Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1397 Married to a Rich Family 1325

C1397 Married to a Rich Family 1325

Ye Nianmo was also caught unprepared, his neck was pulled forward by her, and the two of them stopped when the lip were leaning on each other.    


What kind of feeling was that? His heart was beating erratically, as if it was going to stop working in the next second. His brain was unable to think, and all the sensations he could sense were concentrated at one point.    


She could very well feel that his hand was loosening. Her heart was suddenly somewhat flustered, but she was still unable to stop it.    


Ye Nianmo let go of her waist and turned around with his arms behind his back. He straightened his sleeves and said, "Let's go."    


The sun was very scorching. After exiting the Dihao Hotel, the driver immediately brought out an umbrella. Ye Nianmo handed the umbrella to Ding Yiyi, "Don't get sunburned."    


Her heart skipped a beat. She raised her eyes to look at him, only to discover that he only cared about a woman with the etiquette of a man.    


She forced a smile and said, "Let's go."    


There was only one old man busily cooking at the fried chestnuts stall. The chestnuts were very fragrant and could easily arouse a person's appetite, causing them to uncontrollably salivate.    


"Once, when we were driving home and saw this stall, you bought all of the Sweet 'n' Sour Chestnuts in order to let the old people go home early." Her eyes were full of memories as she put away the umbrella and walked towards the stall.    


"Grandpa, isn't grandma here today?" Ding Yiyi said with a smile.    


The old man skillfully played with the chestnut, stopping his hands when she asked, "It's time, so we'll be leaving. I promised her to take care of myself when she isn't around, and then I'll go find her when the time comes."    


Tears flowed down her face without any warning. She covered her mouth and whispered, "I'm sorry!" before she turned around and ran away.    


Inside the car, the driver looked at her in the rearview mirror, not knowing what to do. Not long later, the car door opened and a fragrant chestnut smell drifted in.    


He handed her the chestnuts. "I can buy all the chestnuts now."    


"It's just that things are different, we can't go back, right?" Ding Yiyi looked at her with teary eyes.    


After a long while, Ye Nianmo's voice sounded, "Drive."    


When the car finally stopped at a beach, it was afternoon and the beach was crowded with people, enjoying the sea.    


"I don't remember coming here." Ye Nianmo subconsciously reached out his hand to support her arm as he saw her body leaning forward with one foot in the soft sand.    


Ding Yiyi straightened up and said, "No, we've never been here before."    


She stood on the beach and pointed to a lighthouse not far away. "Accompany me to get there."    


As the two walked along the coastline, the sea breeze blew past their faces, and merry laughter filled their ears. The sea water carried the fine sand with it as it rushed up the beach, bringing along some shells and water grasses.    


She walked step by step with him towards the lighthouse. No one spoke first, but when stepping on the soft sand, Ye Nianmo would proactively hold onto Ding Yiyi's arm to help her keep her balance.    


When they arrived at the lighthouse, Ding Yiyi was already covered in sweat. The sea breeze blew her bangs into a mess as she happily shouted towards the sea.    


Ye Nianmo had been silently standing behind her the whole time. She couldn't see his expression, and he didn't even notice it himself.    


"Look, we were walking all the way here and saw children, women, men, and old people." Ding Yiyi pointed at the scene in the distance. "They're all doing different things. Some of them are swimming, some are taking pictures, some are playing."    


"So?" Ye Nianmo raised his eyebrows and looked at her, quietly waiting for her next sentence.    


Ding Yiyi looked into the distance, "We have not taken this road, it's just like our future life, we will meet many people, we will cross paths with them doing many things, we don't know what will happen ahead, but I hope that in the future you will have me."    


After she finished speaking, her face flushed red. Anyone could tell that this was a confession.    


"If you had tried, you would have waited." Ye Nianmo suddenly turned around and walked down towards the lighthouse. However, at this moment, the sound of the cruise ship's whistle resounded not far away, blocking his voice.    


Ding Yiyi stared blankly at his back, her hands trembling. She wanted to reach out into the air to grab him, to keep him, to wake him up, but in the end, her hands still hung down.    


She knew she had lost, and his future did not want her to participate.    


"Humans are very fragile. They can be rejected once, or twice. But by the third and fourth time, their hearts have begun to wither." Ding Yiyi looked out the window at the water lily beside the pond and said slowly.    


Before Ye Chuqing could say anything, Fu Fengyi walked in. "Yiyi, Grandma has something to say to you."    


In the Buddhist hall, Fu Fengyi did not beat around the bush, "I already know about Nianmo and Ao Xue."    


Ding Yiyi replied without saying anything. She could already guess what Fu Fengyi wanted to say. "I can't possibly share a man with her. I will leave."    


Fu Fengyi sighed. "After all, they were only a couple back then."    


"Grandmother, do you think that they're finally married off to a lover?" Ding Yiyi stood up with a smile. "Don't say anymore. I know what to do."    


She walked out of the Ye Family, and made a call to Ye Nianmo, "I won't tell you that I will get a divorce. If you want a divorce, I will agree."    


