Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1368 Married to a Rich Family 1296

C1368 Married to a Rich Family 1296

"Could she be cured?" Ye Nianmo asked.    


The doctor turned a few pages. "It may, but it will take a long time and a lot of people to cooperate."    


At night, Ding Yiyi tossed and turned. Her mind was filled with the image of Ao Xue crying her heart out when she left.    


"I was an orphan when I was young, so I yearned for kinship." The doctor's words kept repeating in her head, and she sighed. A pair of hands wrapped around her waist from behind.    


"What are you thinking about?" Ye Nianmo's voice was soft and low, but his tone was clear.    


Ding Yiyi obediently laid on his chest. "I was just thinking that I was very lucky. I had a father's pain when I was young, but she didn't have anything."    


Ye Nianmo's hand gradually moved up and patted her back. His voice was low and gentle like he was telling a story, "Go to sleep."    


The next day, Ding Yiyi called Xu Haorann. The moment he heard that it was her, he became agitated.    


"Where are you now?" Ding Yiyi said calmly.    


Xu Haorann vaguely felt that she had something to say to him, "I can go back to the country immediately now and meet you in the evening."    


The two of them exchanged a short conversation before hanging up. Ding Yiyi sighed heavily as she looked out the window at the lush foliage outside.    


It was almost midnight. Xu Haorann said apologetically, "Yiyi, you've waited too long."    


"I want to take you to see someone tomorrow morning." Ding Yiyi looked at him seriously and noticed that the person in front of her had gray hair at the temples. Suddenly, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "You don't have to force yourself."    


Xu Haorann said happily, "As long as it's you two sisters, I'm willing to do it."    


"I can't go back." Ding Yiyi suddenly blurted out. She hugged her forehead in pain and pushed her hands into her hair, gently stirring it. Her tone was sorrowful.    


Xu Haorann's heart skipped a beat as he vaguely felt something had happened. However, Ding Yiyi insisted on meeting someone tomorrow, so he didn't force her and left.    


Ding Yiyi sat on the sofa for a long time, until the arrow put on a thin coat. She looked up at Ye Nianmo. "Sorry to wake you up."    


"Would you like a cup of chicken tail Jiu Jiu?" Ye Nianmo walked to the bar after seeing her nod. He then took out the mixing vessel and poured the base wine into it to mix.    


Ding Yiyi walked over to the bar and sat down. "You're not asking me why I called him here, but what do you want?"    


Ye Nianmo poured a little of the grapefruit juice into his vodka and then said, "You have your own insistence." He put the blue cocktail in front of her, "I'll send you there tomorrow." He paused, "That's my insistence."    


The next day    


Ao Xue was hiding in the corner of the room. She was wearing a white dress that reached to her knees.    


From time to time, she would bite her finger and tightly hug the child in her embrace, staring blankly out the window.    


Xu Haorann felt his vocal cords tremble, "Isn't she just depressed? How can she be like this?"    


"Back then, her child's miscarriage caused her a great deal of mental trauma, and she also had a split personality, so this is her other personality, a five-year-old child." Ding Yiyi said with difficulty.    


Xu Haorann was in tears. The tears flowed out from his slightly cloudy eyes, passed through the curved lines in his tail, and then disappeared.    


"I will cure her. I will definitely cure her." As he repeated this, he pushed open the door and entered.    


When Ao Xue saw him curl up in a corner again, she didn't let go of the doll in his arms. However, when she saw Ding Yiyi, her face immediately lit up. "Big sister!"    


"Little Snow, good girl, Big Sister brought you some sugar." Ding Yiyi handed the candy to her. Ding Yiyi handed the candy to her. Ding Yiyi handed the candy to her.    


"Big brother, you're so beautiful."    


Ye Nianmo looked at her with a complicated expression. Hearing that, he took a piece of candy and helped her peel off the candy paper, "Eat it."    


"What's going on?" Xu Haorann was a bit confused.    


Ding Yiyi said, "She treated me as her own sister. The doctor said it was due to her desire for family love."    


"My poor child." Xu Haorann wiped away his tears and wanted to comfort Ao Xue, but the moment he got close to her, he screamed and dodged into Ding Yiyi's arms, "Don't come over here, you're a bad person!"    


"However, I won't go over." Xu Haorann turned his back and wiped away his tears. After a while, he suddenly stood up, "I'll go contact a doctor that I know."    


