Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1379 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1307

C1379 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1307

Ding Yiyi suddenly came back to life like a doll. She walked over to Ao Xue who was sitting on the chair, lowered her body, and used both hands to support the handles of the chair. She looked at Ding Yiyi without blinking, "Are you Ao Xue or Xiao Xue? Have you ever become Ao Xue? "    


"What sister are you talking about?" Ao Xue tilted her head with a puzzled expression on her face. The innocent face that had followed Ding Yiyi for more than twenty years was innocent.    


After a long while, Ding Yiyi let go of the armrest and stood up. She walked up the stairs tiredly. "It's nothing. Have a good meal."    


Ao Xue stood up and ran towards the bathroom. The servant thought Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi had scared her, so he could only stay close to the bathroom.    


In the bathroom, Ao Xue caressed every inch of her skin that was reflected in the mirror. Her body was trembling, and the corner of her mouth was smiling silently.    


She had succeeded! How blissful these two people were before, but now they were all turned into this by him?    


The water in the taps flowed slowly. She raised her hand to wipe the water away from her body. She was in a great mood as she allowed the water to moisten her body.    


Late at night, Ding Yiyi was sitting on the balcony. The dew was very cold at night, and every slight movement would cause her skin to feel ice-cold.    


She looked into the distance, as if there was someone waiting for her in the distance. Suddenly, a beam of light lit up in the distance, and like a hamster, she pricked up her ears. She couldn't help but become excited.    


It was a yellow Land Rover. It passed by their house in a leisurely manner, and then it sped away.    


Disappointed, she retracted her gaze and continued with her previous actions until she heard the sound of the next car.    


She was happy again, craning her neck to look out into the distance, until she saw the car stop midway and a man carrying a woman as he got out of the car. The two of them gradually overlapped.    


After many times of hope and disappointment, she finally stopped looking forward to it. She knew that Ye Nianmo wouldn't come back, at least not tonight.    


She looked around blankly before powerlessly squatting down.    


Nighttime Bar    


Ye Nianmo drank one cup of wine after another without stopping. A couple beside him was arguing.    


"Just because I don't have any money, you want to break up with me?"    


"It's not because you don't have money that I broke up with you. It's because I don't love you anymore."    


"Don't be like this. I'll give you whatever you want in the future. I'll work hard!"    


"I don't love you anymore."    


"Excuse me."    


The two of them looked at the man who had been drinking the entire time in astonishment. The man among them asked doubtfully, "What is it?"    


He looked at the man in shock as he took out a card from his bag. Then, he turned around and said to his girlfriend, "You can take 100,000 from this."    


"Why?" The woman hid behind the man in fear, but kept her eyes on the credit card.    


Ye Nianmo shook his head slightly, shaking off all the emotions that shouldn't be in his head, "I only have one condition, I want you to not break up with him."    


The man and woman looked at each other. The woman pinched the man's arm, gesturing for him to get his credit card.    


The man looked at Ye Nianmo carefully for a while. Finally, he took the card and asked, "What's the password?"    


"020577." Ye Nianmo's heart throbbed again. This was Ding Yiyi's birthday number.    


Just as the man and woman were about to leave, another cold voice rang out from behind them. "You still haven't promised me."    


"I promise you!" The woman quickly said with a pleasantly surprised expression. She was wondering where this lunatic came from, wasn't it easy to agree to him? That was 100,000 yuan, just how long would she earn with 2000 yuan a month?    


Ye Nianmo waved his hand and picked up the undrunk pure vodka from the table. As he watched the ice clatter against the liquor, he mumbled, "So love can really be bought with money." Suddenly, he smiled again. "It's a pity that I can't buy it with my love money."    


His cheeks were slightly flushed, and his expression was sober but slightly intoxicated.    


When he walked out of the bar, the place where he parked the car was empty. When he got off the car, he did not even pull out the Car key and left with a diameter.    


He stood in place for a while, then laughed at himself and casually picked a direction to walk in.    


A white Porsche sped along the road, and the men and women in the car laughed crazily.    


"There really are idiots who don't pull out their keys when they get out of the car. This time, we've really struck it rich."    


"You don't believe me when I say you're stupid, but all these cars have a locator system. You can just play around with them, but when the time comes don't get caught."    


The man in the driver's seat kept turning his head to speak, but by the time he looked back, it was too late. With a loud crash, the car crashed into another large truck.    


"News flash, an hour ago a car accident happened on Phoenix Street. A luxury car hit a large truck, causing no casualties. However, the driver was severely injured and has been sent to the nearest hospital for rescue."    


The screen switched to a Porsche that was dented by the collision. The number of the license plate was still clearly visible.    


In the living room, a servant exclaimed, "Isn't this Master's car?"    


Ao Xue sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the scene before her. Her palms were covered with sweat, and she was too confused to think. She had never thought that something would happen to Ye Nianmo, let alone the significance of what she did if something happened to him.    


She heard the servant running up the stairs with a loud voice, her legs trembling, her mind full of Ye Nianmo and the deformed car.    


