Cool CEO's Exclusive Love

C858 Wealthy Marriage 787

C858 Wealthy Marriage 787

"They said they jumped off the building to find evidence, but now they're giving me a lot of pressure!" "Quickly close the case!"    


The Chief continued to slap the desk.    


Baker sat casually. The deeper they went, the more he realized that Ye Zimoyue was probably wronged. Why she was willing to commit suicide? This meant that the person who swallowed the money behind her back must be very powerful, so powerful that this man knew that as long as he confessed, he would definitely not be able to live.    


He couldn't help but cast his gaze at the bureau chief in front of him. Was it possible that the person in front of him had already been bribed? If it was possible, then he couldn't reveal these clues to him.    


"Found it. The landlord is the driver's house in XX Province." Xiao Chen said while holding the report.    


Baker stood up, took his coat and called Ye Zimo. "I already know who owns the house. I'm going over now. If you want to come over, be careful not to attract the attention of my colleagues."    


When Baker arrived, Ye Zimo and Xia Yihan were already there. Baker glanced at his BYD and then looked at Ye Zimo's Hummer. He was amazed at how fast the car could run.    


"There's no need to go in." Ye Zimo said. Baker's heart skipped a beat. Was he late again?    


The room was already empty. Even if he knew that Governor Luo Guiyao was in trouble, there was nothing he could do. Ye Zimo looked doubtful. "Who leaked the news?"    


Baker already had his thoughts in his head. The moment he knew there was a problem with the driver, the driver immediately disappeared. No matter how he looked at it, it was clear that there was a mole in the police station.    


"What do we do now? Even if we know that this person might be the one who took the money for the assistance, we have no other choice since the most important person's proof of identity is gone."    


The more time passed, the more worried Xia Yihan became. It was not only Ye Zimo's company that was affected, but also those people in Africa who had been waiting for her information.    


Ye Zimo thought for a while and called Hai Zhixuan: "Governor Luo? "Coincidentally, he's going to a foundation meeting today."    


That night, Xia Yihan walked into the hotel with Hai Zhixuan by the arm. She looked around nervously and saw people moving around in the hallway on the second floor. She didn't know which people were sent by Baker.    


If you can see the driver tonight, grab him on the spot. Xia Yihan felt the back of her hand being squeezed. When she came back to her senses, she realized that her hands were covered in sweat.    


"Relax." Hai Zhixuan whispered into Xia Yihan's ear. Currently, Ye Zimo's identity was too sensitive. If she went in and out as she pleased, the dangerous situation would become even more unclear.    


There were already people talking on the stage when they entered the venue. Xia Yihan looked at this man who had an unassuming appearance. She couldn't imagine how someone like him could do such a thing for her own benefit.    


"There's someone up there. It's not easy to do anything without concrete evidence." Hai Zhixuan lowered his voice on the side.    


Of course, Xia Yihan knew how difficult it was to trick this person. Neither Xia Yihan nor Hai Zhixuan noticed anything amiss until the crowd dispersed.    


"Isn't this Little Hai? Isn't this Ms. Xia who is related to Ye Group Group? " Hai Zhixuan was suddenly stopped by a few scattered people surrounding him.    


"Hello, the speech today was very exciting." Hai Zhixuan said with a smile. In the government, it's the people who speak nonsense. The man seemed to be very happy to hear such words. He patted Hai Zhixuan on the shoulder and left.    


In the hotel lobby, a piece of news caught Xia Yihan's attention. On the riverside in the suburbs, a corpse had already been scooped up and wrapped in white cloth. The entire place was filled with people.    


"What's wrong?" Hai Zhixuan asked. Xia Yihan forcefully suppressed her uneasiness and shook her head. As soon as she returned home, the butler came up to her and said, "Young Master wants you to go to the study room as soon as you come back."    


In the study, Ye Zimo was watching Xia Yihan's video screen in the hotel lobby. When she saw Xia Yihan, Ye Zimo said, "The driver is also dead."    


His guess was confirmed. Everyone involved in this matter was dead, and when Xia Yihan and her team began their investigation, they seemed to be sending a signal that whoever was investigated by was doomed.    


"Don't let your thoughts run wild. Even without us, these things are only a matter of time." Ye Zimo hugged Xia Yihan gently.    


Xia Yihan's chin was on Ye Zimo's body. Her eyes were focused on the constantly repeating scene, which shifted to the crowd.    


A woman dressed in black, wearing a headscarf, was standing in the crowd and coldly looking at the corpse. Xia Yihan's body trembled. Her face looked familiar. Was it Si Si? What did she have to do with it? Could it really have been her doing?    


In the middle of the night, Xia Yihan could not fall asleep at all. She quietly drove to the river bank. The originally lively riverside was dark and gloomy. The grass that was as tall as a person was trampled on for a whole day before it tilted.    


Xia Yihan imitated the woman's position and started searching carefully. There was a lot of garbage in the grass, so Xia Yihan stepped on an empty bottle.    


"Who's there?" A beam of light hit them, and Xia Yihan crouched down. The two cops held their flashlights and looked around.    


