Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1176 Married to a Rich Family 1104

C1176 Married to a Rich Family 1104

Ding Yiyi was a little worried and wanted to grab Ye Chuyun's hand, but he dodged her fingertip the moment she touched it. He smiled gently at her and said in a low voice, "Don't worry."    


Ding Dacheng snorted at the door, "Hurry up and catch up."    


Ding Yiyi curled her fingers as she watched their figures disappear at the door. If she didn't accidentally touch his fingers, she wouldn't have known that he was nervous. Ding Meirong said from the side, "Yi Yi, I think that boy is pretty good too. The most important thing is that he doesn't spend too much effort. Is he nice to you?"    


"Auntie, if I miss him, I might never find a man as good as he is." Ding Yiyi said lightly as she looked at the door.    


At the teahouse outside the alleyway, Ye Chuyun was sitting upright and upright, in stark contrast to his neighbor who was sitting on all fours beside him. The owner of the teahouse brought up the teapot and joked: "Brother Ding, son-in-law?"    


"Something that can't be done with eight poles." Ding Dacheng said coldly as he looked at Ye Chuyun, "I don't know much about games between rich people like you, but if you dare to play with my daughter, even if I have to risk my life, I will come and settle this with you."    


Ye Chuyun took out a document and handed it to him, "This is all my assets. After the engagement, I am willing to add her name to it, I am sincere."    


The thick inventory list made Ding Dacheng tongue-tied. He was afraid that Ding Yiyi would suffer grievances if she married into the family. If these things were used as a guarantee, his daughter would at least have some confidence.    


He put the papers aside and said in a softer tone, "Do you smoke or drink? What do you usually like to do?"    


"I've already quit smoking and don't drink. I usually like to read books and play the zither." Ye Chuyun answered without thinking.    


Ding Yiyi paced around the living room anxiously. As soon as she heard the door open, she immediately went out to welcome them. Ding Dacheng was at the front with a serious expression, making her heart sink. "Dad."    


"I'm starving. Wash your hands and prepare to eat!" Ding Dacheng swept a glance at her before walking into the side hall. Ding Yiyi was stunned as she met Ye Chuyun's smiling eyes.    


He walked past her and took the initiative to lift his hand and squeeze the back of her hand. Ding Dacheng wanted to say something, but Ding Meirong pushed her back and said in a low voice, "Look at how frightened you are."    


After lunch, Ding Dacheng and Ding Meirong went to take a nap. Ye Chuyun sat on the chair in the yard with many plants growing around it. Ding Yiyi sat on the stool beside him and asked with a smile, "Do you want to see my mother?"    


The snow on the mountain was swept to the two sides of the steps. The birds staying in the trees were alarmed by the sound of footsteps as they swarmed towards the other side of the forest. Ding Yiyi held Ye Chuyun's hand and walked slowly on the steps. One of them was empty.    


Ding Yiyi and Ye Chuyun bowed towards the tombstone. Her voice sounded a little hoarse as she said, "Mom, I've come to see you. He's great with the man I'm going to get engaged to."    


Ye Chuyun tightly gripped Ding Yiyi's hand as he looked at the woman who was similar to Ding Yiyi with a serious expression. He promised solemnly, "I will take good care of her."    


The wind blew their clothes noisily. Ding Yiyi turned her head to wipe her tears away, "The wind is too strong. Sand has entered their eyes."    


Ye Chuyun didn't expose her, he merely turned his body to block most of the wind. He changed the topic, "Why is there another empty tombstone here?"    


Ding Yiyi wiped away her tears and said, "That was set up by my father. He said it was to make my mother wait for him in peace."    


Great Gale's words stuttered as he read through them. This was a simple promise, "We'll be at the same place together in a hundred years." Looking at the beautiful girl beside him, he suddenly felt worried. How long could he stay with her?    


That night, Ding Yiyi leaned on the bed, listening to the radio. On the radio, Zhang Guorong's voice was faint. She then said softly, "Looking up at the starry sky, it's quiet. I'm slowly stopping in the middle of the night. I'm smiling and asking who is taking care of me."    


The door clicked and she turned off the radio. "Dad."    


Ding Dacheng came in and sat on the bedside. "Dad wants to talk to you."    


"Dad." Ding Yiyi put her head on his shoulder. Ding Dacheng sighed, "How many years has it been since we've had such a heart-to-heart talk? I always thought there was still time, but I didn't expect that you would get married in a blink of an eye."    


Ding Yiyi couldn't help but call out to him, "Father!"    


Ding Dacheng patted the back of her hand, his voice also had a bit of a gulp, "Daddy is sorry, I didn't give you a better life since you were young, so I hope you can be happy. If you think she can bring you happiness, daddy agrees."    


Listening to her dad's words, she couldn't stop crying. Ding Dacheng, choked with sobs, helped her wipe her tears, "Silly child, what are you crying for. From now on, you're going to be an adult, so you can't cry."    


Ding Yiyi nodded while wiping her tears. The father and daughter calmed down for a while before Ding Dacheng spoke again, "Although it's an engagement, but do you want to invite your mother and father over? After all, this will be a lifetime's work."    