Ye Nianmo and Xu Haorann went out, while Ding Yiyi stayed in the ward. Ao Xue lowered her head and played with the candy in her hand. Her hair covered her entire face, but no one could see that her line of sight remained on Ye Nianmo's leather shoes, following him all the way until she disappeared.    


In the corridor, Xu Haorann called again and again, "Hello, Professor Zhang? I'm Haoran. I heard that you specialize in brain nerves. I need your help with something."    


"Hey, James, you're still in Italy. It's like this. I want to ask you a favor."    


He had been on the phone for a long time. When he hung up, he looked like he had aged ten years. He was barely able to support himself against the wall.    


"Does your mother know about this?" he asked.    


Ye Nianmo shook his head, "Don't tell her, just in case she's worried. This is a matter for our Xu family."    


"Uncle Xu." Ye Nianmo frowned in disapproval, "That's also my business."    


Xu Haorann patted his shoulder and then turned around dejectedly. His back was filled with sadness and despair, and was in stark contrast with the surrounding white walls.    


Three days later    


Cars stopped one after another at the door of the mental hospital. The dean had never seen so many medical celebrities here before.    


In the impromptu meeting room, a dozen experts in mental illness from both the Chinese and foreign fields were gathered together.    


Ding Yiyi held Ao Xue's hand. The moment they reached the door, the other party refused to enter the room. She gripped Ding Yiyi's hand tightly. "Big sister, I'm scared!"    


"Don't be afraid, they are not bad people." Ding Yiyi softly said.    


Ao Xue hid behind her. She first stuck her head out to look, then she pulled back, refusing to come out for a long time.    


"Snowy, I heard you are very good at math?" Ye Nianmo said calmly on the side.    


Upon hearing his words, Ao Xue relaxed her guard and nodded at him.    


Ye Nianmo said, "Then can you go and count how many of them are there?"    


Ao Xue turned her head to the side and thought for a moment. Then, she nodded and let go of Ding Yiyi's hand, walking inside.    


Ding Yiyi couldn't bear it. To her, Ao Xue was a five-year-old little girl. Her hand was held, and Ye Nianmo shook his head slowly.    


The door closed and Ye Nianmo followed inside to listen in. Ding Yiyi wandered aimlessly in the hospital garden. Even though the Yang Pass was good, she felt cold.    


He was still wearing his navy blue work clothes. For Ao Xue, this man closed his company and came here to be a small cleaner, but fate was just so unfair to him.    


"I have something else to ask of you." With his back to Ding Yiyi, his voice was calm, mixed with pain.    


Ding Yiyi walked to his side and sat down. "Go ahead."    


"Take the five-year-old girl by your side and warm her up. Right now, you are the person she values the most." As he spoke, he clenched his fists tightly.    


He punched the chair and growled, "Why? I gave everything for her, but she never wanted me!"    


"Mingyao." Ding Yiyi didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only sit there helplessly.    


Yan Mingyao calmed himself down and turned around to look at her, "I know you and Ye Nianmo are married, but if possible, please bring her with you. She's only a five-year-old child right now, so she won't be a threat to your relationship."    


Ding Yiyi lowered her head. People were selfish. Her first thought was that if she brought Ao Xue with her, then it might affect her and Ye Nianmo's lives.    


Happiness was not easy to come by. She did not want to be a saint. "Let me think."    


There was a sound of discussion from the second floor. It seemed that the meeting had ended. The two of them looked at each other and rushed towards the building.    


Just as he got out of the elevator, he heard Ao Xue crying. He could vaguely hear her calling Ding Yiyi's name.    


"Little Snow." Ding Yiyi rushed over and saw Ao Xue sitting on a chair, crying her heart out.    


It was only when she saw her that Ao Xue's mood somewhat eased up. She pulled on her sleeve and refused to let go.    


"How is it?" Ding Yiyi looked at Ye Nianmo nervously.    


He shook his head. "She won't cooperate."    


Xu Haorann sat on the chair dejectedly. He looked like he had aged ten years. He just stared at the innocent Ao Xue and sighed heavily.    


Coming out of the mental hospital, Ye Nianmo saw that she wasn't in a good mood and took the initiative to drag her into the Ye Family.    


Ye Chuqing was about to leave as she did not know anything about Ao Xue. She was very happy to see Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo. "Brother, Sister, Sister."    


Ding Yiyi braced herself and said, "Go pick up Ziyu."    


"En, I think it's better for parents to do this kind of thing. I fear that sending off the servants will not be good for the child's growth."    


Ding Yiyi seemed to have thought of something and said, "I'll go with you."    


