Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C1149 Marry of the Wealthy 1077

C1149 Marry of the Wealthy 1077

"I'm sorry, Mom." Ye Nianmo apologized, but his expression did not change.    


The stage had already ended. Applause filled the downstairs as Ye Zimo walked out with her arms around Xia Yihan's waist.    


Ding Yiyi looked at their backs, not understanding what they meant. Ye Bo also left the room, leaving the two of them some space.    


It was a bit noisy downstairs, but upstairs was very quiet. Ye Nianmo looked at her, "Where do you want to go?"    


Ding Yiyi remained silent. "I want to go home."    


Four hours later, the two of them stood in front of Ding Meirong's house. It was five in the morning and there were few people at the door. Ye Nianmo stood beside her quietly.    


The sound of footsteps came from inside the door, followed by Ding Dacheng's voice, "Sis, I'm going to find someone to play chess with. Remember to leave me some food while you go dancing in the square!"    


He opened the door and shouted happily upon seeing Ding Yiyi, "Yiyi!"    


The dining table was set up in the living room. Ding Dacheng was so happy that he kept filling Ding Yiyi's bowl with soy milk. "Why don't you guys come over after breakfast!"    


"I missed you." Ding Yiyi said as she drank her soy milk.    


Ding Meirong carried the side dish to the table and wiped her apron. "Your father misses you too. He was still nagging about coming to see you yesterday."    


"Oh right, why didn't you bring the Baby Cheng along?" Ding Dacheng asked.    


Ding Yiyi's face darkened. She did not manage to tell him about Baby Cheng's death a few times, but Ye Nianmo said, "I took it out and lost it."    


"How did it get lost!" Ding Dacheng looked at him in dissatisfaction, while his tone was full of reproach.    


Ye Nianmo's expression did not change, "I lost it."    


After a long while, Ding Dacheng finally muttered: "I don't think that the Baby Cheng will be at a disadvantage with his body."    


Ding Yiyi tried her best to hold back her tears as she nodded her head. After finishing the meal, Ding Dacheng held onto the fishing rod and said, "Come, let's go fishing with your dad!"    


"Dad, I'm not going. I still have work to do at Dongjiang City." Ding Yiyi said in a hurry before she turned around and left.    


Ding Dacheng muttered on the spot: "Why are you leaving as soon as you got back?"    


Just as Ding Meirong was about to enter, she said, "This means that your daughter loves you! "You're so busy and you took a whole day off to come visit you, what are you muttering about?"    


Hearing her words, Ding Dacheng became happy again. How long in America did Ding Meirong run out with an envelope? "I found this under the table. I thought about it. It looks like money."    


Ding Dacheng opened it, and sure enough, there was neatly arranged money inside. He roughly counted it, it should be more than 10,000. Should he return it? "People will think we're greedy later."    


Ding Meirong looked at him worriedly. Ding Dacheng thought for a while and said, "Don't move for now, otherwise we won't give him face and Yi Yi won't be able to do anything either. Let's put this on hold first. We can give her back when we get the chance."    


Returning to the Ye Family, the butler stood at the side and looked at Ding Yiyi apologetically. She smiled at him and shook her head, indicating that she was fine. Ye Bo walked Ding Yiyi back to the room. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Miss Yiyi, don't blame Young Master."    


"I don't blame him." Ding Yiyi opened the window and took a deep breath. Ye Bo's lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end and helped her close the door.    


Ding Yiyi was extremely tired. After a night of intense mental tension, she was exhausted. As soon as she touched the bed, she fell into a deep sleep.    


"The sales of the jewelry designed by Miss Ding Yiyi is not as good as that of a Xia designer with the same display cabinet. They weren't even able to keep up with the sales of some of the lower ranked designers, so their sales for this quarter are at the bottom."    


The sales manager trembled as he read it, afraid that his words wouldn't make Young Master Ye angry. However, since he was in the best position, his sales were the lowest. He really couldn't tolerate this sort of situation.    


Ye Nianmo tapped on the table with his slender fingers, "I know, you did well."    


He actually did not praise anyone?! Only after the meeting ended did Ye Nianmo's fatigue show itself. He wiped his face and opened the folder again. He took out the sales plan of Ding Yiyi's products and started reading it line by line.    


The secretary walked in. "Director Ye, Mr Xu is here."    


In the office, Xu Haorann had a slight smile on his face. His hair had turned a lot whiter. He was wearing a work suit. "Nianmo!"    


The two of them hugged each other intimately. Ye Nianmo asked, "Why did you come back? Why didn't you say anything? I'm going to pick you up."    


"No need, I'll leave soon. Shall I have a cup of tea with Uncle Xu?" Xu Haorann took the lead and walked forward. Ye Nianmo, who was standing behind him, asked lightly, "Are you a lobbyist brought by Ye Chuyun as well?"    


Xu Haorann turned around and sighed, "I didn't want to come." He paused for a moment before continuing, "I owe that child a lot, and I ignored her in the past. In order to let you and Ao Xue be together, I even selfishly asked her to leave you.    