Ye Group, Ye Nianmo hung up the phone and leaned back on the chair. This was the first time he revealed a tired expression.    


"Young Master, are you sure you want to do this?" Ye Bo finally couldn't bear to say another sentence.    


Ye Nianmo opened his eyes. His tiredness and pain had subsided a lot, and what was left was ruthlessness and determination, "There's no way out."    


"Yes sir!" Ye Bo backed down. He walked to the door and looked behind him, only to see that the young master closed his eyes again with a sorrowful expression.    


"I heard from the chauffeur that the master rejected her in the end. He really didn't show any mercy at all when he left." One of the maids said with a smile.    


"Isn't that so? Miss Au Xue, I feel that you're the one the Master likes the most, there's no mistake about it."    


Ao Xue sat to the side, listening to their conversation. Although she didn't answer, her mood was elated. She knew that she could do one thing now.    


The smell of nicotine in the dark room made people uncomfortable. Si Si laughed: "Previously, you were unwilling to give me half of the Ye Family. Why are you willing to give it to me now?"    


"I only have one condition, after I give you the money for Ye Family, I no longer have any relationship with you. In the future, you cannot come and disturb me and Ye Nianmo." Ao Xue watched as she explained her plan, her heart pounding. She understood what kind of enemy she was facing.    


Si Si stood up and walked over to her. She bent down and blew smoke from her mouth onto her face. "Look, my daughter is trying to destroy the bridge after crossing the river."    


She carefully examined Ao Xue's face. "I want half of my Ye Family. If you can give it to me, we will part ways and never disturb you again. I will also help you keep all your secrets."    


"Are you serious?" When Ao Xue saw that she had agreed, her heart was moved. She then looked at her suspiciously. "You won't go back on your word, right?"    


"Haha," Si Si laughed and leaned back. "Daughter, you know that everything you've done is enough for you to stay in prison for more than ten years," she said with a cold expression. "You can only trust me, I want half of his company."    


Ao Xue shuddered. "I promise you."    


Returning to the Ye Family, the servant whispered to her, "Madam has returned."    


She still had the face to come back? Ao Xue sneered in her heart as she walked to Ye Nianmo, who was sitting on the sofa, looking like a hostess.    


Ding Yiyi carried her luggage down and walked out without even looking at Ao Xue.    


"If you step out of this place today, don't come back." Ye Nianmo's expression also seemed to be filled with anger, "You're forcing me!"    


Ding Yiyi stopped walking, "I didn't force you, instead I felt sorry for you, but I'm tired, I will give you my hotel address later," she paused, "If one day you don't want to have any contact with me, then we will separate."    


As she left, the sound of the box's gears scraping against the floor gradually died away, and the room returned to silence.    


Ao Xue sat there quietly. She knew that she had not succeeded. When she and her mother were completely separated from each other, that would be her ultimate goal. And she knew that this goal would definitely be achieved.    


She returned to her room and ordered several bottles of God's oil in one go. After thinking about it for a while, she was still a little worried, so she sent a message to the other side, "This thing doesn't have any side effects, right?"    


The picture of the penguin soon lit up. "Will you give it to him even if there are side effects?"    


Ao Xue became silent. She stared at the picture of the penguin as it gradually darkened. Still, she firmly clicked on the payment.    


Closing the leaf, another page caught her attention, "Women's Sewers Rotten. There were photos all around and the police were sure it was suicide. "    


She looked at Ye Nian and sneered, "The only person who can catch him is me."    


Just as I was about to close the page, my hands suddenly stopped. Perhaps this opportunity is a great opportunity for her to enter Ye Group.    


She crazily searched for all the posts on the internet and finally found that many of them were posted by the same account. She tried to send a message to this account.    




The reply came quickly. "Who is it?"    


Ao Xue sent him the link, "Are you interested in making a deal? I can give you money."    


The other side did not reply for a long time. Only when Ao Xue was ready to log off did the other side reply, "How much will you give me?"    


Ao Xue smiled. There was no one in this world who didn't love money. If she could afford to give it to them, these people would work so hard for her.    


In the hotel, Xiao Wen closed the page. The cigarette on the tip of his finger was almost burnt off. He smiled and flicked it away, "This game is getting more and more fun."    


Within the night, a voice video of the CEO of Ye Family spread across all the internet. Within the voice, one could even hear the crying of a woman. At this time, someone came out to divulge that the woman was called Xiao Qing.    


All public opinion was reversed. The masses only listened to what they heard and were more willing to believe the arguments of the poor. They held an extreme sense of distrust towards the rich.    


"When the market opened today, the stocks had already stopped falling." The manager carefully looked at the man sitting in the seat of honor, "A direct economic loss amounted to tens of millions."    


"Public opinion cannot be held back. Those large platforms said that blocking the entire public opinion would instead reflect back even more. This is an even heavier blow to Ye Group."    


Compared to him, Ye Nianmo was more calm, "Have you checked the source of that audio recording?"    


"Yes, it's a technical synthesis, but the public won't believe it. They will only think that we are the culprits."    


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