Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1370 Wealthy Marriage 1298

C1370 Wealthy Marriage 1298

The man smiled. "It was Teacher Zheng who remembered wrongly."    


Hai Zhuoxuan was standing beside Ye Chuqing. Now, he directly put his arm around Ye Chuqing's waist and felt her struggle. He increased the strength in his hand.    


"This is?" Teacher Zheng looked surprised.    


Hai Zhuoxuan stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Hai Zhuoxuan."    


"Hello." Teacher Zheng shook hands with him before saying, "This is your husband, right?"    


Ye Chuqing's entire attention was focused on the burning hot palm at her waist. She couldn't react in time. "What?"    


Hai Zhuoxuan was in a great mood. He wanted to throw the woman in front of him down right now.    


"Then you guys chat, I have some work to do, so I'll be leaving first." Zheng nodded at the two of them, then he gave Ye Chuqing another deep look before leaving.    


"Let go." At this time, Ye Chuqing also came to her senses. She broke free from Hai Zhuoxuan's imprisonment and stood beside Ding Yiyi.    


Ding Yiyi watched the back of Teacher Zheng. She felt that he was interested in Ye Chuqing.    


When her gaze met Hai Zhuoxuan's, she accidentally saw possessiveness and the irritability in Hai Zhuoxuan's eyes as well as the coveting of his prey.    


Hai Zhuoxuan pulled Ye Chuqing over, and with his other hand, he pulled Hai Ziyu away. "Let's go."    


At first, Ye Chuqing was still struggling, but her hands were gripped so tightly that she could only follow his movements and get into the car.    


"Sister-in-law, aren't you going?" Ye Chuqing asked.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "I'm not going to be an electric light bulb. I just happen to be going out for a while, so I won't be going back with you guys."    


She watched the car drive away before she entered the kindergarten.    


The kindergarten was decorated in the style of a medieval castle. The inside was very big, and three foreign women walked towards her. They were holding textbooks in their hands, laughing and talking as they walked past Ding Yiyi.    


"You must be the girl that was standing together with Chu Qing." A clear male voice came from beside him.    


Ding Yiyi turned her head and said with a smile, "Teacher Zheng."    


"Actually, I am only 30 years old. After I returned home, I became a teacher and everyone said that I wanted to be a teacher. That's why I dressed up like an old man." Teacher Zheng rubbed his hair helplessly.    


Ding Yiyi had a much better impression of him. She smiled and said, "The children probably prefer the current you."    


"Children are the purest spirits in the world. In their hearts, they don't try to deceive each other. They don't know who is right and who is wrong. I'd rather be together with them." Teacher Zheng said with a smile.    


"Is that so?" Ding Yiyi whispered as she thought of Ao Xue in her mind. Right now, was her mind as pure and transparent as the children in this kindergarten?    


"I'm sorry, I'll be leaving first." She hurriedly apologized, then turned around and left.    


She ran to Ye Nianmo's office, "I want to take care of Ao Xue by my side."    


Ye Nianmo wasn't surprised. He got up and pulled her to the sofa and sat her down. Ye Bo then closed the door for the two of them.    


"What did you see today at the kindergarten?" he said gently.    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. "It's nothing. I just saw a kindergarten teacher and had a chat with him."    


Ye Nianmo understood, "Worried about Ao Xue?"    


Ding Yiyi remained silent as she lowered her head to look at her fingernails. "She needs someone to take care of her."    


"Our care is not necessarily better than professional people, and the environment there is relatively simpler." Ye Nianmo rubbed his palm against hers and thought, "Let's just wait and see, okay?"    


Ding Yiyi's determination was not as deep as it was when she was persuaded by him, and she nodded in agreement.    


After Ding Yiyi left, Ye Nianmo's gentle eyes gradually lost their temperature. From time to time, his slender hand would knock on the armrest, making a soft knocking sound.    


"Young Master." Ye Bo walked closer, "Madam has already left in the car."    


"How is the mental hospital?"    


"Everything is as usual. No one has come to look for Miss Au Xue. She never goes out of the door."    


"It seems that there is no such thing as a false lie." Ye Nianmo stood up and said, "Send her abroad for treatment."    


psychiatric hospital    


Ao Xue held the doll in her hands as she coldly looked at the busy man in the bathroom.    


"Xiao Xue, I'll help you wash your feet." Yan Mingyao carried the hot water to the bed. He gently held her ankle and felt a bit of resistance. He hurriedly said softly, "Don't be afraid, I just want to help you wash your feet."    


Worried that Ao Xue couldn't understand the meaning of washing her feet, he first splashed some water on her feet before carefully helping her wash them.    


Ao Xue lowered her head to look at his spinning hair. She was wondering why there was no movement from Ding Yiyi. Could she have guessed wrongly?    


"Where's elder sister?" she asked innocently, tilting her head.    


The hand that helped her wash her feet paused, Yan Mingyao smiled bitterly, "I will love you more than your sister."    


"I want her!" Ao Xue stepped into the basin, splashing warm water everywhere.    


Yan Mingyao didn't bother to wipe off the water on his body as he said fearfully, "Don't move, the hot water is at your ankles."    


At that moment, Ao Xue's foot had already swept towards the kettle, and he subconsciously reached out to wrap his arm around her ankle.    


The back of his hand touched the kettle, which had just been boiling, and there was a faint sound of evaporation from the stainless steel as a result of the water stains on the back of his hand.    


Ao Xue seemed to have been scared silly. She looked at him with a complicated expression on her face.    