"What is it?" Xia Yihan heard Baker's voice and shrunk down even more. She turned around and said to Baker, "There seems to be someone here."    


"It's nothing. I think it's a cat. I saw it just now. You guys continue your patrol." Xia Yihan squatted quietly in the bushes, not daring to make a sound.    


Xia Yihan took a step back after stepping on the hard object. Her watch was lying quietly in the mud. The surface of the watch had been cracked by the rocks, but it could still be seen that it was quite valuable.    


The riverside villages were all part of the city, so the price of this watch was at least 30,000 yuan, which meant that it was very likely left behind by the perpetrator.    


"How long more do you want to hide?" Baker's voice sounded faint. Xia Yihan quickly pulled her watch out of the grass with her hand.    


Baker looked at Xia Yihan and said, "If I didn't see you working so hard with Ye Zimo in Africa, I would almost suspect that you are going to destroy the evidence here."    


Baker thought Xia Yihan was here in the middle of the night to help Ye Zimo find evidence, so Xia Yihan was attracted by Baker's words.    


"Evidence?" Has there been any new development in the case? " Xia Yihan asked hurriedly.    


Baker nodded and said, "We found a pair of footprints in the mud by the river. We've sent them for testing, so we'll be able to get the information soon. But I don't think it's enough."    


Baker was a bit depressed when he said it, "Who is it!" Baker suddenly roared and protected Xia Yihan behind him. Then, he took out his pistol and faced the approaching person.    


Ye Zimo raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Yihan. Xia Yihan obediently apologized, "I just wanted to take a look."    


Xia Yihan's pitiful appearance made Ye Zimo furious beyond belief. She couldn't imagine the panic after she woke up only to find Xia Yihan wasn't there. With just a slight connection, she should have come to the river.    


Xia Yihan gave Baker a pleading look, but Baker ignored it. He said to Ye Zimo, "I'm starting to doubt our police's ability. I've made you run out over and over again."    


"The Ye Family has many doors." Ye Zimo said meaningfully, "Why aren't you coming over?" Xia Yihan was about to walk over to Ye Zimo when she said irritably, "Don't go, there are glass fragments here."    


He walked over and grabbed Xia Yihan's hand firmly. Ye Zimo nodded at Baker. This police officer had a little professional ethics when compared to the other senior police officers who joked around in the police station every day. Ye Zimo had a good impression of him.    


"I don't think you want me to take you in a police car." Baker said with a smile.    


Sitting in the back seat, Xia Yihan held Ye Zimo tightly in her arms and sat with her legs apart, making Xia Yihan blush. Ye Zimo held Xia Yihan's wrist with one hand and stroked Xia Yihan's smooth and soft hair with the other, which she had cut off due to going to Africa, as she said faintly, "If you want to do this again, I don't mind teaching you a lesson now."    


Xia Yihan raised her head, revealing a face that was a little dirty from rubbing against the grass. She said with a little pride, "You won't! Because you have a germaphobe! "    


Ye Zimo was a germaphobe and did not like dirty things. Xia Yihan was already surprised that he would hug her under such dirty conditions.    


"Ah!" As soon as she finished her sentence, Xia Yihan called out urgently again. Her voice was still slightly sweet as she subconsciously turned her head. Although the partition had been raised, Xia Yihan was still worried that her voice would be heard.    


A faint sensation of contact came from the depths, causing her to tremble again and again. Xia Yihan bit her lips as she tried to avoid Ye Zimo's movements.    


Ye Zimo's fingers moved slightly, her eyebrows raised, and her other hand lifted Xia Yihan's chin. Xia Yihan had knocked off Ye Zimo's hand and put her head on Ye Zimo's shoulder. Suddenly, she let out a kitten's cry and instantly felt the man's change below her.    


Ye Zimo knew Xia Yihan was tired, so she let go of Xia Yihan right after she had secretly punished her. Xia Yihan blinked her eyes, then blinked again, as if asking Ye Zimo why she suddenly stopped.    


Ye Zimo ignored the restlessness of her body. She stretched out her arm to grab Xia Yihan's head and put it on her shoulder. She snappily said, "Sleep!"    


The next day, while Xia Yihan was still sleeping soundly, Ye Zimo gave Xia Yihan a gentle kiss and got up to work. "Young Master, a police officer called Baker is here."    


Normally, if Ye Zimo had nothing important to do for her fitness, the butler wouldn't look for Ye Zimo. However, this guy called Baker came in early in the morning and didn't follow the other cops.    


Ye Zimo took the towel given to her by the servant and wiped it. He did not know why Baker would come to Ye Family early in the morning.    


Waving the youtiao at Ye Zimo, Baker's resolute face revealed a rare trace of mischievousness: "The Ye Family food is not bad."    


"Have you considered the fact that Ye Family is a security guard and your salary should be one fold higher than your current salary? Of course, that is if you don't have any gray income." Ye Zimo sat at the table and picked up the newspaper. The maid quickly took out the breakfast she had prepared for Ye Zimo.    


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