"Bam!" Ye Nianmo punched the table, causing a loud sound. There were some cracks on the glass. "Why?" He lowered his voice. "The people I care about the most are all trying to force me to make a decision. Who's the next lobbyist? Is it Chu Qing or Zhuoxuan? "    


Xu Haorann looked at the child who had grown up to be even taller than him, and said in a sad tone, "It's not because we accepted Chuyun's entrustment, but because we are all experienced people and know that your lover's method is wrong. We don't want you to end up hating each other."    


"Nianmo, let go. Let me take her away."    


"Absolutely impossible." Ye Nianmo said word by word as he clenched his teeth. His gaze was sharp, like an animal on the verge of death.    


Xu Haorann said slowly, "Even if Uncle Xu begs you, isn't that fine?"    


"Uncle Xu, don't force me!" He looked at his grizzled hair and his muddy left eye, and his heart ached. There was a kind of pain in the world that wasn't caused by love, but it was equally painful enough to make one twitch.    


After a long while, Xu Haorann sighed. Today, he just came to give it a try. He knew it was almost impossible to convince him, just like Xia Yihan.    


The door was gently closed. Ye Nianmo suddenly punched the table, making a cracking sound. He fell back into his chair, feeling very sad.    


He let Uncle Xu disappoint his mother again. In the end, he still hurt the two of them who swore to protect him. Why couldn't he get everyone's blessings for his love? Could he and Ding Yiyi really not be together?    


He suddenly stood up, grabbed his coat and dashed out. The housekeeper was somewhat surprised to see the young master return from the Ye Family.    


Ye Nianmo walked to Ding Yiyi's door in a straight path. The door was only ajar, so he unconsciously slowed down his pace. The living room was silent. The fresh lilies were still wet with dew and exuded a faint fragrance. There was a cup of coffee on the table with a circle of faint coffee stains on the rim.    


As he entered the room, the covers on his bed puffed up, and he walked around the edge of the bed to stand in front of her.    


She was crying! He watched as the tears fell from her tightly shut eyes and ran down her nose. She sobbed in pain and her lips were tightly pursed.    


She looked like she was having a nightmare, and the tears kept coming, and it hurt, and he wanted to take a step forward and wipe them away, to help her drive away the sadness and the nightmare. Before her hand could even touch her, she subconsciously waved her arm, murmuring, "Let me go, please let me go."    


It was hard for her to move her hand forward in the air, but he kept bending his body slightly. It turned out that in her dreams, the one she was afraid of was him.    


He moved closer, his fingers on her cheek, catching her tears. "Don't cry," he whispered, wiping them away.    


In her dreams, she cried even more fiercely. Her tears moistened her eyelashes, and no matter how he wiped them, he couldn't wipe them clean. After a while, a heavy sigh came from the sky.    


Ding Yiyi furrowed her brows and wriggled her nose. In her half dream, she could feel a moist sensation on the corner of her lips. She struggled to wake up.    


There was no one in the room. She wiped her eyes and sat in a daze, afraid of the dreams that were so full of reality. She dreamt of the Baby Cheng looking at her all alone, of her father passing away one day, of Ye Nianmo turning into a ferocious monster to imprison her.    


So scared, so lonely. She curled up, comforted herself. After an unknown amount of time, the phone beside her bed suddenly rang. She moved her stiff body to pick up the phone.    


"Yiyi, it's me." Xu Haorann's voice had a trace of unconcealable tension.    


Ding Yiyi dried her tears. "Hello."    


The polite and distant words made Xu Haorann surprised for a moment, but he cared more about that choked up voice, "You're crying?"    


Ding Yiyi didn't want him to see her weakness. "I'm not crying. I just have a cold."    


Xu Haorann did not believe it, as if she was wronged in Ye Family. His heart ached, "Don't worry, Daddy will definitely take you out of Ye Family."    


After hanging up, Ding Yiyi buried her head back into her pillow. Her stomach rumbled, so she had to pack up and go downstairs.    


The madame and Ao Xue had not returned. There was only the housekeeper in the living room. When he saw her, he only paused for a moment when he saw her clearly tearful eyes. "I wanted to ask Dou Dou to call for you."    


Ding Yiyi nodded and sat back down, beginning to drink the porridge in big gulps. As soon as she swallowed the porridge, she felt that something was wrong.    


This was probably made by Ye Nianmo. The congee was a familiar taste, but she didn't say it out loud. She only drank it lightly. Her stomach was warm, but her heart was still cold.    


After she finished eating the porridge, the butler spoke up once more. "Miss Ding Yiyi, Young Master allows you to go free."    


"What?" She looked up doubtfully, feeling that she had misheard.    


The butler emphasized on his words and said, "Young Master wants you to bring out your Ye Family today."    


A long, long time later, Ding Yiyi had described to Ye Nianmo how it felt when she heard those words. It was a feeling of panic between relief and falling into a deeper abyss.    


"I … can leave now?" She hesitated, confusion in her eyes.    


The butler patted her shoulder and said, "Miss Yiyi, you're free."    


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