Not long later, Ding Yiyi rushed down the stairs like a madman. In the blink of an eye, she was gone.    


Ao Xue also stood up and rushed to the door. As she neared the hallway, her feet seemed to stick to the floor and she didn't move any further.    


"I can't go," she whispered a few steps behind him. "If I go, all my efforts will be for naught. If I go, I'll have to go back to the mental hospital."    


The driver had already returned home. Ding Yiyi street was crazily running, and she was the only person on the quiet street.    


Finally, a car came. She waved with all her might, but the driver just ignored her. It seemed like he didn't want to take passengers in the middle of the night.    


The driver wanted to pretend he didn't see it, but the woman he was waving to had rushed to the middle of the road to block his path. If he hadn't braked earlier, the woman would have bumped into him.    


"Are you crazy!?" the driver shouted as he rolled down the window.    


Right after he said that, the car door opened and a woman with dishevelled hair sat in. "Quick! The hospital closest to Feng Xiang Lu. "    


"I'm not carrying passengers anymore." The driver felt that the woman's words were a bit too seeping and hurriedly said!    


The woman didn't listen to him at all. She just kept saying, "Please hurry to the hospital, where is my husband?"    


He saw that she was indeed very pretty, and the affection he felt for her rose in his heart. Sighing, he dragged her to the hospital.    


Ding Yiyi rushed into the hospital, grabbed a doctor's arm and asked, "May I ask what happened to the patient who was sent in not long ago?" She said incoherently, "It's the Porsche."    


The doctor nodded, "You must be the patient's sister. Your thigh was stuck in the seat and had a major artery cut. That leg won't be able to be saved."    


Ding Yiyi took two steps back and whispered, "Where is he? I want to meet him."    


The doctor led her out of the operation room, pointed at three to four men and women, and said, "What a young man. It's the middle of the night and you parents are in charge. Even if you have money, you shouldn't be so reckless."    


Ding Yiyi looked at the well-dressed men and women in front of her. Her sorrowful mood had disappeared and she was at a loss. "What's going on?"    


"These kids have stolen someone else's car. We're investigating the owner." A policeman happened to walk over and said.    


Ding Yiyi let out a long breath. She covered her eyes with her hands, lowered her head, and walked towards the other end of the corridor quickly.    


"He's fine, he's fine!" She tried to reach for the phone, but it was already at home.    


It was five in the morning when he walked out of the hospital. The breakfast shop opposite the hospital was opening one after another.    


When she returned home, the servant told her that Ye Nianmo had picked Ao Xue up early in the morning and didn't even have time to eat breakfast.    


Ding Yiyi rushed to the Ye Group anxiously. When she arrived outside Ye Nianmo's door, she coincidentally met with Ye Bo who was walking out of Ye Nianmo's office.    


"Madame," he called after her, "you'd better not go in now."    


Ding Yiyi was worried that Ao Xue would bully her. She pushed the door open and entered, only to see Ye Nianmo sitting at the desk, rummaging through the documents while Ao Xue sat not far away from him like a kitten.    


It was a very sunny place. Every day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the sun would shine in warmly. A cup of warm milk tea in winter seemed to be the happiest thing to do.    


Ding Yiyi knew how soft that chair was because she had lain down on it many times to work with him before falling asleep safely.    


"Is Little Snow alright?" Ding Yiyi walked over quickly and sized Ao Xue up from head to toe.    


Ye Nianmo saw that she didn't even glance at him, and his heart turned cold, "We're just going to eat."    


"I forbid you to take her alone." Ding Yiyi immediately stood in front of Ao Xue.    


Ye Nianmo was much taller than her. He could see her curly eyelashes just by looking down. He said softly, "I won't hurt her."    


He paused for a moment, and his expression began to change, "Or do you want to see her with you or with me?"    


"What do you mean?" Ding Yiyi turned around to look at Ao Xue, then walked over and pulled her hand. "Let's go back."    


"But he was kind to me, so I thought he was a good man." Ao Xue stood on the spot and shook off her hand, then she ran to Ye Nianmo's side.    


Ding Yiyi took a step back abruptly. She didn't know why Ao Xue trusted Ye Nianmo so much in one night, so what was the point of her previous efforts?    


"Let's go." Ye Nianmo pushed Ao Xue's shoulder blade lightly. He looked at Ding Yiyi deeply with brown eyes before leaving.    


Ding Yiyi walked numbly to the window, looking down from the window, people looked like black, hurried ants.    


She kept looking at it until she saw a black car stop by the side. She didn't even bother to blink. Then, Ye Nianmo and Ao Xue got in the car.    


Ao Xue sat in the front passenger seat while Ye Nianmo drove away.    


The secretary's voice came through the door. "Did you know? I know that woman as well. She's also called Ding Yiyi, Director Ye's former lover. "    


"New love and old love, it's really a big play of life."    


The secretary walked into the CEO's office and was about to close the door when she saw Ding Yiyi. She suddenly backed away, her face filled with the awkwardness of being worried that someone might hear her gossiping.    


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