Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1432 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1360

C1432 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1360

Ding Yiyi immediately refused. "No, not going to that kind of place is the most boring. A group of people talking in the official language would rather be at home."    


She walked straight upstairs without noticing the warm gaze of the person behind her.    


The next day    


"This time around, the two most popular shopping malls in Dongjiang City have decided to cooperate in a short period of time. The price of the Ye Group will rise and stop in a short period of time, and whether or not this action can be considered as another attack by the Ye Group.    


Ding Yiyi turned off the TV and was about to go to bed when her landline phone rang.    


"Miss Ding?" The voice of the boy on the phone was very low, "We are Taihua's employees. The General Manager asked us to inform you to come to the Ye Group signing site."    


Ding Yiyi felt a little strange. She thought, "Didn't I already tell Edward that I can't get along with him?" However, since the other party said so, she didn't raise any suspicions. After hanging up the phone, she hurriedly changed into a new set of clothes and rushed over to the scene.    


Aside from the reporters, there were also a lot of people at the scene, and Ye Group had specially invited a lot of stars to stay, it was very lively, not only Ye Group, Hua Tai's employees, but also a lot of citizens who came.    


Ding Yiyi squeezed through the crowd and was just about to reach the Ye Group Building when she was suddenly stopped by someone, "Hello, you're not allowed to pass today."    


"Hello, I am a family member of the cooperating faction. He asked me to come." Ding Yiyi saw that the person in front of her was wearing a large mask. Although it was a bit strange, she didn't think too deeply into it.    


The man nodded. "Then I'll take you through another passage."    


Ding Yiyi followed him in a wide circle, but when they got to the parking lot again, the man suddenly made a fuss. He grabbed her by the neck with one hand and pulled away from the car he had stolen long ago with the other.    


"Who are you?" Ding Yiyi was pushed to the back, and the man locked the door and sat in the driver's seat.    


The man was still wearing his mask, but he kept looking at Ding Yiyi in the rearview mirror without saying a word.    


"Did you recognize the wrong person? I don't even know you." As Ding Yiyi spoke, she slowly took out her cellphone from her pants pocket and pressed Edward's number.    


"What do you want? Or you can tell me what you want. " Ding Yiyi slowly moved her body to press her phone down so that the other party wouldn't notice her. Unexpectedly, she was still a little lacking.    


The man pulled out a knife and pointed it at her. As he said that, he opened the window. Ding Yiyi had no choice but to throw her cell phone out the window. At that moment, she suddenly noticed a man in a suit walking towards her from a distance.    


The man obviously saw it too. He looked annoyed. He climbed up to the front passenger seat and threatened Ding Yiyi with his eyes.    


It was only when the man approached her that Ding Yiyi noticed it was Ye Nianmo. She saw him walking towards her direction. It was obvious that this man's car was his.    


Ye Nianmo got in the car with a knife on the neck. His expression turned cold, but there was no panic.    


"Drive, or I'll show you." Compared to Ye Nianmo's calmness, the man was even more nervous as he urged, "Hurry up!"    


Ye Nianmo looked in the rearview mirror and was slightly surprised when he saw Ding Yiyi. However, he quickly turned cold and said, "Ok."    


The car drove out from the building and headed towards the train station according to the man's wishes. It was clear that the man wanted to leave the Dongjiang City.    


"I won't make things difficult for you. I only want her to leave with me. Once we reach the train station, you can leave by yourself." The man said.    


Ye Nianmo obviously didn't care too much about the people behind him, but he said lazily: "By the way."    


Ding Yiyi was furious. She was even more angry and did not have a good impression of Ye Nianmo.    


The car drove all the way to the train station, but they met the traffic police on duty. The man was very nervous, the knife pressing down on Ye Nianmo's neck was also tighter, "Transfer the car!"    


Ye Nianmo didn't say anything. He didn't even look out of the window from beginning to end. On the contrary, Ding Yiyi's heart was filled with despair as she watched the police move further and further away from her.    


After the car had left the train station, the man told Ding Yiyi to drive to the outskirts. When they arrived at the deserted outskirts, the man said in a vicious tone, "Get off!"    


"No!" Ding Yiyi prayed. She didn't know what the other party was going to do, so she felt waves of fear in her heart.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her. Without saying anything, he got off the car and slammed the door shut.    


Ding Yiyi was infuriated, but there was nothing she could do. She could only deal with the man, "What is your motive? At the very least, you must let me know the reason why you kidnapped me."    


The man was silent for a moment. "I won't hurt you."    


He was just driving when he realized that the car could not move. The moment he got off the car, he put a sharp Swiss Army knife on his neck. Ye Nianmo said faintly, "Who are you?"    


The man looked at him with hatred in his eyes. Then, without caring about anything else, he ran towards the other side of the forest.    


Ding Yi ran out of the car. After looking carefully, he realized that the car tire had been punctured unknowingly. Ye Nianmo put away his Swiss Army knife, looked at his watch again, turned around and walked towards the north.    


"Where are we going? Do you know how to get out? " Ding Yiyi followed closely behind him.    


