Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C639 Married to a Rich Family 570

C639 Married to a Rich Family 570

Ye Zimo looked at Xia Yihan's back as she walked into the distance with an even more astonished expression. It seemed that he had to get up quickly or else he wouldn't be able to keep up with Lil Thing's footsteps.    


In order to find Nianmo, almost all the people in Ye Family had been dispatched. Ye Zimo pushed her wheelchair into the garden and took out her cell phone to call the people from Base One and Three out.    


The second brother walked to a spot not far away from Ye Zimo. He respectfully called out, "Master."    


"You can just call me Mr Ye here, and when can my legs be healed?"    


This was what Ye Zimo was most concerned about. Seeing that the Ye Family had become quiet in the villa, Ye Zimo wanted to go out and stay by Xia Yihan's side more than anyone else.    


"It won't be a problem for your legs to recover. Plus, Mr Ye, you just want to stand up, so it won't be long."    


The second brother said in a serious tone. It was not as if perseverance could not create miracles.    


"Got it."    


Ye Zimo looked at the distance and knew that he would be able to stand up soon. She wanted to see when he would be happy to stand up again.    


As soon as Xia Yihan walked to the door, she saw Mo Xiaojun running towards her in a hurry. He was sweating profusely, as if he was under heavy rain.    


"Yihan, don't worry, Nianmo will find it." Mo Xiaojun was out of breath as he comforted Xia Yihan. His eyes showed more anxiety than Xia Yihan's.    


"Brother, I'm fine. Why are you in such a hurry?" Xia Yihan looked at the beads of sweat on Mo Xiaojun's forehead and felt touched. No matter what, they would always care about each other.    


When she thought about how she lost Nianmo once before, it was fortunate that it was Xu Haosheng who helped her find it. Now that there were so many people helping her, Xia Yihan lamented that Nianmo shouldn't have been allowed to grow up in the East River.    


Xu Haosheng and Lin Jie each poured themselves a glass of wine and drank it down slowly with different thoughts in their minds. It was as if what they were drinking was not wine but water.    


"Haosheng, let's go back?"    


Lin Jie looked at Xu Haosheng, who was drunk to the point of collapse, and started to worry about him.    


"I don't want to go back."    


Xu Haosheng said with a bit of willfulness. It was the first time for such a big person to say such wronged words. Lin Jie felt sad for his good friend and also for himself.    


"I won't go. Let's walk. You can't drink anymore."    


Lin Jie took Xu Haosheng's glass away.    


"Waiter, pay." Lin Jie looked at the pretty waitress nearby and waved at her. The waitress walked over with a smile.    


Lin Jie quickly paid the bill and walked out with Xu Haosheng.    


I don't want to ride anymore. It's good to walk like this and relax.    


The two of them walked to the north, south, east and west, not knowing where to go. After walking for some distance, his drunkenness improved quite a bit.    


"The environment here is really good." Xu Haosheng mumbled with an intoxicated smile.    


"It looks like an orphanage."    


Lin Jie looked at the familiar street. This seemed to be the back door of an orphanage.    


"Let's go in and take a look."    


Xu Haosheng thought that there would be a lot of children in the orphanage. He missed Nianmo, but since Nianmo was in Ye Family, he couldn't go over to see him. This was the longest time he had left Nianmo.    


Lin Jie looked at Xu Haosheng thoughtfully and did not say anything. He led Xu Haosheng to the main entrance familiarly. Why was Haosheng thinking about coming to the orphanage? Lin Jie was puzzled.    


It had to be said that the environment here was really good. There were lush greenery everywhere, and it was a sight to behold.    


"It would be great if I could see Nianmo."    


Lin Jie had heard that Haosheng had come to the orphanage for this reason. Since he wanted to see Nianmo, why not?    


"We can go see Nianmo."    


Lin Jie walked towards the yard.    


"It's not convenient for me to go with Nianmo to Ye Zimo's home. I'll wait for Xiao Ai. I believe her." Previously, he was very confident. Ever since the earthquake, Xu Haosheng felt that his position had become precarious. He was not the only one in Xia Yihan's heart.    


Looking at the vines that kept on climbing up the tree, Xu Haosheng was a bit worried. Was he like these vines? No matter how hard he tried, he could only end up watching those trees flying together.    


Lin Jie didn't say anything. He walked to a stone table under a nearby tree and sat down. There was a fake mountain here and a stone bridge.    


"Sit down. Take a rest and go back."    


Lin Jie also didn't want to go back. After his heart was occupied, he would always be lonely when there was no one around. Trying hard to grab onto something was always fruitless.    


Xu Haosheng sat opposite Lin Jie. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, but didn't say anything.    


"Look at that, does it look like Nianmo?"    


Lin Jie pointed at the two children not far away. One of them was a little boy, while the other was a little girl.    


When Xu Haosheng heard Nianmo, he reflexively turned his head and looked in the direction of Lin Jie's finger. Wasn't that Nianmo whom he was missing? With Nianmo here, would Yihan also be here? Xu Haosheng started to daydream. Was Yihan going back to accompany Nianmo?    


Lin Jie wondered in his heart, how could Nianmo appear in an orphanage?    


Xu Haosheng was the first to walk over with a happy expression.    


"My name is Nianmo, what's your name?" Nianmo looked at the little girl opposite him and asked loudly.    


"I don't have a name. Mother dean told me to wait for someone to adopt me before I have a name." The little girl looked to be about Nianmo's age and had a sweet appearance, similar to Soong Wanting from before.    