Not wanting to disobey him and worrying him, she nodded again and again. Ding Dacheng stood up and took out a tape recorder from inside his clothes and placed it on her palm. "Your aunt took this out of your bag."    


She stared blankly at the tape recorder in her hand. Memories buried deep in her heart invaded her thoughts. She trembled as she pressed the play button, "Yiyi."    


He had taken root in her heart and taken root, then rotted, so much so that even a touch was painful. She could only wrap the thick bandage around the wound and not touch it, but the wound would only temporarily stop the pain, and after a short period of relief, the pain would only worsen.    


Tears soaked the beige pillow. She bit the edge of the quilt to prevent herself from crying. Her eyes were unbearably sore. She didn't know how long she cried until she fell asleep.    


She went back to the dark basement. Zhang Tang's crazy laughter echoed in every corner of the basement. She panicked as she looked around for an exit, surrounded by orange flames. Suddenly, the door opened and Ye Nianmo stood there, looking through her at an unknown person.    


"Nianmo!" As she joyously struggled to run up, a figure was faster than she was. Ao Xue hugged Ye Nianmo and he said slowly, word for word, "I only want her."    


She didn't know when, but every inch of her skin was being burned. She screamed and screamed, but all she could do was watch his back as the door closed and she was buried in a sea of fire.    


Her body fell from the sky and she woke up abruptly. Her forehead was covered with sweat and she sat up, gasping for breath. The clock showed three in the morning and she got off the bed in a panic.    


When she opened the door, the window at the corridor wasn't closed tightly. The cool wind blew over, and the sweat-soaked clothes were tightly stuck to her back by the wind. Next to her was Ye Chuyun's room.    


"I'll be happy this time around." She muttered to herself for a long time before leaving.    


In the room, Ye Chuyun's face was covered in sweat. His breathing was rapid, his fingers were curled into chicken claws due to lack of blood supply, the fingernails were faint blue, and the medicine bottles were scattered everywhere. His whole body was curled up, and he could only try his best to ease the pain in his chest.    


The next day, Ding Yiyi woke up early in the morning and was about to go call Ye Chuyun, but she saw the letter Ye Chuyun left on the bed.    


The blanket was already neatly folded. Ding Yiyi opened the letter and there were only a few words inside about going back to Los Angeles for some matters. She would be back in three days.    


Ding Yiyi took out her cellphone. The other person's phone was already off. Ding Dacheng happened to go upstairs and saw everything, and his face sank, "What's going on?"    


"He has something he needs to take a trip back to the Los Angeles. He will be back in three days." Ding Yiyi said reluctantly, her heart was pounding, and she felt inexplicably sad.    


Ding Dacheng's brows twitched, "You wouldn't also have to go to the Los Angeles in the future, right? That won't do, I only have a daughter like you, if not, I'll have a talk with him again!"    


"Dad!" Ding Yiyi hurriedly stopped him, "He's on the plane right now, so the phone is off. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."    


All day long, Ding Yiyi's heart had been in turmoil. After lunch in the afternoon, a few couriers came in carrying a few boxes. "Miss Ding, your courier."    


Opening the package, there were massage chairs, some massage equipment for the elderly and a whole box of snacks. The courier said: "Mr Ye told us to pass on his apologies."    


"Which Mr Ye?" Ding Daqing asked subconsciously.    


The courier was stunned. He looked at the package and said, "Mr. Ye Chuyun."    


Ding Meirong couldn't bear to let go of the massage chair. She smiled and said, "This child is not bad and is very filial. I think we can marry her."    


Ding Dacheng didn't say anything, but he looked quite satisfied. The family studied the functions of the massage chair happily. Ding Yiyi accompanied him with a smile, but there was an additional trace of melancholy and helplessness in her smile.    


That night, Ding Dacheng and Ding Meirong went out for a walk. Ding Yiyi was sitting on the balcony in a daze with her phone in her hand. Her phone vibrated.    


"Don't think you can bribe me with a box of snacks." Ding Yiyi said with a smile.    


On the other end of the phone, Ye Chuyun also let out a low laugh, "I missed you."    


A cold wind blew and she tightly wrapped her coat around herself. The words that she should have blurted out immediately, "I also wanted to say 'you', but I couldn't say it out loud." Her lips moved slightly as she struggled to change the topic, "What are you doing making such a ruckus?"    


There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, and after a long while, he replied as if nothing had happened, "It's almost noon on Los Angeles, I will return as soon as possible."    


Ding Yiyi answered lightly. Feeling that the other party was about to hang up, she was shocked and hastily said, "Chuyun!"    


"Hmm? "I'm here." The two bicycles downstairs left from the entrance of the alleyway one after the other. The girl in front had long, dark hair that floated in the night sky. Her confession could clearly be seen through her shallow breathing.    


"I miss you too."    


At Los Angeles, Ye Chuyun hung up the phone, and the smile on his face became bigger and bigger. The doctor glanced at him, "Girlfriend?"    


He raised his eyebrows. "Fiancée."    


The white doctor took off the stethoscope and said seriously, "I will congratulate you on finding your true love, but Mr Ye, I also want you to know that you are in a very bad situation right now. You will probably faint and have difficulty breathing in the next few days, does your fiancée know?"    


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