"It's fine. I'll get a mop and drag the floor a bit." Yan Mingyao endured the pain and first took away the kettle, then helped her clean her feet and covered her with a blanket.    


The back of his hand was already red with blisters, but he still gently tucked her in. "What a good dream."    


"I want my sister." Ao Xue insisted.    


Yan Mingyao paused for a moment and then slowly continued, "Ok, you will be able to see her when you wake up tomorrow."    


He turned off the light, and Ao Xue stared after the man in the dark until he disappeared.    


The next morning    


Just as Ding Yiyi was about to go out and water the flowers, she saw Yan Mingyao standing at the door.    


"Mingyao, why did you come? Come in quickly and have a seat." She quickly welcomed him in and saw the wound on the back of his hand at the entrance. "Is this a burn? Why didn't you deal with it? "    


"I have something to tell you." Yan Mingyao couldn't wait to speak up once he sat down.    


Ding Yiyi poured a cup of tea for him. When she saw that his clothes were so dewy, she asked in disbelief, "You were outside the door all night yesterday?"    


Yan Mingyao didn't answer, he just looked at her seriously, "I hope you can bring Ao Xue away. She's really relying on you now, and she's thinking of you every day. As long as you're willing to take her away, she'll definitely recover."    


Ding Yiyi was slightly moved, but she did not say anything. Her feelings towards Ao Xue were too complicated and could not be explained in a few words.    


"Yiyi," Yan Mingyao suddenly stood up from the sofa, bent his knees and knelt on the ground, "I love her beyond life."    


"What are you doing!?" Get up quickly! " Ding Yiyi panicked and quickly pulled at him. "Don't do that!"    


Yan Mingyao straightened his back, his handsome face was full of the gentleness of Ao Xue. "If I can't give her the happiness she wants, then at least let me accompany her to find it. Only then will I leave."    


"I promise you." Ding Yiyi, flustered, agreed. "We'll go get her right now!" she said, tugging at him with all her might.    


psychiatric hospital    


When Ao Xue saw Ding Yiyi, a smile immediately appeared on her pure face. She even handed the cloth doll in her hands over to her.    


"Little Snow, be good. Big sister will take you away, okay?" Ding Yiyi sat beside her and patted her shoulder.    


Ao Xue tilted her head and thought for a moment before asking with a timid voice, "What is home?"    


"Home is a very warm place." Ye Nianmo replied with tears in his eyes. Then, he quickly walked out of the ward and prepared to help Ao Xue with the discharge procedures.    


As the door closed, Ao Xue, who was sitting on the bed, stood up slowly and walked around the room with a stiff expression while holding onto the cloth doll's hair.    


She touched the pale blue wallpaper and looked out the window at the tired potted plants. Her chest heaved up and down.    


"I'm leaving, I'm finally leaving!" Her beautiful eyes were filled with extreme malice, and her voice was cold. "Even if you two are already married, I will still make you guys restless."    


The Home of Ding Yiyi and Ye Nianmo    


Ao Xue sized up this warm place with a cold gaze.    


A pair of slippers, a couple's cup, and a couple's pillow at the entrance. Her heart seemed to be struggling in the strongest fire in the eighteen layers of hell, trying to swallow her whole.    


"Little Snow!" Ding Yiyi came over from upstairs. "I've got a new toothbrush and toothpaste for you. Brush your teeth and we can sleep now."    


She had already treated Ao Xue as a five or six year old child, so she was extremely gentle, afraid that she would frighten him.    


Ao Xue took the toothbrush and toothpaste and walked into the bathroom. As the footsteps outside gradually faded away, her eyes were filled with resentment and anger.    


She looked at the different colors and styles of the mouthwash cups on the shelves. Every detail seemed to be telling her that Ye Nianmo and Ding Yiyi were very sweet, and that she was the only one imprisoned as a lunatic asylum lunatic.    


The sharp corner of the toothbrush in her palm caused her to feel pain. After a long time, she silently turned on the tap, and the gurgling sound of water flowed out, bringing with it her hatred.    


After Ao Xue finished washing up, Ding Yiyi went into the bathroom to clean up. To her surprise, she found her toothbrush hanging upside down in the toilet.    


At night, the mansion fell into silence until the electronic monitor system at the door made a sound and Ye Nianmo returned.    


"Nianmo, I have something to tell you." Ding Yiyi anxiously surrounded him.    


Ye Nianmo walked into the living room and pulled her over casually. He put her around the sofa and leaned her between his arms and said with a smile, "What's the matter?"    


Ding Yiyi looked into his dark eyes and smelled the dew on his body. She was a little nervous. "I've brought Ao Xue back."    


Ye Nianmo had a complicated look in his eyes. There seemed to be different emotions flowing in his eyes. He let go and said with a hint of seriousness, "Why didn't you discuss it with me?"    


"If I were to consult you, would you let me take her home?" Ding Yiyi asked.    


Ye Nianmo answered straightforwardly, "No." Seeing Ding Yiyi's lowered eyes, he held her shoulders and said, "Guilt and life must be separated. You don't need to bear the guilt towards her in your life."    


"I need it." Ding Yiyi remained silent for a while before replying, "She met you before me. If we didn't meet at that time, then you would have been with her. Her child wouldn't have an abortion, and she wouldn't have been depressed. She will not become a double personality, and she will be the one standing here today. "    


Ye Nianmo let go of her and retreated a step away from her in disbelief. His lowered eyes were serious and serious, "You regret it?"    


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