"Can I give you a name?"    


Although Nianmo sounded like he was discussing, he had already decided on the name of the little girl in front of him.    


"Look, you're injured, yet you're not crying. What a good girl. I learned from my mother a few days ago that Ao Xue bullies the frost. I think it's the best for you, so you're called Ao Xue. You've always been a strong person." Nianmo patted the girl's shoulder and said in a deep voice.    


"What does Ao Xue mean by bullying us?" The little girl tilted her head and asked Nianmo in confusion.    


"Describe how we do not fear the cold and the frost. The more difficult the conditions in the outside world are, the more spirited we will be." "After a long period of training, not only have you not cried, you're also very strong. In the future, those children will never dare to bully you again."    


Nianmo taught the little girl like a little adult.    


"I like it, I like it. Thank you, Nianmo, will you come and play with me in the future?" The little girl looked at Nianmo happily, her big eyes were filled with anticipation.    


"Nianmo, why did you come here? Where's your mother?"    


Xu Haosheng stood behind Nianmo and asked, "Who is this little girl? Why does her eyes look like his?"    


"Nianmo, who is she?"    


Xu Haosheng didn't hear what the two of them said just now. He felt that this little girl looked very familiar.    


"Uncle Xu, I'll go shopping with Grandma and the others. That place is too boring, so I ended up here. I just met her." Nianmo answered Xu Haosheng's questions one by one.    


This little girl is in an orphanage, and it's an orphanage in the East River. That shouldn't have much to do with their family, so Xu Haosheng was a lot more at ease.    


"Did your grandmother know you were here?"    


Xu Haosheng had a bad premonition in his heart. This child came here, could it be that his Ye Family had already failed him?    


"Since they are busy with their own things, I will leave by myself. Uncle Xu and mother are still the best." Nianmo looked at Xu Haosheng with a wide smile on his face. He probably knew that he had done something wrong, so he hurriedly tried to curry favor with him.    


"This child, let's go. I'll take you back. Your mother will definitely come looking for you. She's worried about you."    


Xu Haosheng said helplessly, looking at Nianmo's big smile. How could he blame him?    


Nianmo smiled at the little girl. He knew Uncle Xu was the best. "Ao Xue, this is because I, Uncle Xu, am a good person. I'm leaving with Uncle Xu."    


Ao Xue reluctantly watched Nianmo leave with Xu Haosheng. After he left, she no longer had any friends.    


Nianmo also looked back at Little Ao Xue from time to time.    


Lin Jie stood up. This kid was really Nianmo.    


"Call your mother and reassure her."    


Xu Haosheng took out his cell phone to unlock it and handed it to Nianmo. Xiao Ai and the others must be on the verge of breaking down.    


After the beep sound rang out, Nianmo frowned. He was still a bit scared after listening to Xu Haosheng's words.    


"Big Brother Xu."    


"Mom, it's Nianmo."    


Nianmo said timidly. Xia Yihan was relieved when she received the call. She originally wanted to say something to Nianmo, but she couldn't bear to say it to him after being softened by Nianmo's tone.    


"Nianmo, next time, remember not to run around outside. If you disappear like this, mom will be very worried, very worried." Xia Yihan said earnestly. Luckily, this was Dongjiang River, luckily, Xu Haosheng met Nianmo. If they lost him somewhere else, what would she do? The child was still very naughty.    


"Mom, I know. I'm sorry Mom, it's all my fault. "    


Nianmo's voice was filled with a pious repentance. Later on, Nianmo would even tell Xia Yihan about everything he did to prevent her from worrying.    


"Nianmo, give the phone to Uncle Xu. I want to have a chat with Uncle Xu." Xia Yihan said gently. How could she blame this child?    


"Uncle Xu, my mom is looking for you."    


Nianmo handed the phone to Xu Haosheng. Lin Jie walked over from the table and looked at Nianmo carefully. Without saying anything, the three of them walked out of the orphanage and looked at the gate. Nianmo still looked back reluctantly.    


"Xiao Ai."    


The two words were said millions of times before they finally burst out.    


"Big Brother Xu, where are you?" I'm here to pick up Nianmo, Ye Family is everywhere to find people, other people are also helping. " Xia Yihan said guiltily. If Nianmo hadn't left, they wouldn't have to be so busy.    


Xu Haosheng said harshly. "Come on, I'm at the orphanage. Let them look for the others first."    


Xia Yihan thought for a moment. Only Ye Zimo was able to call these people back, so she decided to call Ye Zimo.    


"Nianmo found it?" Mo Xiaojun was standing not far from Xia Yihan. Looking at her, he seemed to be a lot more relaxed.    


"Well, that kid went to the orphanage. How dare he."    


"The one called Xu Haosheng found him?" Mo Xiaojun asked with a frown, as if he didn't really believe it.    


Xia Yihan looked at Mo Xiaojun and knew what he was thinking.    


"Big Brother Xu has always treated Nianmo as his child."    


Yes, if Xu Haosheng had not treated Nianmo as his child, Xia Yihan would not have agreed to Xu Haosheng's request before returning to China. Thinking of that request, Xia Yihan's head started to hurt. Could she still let Ye Zimo go now? Can you?    


"Let's go and bring Nianmo back. It's not early anymore."    


Mo Xiaojun took Xia Yihan to the side to take a taxi, but he didn't drive over.    


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