Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C944 Married to a Rich Family 873

C944 Married to a Rich Family 873

Ye Nianmo rushed over with Ao Xue. When he saw Ding Yiyi sitting alone on the stone bench, he asked, "Where is she?"    


Ding Yiyi shook her head. Ye Nianmo stepped forward and grabbed her shoulders, shaking her, "What do you mean by shaking your head? Where's my sister?"    


Ao Xue hurried forward to pry open Ding Yiyi's hand, but her face had a look of schadenfreude. "She didn't do it on purpose, did she, Yi Yi?"    


"Sorry." Ding Yiyi lowered her head and said that, then turned to leave. Ye Nianmo looked at her back as she ran away and punched the tree trunk angrily.    


Ding Yiyi ran for a while before dialing Ye Chuqing's number again. The phone was already shut down, so a huge panic had truly swept her away. Why was she scared by the despair in Chu Qing's eyes and let Zhang Tang take her away?    


The more she thought, the more anxious she became. Ding Yiyi suddenly thought of what Zhang Tang had said. He said that there was still two hours until the movie started, and when she sent the message, it was 9 o'clock.    


Ding Yiyi quickly took out her cell phone to search for tickets to the 11 o'clock movie and found that all three cinemas had one spot at that time.    


Ding Yiyi turned around and ran out. This time, she was determined to bring Ye Chuqing back. When they took a taxi to the entrance of the first cinema, Ding Yiyi was walking around the hall in a hurry, inquiring about passers-by but didn't find anything. In a moment of desperation, she hurriedly called Ye Nianmo.    


Ye Nianmo listened quietly and said in a deep voice, "We can't finish searching for the three movie theaters in two hours, give up. "Pata!" The call ended and a busy signal came through.    




"It's not a gentleman's thing to be so rude to a woman." Yu Lan put the bait onto the fishing rod and said lightly. Ye Nianmo sat beside him and said, "Speaking of this, why don't we talk about what happened last time?"    


"Alright, how do we negotiate?" He stuck the fishing rod into the ground, turned around and looked at Ye Nianmo, then spread out his hands: "One, in a word, many people want to cooperate with me. We will send a technical team to your construction site to guide you, but I want to buy shares and take a certain amount of shares, not much, 30% is fine."    


Hearing his words, Ye Nianmo fell into deep thought. Yu Lan looked at the lake absent-mindedly, feeling disappointed again. He couldn't see any obvious mistakes in the contract that he almost signed, and it was even more ridiculous this time.    


Thirty percent of the shares might not be a small amount, but once the technology was established, he could do whatever he wanted with this project, and he could withdraw any time he wanted with the technology. At that time, it would implicate the entire Ye Group, and if he couldn't figure it out, the Ye Group really couldn't be in his hands.    


Ye Nianmo vaguely felt that there was a hidden meaning behind his words, and said cautiously: "Our company can give technology more benefits."    


He wasn't that stupid, Yu Lan thought to herself, "Are you sure I can't afford the benefits you give me, or maybe the better ones?"    


Ye Nianmo frowned. He didn't want to push him too much, so he just shrugged and said, "I don't want to talk today. I'll call you when I'm interested!"    


Ye Nianmo walked back to the place where the car was parked and kicked the car door. It didn't feel good to be played like a monkey, but he was worried about Chu Qing and didn't have much energy to think about it.    


At this moment, the phone rang. Ye Nianmo picked it up: "Dad."    


"I'll only give you half a month. If you can't get this list, you can only say that you're useless." Ye Zimo said.    


"Dad, the one I'm not seeing now is your daughter, my sister. How can you talk about business so ruthlessly?" Ye Nianmo hated his indifference. He treated his mother like this before, but now, he treated Chu Qing the same.    


"Impudent!" "Watch your tone!" Ye Zimo said coldly and hung up the phone. He was still too easily influenced by her and must take advantage of this opportunity to force her hand. Picking up the photo frame on the table, Ye Zimo rubbed her thumb against the picture of Chu Qing laughing happily, sighing faintly.    


Outside the cinema, Ding Yiyi was gulping down the water. This was the last movie theater. If she couldn't find one, she would have to wait outside Zhang Tang's class every day.    


Suddenly, two familiar figures appeared in his line of sight. Ye Chuqing and Zhang Tang walked out of the cinema together. Zhang Tang tried to persuade her: "Chu Qing, didn't you say you didn't want to go back? "Then come to my house. Didn't I do nothing to you yesterday?"    


Ye Chuqing's body stiffened. Ever since she ran out of the house, she hadn't dared to turn on her phone, even though she knew that her mother and brother must have gone crazy looking for her.    


Zhang Tang thought to himself that he definitely had to capture Ye Chuqing in his hands. He wouldn't waste the time to squat outside of Ye Family and get bitten by mosquitoes.    


"Chu Qing!"    


Ye Chuqing heard someone call out to her and looked up in surprise to see Ding Yiyi running towards her with a head full of sweat.    


"Don't give up on yourself. Not only will Hai Zhuoxuan not like you, he will even hate you more." At this critical moment, she could only bring up Hai Zhuoxuan, hoping that Ye Chuqing would wake up.    


Upon hearing this, Ye Chuqing's eyes lit up and then dimmed. Ding Yiyi knew what she was sad about and tried to coax her, "Be good. Why don't you come home with me first and then we'll find him, okay?"    


