and the great panes of glass were reflected against the mottled blue, but the man with his back to them did not have time to admire the view. He looked at his watch and thought that it was noon at home.    


The still lit screen showed the record of missed calls. He was about to take out his cell phone and make another call when the doorbell rang.    


After a few words with the person at the door, Ye Bo turned around and walked in front of Ye Nianmo, "Young Master, they said they have urgent matters to deal with later. Can you advance the time by an hour?"    


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