Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1405 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1333

C1405 Marry of the Wealthy Class 1333

Ye Bo opened his mouth and said, "Madam, since the Young Master is sick, help him to protect his mountains and rivers."    


Ding Yiyi's heart was moved as she lowered her head and said, "I don't know what to do, and I don't know if he'll blame me for being nosy or not."    


"Madam," Ye Bo sighed, "As long as you are like before, when you were in charge of managing Ye Group, everything would be fine."    


He took a call and nodded at Ding Yiyi before turning around and leaving. After a few steps, he stopped and said, "Madam, since you want to protect the young master, you have to work even harder."    


Sitting in the familiar office again, Ding Yiyi was suddenly enlightened. The man who had brought her to such a high position had passed away, and she had returned here in a different manner today.    


She looked at the tightly closed office door not far away and firmly decided to at least let her guard the Ye Group until Ye Nianmo returns.    


In Ao Xue's office, she locked all the doors and windows, and was anxious alone. She originally wanted to intimidate the employees and make it easier for herself, but with Ye Bo and Ding Yiyi blocking her, the company only recognized her and purposely made things difficult for her.    


Right now, Ye Nianmo was authorizing her to do something, but she was also not going to do anything. It was equivalent to letting him do whatever he wanted, so how was she going to get the Ye Family money?    


At this moment, the screen of the phone on the table lit up. Fu Fengyi's voice sounded very happy, "Xiao Xue, thanks to the bottle of medicine you provided us, the doctor said he has found a way. When we can develop the medicine, our family's Nianmo will be able to recover."    


"Is that so? That's good. " Ao Xue's heart was like a thunderbolt out of the blue. After hanging up the phone, she collapsed at the table.    


She knew very well that Ye Nianmo didn't love her. If he recovered his health, she would be finished. Thinking about her miserable life in the future, she suddenly grabbed the cup on the table and threw it at the wall.    


The documents on the table were arranged in a messy manner. She tidied them up in a flustered manner, but when she saw one of the documents, she stopped in her tracks. She already had a plan in mind.    


Finance in a few days    


"Boss Aoao" 's finance department staff stood up, thinking that something was wrong and had invited this large buddha over.    


Ao Xue nodded. "I want to take a look at the company's finances in recent years."    


The Finance Manager nodded, "Of course."    


She took out the key and opened the cabinet. Ao Xue saw a steel safe at the end of the cabinet, and she knew that it would contain the millions of dollars that had been withdrawn at the last moment to facilitate the implementation of the project.    


The Finance Minister handed the documents to her and she turned around and walked away. However, before she could take a few steps, she slipped and threw all the documents on the ground.    


The finance department staff quickly squatted down to pick it up. She slowly stepped back and soon found the outline of the key.    


She carefully took out the chewing gum from her teeth and began to print the keys that the Finance Minister had just taken.    


"Boss Ao, why don't I get someone to deliver this information to your office?" The Finance Minister stood up and asked.    


Ao Xue nodded. "Alright, send it over."    


In the afternoon, she prepared the key. The only thing she knew that she had to do was open the key in Ye Nianmo's hand and open the last core of the company's safe.    


When they were about to get off work, Ding Yiyi happened to pass by the Finance Department and saw that the people inside were busy moving the documents away.    


"What are you doing?" she asked curiously.    


The Finance Minister ordered for people to categorize the information, "Boss Ao, please look at this information, so let's organize it so that she can have a look at it later."    


She was very clear that Ao Xue would definitely not help the Ye Group due to her personality. She definitely had her reasons for doing all this.    


She went to Ye Bo's office to talk to him, and saw a familiar figure stepping into the elevator. It was Ao Xue.    


Ao Xue walked straight to the garage after getting off the elevator. She didn't notice anyone following behind her.    


Ding Yiyi followed her all the way to the hospital, watching her walk into the lobby and disappear.    


She carefully followed and waited patiently in the corridor.    


In the ward, Ao Xue glanced at Ye Nianmo, who was reading a book. Nothing seemed to pique his interest.    


"Nianmo, I heard that the company recently had a big project?" Ao Xue probed.    


Ye Nianmo raised his head and said, "Just tell these things to Ye Bo." He suddenly pulled Ao Xue over and placed his hand on her waist. He asked, "Are you happy?"    


"Happy?" Ao Xue didn't know why he would suddenly ask such a ridiculous question. She thought he was talking about the company, so she nodded hesitantly.    


Ye Nianmo let go of him, stood up and walked towards the bathroom. Ao Xue heard her heart beating rapidly as she listened to the sound of the water in the bathroom.    


She firmly believed that Ye Nianmo would definitely keep such a precious thing like the key by his side, so she started rummaging through the drawers until she finally found some traces of it after a painting on the wall.    


"What are you doing?" Ding Yiyi's voice suddenly rang out from the door.    


She panicked and quickly reached her hand back, shouting, "Security, what are you doing? Why aren't you pulling her out!?" She is the murderer of Nianmo! "    


The two bodyguards hurriedly pulled Ding Yiyi by her hand and dragged her outside. Ding Yiyi shouted towards the bathroom, "Nianmo, be careful of her. You must be careful of her!"    


There was no answer from the bathroom. Ye Nianmo didn't appear until Ding Yiyi was dragged away.    