Ye Chuqing was slightly moved. After all, she agreed to Zhang Tang's request because she had nowhere else to go. It would be great if she could go to Ding Yiyi's home.    


"Then can you not tell them where I am?" Ye Chuqing said.    


Ding Yiyi nodded. She reached out her hand to pull Zhang Tang to her side. Zhang Tang pulled Ye Chuqing over quickly, gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you want to leave after using me?"    


Ding Yiyi didn't give up as she looked at him and said, "Then what do you want to do?"    


What do you want? Zhang Tang smiled coldly and brought the two people to a nearby bar.    


It was still noon, and there was only a group of men in the bar. The men's naked bodies were all covered in tattoos, and they greeted Zhang Tang when they saw him.    


Zhang Tang directly carried out a case of wine from the bar. He raised his chin towards Ding Yiyi and said, "A case of wine, take her and leave after you finish it. If you can't finish it, roll away quickly."    


Ye Chuqing shrank back from Ding Yiyi in fear and tugged on her sleeve. "Sister Yiyi, I'm scared."    


Ding Yiyi turned around and patted the back of her hand as she whispered, "Don't be afraid!" He turned around and picked up a bottle of beer, waved at Zhang Tang and said, "You'd better keep your promise."    


The bartender quickly helped her open the bottle. Ding Yiyi calmed herself down and took a bottle of wine. After drinking one bottle, she violently poured the bottle on the table and drank another.    


Half an hour later, the man who was chatting to the side also couldn't help but cheer. Ding Yiyi's face reddened as she gulped down the last mouthful of wine and spat it out.    


"Sister Yiyi, I'm done. Let Big Bro come and pick us up." Ye Chuqing cried until her eyes narrowed. Ding Yiyi shook her head and forced a smile. "I promised to keep this a secret."    


When they walked out of the bar, Ding Yiyi couldn't hold on any longer. She fell limply to the ground. Ye Chuqing held her on her shoulder while crying and stood in the empty square, lost in thought.    


Ding Yiyi forced herself to bring her home. When Ding Dacheng opened the door, he was so scared that his soul almost flew out of his body. Together with Ye Chuqing, they carried Ding Yiyi into the living room.    


"You damned child, how dare you go drink with me!" Ding Dacheng was so angry that he raised his hand to slap her. Seeing that she was lying on the sofa, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He stomped his feet and went to prepare the sobering soup.    


After Ding Dacheng finished feeding Ding Yiyi the sobering soup, he looked at Ye Chuqing and said gratefully, "Thank you for sending my daughter back. Are you her friend?"    


Ye Chuqing nodded and said carefully, "Sister Yiyi said that I can stay here." Ding Dacheng was stunned for a moment and quickly nodded his head. He helped her get a brand-new pillow and quilt to Ding Yiyi's room.    


That night, Ye Chuqing tossed and turned before finally opening her phone. The phone was packed with text messages from her mother and brother. There were more than 20 of them, and even at the very end, there was still no text message from the person she missed the most.    


Sighing slightly, Ye Chuqing fell into a deep sleep. The next day, Ding Yiyi was woken up by the ringing of the phone. Soong Mengjie said, "Yiyi, did you know that Zhang Tang was called?"    


Zhang Tang was beaten up? Ding Yiyi sat up on the bed, her head aching from the hangover. She held her head, which was about to burst, and asked, "What's going on?"    


"I don't know either. It seems like he was hit by someone using a gunny sack when he returned home. It is said that his lower body was injured. Now, the principal has said that he wants to investigate everything thoroughly." Soong Mengjie said.    


Ding Yiyi didn't care what happened to him. Suddenly, she remembered that Ye Chuqing was still at home. After hanging up, she went downstairs. Ye Chuqing, who was wearing Ding Yiyi's clothes, obediently watched the television in the living room. Seeing her, Ye Chuqing sweetly called out, "Sister Sister Yiyi!"    


Ding Yiyi nodded, took a sip of the cold water on the table, and felt better. She sat in front of her and asked, "What happened? Why did you suddenly run away from home?"    


"Mom doesn't allow me to be with brother Zhuo, and brother doesn't allow me either." Ye Chuqing cried as she spoke. When Ding Yiyi saw her tears, her scalp tingled with numbness. She no longer dared to bring up this matter and could only watch TV with her for the whole morning. She had to rush to school after class in the afternoon.    


In the school, Ao Xue was also stunned when she saw her. "Yiyi, why do you have such a strong alcohol smell?" Ding Yiyi shook her head but didn't say anything. She sat on the seat and pinched her forehead.    


"Students, it will be the final exam soon. This time, I want to tell you a piece of good news. Our school has hired a famous jewelry designer, Lady Xia Yihan. Your work will be graded by her. The best work will be published in her next issue of the magazine."    


Everyone in the classroom was whispering to each other. Ding Yiyi also forced herself to pay attention. To her, this was a good opportunity.    


Ao Xue looked at her notes in disapproval. She was thinking about how she could stand out from the crowd. Her phone vibrated in her pocket. She took out her phone and Hai Zhuoxuan's text message popped out.    


"Don't touch her."    


Ao Xue smiled. Who told her to be in the wrong faction? She couldn't really blame herself. That was Ye Chuqing's location. Last time, she gave Ding Yiyi the jewelry with the GPS on it, and sure enough, she gave it to Ye Chuqing. Otherwise, Zhang Tang wouldn't appear at Ye Family to take Ye Chuqing away so coincidentally.    


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