Ye Nianmo had been silent all this time, he just stopped at the fork in the road to look at the terrain and the rings of trees.    


"Aiya!" Ding Yiyi held up her finger. The tip of her finger had already been cut by the sharp thorn of the triangular plum. She, who hadn't suffered any injuries for a long time, gasped in pain.    


Ye Nianmo turned back and just scanned her wound with his eyes. He said, "Nothing," then continued to walk outside.    


The wound was very painful, but the other party walked out mercilessly. As long as he didn't follow her, he might not be able to find her. Ding Yiyi gritted her teeth as she followed behind him.    


After walking for almost an hour, the sky started to darken a little. Ding Yiyi shouted towards the distance, "I can't walk anymore! I can't walk anymore!"    


She sat on a large rock, refusing to budge, only staring wide-eyed at the man who had turned back.    


"There are two choices. The first is to stay with me, while the second is to stay with me." Ye Nianmo stopped not far in front of her. Suddenly, his expression changed, "Don't move."    


Ding Yiyi didn't know why he said that, but she subconsciously didn't dare to move. She could only use her gaze to ask him.    


Ye Nianmo pursed his lips and picked up a rock the size of a palm from beside him. He first signaled the woman in front of him not to move with his eyes, then he pointed a finger at her and pointed to the side.    


He didn't expect the woman in front of him to understand what he meant, but she actually nodded at him.    


Ding Yiyi vaguely knew what was behind her, but she didn't dare to move. She could only stare at Ye Nianmo's hand gesture. When Ye Nianmo reached out his hand to signal her to move to the left, she suddenly dodged to the left. At the same time, a stone swept behind her face.    


Ding Yiyi turned around in shock and saw a cobra where she was sitting. The snake's head was stuck and its black and white body was still twisting.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her and said: "Follow me."    


Seeing that the man in front of her continued to move forward without a break, Ding Yiyi felt angry and wronged. However, she was worried that she would bump into the snake if she sat down again, so she gritted her teeth and followed behind him.    


At 6 o'clock at night, Ye Nianmo's speed slowed down instead of finding a path, he wanted to find a water source.    


Ding Yiyi was so thirsty that smoke was coming out of her mouth, but when she saw the stream, she hesitated. In the half year she lived with Edward, she heard the most about food safety.    


She stood by the shore and hesitated, but she saw Ye Nianmo happily bend down to drink a handful of water. After drinking it, he waited by the shore for a while.    


After a while, he started to move again. Ding Yiyi realized that he was actually waiting for her to rest and drink water, but it was very difficult for her to do that. She could only continue to drink from her throat.    


"I'll stay here tonight." Ye Nianmo suddenly said.    


Ding Yiyi looked around. There was nothing in front of her, only an old, half-bent tree.    


The trees were bent at a 45 degree angle, and the leaves were lush enough to protect them from the sun, but it was impossible to sleep here all night.    


"I can still walk." Ding Yiyi shivered.    


Ye Nianmo glanced at her, "Walking at night is easy to get lost." After saying this, he did not start again, but simply loosened the cuffs of his suit jacket.    


Hearing what he said, Ding Yiyi had no choice but to choose a clean rock and sit down. The distance between them was about the width of an arm. No one spoke for the rest of the day.    


At night, the stars were bright. Luckily, the moon was shining. Ding Yiyi leaned against the tree trunk, drowsily wanting to fall asleep. However, she was afraid that Ye Nianmo might have some kind of rat or snake ant.    


She looked at Ye Nianmo, who had his back to her, and suddenly felt that even if he had something on his mind, he would be able to save her. She was shocked by an inexplicable sense of trust.    


The next day, Ding indicated that his arm was itchy. Opening her eyes, she saw a big mosquito lying on her arm. She quickly slapped it until it was covered in her own blood.    


Hearing the commotion, Ye Nianmo got up and walked to her side, "Once you walk out of the suburbs, you'll be able to get a taxi."    


His eyes had turned slightly green, and there were still traces of red in them. Ding Yiyi suddenly thought of the possibility that the other party hadn't slept for the entire night, and felt touched. "Thank you."    


The other party only swept a cold glance at her before starting to leave. Like yesterday, they walked quickly and only stopped when Ding Yiyi couldn't catch up to them. They waited for the other party to catch up before continuing.    


After finally walking through the hardest part of the suburbs, Ding Yiyi brushed off her ears. Suddenly, she saw a wild pomegranate not far away. She didn't eat or drink anything for the whole night, so her stomach started to growl.    


Ye Nianmo did not hear any sound coming from behind him. He turned around but did not see Ding Yiyi. He frowned and looked for her along the way.    


After walking for a short while, they saw Ding Yiyi on the rocks, thinking about picking wild pomegranates. The pomegranate branches were quite tall, so she could only reach her hands out to grab them.    


He crossed his arms and leaned on the branch, looking at the woman who was jumping up and down with great interest. Suddenly, his gaze swept over the woman's feet. When he saw the metal instruments, his expression tightened and he said in a deep voice, "Wait a moment."    


Ding Yiyi heard a sound behind her and lost her balance. She staggered and fell backwards.    


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