Ao Xue waited until she had left before she opened the safe. There was indeed a key inside, she hurriedly left with the key in her hand.    


Ding Yiyi intercepted him right after he left the sanatorium. "What are you trying to do?"    


"Ding Yiyi!" Ao Xue snapped impatiently, "What are you doing? Didn't you notice that Nianmo is ignoring you? He's in the bathroom. If he doesn't come out, that means he's bothering you. "You are still so thick-skinned here!"    


Ding Yiyi did not retreat, "You hurt his body and made him into such a state, now what do you want to do with Ye Group!?"    


Ao Xue slammed the door and stopped a taxi. She suddenly smiled and said, "You'll know what I want to do soon."    


Ding Yiyi dragged her and refused to let her go, "You come with me to meet Nianmo, he will expose you for sure!"    


"You madman!" Ao Xue and her were stuck together, both of their hair and hair a little messy, neither of them willing to let the other go.    


A figure quickly walked in front of the two of them. It was the bodyguard that was protecting Ye Nianmo, "Madam, Miss Ao, Young Master invited you."    


Staring at Ding Yiyi, Ao Xue turned around and left on her high heels.    


In the room, Ao Xue hid behind Ye Nianmo, "I didn't do anything, she just jumped over like a shrew."    


"Have you made enough noise?" Ye Nianmo pursed his lips and said in a bad tone.    


Ding Yiyi walked in front of him and said, "Open your eyes and see who is the true person that treats you well. I'm so disappointed in you!"    


With that, she turned around and left. Tears streamed down her face, and she wiped them away and quickened her pace.    


Ao Xue stared at Ye Nianmo's back in a daze. She knew that tonight was the most crucial moment.    


She poured Ye Nianmo a glass of water and inadvertently put some sleeping pills in it. "Nianmo, don't be angry. Drink some water."    


"Put it there." Ye Nianmo looked very angry. He frowned, with one hand covering his chest, he seemed to be angry.    


Ao Xue was getting anxious. "I'll go get you a doctor. Wait a moment."    


When she brought the doctor here, Ye Nianmo had already fallen asleep and the cup on the table was empty.    


At night, the Ye Group that seemed calm was already filled with danger, no one knew what was happening here, they only knew that in one night, the two safe deposit boxes that were worth tens of millions of yuan had disappeared without a trace.    


Early in the morning, the police were walking in and out of the office. Ye Bo had a rare serious expression on his face.    


"Is it serious?" Ding Yiyi asked worriedly.    


Ye Bo nodded, "This is a group of funds that is ready to go to the international shopping mall. Without these, the international shopping mall will collapse."    


Some of the employees in the company had already heard the news and some of them were already preparing to resign. Ding Yiyi went back to her office sadly and found Ao Xue's door closed.    


After a day of police investigation, nothing was found. All the surveillance was turned off at night, except for one employee who happened to be passing by and saw a seven-person car parked at the bottom of the company building.    


Fu Fengyi and Ye Chuqing both knew about this. Fu Fengyi waved her hand and said, "No one can tell Nianmo about this!"    


"Bring the old master back to take charge." Fu Fengyi instructed Ye Bo, and then said, "When Nianmo wasn't at the company, so many things happened! What a mess! "    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head and listened. Although she knew that the other party wasn't talking about her, she still felt very sad in her heart. In the end, she still wasn't able to protect her Ye Group well.    


Rejecting Ye Chuqing's invitation to stay at home, she went home alone. Originally, she thought that Ao Xue would be at home, but instead, it was dark and no one was at home.    


Someone patted her shoulder. She turned around and said, "Xiao Wen."    


"Good evening." Xiao Wen looked haggard and his voice sounded hoarse. "How have you been?"    


"Not bad." Ding Yiyi laughed bitterly.    


"It seems that you have lost more weight than before and are not doing well," he paused and suddenly lowered his voice, "I went back to my hometown to help Xiao Qing with her funeral."    


Ding Yiyi comforted her, "Let her go. She will definitely want you to live a good life."    


"Yes, she definitely hopes that I can help her finish what she hasn't done. Are you willing to help me?"    


"Xiao Wen," Ding Yiyi sighed, "Something big has happened to the Ye Group. It's a huge matter and I don't have the mood to fool around with you."    


Xiao Wen bent his body and looked her straight in the eye, "I'm not messing around. I know that Xiaoqing would definitely want someone to accompany me in doing this. Consider this as me begging you."    


Ding Yiyi could not bear it any longer. "How long will that take?"    


"One day!" Suddenly, a trace of coldness flashed across Xiao Shu's eyes. However, his emotions disappeared too quickly. It was so fast that no one could figure it out.    


"In recent days, there has been news of a disaster at a certain company on the internet. Millions of their assets have disappeared without a trace. As for which company it was, there's been a flurry of discussion right now."    


Ding Yiyi turned off the radio and looked out the window at a café.    


"This is the first time Xiaoqing saw Ye Nianmo." "She was a very dreamy woman. The other day, when she was sitting at the window, she saw a man in a suit striding in and standing in front of the counter, but she was troubled," he said softly, as if recalling his memories. "She watched that man standing among a group of children, picking out cakes with a frown on his pretty face and a look of concentration. At that time, she was very envious of that man.    


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