As soon as he arrived at the kindergarten, he saw a tall figure standing next to a car. The owner of the car seemed very happy to see them.    


"Chu Qing, Yi Yi."    


Ding Yiyi pulled Ye Chuqing aside. "Did you forgive him?"    


Ye Chuqing said indifferently, "I really can't forget about him. Ziyu also misses her father. I want to give him a chance, and also give myself a chance."    


She was a little hesitant, and even a little lost as she held onto Ding Yiyi's hand. "Is my stance not firm?"    


Ding Yiyi laughed. "Your stance needs to be firm where it should be firm."    


The two of them walked back to Hai Zhuoxuan, and just as they were about to open the kindergarten door, a student walked out while patting the crowd.    


This school only had a few dozen people, and most of them were the children of officials and merchants.    


Hai Ziyu was the youngest in the kindergarten. The teacher was a man who had graduated from Master's degree. He personally carried Hai Ziyu out. When he saw Ye Chuqing, his eyes lit up.    


"Ziyu was very good today. She only cried twice." The man smiled and handed Hai Ziyu to the servant at Ye Chuqing's side.    


Hai Ziyu, who had always been engrossed with the Magic Cube in her hands, raised her head when she heard this. She solemnly raised her fat index finger and said, "Once."    


She took out the papers and put them on the table, then went to get the keys. When she was done with them, she turned to leave.    


At that moment, the clock on the wall chimed. She jumped, and as she turned around, she pulled the documents off the table. They fell to the floor with a thud.    


She looked nervously out the door, then bent down to pick up the file. The numbers on it and the name of a KTV caught her eye.    


Isn't this the KTV that I went to sing with Ye Chuqing? Why did Jie Tian have the KTV's information? She casually flipped through it and was shocked by the huge amount written on it.    


How could a KTV with not many visitors have such a high income? This was too scary. Wasn't that KTV the same as the one on the surface?    


Without thinking too much into it, she got up to return the document, but then she heard two bangs and the sound control light came on.    


Jie Tian stood at the door and looked at her with a smile. The corridor outside was dark, and he looked scary standing in the middle of the light and darkness.    


"Why don't you turn on the lights? What if it hurts?" He walked closer, his eyes swept across the document, and said with some regret: "Aiya, you want to see this! "Don't run around in the dark, I'll worry."    


Ding Yiyi took a step back. "I didn't see anything. I just wanted to take the key and leave."    


Jie Tian continued to get closer, "Are you afraid of me? I've said it already … I won't bully you, even if you see the secret that I don't want anyone to see right now. "    


As he gradually approached, Ding Yiyi had nowhere to retreat to. She could only lean against the ice-cold wall and cautiously watch him.    


Jie Tian reached out his hand and gently took away the key, then held her hand and walked out, "It's already very late, let's go to sleep."    


The next day, Ye Nianmo walked into the company with his face covered in blood. Ding Yiyi didn't answer the phone the whole night, so he believed that Jie Tian wouldn't hurt her, so he also thought that Ding Yiyi was angry.    


Inline rang. The secretary said the client was working on a call asking if they could have dinner together tonight. He frowned, looked at his watch, and nodded for the secretary to arrange it.    


When he walked out of the hotel after having dinner with the customer, the customer said, "Director Ye, the cooperation this time is really good. Let's go, let's go. We'll go to KTV to sing and chat. Your wife won't mind, will she?"    


Ye Nianmo looked at the unassuming man in front of him, he was from the Red Second Generation, he didn't have much money, but he had a lot of power.    


He didn't say anything and let Ye Bo contact a KTV.    


When he arrived at the KTV's address, he immediately recognized that it was a restaurant owned by Lin Ling. Lin Ling had talked to him before, but he didn't expect it to be open already.    


After entering the booth of the KTV, the other party started to sing happily. Ye Nianmo got Ye Bo to find two women to accompany him, and seeing the other party's happy smile, he turned around and walked out of the room.    


He stopped and frowned as he passed a box clerk outside the box. The clerk was no ordinary waiter, and the roughness of his eyes and fingers was the hallmark of a man who had held a gun for a long time.    


After walking out of the KTV, the cold wind cleared his mind a lot. He was about to take out his phone to call Ding Yiyi when he saw a car nearby waving at him with an arm.    


In the car, Baker blew out a mouthful of cigarette butts, "I didn't expect someone to really go to the 5800 place in one night."    


"Uncle Baker is handling a case here?" Ye Nianmo vaguely knew that he had his eyes on this KTV, but he still asked knowingly.    


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